Creating a skeleton Rule question

Rules Questions

So I have a player in my game who has been doing research into the undead. He has spent a good amount of gold to fund this research and is now working at creating a variant skeleton. The party has just killed an ogre mage and he decided this would make a good first case for creating a Bloody Skeleton variant. I have been going over the skeleton template rules and most of it is very straight forward. Now the one part I am having trouble with is the Natural Armor bonus. The skeleton template keeps all the base stats and stuff of the base creature except where noted. Under the Natural armor you look at the size (large) and it says Natural Armor Bonus +2. Now does this mean the ogre mages skeleton would have a +2 natural armor OR is that +2 on top of the normal +5 natural armor that an ogre mage normally has?

It is a flat +2, not an additional +2.

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