Bandavaar the Brave |

Hang in there buddy and who knows; maybe you WILL inspire some new fire in your old GMs.
Maybe man, mayyyyyyybe.
I've got one up on you though; Highest I've reached is level 6 because of this. :p
If you ever saw my thread about a character in my campaign, going out of his way to bully another character....or a character who always likes to punch other characters in the face, the op is the player behind that. XD
Still, he did rugby tackle a pugwampi's through a floor once. Good times!

Mark Hoover |

Its always the quiet ones eh BtB?
Well we could probably hijack this thread for days going off on moments where our games got derailed, but lots of people have dotted this so I for one vote we get back to traps and puzzles.
So Brave one, what kinds of puzzles/traps will you set in your new game?
I'm going to be adding a new inhaled poison: Shrieker Dust
The weaponized spores of a shrieker mingled with certain gasses are just as effective an alarm as the fungus itself.
Type inhaled; Save Fort DC 13
Frequency 1/round for 4 rounds
Initial Effect Deafness; Secondary effect 1d2 Wis damage
Cure: 2 consecutive saves
Upon inhalation the victim feels their throat begin to constrict. If the initial save is missed the victim begins screaming at the top of their lungs and speech comes only in shouts; what's worse is that the poisonous dust changes the timbre of their voice to a ridiculous high-pitched squeal (think helium). During this time the victim can hear little else. The poison then begins to work on the mind, causing horrible visions and bringing many more reasons to continue the shrieking.