Build for Staff Warrior


Shadow Lodge

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I am working on a PFS character who is a master of staff fighting. The concept came from Kilik in Soul Caliber. Kilik is a monk but I am not dead set on it. Here is what I know so far:
He is Tian (I has a neat Boon Sheet to let me have any one eastern trait)
He uses a staff or a Bo Staff (have another boon sheet for proficiency with any one eastern weapon)
He is a master with his staff. He never uses another weapon and is brutal with the one he has.
He doesn't wear full plate but might wear lighter armors. He is agile.

I am debating between a monk and a fighter. Both seem appropriate in some ways and poor in others (thematically speaking). Any other classes (or multiclass ideas) are welcome. Please list any feats/traits that might help as well. Thanks for any ideas!

Edit: I forgot to mention, Kilik is also a hunter/purifier of evil. Inquisitor or Paladin maybe?

I would suggest monk for all the kung fu goodness, with the weapon adept archtype. or maybe even the Staff Magus Archetype.

Lore Warden Fighter, or Weapon Master Fighter, or a Fighter/Monk hybrid, I think the ultimate combat might be useful for you, so many monk-related feats.

Staff Magus because:
1.)You can pull of those lightning/flame attacks from Soul Calibur.

2.)Kilik knows Magic(at least thats how I remember it)

3.)It´s simply the most powerfull choice

Shadow Lodge

While I appreciate the Staff Magus, I decided against because I am not looking for a Gish. While the thundering/flaming attacks idea is crazy neat in my area the magus/monk has been done to death.

I should have clarified earlier but my thought is to make him a strong, melee/maneuver guy who might have a little super natural power. I am considering Djinni Style... not sure. Are there styles that don't have to have an empty hand? I want him to be a main line fighter.

Right now I am leaning towards the Lore Warden or the martial artist. Any thoughts?

Druid/monk works well. Flurry with shillelagh is pretty solid.

Weapon adept monk is good

Monk/Inquisitor/Fighter is also strong

Sohei gives weapon mastery at 6th (its like a fighter monk cross)and with gloves of dueling thats +3 hit and damage which is better then weapon adept monk and saves feats the martial artist would need to specialize and better makes you a master of ALL staff weapons.

Suggest the bludgeoner feat for subdual paired with enforcer feat to demoralize said thunder struck opponents. Get intimidate as a class skill using a trait.

Dazzeling Display for the splendo show.

After 6 levels top of with rogue (scout archetype perhaps, acrobat might fit for kilik or my preference thug) and get sap adept and sap master.

Means hit someone with staff = demoralized + damage + double sneak attack + sneak attack dice + sickened.

Actually maybe 1st level should be rogue... then sohei, then rest rogue.
Minor and Major magic should be able to mimic some of his few special manuvers and when you get dispelling strike you can add a targeted dispel to the above hit.

You should take a look at wood oracle it has some neat abilities even with a 1 or 2 level dip.

- A revelation to get bonuses with wood weapons, which applies to the stafflike weapons
- Shillelagh spell
- a revelation to create temporary wood weapons
- generally spellcasting abilities which give a lot of options.

Shadow Lodge

I don't think druid is what I am going for. spells and animal companions are things I really want(though shillelagh would be awesome). The weapon adept would be great but can't use the Perfect Strike doesn't work with Bo Staff. I love the idea of a monk/inquisitor or monk/inquisitor/fighter but have no idea how it would look. any recommendation (such as what classes at what level)?

@insaneogeddon I admit, Sohei is a strong option. I didn't think of it because of the horse stuff but even without using that it is sweet. Do you know, can that monk wear the armor they are proficient in or do they have to choose between armor and wisdom bonus/flurry still?
I don't think I am going to go rouge or bludgeoner. It doesn't fit my vision for what kilik is like. It is a great idea just not the flavor I want.

@Umbranus I have looked at the oracle but doesn't seem like a good dip. If I didn't straight it would be powerful but most of the abilities seem to need to be levels up to be really effective. Sigh, still want shillelagh though...

The rogue/ninja dip is only way that has a use for staff twirling and gets a nasty stun type jab when you staff strike (ki weapon adds stunning to the mix).

No armour and wis to AC i'm afraid.

As for a monkish inquisitor:

Inquisitor to Iori (get unarmed strike) SpellKiller Inquisition with the Spellbreaker archetype. 1st Judgement Surge, 3rd Power Attack 5th Pushing Assault (for that push back effect he gets in the game), 7th StepUp (you will now be a horror to casters). If you dip go just 3 levels of fighter with Weapon Master Archetype. The spells and abilities of an Inquisitor are VERY sweet though.

Monastic Legacy feat (now you just need to find a dip that gives you still mind)

The Tactical feats i avoided: they are good in melle but don’t suit the character, he isn’t the sort to specialize in attacking like a pack of coward gang bangers.

Shadow Lodge

Thanks insaneogeddon. I went back and looked at the rogue and your right. It would probably make the best staff wielder build. But it still doesn't fit the idea I am going for. I think I may tuck that away for a future character though. Also, thanks for the inquisitor build. It would also be great. But I can't use bane with both sides of the staff. Do you think that will matter in the long run?

Here is my current build. Any opinions or ideas? I have a few feat slots left that I don't know what to fill with. I wish Elemental Fist wasn't so high level, or was a bonus feat for monks... Oh well. I am thinking about extra KI at later levels. Any recommendations?

Kali Yuga (kilik)
Human Sohei Qinggong Monk/Weapon Master Fighter
Str 15(2), Dex 14, Con 12, Wis 14, Int 10, Cha 11

Level Feats
Weapon Master Toughness, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Sohei Qinggong Improved Grapple
Weapon Master Improved Bullrush, FEAT
Sohei Qinggong Dodge
Weapon Master Lunge
Sohei Qinggong
Weapon Master Weapon Specialization, Greater Bull Rush
Sohei Qinggong
Sohei Qinggong Quick Bull Rush
Sohei Qinggong Improved Trip
Sohei Qinggong FEAT
Sohei Qinggong

I haven't picked traits yet. I have a boon for any one trait from the dragon primer, but I can always save it. Any recommendations?

Shadow Lodge

Hello again. I tried this guy out and then I tried a Paladin variant out. Had a lot more fun with the Paladin (minus some "that's Evil" disputes). I really want to multiclass into both. Not using Unarmed Strike so the feats available won't help. Any advice? I am considering a half elf that looks more human. My final build is up will be locked so I won't get a chance to change anything after this. I would love some advice.

Society Character:
Kali Yuga
Race: Human?
Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization are important in my mind because of how much he has mastered the Bo Staff. He should Also have maximum possible attacks per round.

Any suggestions for combining the two most MAD classes in the game?

Shadow Lodge

To late to hit the edit button. Weapon Focus and specialization is important but not mandatory. But I would like to have a mechanical way of showing his mastery of the Bo Staff.

Shadow Lodge

No Help? Is a Paladin Monk just a bad idea? I thought it would be a cool, character but I am struggling to make it work. Any ideas?

As you said Monk/Paladin would be incredibly mad .Pick a Class you like and stick with it. For your concept a paladin of Irori might work.Or you play pure Sohei. Or Weapon Master Monk.Or Asimar Fighter.Combining all those classes won´t give you the payoff you might expect.

Scarab Sages

Or wait until Paths of Prestige, the new pathfinder book with a Paladin/Monk prestige class.

Shadow Lodge

There is a Prestige class for Paladin/Monks??? Holy crap! I have to see that. Do you have any information on it?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

It's called Champions of Irori, and it is in the Paths of Prestige book which is being released on 8/23. If you go to the discussion thread on that book in the Paizo store, you can find out more about it.

Shadow Lodge

*Drool* Right, I am gonna have to wait until this book comes out to see how wonderfully this works. Thanks all.

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