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My first impressions. Pretty, a lot to look at. Artwork. Not the best. Most of the clothing was male, Saddle was a western saddle which is also the charro saddle and the one used was not in use until the late 1800's for ranching.
OK the book is fantasy but some of the weapons just look wrong. Long bow? Looks more like a modern recurve. Two handed sword? NO One could use the one pictured in EU.
Am I being picky? maybe, I think and hoped for more

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Fantasy weapon art has been ridiculous for a long time. Ninety percent of the time Warhammers are drawn like giant nut crackers and they put the label a flail as a morningstar. Swords are often ridiculously curvy and don't even get me started on armor that doesn't cover the abdomen or thighs.
Paizo's art is generally above average. I blame the poor education system and artists who reference other art (or just go long themselves) rather than historic weapons. :P

Ravennus |

If anyone was expecting a new balancing pass on the weapons they will be very disappointed. Even weapons that were clearly imbalanced or in need of errata are present.
A few new simple, martial, and exotic weapons would have also been appreciated... maybe even a few conversions of popular 3.5 weapons (re-named, of course). But nope, it's all just one big reprint, mistakes and all.
Yay for cut and paste!

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Recurves are not modern. They have been around for a very long time. Unfortunately, D&D/PF does not include Recurves although one could say that you can reskin any long bow as a recurve.
- Gauss
I never said Recurve was modern. I said the art made it look like a modern one. Long bows are plain have to curved tips like the images in the book.

Ravennus |

Honestly, there isn't much to offer for a 'sneak peak', as almost everything can be found in existing books or with a quick search on D20pfsrd.
I knew it would be a compilation, but I was expecting at least SOME new material... and no, the price for a house cat and a couple new alchemy items don't count.
I just started on the magic item section, however, and found this piece.
It seems they tried to solve the Monk/Unarmed enhancement dilemma, but I can't see this really helping anyone.
+1 bonus 3,000 GP
+2 bonus 12,000 GP
+3 bonus 27,000 GP
+4 bonus 48,000 GP
+5 bonus 75,000 GP
+6 bonus 108,000 GP
+7 bonus 147,000 GP
This long cloth is wrapped around the chest multiple times
like a bandage. Once per round, the wearer may add an
enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on one attack and damage
roll for an unarmed strike or natural attack (for one specific
attack, not all attacks made with an unarmed strike that
round). The wearer may use this item an additional time per
round when his BAB reaches +6, +11, and +16.
Choosing to enhance an unarmed strike is not an action
and may occur when it is not the wearer’s turn (such as when
making an attack of opportunity). The wearer must decide
to use the item before the attack roll is made, but does not
have to expend all uses at the same time. For example, if the
wearer can use the item twice per round, he can use it once
on his turn when making an attack and save the second for
the possibility of making an attack of opportunity.
Additionally, the bodywrap can grant melee weapon
special abilities to a creature’s unarmed attacks, so long
as those special abilities to be added apply to unarmed
attacks. See Table 3–8: Melee Weapon Special Abilities
(page 137) for a list of abilities. Special abilities count as
additional bonuses for determining the market value of
the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses.
Any special abilities are set at the time of creation. A bodywrap of mighty strikes cannot have a modified
bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus
equivalents) higher than +7. Unlike an amulet of mighty
fists, a bodywrap needs to have a +1 enhancement bonus
to grant a melee weapon special ability.

Ravennus |

The bodywraps are a brilliant compromise.
For ONE attack a round? More, when your BAB reaches 6, 11, and 16?
That's not very helpful to a flurrying Monk, especially since their BAB lags behind. They won't be able to enhance a second unarmed attack until 8th level, which leaves their other two flurry attacks unenhanced as well as any attacks of opportunity they might get.

Gauss |

IceniQueen: I wont be able to see those images for another 10days but when I can I will take a look.
I happen to shoot recurve. There are both traditional wooden recurves and modern (many people might recognize them as olympic style) recurves. Barebow, the basics are the same between them. The main differences are materials and the slimness of recurves that use modern materials.
Beyond that, the difference is that non-traditional recurve has a crapload of accessories on it. Ugh, I shoot barebow with no sight. But then again, I don't hunt with it. :)
- Gauss

Ravennus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Where is the cutlass? You included weapons from every book but left out the cutlass? Cutlass, favorite weapon of pirates and you left it out.
Saddle once again Price Various? Weight Various? For all tents you put in for every kind. Why for saddle you put in Various?
Yup, none of the pirate themed gear made it in, including the cutlass.
So it isn't even really an up to date compilation.This is the first Paizo Pathfinder product I have been truly disappointed in.

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IceniQueen: I wont be able to see those images for another 10days but when I can I will take a look.
I happen to shoot recurve. There are both traditional wooden recurves and modern (many people might recognize them as olympic style) recurves. Barebow, the basics are the same between them. The main differences are materials and the slimness of recurves that use modern materials.
Beyond that, the difference is that non-traditional recurve has a crapload of accessories on it. Ugh, I shoot barebow with no sight. But then again, I don't hunt with it. :)
- Gauss
I do too, not to mention I have a good friend that shoots longbow. AM I being picky? Maybe, but at least make them look right as people these days have no clue, at least be correct in how they look

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IceniQueen wrote:Where is the cutlass? You included weapons from every book but left out the cutlass? Cutlass, favorite weapon of pirates and you left it out.
Saddle once again Price Various? Weight Various? For all tents you put in for every kind. Why for saddle you put in Various?
Yup, none of the pirate themed gear made it in, including the cutlass.
So it isn't even really an up to date compilation.This is the first Paizo Pathfinder product I have been truly disappointed in.
Have to agree. I was very disappointed in this book. By far the worst IMHO

Odraude |

A cutlass is just a scimitar. Same stats, price, and weight. I think they felt there was no point in printing two weapons that were exactly the same mechanically. Hardly a reason to be completely disappointed.
And they have said in many threads, podcasts, and blog posts that this books was just a compilation of weapons from their core rules, with a couple of new wondrous items from RPG superstar. Expecting more than that when told otherwise isn't the fault of the devs.

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A Cutlass is NOT a Scimitar. Any sword collector will tell you that
Cutlass http://www.2-clicks-swords.com/article/cutlass-swords.html or wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutlass
Scimitar - http://www.swordsofmight.com/hanwei-scimitar.aspx or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scimitar
and just for fun
Saber - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabre
two VERY Different weapons in length, weight, use

master arminas |

Honestly, there isn't much to offer for a 'sneak peak', as almost everything can be found in existing books or with a quick search on D20pfsrd.
I knew it would be a compilation, but I was expecting at least SOME new material... and no, the price for a house cat and a couple new alchemy items don't count.
I just started on the magic item section, however, and found this piece.
It seems they tried to solve the Monk/Unarmed enhancement dilemma, but I can't see this really helping anyone.** spoiler omitted **...
Seriously? Seriously? Please tell me this a sick joke.
Master Arminas

Ravennus |

A cutlass is just a scimitar. Same stats, price, and weight. I think they felt there was no point in printing two weapons that were exactly the same mechanically. Hardly a reason to be completely disappointed.
And they have said in many threads, podcasts, and blog posts that this books was just a compilation of weapons from their core rules, with a couple of new wondrous items from RPG superstar. Expecting more than that when told otherwise isn't the fault of the devs.
The absence of the Cutlass is the least of my reasons for being disappointed, so please don't make assumptions.
I'd also like to know about these threads, podcasts, and blog posts... as I'm a regular here and have devoured everything they had to say about the book. This was the one book I was most looking forward to this year so I've read everything I could get my hands on.
But like I said, I was aware it was going to be a compilation. However, by definition a compilation should compile everything up to the present.... and they didn't do that.
What use is a compilation that only lists SOME of the published material, and still requires me to look in half a dozen other books or go to D20pfsrd? They used SOME of the Pathfinder Companion material... why not all of it?
Also, they didn't even bother to fix many of the glaring issues and errata. That, to me, is a huge problem.
And YES, I expected SOME new items. This included some new weapons and armor. This is not an unreasonable expectation from a book of this type.

Talonhawke |

Ravennus wrote:Honestly, there isn't much to offer for a 'sneak peak', as almost everything can be found in existing books or with a quick search on D20pfsrd.
I knew it would be a compilation, but I was expecting at least SOME new material... and no, the price for a house cat and a couple new alchemy items don't count.
I just started on the magic item section, however, and found this piece.
It seems they tried to solve the Monk/Unarmed enhancement dilemma, but I can't see this really helping anyone.** spoiler omitted **...
Seriously? Seriously? Please tell me this a sick joke.
Master Arminas
I also kinda hope Rav is just punking us.

Ravennus |

Ravennus wrote:Honestly, there isn't much to offer for a 'sneak peak', as almost everything can be found in existing books or with a quick search on D20pfsrd.
I knew it would be a compilation, but I was expecting at least SOME new material... and no, the price for a house cat and a couple new alchemy items don't count.
I just started on the magic item section, however, and found this piece.
It seems they tried to solve the Monk/Unarmed enhancement dilemma, but I can't see this really helping anyone.** spoiler omitted **...
Seriously? Seriously? Please tell me this a sick joke.
Master Arminas
There are some new clothing options (yay), prices for things which we never had prices before (kitties!), and a small smattering of other items...
... but the FIRST thing that most people will look for in this book are cool new weapons and armor. Weapons and armor they can use as a 1st level character or even base a new concept around. Older DnD players like me might even hope for some conversions of previous edition material to Pathfinder....
But nope. Sorry.
It's not even ALL the published material. No Cutlass (as mentioned) or Fauchard, etc.
Also, a lot of the glaring issues that have been talked about regarding existing weapons was not addressed at all. So we still have Exotic weapons that aren't worth the ink they are printed with, and Martial Weapons that outclass any other option. I wasn't expecting that to change completely, or for them to re-write all the weapons in the Core books... but there were some items published recently that deserved a re-balance, and this was the perfect time.
Known typos and errors from previous books also made it into this one, as if they just cut and paste without any thought. They could have at least worked some errata in, but nope.
There ARE a couple new materials, but nothing stood out to me.
I'm still working on Magic items, but while there are a couple interesting new magical properties... the new items themselves seem to be 'meh' with others (like the Bodywrap) being a huge 'WTF!'. They are also missing some VERY popular magical properties, like Agile, which again makes no sense.
Sorry, I'm kind of emotional right now. I've never posted anything this negative before about a Paizo product, and was happy to post many times about how pleasantly surprised I was by the Advanced Race Guide. That was a great book and FAR surpassed my expectations.... this Ultimate Equipment Guide, however, is the opposite so far. :(

Ravennus |

I think he was meaning hte bodywrap. Also I take it we still don't know how scorpion whips work? Are they using the UC or armory version if its even in there?
I typed out the prices and description of the Bodywrap exactly as I saw it in the PDF.
As for the Scorpion Whip, here you go...
1d4 ×2 (Performance)
Slashing damange
3 lbs.
5 GP
This whip has a series of razor-sharp blades and fangs inset
along its tip. It deals lethal damage, even to creatures with
armor bonuses. If you are proficient with whips, you can use a
scorpion whip as a whip.

Dorje Sylas |

Talonhawke wrote:I think he was meaning hte bodywrap. Also I take it we still don't know how scorpion whips work? Are they using the UC or armory version if its even in there?I typed out the prices and description of the Bodywrap exactly as I saw it in the PDF.
As for the Scorpion Whip, here you go...
** spoiler omitted **
Oh no, that can't be all? It's just the reprint for the crapified version from Ultimate Combat? That 5 ft. No reach junk. Well Ultimate Equipment is getting skipped by me then, not even 10 dollars for the PDF.
No proofing, no errata updates, if it's all just copy and paste I think Paizo owes the community and especially the subscribers, an apology. Do an equipment compilation book right or don't bother doing it at all, and I fear Paizo will no choose the "don't do at all" option in the future.

Ravennus |

Yeah, I double-checked just in case. No reach, though I guess it's debatable what it means that you can wield it as a whip if you are proficient in whips (which I suppose is part of the issue).
But yup, just a reprint.
This is a perfect example of what has me upset about the book, among other things.
There is new material in the book, sure, but nothing that justifies the hardcover price (IMHO). Honestly, I enjoyed Adventurer's Armory much more (even with all it's mistakes) and it cost a LOT less and was only 32 pages.
It's hard to believe the book is 400 pages... I keep flipping through the PDF and wondering what the heck happened. It just doesn't seem like the usual Paizo standard of quality that we are used to. *shrug*

Tels |

This blows, I was hoping something more along the lines of Magic Item Compendium. That was one of my favorite 3.5 books. So many interesting and fun items all in one spot. If all they did was Copy Paste, then I'm not even going to bother buying it when everything they've already printed is in my Hero Labs.

Odraude |

A Cutlass is NOT a Scimitar. Any sword collector will tell you that
Cutlass http://www.2-clicks-swords.com/article/cutlass-swords.html or wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutlass
Scimitar - http://www.swordsofmight.com/hanwei-scimitar.aspx or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scimitar
and just for fun
Saber - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabre
two VERY Different weapons in length, weight, use
That may be the case in real life, but I'm afraid by the rules, they are mechanically the same. Same damage dice, crit range, weight, and cost. You can literally buy a scimitar and simply reskin it as a cutlass. That's literally what Paizo did...
The absence of the Cutlass is the least of my reasons for being disappointed, so please don't make assumptions.
I'd also like to know about these threads, podcasts, and blog posts... as I'm a regular here and have devoured everything they had to say about the book. This was the one book I was most looking forward to this year so I've read everything I could get my hands on.
But like I said, I was aware it was going to be a compilation. However, by definition a compilation should compile everything up to the present.... and they didn't do that.
What use is a compilation that only lists SOME of the published material, and still requires me to look in half a dozen other books or go to D20pfsrd? They used SOME of the Pathfinder Companion material... why not all of it?
Also, they didn't even bother to fix many of the glaring issues and errata. That, to me, is a huge problem.And YES, I expected SOME new items. This included some new weapons and armor. This is not an unreasonable expectation from a book of this type.
The cutlass remark was more in response to the other guy.
As for podcasts, the one I listen to the most is Know Direction and they have an interview with Buhlman about the ARG and UE. That plus their (and Chronicle's) PaizoCon specials also have bits and pieces about it.
I would hazard a guess that the reason they stuck with Core only items was because these are the ones people know about the most and honestly, time and cost. There are a lot of published items out there that have magic items, from APs to Campaign Settings to Player Companions. I can imagine that including each and every one of those items would be costly and it was just easier to stick with the core hardbooks.
Errata, I will agree, is an issue. Although as a GM, I've yet to have an issue adjudicating these rules, I can understand people wanting them a bit more clear.
And yeah, you expected new items... it has new items... What's the complaint? Aside from the perceived mediocrity of the bandage wraps, which I honestly have no opinion about because I haven't done any math behind it or playtesting yet.

Tels |

Uhhh, you're forgetting that the monk's bab = his class level when flurrying and that Paizo has stressed that they will NOT specifically invalidate core options. It's meant to emulate enhance one weapon. You want to enhance all your attacks? Well there's an item for that.
I dunno, the spell Constricting Coils invalidates the spell Hold Monster because it's gained at the exact same level, and has the exact same effect, same duration, same range, plus it also does outright damage.
Hold Monster is a worthless spell since Constricting Coils was been released.
True, it's the only thing I know of that invalidates a core option, but it still has happened.

Tels |

The cutlass remark was more in response to the other guy.
As for podcasts, the one I listen to the most is Know Direction and they have an interview with Buhlman about the ARG and UE. That plus their (and Chronicle's) PaizoCon specials also have bits and pieces about it.
I would hazard a guess that the reason they stuck with Core only items was because these are the ones people know about the most and honestly, time and cost. There are a lot of published items out there that have magic items, from APs to Campaign Settings to Player Companions. I can imagine that including each and every one of those items would be costly and it was just easier to stick with the core hardbooks.
Errata, I will agree, is an issue. Although as a GM, I've yet to have an issue adjudicating these rules, I can understand people wanting them a bit more clear.
And yeah, you expected new items... it has new items... What's the complaint? Aside from the perceived mediocrity of the bandage wraps, which I honestly have no opinion about because I haven't done any math behind it or playtesting yet.
Actually, they probably stuck to Core because the Hardcover books are supposed to be setting neutral. Including abilities (such a spells, feats, items etc) that are tied to a region, diety or something Golarion specific don't generally make it into the Hardcover books.
Still doesn't explain why they didn't include the Agile property.

Odraude |

This blows, I was hoping something more along the lines of Magic Item Compendium. That was one of my favorite 3.5 books. So many interesting and fun items all in one spot. If all they did was Copy Paste, then I'm not even going to bother buying it when everything they've already printed is in my Hero Labs.
There is more than just simple copy pastas in the book. Admittedly, the items that existed are copied from where they were but, barring weapons that need errate, that kinda makes sense... I mean, how much more information do you need about a short sword?
However, the wealth of this book comes in three forms. First, the new items. Aside from the bandages, there are some cool and fun magic items that made it in here. There are many Superstar favorites that I think you'll be happy to see in here. Second, the simple fact that everything from the core is in one place is nice, which was one of the selling points of the Magic Item Compendium. Finally, the selling point for me was the treasure tables. I am not very good at making treasure and so to me, these are a valuable asset for my GMing. I like them a lot and that is what has be wanting to buy this.

Matrixryu |

Hmmm, one good use I can think of for the Bodywrap of Mighty Swings is if you want to use an unarmed strike in one hand and a weapon in the other hand. That way you can use the weapon for attacks of opportunity.
Yea, I think this thing was meant for monks who don't have flurry, but the the fact that it will run out of uses before you can do attacks of opportunity is an issue.

Ravennus |

And yeah, you expected new items... it has new items... What's the complaint? Aside from the perceived mediocrity of the bandage wraps, which I honestly have no opinion about because I haven't done any math behind it or playtesting yet.
My complaint is that for the full price of a hardcover 400 page Pathfinder Core rulebook I expected more new gear than what was in the softcover 33 page Adventurer's Armory. This very much included arms and armor, which is the first thing that Fantasy RPG players think of when presented with an equipment crunch book.
I didn't get that.The only thing that the Ultimate Equipment book has over the AA is new magic items, but it also failed to include some of the more popular published material while inventing new material that wasn't very well thought out.
As for the Bodywraps, you don't need to do any complex math or playtest it. Just read it. We aren't talking about the delicate balance of features inherent in a new 20 level base class. This is a simple magic item that does what it says on the tin.
To rub salt into the wounds of the Monk players, they even gave us the Brawling magic armor property (which is available to view in one of the more recent UE previews). This gives a nice boost to everyone using Unarmed combat EXCEPT for the monk.
BTW, I previously gave the Cat as an example of something that we didn't have a price of? Now that I look over my copy of AA, I was wrong... they have a lot of the animal prices in there already.

Ravennus |

Actually, they probably stuck to Core because the Hardcover books are supposed to be setting neutral. Including abilities (such a spells, feats, items etc) that are tied to a region, diety or something Golarion specific don't generally make it into the Hardcover books.
Yet they included the Sawtooth Sabre, which isn't Golarion specific at all. *sarcasm*

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***This is ONLY in regards this work from Pazio, comments DO NOT extend to previous Roleplaying subscription items***
If I wasn't on the RP subscription list I would have given this book a miss. A lot of pages given up to repeating information in the Core Rules. Lots of page space taken up by large item headings and meh pictures of the item. Be interesting to know the page count if you removed all of the duplicated information from other Pathfinder sources.
In summary this product doesn't really add anything meaningful to Pathfinder RP line in my opinion.
EDIT: I can see how this would be good if you didn't own the current PF books up to this one. That said, still not Paizo's best work.