Can a ninja use Vanishing Trick to enable the Assassinate Master Trick?

Rules Questions

Hi All,

The ninja Master Trick 'Assassinate' says: "This attempt fails if the target recognizes the ninja as an enemy."

Could a ninja use Vanishing Trick to become invisible (and hence unrecognizable as an enemy), followed by Assassinate to immediately kill an opponent in combat? If so, are there any restrictions on this?


And while on the subject of Vanishing Trick, if the ninja uses this trick to become invisible, then attacks, does the attack cause the ninja to become visible, and if so, does the target get his/her Dex bonus to AC back?


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Ch3rnobyl wrote:

Could a ninja use Vanishing Trick to become invisible (and hence unrecognizable as an enemy), followed by Assassinate to immediately kill an opponent in combat? If so, are there any restrictions on this?


Ch3rnobyl wrote:
And while on the subject of Vanishing Trick, if the ninja uses this trick to become invisible, then attacks, does the attack cause the ninja to become visible, and if so, does the target get his/her Dex bonus to AC back?

Also yes but only for that first attack, any Iterative attacks after whilst visible would target normal AC for that weapon, however if you had the greater version (can't rememeber it's name) then all attack swill hit touch and therefore qualify for sneak.

Vanishing trick works just like the spell vanish. So yes you will reappear after you attack.

And yes it should work with assassinate, anything that would prevent the target from recognizing you as an enemy would work.


Ghost blade is the advanced version (i.e. Greater Invisibility)
And yes, a 12th level Ninja with both Ghost Blade and Assassinate is freaking stupidly powerful. Especially if you go ranged with Sniper Goggles. Ok, I study a target from 200ft away for 1 round, then I ranged attack with my bow for a save or die. Good luck. (The fact that the Ninja assassinate ability doesn't have to be a melee attack is incredibly powerful)

Interzone wrote:

Ghost blade is the advanced version (i.e. Greater Invisibility)

And yes, a 12th level Ninja with both Ghost Blade and Assassinate is freaking stupidly powerful. Especially if you go ranged with Sniper Goggles. Ok, I study a target from 200ft away for 1 round, then I ranged attack with my bow for a save or die. Good luck. (The fact that the Ninja assassinate ability doesn't have to be a melee attack is incredibly powerful)

That I did not know, I'm going to use that...

Interzone wrote:

Ghost blade is the advanced version (i.e. Greater Invisibility)

And yes, a 12th level Ninja with both Ghost Blade and Assassinate is freaking stupidly powerful. Especially if you go ranged with Sniper Goggles. Ok, I study a target from 200ft away for 1 round, then I ranged attack with my bow for a save or die. Good luck. (The fact that the Ninja assassinate ability doesn't have to be a melee attack is incredibly powerful)

You serious?

Ignoring how many thing at that level have See Invisibility or other special sense that ignore invisibility innately and are immune to critical hits, you still have to deal with the fact that it has a save (and being based on a secondary stats, is fairly low), means you can't do ANYTHING but move every other round AND you have to set up sneak attack, it's not at all "freaking stupidly powerful".

deuxhero wrote:
Interzone wrote:

Ghost blade is the advanced version (i.e. Greater Invisibility)

And yes, a 12th level Ninja with both Ghost Blade and Assassinate is freaking stupidly powerful. Especially if you go ranged with Sniper Goggles. Ok, I study a target from 200ft away for 1 round, then I ranged attack with my bow for a save or die. Good luck. (The fact that the Ninja assassinate ability doesn't have to be a melee attack is incredibly powerful)

You serious?

Ignoring how many thing at that level have See Invisibility or other special sense that ignore invisibility innately and are immune to critical hits, you still have to deal with the fact that it has a save (and being based on a secondary stats, is fairly low), means you can't do ANYTHING but move every other round AND you have to set up sneak attack, it's not at all "freaking stupidly powerful".

I don't know what you've been playing but I have never found that at level 12 there is an inordinate amount of things that have see invisibility... Immune to precision damage is certainly not all that common at that level (I mean.. oozes, elementals.. what else? Sure if you are doing a campaign on an elemental plane....)

The fact that it has a save is not some sort of huge drawback. A SAVE OR DIE spell is powerful at level 12. Being able to do SAVE OR DIE attacks ALL DAY LONG... ummm. Yeah, powerful. And it's not like you are suddenly totally useless against something that you can't use that ability against, you are still a powerful archer. If your perception is maxed, and you are designed to be awesome at stealthy ranged combat, why would you be worried about moving around a lot? When I think Sniper I am not thinking "mobile warrior". I am thinking "In a good spot, shooting death arrows at things from so far away with such a high stealth score that nobody can figure out where they are coming from until everyone is dead"

Although the build definitely got boring to play, I will have to say that for sure. But definitely powerful.

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