[Dreamscarred Press] First Dreamscarred Kickstarter Coming Soon

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Dreamscarred Press

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Heh, I upped my pledge by $27 and saw it was $26 over the goal. :D

Just don't do me like Bad Axe has done, Jeremy!

I'm afraid I don't know what that means... I'm assuming it's a Kickstarter that fizzled?

Well, the good news is that most of the material for the book is already done. :) It's going to take some time to integrate everything, don't get me wrong, but the majority of the content of the book itself is already finished.

No, it's a Kickstarter that is two years overdue. My very first pledge ever. :(

Shadow Lodge

But I'm glad to hear things are mostly ready!

Dreamscarred Press

Our Design an Iconic tier is almost sold out!

We're working on figuring out some additional limited availability tiers.

Jeremy Smith wrote:

Our Design an Iconic tier is almost sold out!

We're working on figuring out some additional limited availability tiers.

Please no. i'm already in for an iconic, if i have to choose between multiple limited exclusives, i might cry.

However, i am seriously thinking of a power named as a nice addition to having an Iconic as well. In AD&D i had a psion whose answer to 8 out of 10 problems was Disintegrate... Canas' Controlled Disintegration has a nice ring to it... (his answer to the other 2 was Telekenesis XD)

I'd love to make an iconic crytpic, but I'll get hollered at if I go in for any more. So, if someone gets to make an Elan Cryptic, make it extra awesome! :P

A cover by WAR, with my character spec. Seriously?

I don't know where I can get that kind of money together but... tempting. Sorely tempting.

Wonder if I have a grand in coins in the cracks of my sofa.

Congrats on reaching your goal this mindbogglingly fast!

I just have to find it in me to justify getting the full color book - unfortunately, I already own the bestiary and PE-subscription. What does the DSP premier customer status entail?

Now those stretch-goals and add-ins, they look nice indeed!

Pledged! I have to say, I was looking forward to this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You just sold out you4 $125 pledge level, so I would "suggest" you do iconic with prestige classes ALSO. Just a thought...

Dreamscarred Press

We are almost to our $4,000 stretch goal, which is the 32-page introductory adventure!

And our $6,000 stretch goal was revealed - including the entire Psionic Items of Legend series into the book!

We are less than 24 hours into this Kickstarter and it's awesome!

Check it out and get in!

LMPjr007 wrote:
You just sold out you4 $125 pledge level, so I would "suggest" you do iconic with prestige classes ALSO. Just a thought...

I would be totally in for iconic Elocator. Sadly you guys were sold out before I got home from classes. I was watching it from my phone during breaks and just knew you'd sell out of the iconics tier reward. Oh well, full color book HOoooooo!

Dreamscarred Press

Endzeitgeist wrote:
Congrats on reaching your goal this mindbogglingly fast!


Endzeitgeist wrote:
What does the DSP premier customer status entail?

Currently, a 10% discount on all products. We're also looking at making some Premier Customer exclusive content / forums.

Dreamscarred Press

We have officially surpassed the $4000 goal! We will be doing the introductory adventure!

And I've revealed the $7000 stretch goal - more brand new internal artwork!


Jeremy Smith wrote:

We have officially surpassed the $4000 goal! We will be doing the introductory adventure!

And I've revealed the $7000 stretch goal - more brand new internal artwork!

Congratulations on your success, Jeremy! I just might have to join in on this after my wallet recovers from the Reaperapocoplyse.

The thing I'm mostly interested in is improved interior artwork. I've always thought that Psionics Unleashed could use some nicer artwork and if the first 12 hours are any indication, you wouldn't be short on funds to make it happen!

@ Jeremy Smith - Is the Psionic Bestiary, when completed, going to include ALL the monsters in the Psionics Unleashed book?

I only bring this up because on the Kickstarter page it indicates that only Astral Constructs, Astral Swarms, and Psicrystals will be in Ultimate Psionics.

Dreamscarred Press

@Weren - Good question. Yes, it will.

Shiny! :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Posting for the dot and to remind myself that I need to scrape together the cash for this one after Dungeon-a-Day and Reaper drained my entire non-Paizo RPG budget till November or so.

Come on guys, $9 to the 5k goal. Dig deep!

Edit: Ha! And as I was posting this it pushed over the mark, awesome.

Jeremy you seem determined to keep waving the shiny trinket in front of my nose to entice me to take the plunge into psionics...

Congrats on funding in under a day, well deserved. You guys truly are the closest thing Pathfinder has to an official release for Psionics, and you have certainly owned it in that sense. Where as my wallet currently hates me after Rappan Athuk and Reaper (not to mention a few other choice projects)...I have a feeling I might be jumping on this later into the project...

Dreamscarred Press


And yes, we have broken $5000 in funding! That means we'll be upgrading all artwork in the book to full color.

That also means I get to reveal the $8000 stretch goal - a new playable race, the forgeborn. Who are the forgeborn, you might ask? Intelligent, psionic constructs. But if you want to see the Forgeborn in Ultimate Psionics, we have to reach $8,000!

Grand Lodge

Curse you Jeremy, I'm not raising my pledge again! Twice is enough!

Dreamscarred Press


Sounds like we need to get the word out! Because I've got lots more shiny things to add!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any chance of Hero Lab files for the classes and races as a stretch goal? I'm using Hero Lab and D20 Pro for online gaming and my guys wanna do psionics. I've pledged 100 bucks and am looking forward to the book, no matter what, but wanted to throw it out there!

Dreamscarred Press

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's one of our stretch goals, yes. :)

Thanks Jeremy! Now that Hero Lab is on the Mac, I plan for it to be my go to character creation tool and I love your psionics tsuff. Can't wait to see it all in a nice fat hardback!

Starfinder Superscriber

So Mr. Smith, for the iconics that we get to produce, are we limited by the races in the ultimate psionics or can we use other races (Changlings, etc)?

One of you with the iconics better make Bakran the Uniter, the blue tactician who led his tribe of non-blue goblins through hivemind-esque abilities.

Dark Archive

And another stretch goal reached.

Dreamscarred Press

DJEternalDarkness wrote:
So Mr. Smith, for the iconics that we get to produce, are we limited by the races in the ultimate psionics or can we use other races (Changlings, etc)?

I'll have to get back to you on that, but I believe our plan was for any core or psionic race.

Dreamscarred Press

Wow, the $6000 goal has been reached! So the book will now have Psionic Items of Legend included! We're working on an extra bonus to the $200+ backers, since that was part of that reward tier, that will be automatically included.

And the $9000 goal has been revealed - Advanced Races treatment for all the races in the book!

When we say ULTIMATE, we mean ULTIMATE!

Check it out and support the Ultimate Psionics kickstarter!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Ultimate Races treatments? Forgeborn? I'm honestly getting worried now Jeremy. Do you really seriously expect to have this all done by February? If you called it a GenCon 2013 release I'd still be wary of all this.

Dreamscarred Press

Advanced Races treatment is already underway for the Advanced Psionic Races project. :) The full elan work-up is in Alpha, the half-giant will be entering playtesting next month (likely). The forgeborn we've been bandying back and forth for a while and already have ready mechanically, this was just to fund the additional artwork needed for adding it in. :)

Jeremy - The poster that's being offered as an add-on (or just included at $200+), I take it that's of the Wayne Reynolds cover that's going to be produced?

What?... My posting of the question here instead of on the Kickstarter page has no ulterior motives. I'm certainly not trying to drum up more interest, nope, not me... hey, look over there!

Why Cavian, certainly you only have everyone's best interests in mind! :)

@ Jeremy - Maybe you can get Paizo to mention the Kickstarter in their Blog?

Weren Wu Jen wrote:
Why Cavian, certainly you only have everyone's best interests in mind! :)

Clearly! All though in this instance I am also genuinely curious.

Dreamscarred Press

So let me be frank here (well, really I'm Jeremy, but anyway).

The cover artwork is not going to be Wayne unless we get one of those $1000 pledges OR we hit one of our higher stretch goals. He's just that expensive - and deservedly so - that to make sure we're not losing money on the project, that's how it had to work out.

However, we have already contacted an artist to do the cover - who, as long as he's willing, will hopefully do some interior artwork as well, and who I think will produce a great cover. I've already asked him about doing a poster-sized graphic for the cover graphic and he's on board.

IF we hit our Wayne Reynolds stretch goal OR we get one of those top-tier rewards sold, we'll be commissioning Wayne to do the cover which will also serve as the poster.

That being said, at the current rate we're going, we're PROBABLY going to hit that stretch goal. But it's by no means a guarantee.

Dreamscarred Press

And in related news - we have broken through the $7,000 stretch goal!

That means more interior artwork!

We are shuffling the later goals around, so I don't have the $10,000 stretch goal to announce, but should have that tomorrow morning!

Now, on to the forgeborn!

Jeremy Smith wrote:
So let me be frank here (well, really I'm Jeremy, but anyway).

Hi Frank (Jeremy)! That's awesome either way, let's keep on chuggin' while I find ways to scrape up more money to contribute!

Jeremy Smith wrote:
However, we have already contacted an artist to do the cover - who, as long as he's willing, will hopefully do some interior artwork as well, and who I think will produce a great cover. I've already asked him about doing a poster-sized graphic for the cover graphic and he's on board.

Is it who I think it is? If so, good choice!

Get ENWorld to put this on their front page for News Headlines, that should drum up some pledges.

Also, I am sure the guy you have on tap is a solid artist...but I really want Wayne tackling that. Other than my selfish reasons for such, just think of the upside, your book sitting next to all those Paizo Pathfinder books on the shelf, with the same style and quality of art on the cover, this would do nothing but increase purchases.

Dreamscarred Press

I've sent them a notice about it - hopefully it will be up tomorrow.

It'll also be advertised on d20pfsrd starting in September. :)

OK I am in for $50.

I don't know why but when I log in at Dreamscarred website all I get is a white screen. It worked fine till I logged in. If there is anything you can do on your side to help.

Dreamscarred Press

Well that's strange.

Is that in IE or Firefox or another browser? Because it only seems to be you.

Starfinder Superscriber

Hey could I throw out an artist to contact for artwork if you haven't already done so? Raven Mimura would frankly be awesome for this.

After this book is released, I walk into my FLGS and this book is sitting on the shelf, is this copy black and white or full color?

Dreamscarred Press

Gambit wrote:
After this book is released, I walk into my FLGS and this book is sitting on the shelf, is this copy black and white or full color?

Black and white.

DJEternalDarkness - I'll check him out.

Dreamscarred Press

Alright, I've posted up the $10,000 stretch goal - Hero Lab and PC Gen files! And I'm putting a caveat in that since this is something we've never done before (we've had volunteers kindly do some of it for us on Psionics Unleashed), we may not have it available at the same time as the finished book.

But, we will create them and get them to everybody who gets the PDF!

Thanks Jeremy, muight just have to up my 100 dollar pledge!

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