Gyor's page
32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

1of1 wrote: My horrible Frankenstein's monster of recycled parts runs Kingmaker just fine.
Well,the uncapped framerates did set my old and busted power supply on fire, but such is life.
It's running all shiny now.
Mine stopped being able to run it, so I bought a nice Nitro Acer, with an generation 8 I7 processor, graphics card with 4gb memory, 16gb Optane Memory, 8gb memory, 1TB hard drive, blue tooth,
wifi, ect..., I already had a 1TB external hard drive I plugged into it
So this Nitro Acer runs Kingmaker at max graphics no problem, Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude no problem, Age of Wonders: Planetfall at max graphics no problem, I have no doubt that it will run Wrath of the Righteous at max settings no problem, the one game I'm worried about being able to run on this is Baldur's Gate 3, I don't have good enough internet to go the Stadia route, so if it requires say Generation 9 or 10 I8 or I9 processors or something I'm screwed. Still if it's miniumal settings are at DOS2 settings I'll be fine (I made DOS2's settings my goal for a computer as Larian Studios is making BG3 so it was the only thing I had to go on).
It cost me a lot and I was already fairly in debt, I've been spending the Winter paying the huge bill off, but I won't let that stop me from joining the Wrath of the Righteous Kickstarter.
The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote: That artwork for Wrath of the Righteous though ... absolutely stunning! (I took a screenshot)! Plus 1e Pathfinder has been around long enough to have a much, much bigger box of toys then Pathfinder 2e, which hasn't had a chance to update all the classes and races from 1e.

Voss wrote: Caius wrote: Odd that should be the timestamp. Around 1:03:30 is when they start talking about prestige classes. They provided timestamps to most questions in the top comment as well if you want to check other stuff. Assassin and Student of War are two more prestige classes they mention but did imply there's more. I got dropped in at 1:09. Thanks though. I didn't know about Assassin or Student of War (which I have to look up) either
I am impressed by the sheer amount of stuff they're adding. I do hope they do a third game and build even further.
@Gyor- my biggest problem with the warpriest is the weapon progression is functionally cosmetic until 10th level. Just buy a better weapon and tag it with weapon focus at 1st level. I've rarely had a tabletop game run much past that point, so it feels like a completely pointless 'ability.'
Also, In the Kingmaker CRPG, you can get a 2d6 damage mace in Chapter 2; and there are quite a few oversized weapons running around, having that as a class feature at 15th level is super underwhelming.
The enchantment bonuses aren't that much better than just having magic vestment/greater magic weapon, which the cleric does. This is especially true in a game where you can't 'special order' magic items to cheese the stacking, (which was true of the CRPG kingmaker- paladin and magus have effectively the same ability, and I wasn't impressed by it). Other than the quickening fervor ability, clerics are better off because of greater spellcasting.
Evolved Animal Companions stretch goal is complete
Next up: Skalds
...which, yeah, wouldn't be one of my picks either. I'd rather have a bard that buffs without disabling a wide range of skills and abilities.
How do you feel about the Archetypes, most of which seem far more interesting then Warpriest, like Cult Leader, Furious Champion, Shieldbearer, all of which seem cooler to me?
Furious Champion has claws which deal it's damage which is cool and it can wild shape.
Cult Leader is basically a hybrid Rogue and Warpriest and I love the flavour.
Shieldbearer was alot cooler then I expected.
And remember this is a CRPG so it's going all the way up to level 20 at least, so that 2D8 will kick in. Plus you can get weapon focus with weapons with interesting traits, but normally low weapon dice, like whip.

Voss wrote: Speaking of stretch goals, I haven't been impressed with them so far.
The current one (Gold Dragon and Swarm-that-Walks mythic paths) is the first one I'm even vaguely interested in (and that its just gold dragons is... a little disappointing. The various Dragon models are already in the game from Dragon Shape III, as are wings for humanoids from Dragon Disciple and sorcerer).
I was hoping they'd do something a little different with companions (having them hard-locked into bad builds and bad archetypes was a big problem in Kingmaker, and this tiefling eldritch scoundrel isn't a step forward)
Warpriest and Cavalier (a weaker cleric and one of the straight up weakest classes) aren't classes that I want cluttering the game up.
Hunter, Spiritualist and Summoner would have been far more interesting (especially the latter since a Summoner is tied into the creation of the Worldwound itself, and the local culture has them as an established tradition)
Dismemberment seems likely to be a trivial death animation, absolutely crippling if it can just happen during a fight and trivial again if/when regenerate spells come into play.
Mounted Combat is a hard pass for me- it just seems a waste of time & money. Mounts on the Worldwound just seem like fodder for locust demons and more skill checks to fail. As soon as the area attacks get thrown around, you've got dead mounts.
I do hope the hellknight prestige classes make it this time, and a Devilish mythic path rounds out the alignment corners (it seems like an obvious hole at the moment), and Cheliax and Devils have a vested interest in the closure of the Worldwound.
When I first heard of the Warpriest, a Hybrid Class of Cleric and Fighter my first thought was oh look they are reinventing the Paladin, of all the classes to pair up with the Cleric, fighter seemed the most dull.
But when Warpriest was announced as the first stretch goals with a list of five archetypes, I took a much closer look at the class.
First off it's true parent classes are the Cleric, Magus, and Monk, Fighter is more like a distant grandfather. The Warpriest has damage progression like the monk, magic weapon buffing, Combat Geats, and spell slots likes the Magus, and the spell list, spell preparation, channel energy, and a combat version of Domains of the Cleric. Side note the Warpriest is one of the few classes that are good at unarmed combat.
And then their are the Archetypes, Furious Champion sacrifices a few things in exchange for deadly claws and wild shape. Cult Leader, the most likely choice for my first character, trades fighter weapon and Armour profs for Rogue, gaining more skill points and better choice of skills, and trades all but two of their combat feats for sneak attack dice and greater Stealth Ability and trades Channel Energy for Enthrall.
By level 20 that is 6D6 sneak attack damage and 2D8 Sacred Weapon damage, descent spell casting and spell like abilities, and descent skills amd scouting ability.
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I'm more convinced them ever that Pathfinder should just go with a neovancian system like 5e, but like this system (3 actions, four power source spells lists, and so on), but with neovancian instead of vancian.

Gavmania wrote: houser2112 wrote: I don't understand Paizo's reasoning regarding spell heightening: "Sorcerers have limited spells known, so we'll require them to burn a known spell slot for each level they want to cast it at, and give them this 2/day patch. Wizards have unlimited spells known, so we'll let them learn each spell just once at its lowest level, and freely let them prepare it in higher slots to get its heightened effects."
This is completely backwards. Sorcerers should be the ones able to learn once and manipulate it at will, and wizards should have to learn at each level because they can.
The only conclusion I get from this is that they really like paleovancian casting.
What you have to remember is that both classes come with a bottleneck in their ability to cast spells freely; for wizards it is their spells prepared - it doesn't matter how many spells they know, it only matters how many they prepare (given some time, they can get round this, but in the heat of battle that's what they are stuck with).
For the sorcerer, it is their spells known. Anything they know, they can cast (assuming they still have spell slots available, that is); anything they don't know, they can't (outside of scrolls). If you allow them to heighten everything freely, the number of spells known rises exponentially (3 at 1st, 6x 2nd, 9x3rd, 12x4th, etc; of course this assumes that they pick spells that are heightenable to each of the following levels, but you get the picture). Before long, they have access at any time to pretty much every spell there is of their level or lower and the bottleneck is gone.
So that's why the devs limited it. It's just too powerful and unbalances the sorcerer.
As is, the consensus among the devs is that they now think sorcerer is more powerful than wizard. Someone who gets that! In 5e a lot of people complain about the low number of Sorcerer Spells, not realizing that for example casting Chromatic Orb in higher slots means their are effectly 9 different Chromatic Orb Spells and that is before you factor in energy type choice and metamagic. This is similar to spell heighting in PF 2e, except that not all casting classes use neovancian spontaneous casting in PF 2e, so sponteous spell heighting is more damaging to balance.
Without Animate Undead how will Necromancer Wizards even work?

Mark Seifter wrote: Friendly Rogue wrote: Milo v3 wrote: Yep, that's definitely an issue when it comes two different flavours of classes are forced to use the same list. Tbh, I'd prefer if Occult List but cast as an Arcane caster just to keep the flavour consistent. ...What? They haven't even implied that Bards wouldn't be using Verbal/Somatic components for their spells - they're going to be casting just like every other spellcaster in the Playtest, so in essence it pretty much is just them casting off of the Occult list as an "arcane" caster, in the sense that they have Verbal and Somatic components. With how the way spellcasting classes seem to work in P2e, I actually wouldn't be surprised if the use of Thought and Emotion components become exclusive to just a few classes, like the Psychic and Mesmerist, when they eventually bring the Occult Adventures classes into P2e. There is a difference between the spells and essences intrinsic to the occult tradition and the trappings of casting psychic magic. It's possible to make a bard a caster who follows the occult tradition and doesn't use psychic magic. So Occult and Psychic are separate things? Can you have Psychics that use say the Arcane, Primal, or Divine Spell lists?
Given that Arcane=Material/Mental, Divine=Spiritual/Vital, Primal=Material/Vital, and Occult=Mental/Spiritual, I actually had the idea for a new power source for the Witch Class, Pact Magic, which would be Material/Spiritual. That just leaves Mental/Vital as a power source, perhaps Pyshic or Shadow or Biofeed Back.
Mark Seifter wrote: Charon Onozuka wrote: Darkorin wrote: Mark Seifter wrote: Still doesn't help you though, I think. Sorry, which do you recommend we make suck? Paladin, since it's the only class left with an alignment requirement... (That's half a joke by the way, I don't want the paladin to suck, but I wish it was more open xD) Also Alchemist, because I'm still miffed they took the Witch's spot in Core ;P I saw someone say that in another thread, but they've misquoted me (or another staffer). Witch was not even close to being the most popular new class; oracle was the other class that was close-ish to the alchemist, but it wasn't as popular, plus the alchemist benefits much more from being incorporated in the system from the get-go rather than as an add-on than oracle does. Plus the Sorcerer basically absord the divine sorcerer concept.

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Captain Morgan wrote: I don't want to repost my whole spiel on this but the 15 minute work day concern has very little to do with the size of the resource pool and everything to do with specific things which keep people from being able to rest whenever it is convenient.
Shrinking the resource pool makes it so that you can conceivably wear a party down without using a boring and impractical number of encounters. This is especially important if you have some class with finite resources to burn and other classes who don't but are supposed to have a.stronger baseline. This is part of why fighters being "all day" didn't mean much past a certain level. There were so many spell slots a caster rarely had to worry about running out.
This problem is overstated vastly. Yes their spells known are low, but they are the absolute masters of all spells they do know with flexible casting and metamagic, plus some subclass features.
Plus if you take ritual caster (Wizard, Druid, Cleric) you can more then double the spells you have access too.
Plus a twinned Firebolt Can trip is as good as a first level spell, better at higher levels then some 1st level spells.
Plus most Sorcerers using get some kind of, at will mobility enhancer from their subclass, at will teleporting or at will flight.
Sorcerers are also better at save or die and save or such spells then wizards (with the Shadow Sorcerer being the most powerful at those spells of all).
5e Sorcerers can be incredibly powerful, their one weakness is fewer spells known.
I think usually in a one on one fight with a wizard the sorcerer will win, depending on builds.
Bah I'm idiot who quoted himself instead who he intended to.
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Gyor wrote: Has it occurred to anyone else, but Divine Sorcerers are going to be better at channel energy then clerics? Do Divine Sorcerers still have pick a God or does the Bloodline Dictate the form the ability takes? Frankly I don't care that she gets medium armour Prof, I like the way she looks now, maybe she likes to live dangerously, she is an adventurer.
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Has it occurred to anyone else, but Divine Sorcerers are going to be better at channel energy then clerics? Do Divine Sorcerers still have pick a God or does the Bloodline Dictate the form the ability takes?
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I don't like the changes to the Iconic Sorcereress, another victory for neovictorianism is disappointing to me.
There is nothing wrong with some sex appeal.
I like the spell list tied to bloodline, but it's going to make each bloodline feel like it's own class. Honestly I saw this coming after the Alchemist preview and they mentioned that Oracle was also the most popular class, but it wasn't among the core class list, but they were going to explain later. Then they said 4 spell lists and I knew then it wasn't going to be a Arcane and Divine spell list options, but all of them.
Gyor wrote: Okay let's clear the idea that the 2nd Domain is a feat tax. A feat tax is a feat that in practice a class needs to take to be basically functional.
The cleric gets 1 Domain free that can use it's points. So that is absolutely functional.
It's also completely functional to day 1 Domain is fine, maybe your doing a low Wisdom, high charisma build, and instead of spending feats on a second domain you spend them on Channel Succor and similar feats.
Maybe you decide feats boosting the Clerics Martial abilities are more important, or metamagic, or feats that warp your 1 domain, or Archetype feats or you want Domain breadth instead of depth and only get the first feat for a second Domain and a Third. Maybe you get the first advanced feat for a second domain, but don't like the more advanced level, so you take a metamagic feat after that instead.
Very insightful and wise.
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Gyor wrote: BTW am I the only one wondering if Bards get Heal and Harm spells or a different healing spell that isn't tied to Channel divinity. Your forgot favoured weapon.
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BTW am I the only one wondering if Bards get Heal and Harm spells or a different healing spell that isn't tied to Channel divinity.
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Okay let's clear the idea that the 2nd Domain is a feat tax. A feat tax is a feat that in practice a class needs to take to be basically functional.
The cleric gets 1 Domain free that can use it's points. So that is absolutely functional.
It's also completely functional to day 1 Domain is fine, maybe your doing a low Wisdom, high charisma build, and instead of spending feats on a second domain you spend them on Channel Succor and similar feats.
Maybe you decide feats boosting the Clerics Martial abilities are more important, or metamagic, or feats that warp your 1 domain, or Archetype feats or you want Domain breadth instead of depth and only get the first feat for a second Domain and a Third. Maybe you get the first advanced feat for a second domain, but don't like the more advanced level, so you take a metamagic feat after that instead.
willuwontu wrote: I like this. Honestly I think prof in Divine Magic effected their casting stat and the DC of thier spells from what I read, it didn't seem like it effected the spell list.
So maybe Wisdom will be the Spell casting stat for all prepared spell divine spellcasting classes like Clerics, Paladins, Rangers, Druids, Intelligence will the stat for all prepared Arcane Spellcasting classes Wizards and eventually Magus, and Charisma will be the spellcasting stat for both Arcane and Divine Spontaneous Casters like Sorcerers and Oracles.
So if you a mechanic changes your spellcasting stat it changes the source of your spells.
So no matter what spell lists a class has, if it used Wisdom to cast them, it's divine magic.
I don't know how Psionics fits into this theory.
Ahem. We might know how the spell lists will work now. It won't be class-based, there will be four lists: Material, Mental, Spiritual, and Vital. Wizards get access to the Material and Mental lists. Clerics get Spiritual and Vital. Sorcerers probably get Material and Vital, and Bards get Spiritual and Mental. If this is true, I really love it, it makes the way spellcasters work much more interesting, modular, and open to tinkering.
I think they hinted at the Oracle bring absorbed into the Sorcerer in the Alchemist blog post where they said that the Oracle was as popular as the Alchemist, but more on that in another blog post. So either the Sorcerer or Cleric will have absorbed the Oracle as a an Archetype.
So I think that the Oracle will get access to the same spell lists as the cleric, but modified by their bloodlines or domains acting as mysteries.
Character ideas I want to try, an Infernal Android, basically a escaped damned soul from hell or the abyss finds an Android whose soul had just moved on and inhabits it, becoming an Infernal Sorceror Android. Call him or Her Jem'tar the Infernal Engine.
A male Lashunta of some sort, still deciding what class, with a bunch of wives. I'm leaning towards a Outrider (Cavalier) of the Order of the Star with Bastet as his god, multiclassed with a couple of levels of Cleric with the Lust subdomain, which is because he was raised around alot of Orisians.
I thought about Elf Cyborg, but that's feels to Shadowrunish. rs-sci-fi-sister-game/
So all the core races of Pathfinder will be in it, Elves, Gnomes, Half Orcs, Half Elves, Halflings, Dwarves, Humans, races like the Lashtuna (note the plural *races*, that suggests other races from planets in the solar system), Androids, Ratfolk, and two really Alien races from solar systems outside the Golaron Solar system.
Thats at least 12, likely more core races, one of which the Lashtuna have such extreme dimorphism that they're like 2 gender based species.
Multiclass Carnvalist with viviasectionist with the tumour familiar discovery, and a brief dip into Shaman because this familiar just isn't weird enough. oh and improved familiar feat.
Picture a Cassinian Angel Familiar that looks like its made of stone with jewels embedded in it, that can sneak attack, has damage resistance 5/adamtine, and can merge with its owner to gain fast healing. Its a sneak attacking Cassinian Angel Tumour Spirit Animal familiar. Beat that ;p
Good point, didn't realize poison could applied to natural attacks. Maybe replace Grand Mutagen for Feral.
Just a thought, but for a familiar to share an extract as described in the Tumour familiar discovery do you have to imbibe the extract or could your familiar?, because that could save you actions. Viper could imbibe (by holding the vial by its tail and popping the cork with iys teeth) say fire breath on its own and start breathing fire.
Also with the infusion,discovery you can use baneful polymorphy to turn say it orc into a chicken, stuff him into a bag and when the time is right drink inject infusion to infused the orc/chicken with a combined extract containing two detonates and then throw the chicken using throw anything feat. Exploding chicken weapon. Rain destruction on your foes then enjoy fried chicken!
Also have an idea for a Nagji Beastrider Order of the Star with 1 level of Oracle of Life for the channel energy revelation (and maybe a couple of others via feats) and Eldrich Hertiage (Serpentine) for the viper familiar and other features.
And a Chaotic Neutral Wayang Oracle of the Dark Tapestry, double curse Haunted and Blind with Eldrich Hertiage feats and improved familiar for the Qippolth familiar. Call him Azathoth. Master of Illusions. Okay Azathoth is going back to the darkside. I'll fill these in later..
Theorycrafting, my local book store just started carrying pathfinder since 4e died, so I don't know anyone who actually plays, but I picked them up anyways. They had pretty pictures ;p
I have another less dark build:
Kitsune Hexcrafter/Kitsune Trickster/Arcane Trickster. I read someone complaining about all Magus builds seem to be Kensai so I decided to go in another direction.
Intelligence is primary, boosts spells, skills, and goes with Kitsune's guile. Dex is secondary.
I'll flesh it out later. I do want a fox familiar somehow.
An Aasmir Alchemist with a Tumour familiar and celetrial servant would be another twist, it should work though.

Haha that was a reference to salvia, blood, hormones, enzyemes, peptide, vishkanyas poison in various states that kind of thing, not anything like that. Plus she's a vivisectionist and a Vishkanya both of which are supposed to be desturbing. The vivisectionist is based on the Island of Dr. Moroe I believe and Vishkanya were created by poisoning girls till all thier body fluids became poisonous, with most would be Vishkanya dying horrible deaths from poison.
They were then sent to seduce and assassonate thier king's enemies. In fact one Indian movie in more recent times was about Vishkanya, but instead of poison it was AIDS, which actually makes sense as its more realistic in RL then absorbing poison from exposure and remaining healthy.
From what I've read from goggling Vishkanya they are probably the darkiest most inherantly disurbing race of any PC. Drow, Dark Dwarves are dark by culture, Tiefling have one nasty inhuman ancestor in the past. Put them in a loving home and they'll be fine. The Vishkanya on the other hand are literally pure poison, through the effects of cruel exiperments, and a loving family and a good heart doesn't change that.
Think about this dispite probably being descended from humans, Vishkanya would be the one race they could never interbreed with because the womb of a Vishkanya women would be a death trap for any child not immune to poison or highly resistant to poison and a Half Vishkanya child's poison would kill its mother in time. Even if she survived she'd miscarry and probably be left sterile. Only two Vishkanya parents could breed more Vishkanya (Alchemy excluded of course)
Also to note despite the Vishkanya's reptilian
appearence, unlike the Nagji thier not reptiles, so why the snake like appearance, except as an intended side effect of thier creators to send a message, a metaphor made flesh.
Can you tell me Vivisectionist and Vishkanya's don't make a cool, if horrific and disturbing combo.
PS: I drawing most of my ideas about Vishkanyas from the net as the ARG and Beastary 3 has so little info on them.
No one thinks Vishkanyas and vivisectionists make good combos? No advice?

Okay I have a cool build I'd like to share.
Race: Vishkanyas
Class: Alchemist
Archetypes: Vivisectionist & Chirgeon
Feats: Throw Anything (free), Brewer (free), Weapon Finesse, Alertness (from Tumour Familiar), Sleep Toxin, Extra Discovery: Bottled Ooze, Weapon Focus: Kukri, Improved Critical: Kukri, any suggestions for feats.
Discoveries: Tumour Familiar (viper or blue Ring Octopus), (bottled ooze via feat), Bleeding Attack, Sticky Poison, Achemical Simulacrum, Doppelganger Simulacrum, Greater Mutagen, Greater Alchemical Simulacrum, Grand Mutagen, Crippling attack.
Bonus Formulas from archetype: Deathwatch, Anthromorphic Animal, Awaken, Baleful Polymorph, Regeneration, Breath of life.
Maxed Skills: Knowledge: Nature, Knowledge: Planes, Slight of Hand, Bluff, Appraise, Knowledge: Arcana, Craft Alchemy, Profession: Courtisan. (knowledge Nature can be used in place of heal).
Fluff: Kania sees herself more as a magical biologist then a chemist, creating and manipulating life and her innate poisons is her passion.
Kania uses her Courtisan Profession and bluff skills to seduce people into volunteering for her research, pleasure in exchange for some unpleasantness (she leaves no lasting damage thanks to her skill as a chirgeon, and minuimal pain).
Kania uses her bodily fluids not just as poisons, but as material for her extracts and mutagens.
Kania created her tumour viper by inducing a tiny tumour, allowing it to acculate poison and then sugically implanting the brain of an actual viper inside. Kania has had the Tumour vipers scales tinted a metallic gold to disguise it as an arm band when attached. She calls it Tainted Love.
Kania's normal scales are a lovely turquoised.
Kania enjoys healing others, but loves creating creatures and fighting with her Kukri, sticky with her poison.
Advantages: Way more mileage out of her poisons, Metagen can get her con up so she can get more poison uses and sticky poison means that it says on for multiple hits. A con midifier of 4 times an intelligence modifier of 5 means 20 potiential hits of the poison for example.
Also Chirgeon replaces poison use which she already had and later poison immunity, which she doesn't need because she has such high poison resistance.
The Kukri also gives her a nice melee weapon to deliver sneak attacks and poisons.
The viper has at will poison attack and a climb and swim speed and as a tumour has fast healing 5 when attached which means you can have it fight and heal it for free.