Gyor |
Okay I have a cool build I'd like to share.
Race: Vishkanyas
Class: Alchemist
Archetypes: Vivisectionist & Chirgeon
Feats: Throw Anything (free), Brewer (free), Weapon Finesse, Alertness (from Tumour Familiar), Sleep Toxin, Extra Discovery: Bottled Ooze, Weapon Focus: Kukri, Improved Critical: Kukri, any suggestions for feats.
Discoveries: Tumour Familiar (viper or blue Ring Octopus), (bottled ooze via feat), Bleeding Attack, Sticky Poison, Achemical Simulacrum, Doppelganger Simulacrum, Greater Mutagen, Greater Alchemical Simulacrum, Grand Mutagen, Crippling attack.
Bonus Formulas from archetype: Deathwatch, Anthromorphic Animal, Awaken, Baleful Polymorph, Regeneration, Breath of life.
Maxed Skills: Knowledge: Nature, Knowledge: Planes, Slight of Hand, Bluff, Appraise, Knowledge: Arcana, Craft Alchemy, Profession: Courtisan. (knowledge Nature can be used in place of heal).
Fluff: Kania sees herself more as a magical biologist then a chemist, creating and manipulating life and her innate poisons is her passion.
Kania uses her Courtisan Profession and bluff skills to seduce people into volunteering for her research, pleasure in exchange for some unpleasantness (she leaves no lasting damage thanks to her skill as a chirgeon, and minuimal pain).
Kania uses her bodily fluids not just as poisons, but as material for her extracts and mutagens.
Kania created her tumour viper by inducing a tiny tumour, allowing it to acculate poison and then sugically implanting the brain of an actual viper inside. Kania has had the Tumour vipers scales tinted a metallic gold to disguise it as an arm band when attached. She calls it Tainted Love.
Kania's normal scales are a lovely turquoised.
Kania enjoys healing others, but loves creating creatures and fighting with her Kukri, sticky with her poison.
Advantages: Way more mileage out of her poisons, Metagen can get her con up so she can get more poison uses and sticky poison means that it says on for multiple hits. A con midifier of 4 times an intelligence modifier of 5 means 20 potiential hits of the poison for example.
Also Chirgeon replaces poison use which she already had and later poison immunity, which she doesn't need because she has such high poison resistance.
The Kukri also gives her a nice melee weapon to deliver sneak attacks and poisons.
The viper has at will poison attack and a climb and swim speed and as a tumour has fast healing 5 when attached which means you can have it fight and heal it for free.

Gyor |
Haha that was a reference to salvia, blood, hormones, enzyemes, peptide, vishkanyas poison in various states that kind of thing, not anything like that. Plus she's a vivisectionist and a Vishkanya both of which are supposed to be desturbing. The vivisectionist is based on the Island of Dr. Moroe I believe and Vishkanya were created by poisoning girls till all thier body fluids became poisonous, with most would be Vishkanya dying horrible deaths from poison.
They were then sent to seduce and assassonate thier king's enemies. In fact one Indian movie in more recent times was about Vishkanya, but instead of poison it was AIDS, which actually makes sense as its more realistic in RL then absorbing poison from exposure and remaining healthy.
From what I've read from goggling Vishkanya they are probably the darkiest most inherantly disurbing race of any PC. Drow, Dark Dwarves are dark by culture, Tiefling have one nasty inhuman ancestor in the past. Put them in a loving home and they'll be fine. The Vishkanya on the other hand are literally pure poison, through the effects of cruel exiperments, and a loving family and a good heart doesn't change that.
Think about this dispite probably being descended from humans, Vishkanya would be the one race they could never interbreed with because the womb of a Vishkanya women would be a death trap for any child not immune to poison or highly resistant to poison and a Half Vishkanya child's poison would kill its mother in time. Even if she survived she'd miscarry and probably be left sterile. Only two Vishkanya parents could breed more Vishkanya (Alchemy excluded of course)
Also to note despite the Vishkanya's reptilian
appearence, unlike the Nagji thier not reptiles, so why the snake like appearance, except as an intended side effect of thier creators to send a message, a metaphor made flesh.
Can you tell me Vivisectionist and Vishkanya's don't make a cool, if horrific and disturbing combo.
PS: I drawing most of my ideas about Vishkanyas from the net as the ARG and Beastary 3 has so little info on them.

Gyor |
Theorycrafting, my local book store just started carrying pathfinder since 4e died, so I don't know anyone who actually plays, but I picked them up anyways. They had pretty pictures ;p
I have another less dark build:
Kitsune Hexcrafter/Kitsune Trickster/Arcane Trickster. I read someone complaining about all Magus builds seem to be Kensai so I decided to go in another direction.
Intelligence is primary, boosts spells, skills, and goes with Kitsune's guile. Dex is secondary.
I'll flesh it out later. I do want a fox familiar somehow.

Gyor |
Also have an idea for a Nagji Beastrider Order of the Star with 1 level of Oracle of Life for the channel energy revelation (and maybe a couple of others via feats) and Eldrich Hertiage (Serpentine) for the viper familiar and other features.
And a Chaotic Neutral Wayang Oracle of the Dark Tapestry, double curse Haunted and Blind with Eldrich Hertiage feats and improved familiar for the Qippolth familiar. Call him Azathoth. Master of Illusions. Okay Azathoth is going back to the darkside. I'll fill these in later..

Gyor |
Good point, didn't realize poison could applied to natural attacks. Maybe replace Grand Mutagen for Feral.
Just a thought, but for a familiar to share an extract as described in the Tumour familiar discovery do you have to imbibe the extract or could your familiar?, because that could save you actions. Viper could imbibe (by holding the vial by its tail and popping the cork with iys teeth) say fire breath on its own and start breathing fire.
Also with the infusion,discovery you can use baneful polymorphy to turn say it orc into a chicken, stuff him into a bag and when the time is right drink inject infusion to infused the orc/chicken with a combined extract containing two detonates and then throw the chicken using throw anything feat. Exploding chicken weapon. Rain destruction on your foes then enjoy fried chicken!