Creating non-evil undead

Rules Questions

Is there a way to create non-evil undead? I know skeletons when they are made are considered evil and casting the spell is an evil act. I thought I read somewhere that there was an Oracle mystery or something that allowed a player to make undead without that evil alignment or something, but now I cannot seem to find it. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

Well there is the JuJu mystery though the paizo staff did mention it was a mistake and it might have been hit with errata by now.

AnnoyingOrange wrote:
Well there is the JuJu mystery though the paizo staff did mention it was a mistake and it might have been hit with errata by now.

What book is the JuJu mystery from?

Apparently it is from pathfinder AP #39 : City of Seven Spears

though it is linked here

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