Acrobatics - Keep that dead horse right there!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

... I'm gonna beat it!

From a strictly mechanical point of view, what's up with Acrobatics and Medium/Heavy Armor?

I'm playing a Barbarian character (a long shanks, half-orc - though anyone with base move 30 (and fast movement will do).

He's got STR 18, wearing +2 Rhino Hide (ACP of -1), he's got the Armor Expert trait. His adjust movement is 30 (down from 40).

So, then we got the Dwarf Crash Test dummy... over here. Wearing Full Plate. We all know the drill.

There's a bad guy in front of them and they need to attempt to tumble past (Acrobatics).

You would think that "tyically":

Non-Class Skill
Weight of Armor (affecting Load, if it places you into medium of heavy)
ACP affecting the roll
Moving only half speed

Would be enough to deter the "unable" or unsuited (no pun) from attempting this.

Why in Heaven's name would you need to call out merely "wearing medium or heavy armor" as a disqualification?

So, back to specifics:

Half-Orc, Barbarian/Rogue 2/4, Acrobatics +10, +2 Rhino Hide (medium), Move 30, ACP 0, Light Load

Dwarf, Fighter 6, Acrobatics +1, +2 Full Plate (heavy), Move 20 (slow and steady, it's in the name people!), ACP -n, Medium Load

Why would it make sense that the Dwarf (I'm contesting the RAW, so please don't say RAW) would be able to attempt the action - at full speed... While the Half-Orc can't even TRY at half-speed?

Any official types want to knock this one down?

PS: I built a quasimodo/darkman type character, so when I found this out... oh, I was steamed. :)

the difference is that you are hampered, even if you're faster from the beginning, you can't use your normal movement (because of whatever reason) and act hampered and thus can't dodge effectively.

However if you really got a concept around a very nimble fighter using medium armor (Why not make it mithral?), the I would allow acrobatics as a GM.
Rule0 is not for nothing.

Good point, but that's what medium load (weight of armor, encumbered) and ACP (freedom of movement, or lack there of) and moving at half speed are for.

This seems redundant or gratuitous.

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And, please don't get me wrong... this isn't about the Dwarf. Dwarf is as Dwarf does.

I'm just saying the "no medium/heavy" armor requirement should either state "because ACP and Load penalties just aren't enough" or be removed.

If Carrying Capacity is broken, then we should either adjust the capacities, so that wearing armor does effectively place you in a medium load status or increase the weights of armor.

Another thing lost... "Evasion". Has to be in Light Armor. Why? Apply the ACP to the Reflex Save, require them to be in Light Load status. A big thug type rogue who multi-classes and wears medium armor or just carries a lot of big weapons, has ACP and may place himself into the Medium Load range. Losing Evasion.

I'm not trying to suggest scope or power creep. Just trying to get the basic components of the game which already exist (and seem to work nicely) to be more universal and less arbitrary (seeming).

On a Random thought, is this a vestigial throwback to old school Magical Armor, where it weighed "half as much", and therefore broke Carrying Capacity?

Reflex save in itself is... odd. Shoot an arrow at an unawares person, they're flat footed. However... people are shockingly good at dodging things they can't see.

It is surprisingly hard to hit a triceratops with a lightning bolt.

Sekret_One wrote:

Reflex save in itself is... odd. Shoot an arrow at an unawares person, they're flat footed. However... people are shockingly good at dodging things they can't see.

It is surprisingly hard to hit a triceratops with a lightning bolt.

Those aren't horns, they're built in lightning rods

Actually, medium/heavy armor does not prevent the use of Acrobatics to tumble past a foe. Having your speed reduced by such armor is what prevents it. So if your speed is not reduced by it, such as mithril medium, 5th or 7th level fighters, or dwarves in general, you can.

And evasion does not require light armor. Rogue evasion does. Rangers can evade in medium.

@Tal - Excellent points, I appreciate it. My faith is restored.

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