Bride of Government Folly

Off-Topic Discussions

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Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

I apologize in advance, Comrade Freehold, if this is in the story you linked above:

NYC police investigate another apparent chokehold

No, this is another story.

Things are getting ugly up here. Cops are getting nervous, and civilians are becoming more openly critical. The death is horrid, but this other case is simply disgusting.

A claim in the commie article blew my mind: 1000 chokehold complaints since 2009.

NYPD Officers Drag Naked Woman Out Of Her Apartment, Leave Her Passed Out On The Floor

Pregnant woman apparently put in chokehold by NYPD cop during dispute over illegal grilling

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

NYPD Officers Drag Naked Woman Out Of Her Apartment, Leave Her Passed Out On The Floor

Pregnant woman apparently put in chokehold by NYPD cop during dispute over illegal grilling

The pregnant woman chokehold one is particularly ugly because the cops apparently went onto the person's property when things escalated- they need a warrant for that. That situation sounds like it really really got out of control and escalated unnecessarily- just like the dragging the naked woman out of the apartment. I understand that when children are injured or even suspected to be injured emotions run high, but this situation sounds far more understandable than the pregnant woman one. I have had to call 911 and get APS(not ACS) involved, and that is NEVER pretty. However, they cops in this particular case got themselves into more trouble than anything else- they went to the wrong apartment.

Freehold DM wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

NYPD Officers Drag Naked Woman Out Of Her Apartment, Leave Her Passed Out On The Floor

Pregnant woman apparently put in chokehold by NYPD cop during dispute over illegal grilling

The pregnant woman chokehold one is particularly ugly because the cops apparently went onto the person's property when things escalated- they need a warrant for that. That situation sounds like it really really got out of control and escalated unnecessarily

Not to defend this, but if they were on the scene and "things escalated" they don't necessarily need a warrant, depending on what happened.

Fair. But this is going way overboard for someone grilling on the sidewalk. I've had cops tell me to move along before, and while I wasn't happy about it, they didn't go this far. And I'm a black male, known for my drug dealing skills and bellicose attitude.

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MagusJanus wrote:
This is a great article on how the current efforts to save children are not working.

Well said,

"There are other issues at work here, too. In an effort to register their contempt for child exploitation and sex crimes, lawmakers have defined sex offenses so broadly that a teen sending an explicit photo to a boyfriend or girlfriend can qualify. Typically, when critics point out that a new law could be used in ways lawmakers never intended, supporters point to prosecutorial discretion. They argue that it’s ridiculous, even insulting, to suggest that a prosecutor would twist a law to bring charges against someone in ways the law clearly never intended — or that a judge would allow it. That police, a prosecutor’s office and a judge all saw nothing wrong with forcibly inducing an erection in order to pursue charges against a 17-year-old kid puts the lie to that argument.

Sex isn’t the only context in which we’re ruining kids under the pretense of saving them. We’re protecting kids from drugs by arresting and jailing them for marijuana possession. We’re protecting them from the (mostly nonexistent) problem of school violence by assigning law enforcement to patrol middle and high school campuses. The presence of law enforcement means that kids who were once reprimanded, assigned detention or possibly suspended for infractions such as fighting, throwing food or truancy are now fed into the criminal justice system.

And that’s the final lesson here. These stories are all symptoms of our increasing tendency to use the criminal justice system to “fix” the sorts of problems once addressed by families, schools, religious organizations and other civic institutions.

Perhaps the best thing we can do to help kids right now is to stop the people who are trying to save them."

Freehold DM wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Police Chase and Kill 3 Dogs in Marijuana Raid: "Like Shooting Deer"
I remain unconvinced. If you're into weed and have more than two pit bulls, you're protecting your stash with lethal intent imo.

Or the mama had a litter of pups and the owners like to relax on the weekend. Or a family lives in a more rural environment and they have multiple rescue dogs some of which are pit mixes, and they have a family member who is being treated with MMJ.

There's a whole world of examples that don't fit your opinion here.

Add to that the fact that cops routinely falsely claim that the dogs they shot are "vicious", "dangerous", and "pit bulls" because a lot of folks stop reading at that point, and there is a hell of a lot of cause to be skeptical.

still not trusting 'em

I support your fundamental human right to self defense.

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A Missouri city erupts against police murder

Russia Today footage

Nearly every criminal case reviewed by the FBI and the Justice Department as part of a massive investigation started in 2012 of problems at the FBI lab has included flawed forensic testimony from the agency, government officials said.

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Police Officer Caught On Video Calling Michael Brown Protesters 'F***ing Animals'

A mother who had been taken hostage during a bank robbery in Stockton, Calif., was killed not by the robbers, it turns out, but from police gunfire. She was hit about 10 times (all police) during a pursuit where both sides shot at each other.

Can We Abide the Death Penalty Any Longer?

Detroit judge throws out manslaughter charge against cop

"Officer Joseph Weekley still faces a charge of reckless discharge of a firearm in the death of Aiyana Stanley-Jones. Weekley is being retried after a jury failed to reach a verdict last year in the same case."

No one seriously expected any justice here, did they?

This is the involuntary manslaughter charge that was thrown out, I am sure he is looking at other charges. I don't want involuntary myself, I want straight up manslaughter. The guy f&+!ed up.

While labeling the drug investigation that ended with the disfigurement of a toddler “hurried and sloppy,” a Habersham County grand jury on Monday ruled the law enforcement officers involved should not face criminal charges.

Sad and predictable.

At least the warrant procurer has "resigned" and the supervisor was disciplined. But this is not justice by far.

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Kinda torn about rather to post here or in my commie thread, but, as a commie, I like to share:

43 Missing Students, a Mass Grave and a Suspect: Mexico’s Police

Denver jury awards $1.8 million to family in wrongful prosecution case

Massive incompetence and corruption by Denver law enforcers continues to cost tax payers millions more dollars.

Interesting how when law enforcers conduct a violent criminal home invasion with out the slightest pretense of due process the victims of the assault are charged with crimes and face prison rather that the assailants.

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Was off to check out some of the seedier sections of the internet before shower and work and my homepage spat this at me:

2 men cleared in 1985 NYC kidnapping, killing

"Huh", I thought to myself as I read the headline, "I wonder if Louis Scarcella features in this story?", but he doesn't. Before his time, I guess.

But then I saw another familiar name, Rubin Carter, and thought, "Yeah, I'll link that."

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

Was off to check out some of the seedier sections of the internet before shower and work and my homepage spat this at me:

2 men cleared in 1985 NYC kidnapping, killing

"Huh", I thought to myself as I read the headline, "I wonder if Louis Scarcella features in this story?", but he doesn't. Before his time, I guess.

But then I saw another familiar name, Rubin Carter, and thought, "Yeah, I'll link that."

I remember this as a lad in Brooklyn growing up. Glad to see justice was done. A lot seemed weird in That story, and I was just 7 years old.

I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say justice was done (one of the dudes died in prison, and they're pinning the frame-up on a since deceased officer), but, yes, it's good he finally got out. I hope he's awarded billions.

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say justice was done (one of the dudes died in prison, and they're pinning the frame-up on a since deceased officer), but, yes, it's good he finally got out. I hope he's awarded billions.

I would be surprised if it breaks 3 million.

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Was bippin' and boppin' around Facebook and ran into an article that might be of interest to those who remember the Bou Bou Phonesavanh thread:

Sheriff that Laughed about Flash Banging a Toddler, Was Just Shot By Murderous Rogue Cop

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Hope BT sees this.

'Guilty of Embarrassing Government': CIA Whistleblower Gets 42-Month Sentence

Saw the headline, thought of a thread, went looking for thread, found thread, discovered thread was about Iran, didn't want to revive that thread, decided it'd be fun to maybe revive THIS thread, hence the post.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I hope y'all are doing well.



Nothing to complain about you would want to listen to. :-)

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Bitter Thorn wrote:
I hope y'all are doing well.

I too hope you are all doing well.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm doing great, thanks!

[bubble bubble bubble]

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Things are good!
Zug Zug!

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Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Fellow UMass Boston attendee makes good

Was just private messaged an article by a Paizonian that I don't think I've ever run into before. Thanks Citizen Wiggles!

DAs say Dookhan drug-tampering case nearing an end

I should check back here more often to see if the usual suspects still offer their same full throated defense of government over-reach now that Trump is in office as they used to. I had guessed future president Santorum, but Trump seems to fill my prediction just as nicely.

Wha..what? WHAT?

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lol Santorum

TheWhiteknife wrote:
I should check back here more often to see if the usual suspects still offer their same full throated defense of government over-reach now that Trump is in office as they used to. I had guessed future president Santorum, but Trump seems to fill my prediction just as nicely.

You really should! We are a diverse and quirky bunch. :-)

Liberty's Edge

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From the OP;

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Human rights and civil liberty violations as well as corruption, waste, fraud, and secrecy are prime examples or government folly.

Looks like a checklist for the current US administration.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
TheWhiteknife wrote:
I should check back here more often to see if the usual suspects still offer their same full throated defense of government over-reach now that Trump is in office as they used to. I had guessed future president Santorum, but Trump seems to fill my prediction just as nicely.

Nah, I'm quite capable of arguing that government shouldn't do bad things without arguing it shouldn't do good things.

Not sure if this counts, but:

In Albany, Oregon, just east of where I live, a law is passed to ban drivers giving money to panhandlers—failing to recognize that most roadside panhandlers prefer to hang out at places where drivers are slowed down anyways, and almost never actually go "in the road" as the City of Albany suggests (as in, while I am sure it has happened somewhere in the past, I have never seen it happen in Albany). Just another attempt by this city to obscure the existence of poor people.

Hmm. I hope BT is doing alright, he hasn't posted in a while...

This is my favorite recent example of government overreach:
Oklahoma Governor Signs Anti-Protest Law Imposing Huge Fines on “Conspirator” Organizations
I wonder what the penalty for violating someones first amendment rights are in Oklahoma?

Fergie wrote:

Hmm. I hope BT is doing alright, he hasn't posted in a while...

This is my favorite recent example of government overreach:
Oklahoma Governor Signs Anti-Protest Law Imposing Huge Fines on “Conspirator” Organizations
I wonder what the penalty for violating someones first amendment rights are in Oklahoma?

Im going to just go out on a guess here, and say "probably nothing"

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