A Wizard that can fight


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How about a Sohei Monk / Empyral Sorcerer with a guided Weapon?

Kat Tenser wrote:
Deyvantius wrote:
Kat Tenser wrote:
... You should do alright. People will tell you EK sucks... and it does, during the first few levels...
I bet 99% of people that say EK sucks have never played one.

It's very possible. EK's are difficult to play for the first several levels if playing in a high optimization game... around level 10 or so they come into their own, in my experience.

Before then, sure, a Magus will be better to play. However, Ek's have access to utility and higher level spells that a Magus wishes they could have. Ek's are just a slightly gimped wizard: a caster level or two behind in exchange for better HP, BAB, Saves, and more combat feats. And most people know that Wizards win.

Not to mention the fact that with the right traiting, you can get most of your caster levels, if not all of them back.

As for build advice, with the lower hp averages and the EK's cap ability based on critical hits, I would say a finesse fighter with high dex and an agile weapon would be ideal. go for an elven curve blade if you can manage it and keep it keen and agile. should give you what you need without any major shenanigans in the build department.

Interesting Regional Feats:

Arcane schooling - treated as having 1 caster level for using wands and scroll (so no UMD). Really nice but not for you.

Blooded - +2 initiative, +2 perception (spot strictly), cannot be shaken. Would make sense from your background.

Bloodline of Fire - +4 saving throws vs fire and +2 on caster level for spell with Fire descriptor. Could make a nice blaster. Especially if stacked with some Sorcerer bloodlines.

Discipline - +2 Will saves, +2 concentration - Not bad if you want to cast whilst in melee.

Dreadful Wroth. Sounds interesting. Probably not that brilliant but I like the flavour.

You are terrible to behold in battle, and few foes have the heart to face you without quailing.

When you charge, make a full attack, or cast a spell that either targets an enemy or includes an enemy in its area, you gain the frightful presence ability for that round. Each enemy within a 20-foot radius of you must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Cha modifi er) or be shaken for 1 minute. Regardless of its success or failure on the saving throw, any creature exposed to this effect is immune to your frightful presence for the next 24 hours. This is an extraordinary morale effect.

Fleet of Foot +10 move speed, at most Light Armour. Interesting.

Magic in the Blood - Not sure if there are any races that would make this worthwhile.

You have a knack for getting the most out of your innate magical abilities. You can use them more often than others of your race can.

You can use your racial spell-like abilities more often than you otherwise could. Any ability that is otherwise usable once per day is now usable three times per day.

Mercantile Background - Sell at 75% of value (instead of 50%)! Once per month buy something at 75% of value. Break the WBL. But probably will just be adjusted by you GM thus in effect do nothing.

Militia - Gain proficiency with all martial weapons

Mind over body - Quite good.

At 1st level, you may use your Intelligence or Charisma modifier (your choice) to determine your bonus hit points. For all subsequent levels, you use your Constitution modifier, as normal. In addition, you gain +1 hit point every time you learn a metamagic feat. Furthermore, if you can cast arcane spells, you get a +1 insight bonus to Armor Class.

Otherworldy - You'd need to change race but Dark Vision 60 feet and +2 to diplomacy. Interesting for a Sorcerer to make better use of the Diplomacy.

Strong Soul - You gain a +1 bonus on all Fortitude and Will saves. Against death effects, energy drain, and ability drain attacks, this bonus increases to +3. - Decent

Tattoo Focus - Add +1 to the DC for all saving throws against spells from your specialized school. You get a +1 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) to overcome a creature's spell resistance when casting spells from that school. - Possibly not worth it if you are not focussing on Save based spells since you have split stats.

Twin Sword Style - Shield bonus vs 1 target if wielding two blades, stacks with animated shield or buckler. Interesting flavour. Probably not brilliant.


Bloodline of Fire, Tattoo Focus, Otherworldly might be worth looking at further but Militia is potentially the best if you don't want the HP, Fort save and feats from Fighter.

Mercantile Background is clearly broken - if your GM doesn't factor it in to CR. But he will if he's sane. :)

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