Marthian |
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Anyone know how Dervish Dance and Animated Shield would work together?
This property cannot be added to a tower shield.
I'm not sure, but it sounds like you could use both in tandem and still benefit from Dervish Dance.

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Anyone know how Dervish Dance and Animated Shield would work together?
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **I'm not sure, but it sounds like you could use both in tandem and still benefit from Dervish Dance.
"A character with an animated shield still takes any penalties associated with shield use, such as armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, and nonproficiency."
Sorry, to me it's pretty clear that you are still treated as suffering any penalty wielding a shied would inccur, including in relation to DD.

Selgard |

How is your hand free if you are incurring all the penalties of wearing the shield while it's dancing around?
Either the shield is free of you and dancing around and there are no penalties, or the shield is still attached to you somehow and you are incurring the penalties.
The shield seems clear- that you are taking the penalties of the shield while using it even if its animated at the time.
Since shields only grant their bonus and penalties when they are on your arm, and this shield continues to grant both while animated, it seems clear that a prohibition on wielding a shield in your offhand would still be in effect.

mordion |

If you're still suffering any penalty from using a shield, including not having a free hand, what exactly is the benefit that animated shield provides? If you can't use Dervish Dance, could you also not use Crane Wing, or fight with a two-handed weapon?

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If you're still suffering any penalty from using a shield, including not having a free hand, what exactly is the benefit that animated shield provides? If you can't use Dervish Dance, could you also not use Crane Wing, or fight with a two-handed weapon?
Crane Wing requires a free hand.
THFighting requires a free hand.Dervish dance requires you don't wield (use) a shield in your other hand.
Animated shield's description says "a character with an animated shield still takes any penalties associated with shield use".
Not the same situation.