How much does this magic weapon cost?


A guided morningstar +1 should cost 8308gp to buy, correct?

The formula being Base item (8) + Masterwork (300) + (+1 bonus) + (guided +1 bonus) squared x 2000?

4 x 2000 = 8000 + 308 = 8308, right?

I think I might be wrong because I thought I saw a higher quote somewhere else. But if I was wrong knowing WHY I was wrong would be most important.

The Formula is correct. What does Guided?

"A weapon with the guided property allows its wielder to use his instinct when striking blows with it. Attacks from a guided weapon generally don’t strike hard, but they strike at precisely the right moment to maximize damage if in the hands of a particularly wise wielder. A character who attacks with a guided weapon modifies his attack rolls and weapon damage rolls with his Wisdom modifier, not his Strength modifier.

This modifier to damage is not adjusted for two-handed weapons or off-hand weapons—it always remains equal to the wielder’s Wisdom modifier. A guided weapon may be wielded as a normal weapon, using Strength to modify attack and damage rolls, but this goes against the weapon’s nature and imparts a –2 penalty on all attack rolls made in this manner." apon-property---guided

Oh man, a TWF ranger with huge wisdom dual weilding guided weapons would be hilarious. All Con and Wis, toss a level of monk that looses flurry cause it's not gonna stack with twf... Lol.

Anyway, +1 guided (guided being a +1 bonus) means that the weapon is priced like a +2 weapon. So 8000. Having the squared thing is kinda unnecessary, and some people that suck at math (like me) might mess it up and get the price wrong.

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