Crossblooded Sorcerer question

Homebrew and House Rules

Could I get some opinions. Do you think it is unbalancing to remove the 1 spell known for each spell level for a crossblooded sorcerer but keep the -2 to will saves? The character will be a pure sorcerer and it is mainly for role playing reasons. I am not sure either way. I don't usually believe in changing the rules but in this case I have always felt the -1 spell known of each level is just too much. Opinions?

As you don't get all the benefits from both bloodlines and actually have to choose between them as you level, no. I do not think it would be unbalancing, actually I think it would rebalance it.

The - to spells is a huuuuuuuge drawback... BUT considering that even WITH the drawback almost every sorcerer I build ends up being crossblooded, I would say it is not too much.
PERSONALLY I think the fix that would both balance out the Crossblooded, as well as Sorcerers in general, is if they made it so you get your Bloodline Spells at the level when you can cast them like Oracles do (Lvl 2,4,6,8 etc).
Then a Crossblooded sorcerer would at least get his bloodline spell known on those levels rather than having spell slots that can only be used with metamagic.

Ryu Kaijutsu -- You have to remember that not all Bloodline Powers are equal. The different Bloodlines are roughly balanced, but some of them will have, say, a really weak 3rd level power but a really powerful 15th level one.. or vice versa etc. The ability to pick and choose which powers you get is actually a significant increase in power and effectiveness in itself, and that cannot be ignored.

I think if you really wanted to cut that -spells known drawback right out, you would need to add another drawback that is fairly large.

Here's my proposal for a good house rule:

All Sorcerers get their bonus spells at even levels (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18).

Crossblooded Sorcerers have a drawback of -2 to will saves due to internal conflict, and a -3 to their effective level of their Bloodline Powers (this doesn't affect which ones they have, only how powerful they are) due to the thinning of their bloodlines.

How's that sound?

2 great responses. Any others? Has anyone actually changed this in their campaign?

Thanks to both of you for the replies. I have around a month to think about this topic and make a decision.

*casts Raise Thread*

I have a similar question. I'm trying to put together a cross-blooded sorcerer NPC, and want to tinker with the archetype so as to get rid of the "minus one spell known per spell level" drawback but still have a balanced archetype. (The -2 penalty to Will saves is fine by me.)

So far, I'm looking at limiting a cross-blooded sorcerer to just one bloodline arcana (similar to how the archetype does not get double bonus feats, bonus spells, and bloodline powers). If necessary, I could also limit the archetype to just one bonus class skill.

If these changes are not enough to counter-balance the archetype's advantages, then I might look at changing the "minus one spell" drawback instead of just getting rid of it.

Instead of front-loading the penalty, the drawback could instead reduce the maximum number of spells known at the other end. For example, a sorcerer at L 18 would gain a L 9 spell. At L 19, the sorcerer would gain a second L 9 spell plus a bonus L 9 bloodline spell - but no third L 8 spell. At L 20, the sorcerer would not gain any spells (but would still get a L 20 bloodline power), and would know the following number of spells (8/4/4/3/3/3/2/2/2/2). Things like favoured class bonuses, the Expanded Arcana (APG) feat, the New Arcana bloodline power, etc., could increase these numbers.

Thoughts and feedback?


Does no one have any comments on this?

one arcana seems to be enough really to balance out the spell loss, which was way too harsh.

christos gurd wrote:
one arcana seems to be enough really to balance out the spell loss, which was way too harsh.

The people who benefit most form cross blooded are the guys who dip and don't have to live with waiting until lvl 5 for second level spells.

PathfinderFan64 wrote:
Could I get some opinions. Do you think it is unbalancing to remove the 1 spell known for each spell level for a crossblooded sorcerer but keep the -2 to will saves? The character will be a pure sorcerer and it is mainly for role playing reasons. I am not sure either way. I don't usually believe in changing the rules but in this case I have always felt the -1 spell known of each level is just too much. Opinions?

It does seem like they are giving up too much, but then again, they are gaining tremendous versatility. This is what I suggest:

1) Keep the -2 Will saves.

2) Keep the lost spell known per level.

3) Allow them to gain their bloodline spell a level earlier, filling that top level vacancy.

#3 helps out a little (actually its probably what should be done anyway) without removing the penalties in place.

christos gurd wrote:
one arcana seems to be enough really to balance out the spell loss, which was way too harsh.

OTOH, that's the only way to gain more then one arcana.

If you just want the bloodline powers, you can take the Eldritch Heritage line of feats.

On the gripping hand, a common plan for taking crossblooded is to only
take one level and then go wizard. At least for the blaster types. Which is cheesy.

Still, there really should still be a way to get two Arcana.

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