DM Immortal |

Well actually i first need to know exactly where the point of origin is of the web. Jamba, where exactly did the spell go off?
After that, I will decide what the creature will do should the previous action not have been possible.

Jamba Mumbata |

The wall at the top of the 1 on C 13. Without coordinates on the map, it is hard to explain. I am sorry I did not explain it better than for it to go off to be one square from the captain and then to the door by Jamba. It is a 20' radius. Jamba did it to keep him from charging or attacking in melee this round. Thanks GM Immortal.

Horatio Flynn |

Flynn: I wouldn't burn the web. It is a safety net for the Captain. The creature will have to squeeze in the hallway. Surely, you and Amen can kite it?
Well, to be fair, I wouldn't burn the web; but Amen-set might. At this point she would rather burn the entire place to the ground because she's not happy that they nabbed Dhaavan, but I'm not entirely sure what will happen next.
For now she'll likely hold action until after the others have gone, though - realistically - if the cat is in the web, it will not only take damage from the Produce Flame attack, but it should also take damage from the burning web - and that alone might be able to slay it.
But, for now, she'll likely hold action to see what the others do...
GM: Is the door going south from the stairwell into C:15 supposed to be locked or shut or something? It has a somewhat different icon, so I wasn't sure if it could be moved through.

Horatio Flynn |

Well actually i first need to know exactly where the point of origin is of the web. Jamba, where exactly did the spell go off?
After that, I will decide what the creature will do should the previous action not have been possible.
GM: Given that in some situations (especially on larger maps) that issues like spell effects and radius issues can come into play, any chance we can get a "Coordinate Grid" somewhere? So we could (theoretically) say something like - "I will fix the origin point at A:15" (or something) to make it a bit less confusing?
No worries, now, of course; it's just a suggestion for the future :)
Meanwhile, the cat is still penalized via the Aura of Wrath, so there is that - for what it's worth...
That said, if the cat is stuck in the webbing and would likely to cheerfully surrender as its action, I'm pretty sure we won't protest ;)

Horatio Flynn |

With the DNC and a few people off work, this is likely to be a long week for me. I still plan to try to update every day (probably starting tomorrow), but if I miss a day, that's why.
Have a good week :)

DM Immortal |

JAmba, it looks like you couldn't hit that point from your position, you'd need to be in the square 1 north to do it. I'll allow the spell to go where you want if you 5' step into the doorway.

Rain Taneththir |

Fort save 1 d20+8 fail
Fort save 2 d20+8 fail
Variel, you forgot to add +2 to your recent checks for your bonus from Bear's Endurance. Just a FYI.

Rain Taneththir |

Rain that's fine you can do that but be aware that he may attack you next round.
Not sure what is fine: easily walking Variel out of room or having to forcefully drag him back 5ft? If you could clarify that would be great and I can then place the tokens in the correct place if needs be. And I realise about making herself a possible target in his confusion next round if he fails his save and makes that confusion action roll.
Thanks, Immortal for your IM. So if Rain can readily walk Variel out into the corridor, then she will go into Total Defense for her standard action, raising her AC to 28 for 1 round. Thanks.

Rain Taneththir |

Variel can you NPC the kamadan to keep next round rolling?
Immortal, Variel is away on his family vacation with spotty wi-fi until Monday your time. I don't think he'll be free to npc the Kamadan.

Horatio Flynn |

Rain – here are some questions I had hoped to get answers for via this combat.
1. Concerning the critical hit –
Did it confirm, and if it did, is the Cat dead?
From what I’ve re-read so far, Horatio initially did 14 damage to it, the Archon did another 6 damage to it – Horatio hit it again for another 14 damage (assuming it doesn’t confirm; if it does, that’s a whole different issue for a lot more damage) so that’s already at least 34 damage before a potential crit, if that helps?
2. The Pistol Horatio is using is his “Signature Item” (for the new players, the Signature Items are special items we have with magical properties and powers beyond normal items with similar powers).
That said, even Mundane Spells that require a d20 roll to hit do extra damage if a natural 20 is made to hit an enemy (like Dhaavan's Scorching Ray, earlier).
But, to be fair, I'm not really sure how that works for this item and critical hits. That said - does the fire damage for Horatio’s Signature Item confirm, too?
3. Via your recent IM to me you suggested that the GM told you that if Horatio is walking through the place where Amen-set had threw the Produce Flame spell already and that Horatio has to suffer fire damage.
In my defense, since the Book says that a Flaming Weapon passes through the Web Spell “Like Cobwebs” I assumed Amen-set’s “Produce Flame” spell would have cut through all the webbing it passed through on the way to the far wall, hence Horatio’s actions. However, the IM is suggesting that this isn’t the case.
While I don’t really understand why that is, can you please tell me how much damage is Horatio going to have to suffer and what is Reflex Save he needs to make to take Half Damage?
If there is no Save he’ll just take the damage.
4. This whole thing with how the web is working is pretty confusing and a bit frustrating at this point – can’t Jamba just Dispell it as a Free Action or something, as it was his spell so we don’t have to worry about these complications?
Finally, I just want to say thank you so much for the responses – I really appreciate the fact that you’re taking the time to do answer my questions :)

Rain Taneththir |

1. Flynn, this is in regard to the web spell: The strands of a web spell are flammable. A flaming weapon can slash them away as easily as a hand brushes away cobwebs. Any fire can set the webs alight and burn away one 5-foot square in 1 round. All creatures within flaming webs take 2d4 points of fire damage from the flames.
Since Amen tossed the flame (from her previous Produce Flame spell) at the webbing this current round at a 45 deg angle from doorway down toward/past C:13, I'm really not sure how that will work so they can move past the webbing at the doorway and Flynn can move to his current position without fire damage or being stuck in the unburnt webbing. I'm going to let Immortal adjudicate on this as you are right it is confusing.
* Regarding the fire damage of Amen's flame attack on the Kamadan, the maximum damage is 1d6+5 fire damage. Where did the additional +1 come from? (You can strike an opponent with a melee touch attack, dealing fire damage equal to 1d6 + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Alternatively, you can hurl the flames up to 120 feet as a thrown weapon. When doing so, you attack with a ranged touch attack (with no range penalty) and deal the same damage as with the melee attack). So the creature only takes 10 fire damage instead of 11 unless Amen has some extra special bonus I am unaware of.
2. Flynn has a +1 Flaming Revolver (his signature item/boon from GM). Regarding the fire damage, it does not multiply on a crit (From SRD: Additional Damage Dice: Some magic weapons deal additional dice of damage. Unlike other modifiers to damage, additional dice of damage are not multiplied when the attacker scores a critical hit.)
* The Lantern Archon. Since the Kamadan failed its WILL save last round, then this comes into effect: Aura of Menace: -2 penalty on attacks, AC and saves for 24 hours or until there is a successful hit on the Archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by the same archon's aura for 24 hours. So, I'm unsure why it is trying to affect the Kamadan again this round when the previous aura is still in effect? Bonuses and Penalties from the same source do not stack unless they explicitly state that they do. In this case the source is the same, Aura of Menace, so I don't believe they would stack. I will not be rolling a new WILL save at this stage because of this. Immortal may decide otherwise, if I'm mistaken on the stacking. Thanks.

Rain Taneththir |

Jamba moves into the room 10' directly North of the Osirion woman. He hexes the cat with misfortune. DC 21 Will
Clarifying, please? That part of the web remains intact as far as the ruling on one five-foot square a round goes and Amen tossed her flame at a 45 deg angle from her initial position by the door. So the square you're moving into would still have the webbing intact, yes, according to Amen's narration of the effect? If I'm mistaken, I apologise... but I'm uncertain at this stage how the fire/flame is moving down through the web (toward the Kamadan) this round.

Horatio Flynn |

1. Flynn, this is in regard to the web spell: The strands of a web spell are flammable. A flaming weapon can slash them away as easily as a hand brushes away cobwebs. Any fire can set the webs alight and burn away one 5-foot square in 1 round. All creatures within flaming webs take 2d4 points of fire damage from the flames.
Well, to clarify - when the flame moves through the web, the web burns away like cobwebs - that should mean that every place she put the produce flame should burn up instantly, and the adjacent spaces to the left and right (or top and bottom in this case) should have burned up in the 5 Foot Squares per round thing.
As for the rules for burning 5 Feet per round - in every game I've played in the past that ruling is typically applied to things like someone carrying a torch and using it to burn the side of the web. As in - once you touch the outer corner of the web, it begins to burn and the entire web will burn up in the 5 foot squares a time because it prevents First Level players from negating the relative power of a Web Spell simply by carrying a torch.
The point is - the Produce Flame should have cut through the web like cobwebs leaving no webs behind it.
2. Regarding Amen-set's damage on the cat - Amen-set has a special, GM bonus regarding her Damage. This same type of bonus that is undisclosed in the spell description was one of the reasons I asked about the Revolver fire damage multiplying - in case there was something I was missing or some extra detail from the GM about its relative power.
3. As for the Lantern Archon - actually, I wasn't using the Aura of Wrath on the Cat - I was using it on the female caster that was threatening the party (located between Jiro and Dhaavan). She is an enemy and will also have to make the save - if she fails it, it effects her attacks and saves as well. So, for example, as she's being held she can't attempt an Escape Artist check to get out without a penalty.
As of now I still need to get the fire damage that I guess I need to take for Horatio, because he already moved and already attacked and rolled damage with the natural 20 and the confirmation roll.
Okay, got to go to work. See you when I get back, and thanks again for all your help taking care of things, I really appreciate it! :)

Rain Taneththir |

Flynn: The female apothecary/caster is in the other room with Jiro, Dhaavan, Adular and Adistan. I don't believe the Aura of Menace works through walls or a closed door?

Horatio Flynn |

Flynn: The female apothecary/caster is in the other room with Jiro, Dhaavan, Adular and Adistan. I don't believe the Aura of Menace works through walls or a closed door?
Not sure about the effect going through walls, but I had the Lantern Archon teleport on its last turn to the square just below C:15 (I believe C:15 is a table, but I could be wrong, I'm honestly not sure, but my assumption was that the brown lines/grids were tables)).
The "Archon" icon is just a little white ball, but on the map you should be able to see it 2 squares to the right of Tristan, I believe.
On Amen-set's last turn I had her direct the Archon as a Free Action and then, on the Archo's turn it teleported to that space and shot the Cat with its 2 beams of energy (both hit, I believe) and that was the total of 6 damage but the Caster was in the radius of the Wrath at that point.
Amen-set then threw the Flame via "Produce Flame" via her Standard Action and then held her move action - Horatio moved down what I thought was an alley through the webbing (still not sure how that works) then turned and fired at the Cat through the -4 penalty of Cover and I believe it confirmed - then Amen-set took her Move Action to move down the "alley" to make sure that if the web was completely destroyed she could "block" the Cat from a possible Charge at Rain (though I think there is a "Corner" on the map that may prevent the Cat from Charging, but I'm not sure specifically).
Anyway, I know it's really confusing at this point and I really apologize for that. I'm honestly not trying to be more complicated then need be and I will accept the burning Damage if Horatio endures it for moving, but at this point I don't know how much damage was done.
Okay - sorry for the lengthy response, but I wanted to try to sum things up more clearly.
Again, thanks for all your help with this, I really appreciate it :)

Rain Taneththir |

Then I would be 5ft behind her. I thought it was burned away.
I don't believe that square is free of web either, Jamba (from Amen's narrative about the 45 deg angle direction from the doorway). Looking to see what Immortal says.
Can we not just set the remaining web on fire (or not: leaving it inside the remaining web) and then shut the Kamadan inside this room? I mean the creatures were shut in before we got there and opened the doors ... Is it imperative we fight and kill it?

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back from vacation and slightly confused (pun intended)...
Does Variel need to make another confusion check for round 3 or is it not his turn yet?

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Thanks Rain.
Oh and the saves were at -2 because I was sickened already. Thanks for trying to get me out of there.
Jamba thanks for the web preventing the pounce.

DM Immortal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah the web was a good idea Jamba. Definitely prevented me from annihilating your captain...curse you!!! ;-)

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Hey Variel still had a chance with high AC and 4 images left from mirror image. And if I got to attack I would have been attacking him back.
Still thanks a bunch Jamba.

Rain Taneththir |

When I looked at the map this morning, Jamba was in the room, so my apologies, as I don't know what happened there as there were retcons.

Jamba Mumbata |

When I looked at the map this morning, Jamba was in the room, so my apologies, as I don't know what happened there as there were retcons.
No problem Rain. I'll have my laptop back this weekend. That will let me move my token. I've been posting on my phone for two weeks! The phone doesn't allow interaction with the map. :(

Horatio Flynn |

GM Immortal: I doubt it has been an hour and a half in here. Jamba still has see invisibility up. I didn't want it to be a surprise.
Jamba; to be fair, I believe this is has been less than 30 seconds.
If I'm not mistaken, this is still only Round 3.

DM Immortal |

Jamba, thanks for that! I had forgotten about it, wouldnt matter with positioning of everything up until this round. That said, you may have a chance to see something so give me a perception check.

DM Immortal |

Also just an fyi, rain, variel, and neko I had to move you back 5' because Amen was on the same square as you on the other map for some reason and you were occupying the same space. Everyone should be in the right position now though.

Rain Taneththir |

Variel put Haste on Rain, Neko, Flynn, Amen-set and Jamba and it is still active.
This increases speed by 30 ft to a maximum of twice normal speed. That would mean we would be able to get down those stairs very quickly and be on the lower ground now?

Horatio Flynn |

Variel put Haste on Rain, Neko, Flynn, Amen-set and Jamba and it is still active.
Thank you for the information, Rain, I appreciate it!
I wish I had done a better job remembering that, as it would have likely effected the combat in a good way as I would have been using the extra combat actions/attacks per round (including the bonuses to Attack, AC and certain Saves).
Sorry about that, everyone.
As for Horatio, while it is absolutely true he has positively no interest in pursuing the combat with the Caster upstairs now that his friends are freed, he knows that this place is well-stocked and was well-guarded; therefore he'll use his actions on the ground floor to start looting the place properly before heading out completely.
Horatio and Amen-set are not taking the time to loot Floor One. If I need to make a roll for that, I will. Meantime I'll move both Amen-set and Horatio on the map with the extra 30 feet factored in, now.
Still waiting on the Heads-Up on what the Archon finds in the room upstairs, but that's up to the GM.
Anyhow, thanks again for the reminder, Rain!
Everyone else - Horatio still has the 7 remaining Cure Moderate Potions we took from the guards, and both he and Amen-set can cast cure spells if you need any help. Just let me know, and either of us will do what we can to help.

Horatio Flynn |

Thanks! If anyone has any questions please post on Discussion board. Also, you guys are up! For anyone keeping track of spells and such this is now round 7.
As a huge surprise, I have some questions –
1. What are the results of the Saves?
2. Do we get a general direction that the bombs came from?
To be fair, I don't know how this will turn out, but given the current odds and conditions that Horatio is dealing with, I got to say – I haven’t seen a fight this interesting as this one HERE
That said, as soon as I know the status, I’ll act –

Rain Taneththir |

Is it possible to get out through the window?
All the windows were boarded up when we first arrived and checked over the shop/place. I suppose we'd have to break through the wood if we wanted to escape through the windows or let some air in...

Rain Taneththir |

Immortal, the stairs Variel is on at the moment, do they lead up to the third floor? If they go down, I can't see where they come out on the floor plan of the first floor. Thanks.

Horatio Flynn |

Jamba is trying to get them to an area of safety where they can help from the other side of the fog. He is not sure what all is happening downstairs, but he knows they need help soon!
Thank you :)

Rain Taneththir |

Jamba: Thanks for wanting to get Rain out, but since we were here to rescue Dhaavan, it makes more sense to take him and Variel out as they're the most injured I believe (via HP) and Rain will find her own way out. She's made it almost to the front door anyway and Neko (her cat companion) can use Dimension Door (but only her, no "passengers") and got herself out. :)

Horatio Flynn |

Neko (her cat companion) can use Dimension Door (but only her, no "passengers") and got herself out. :)
Neko needs a Bag of Holding :)

Rain Taneththir |

A bag of holding would be considered 'a touched object' re the spell and Neko is not permitted to take an object or willing people with her when using Dimension Door. Immortal can clarify this, if I'm mistaken. :)

Horatio Flynn |

A bag of holding would be considered 'a touched object' re the spell and Neko is not permitted to take an object or willing people with her when using Dimension Door. Immortal can clarify this, if I'm mistaken. :)
Wait, so Neko can't be wearing things when traveling? What about Neko's clothes as seen in this pic Here ;)

DM Immortal |

Not mistaken rain. No bag of holding shenanigans. Also yes those go up to third floor. Flynn you made all saves except for strength check but amen failed and was knocked prone for reflex.
Will post narrative and more description of events in am. Family over and exhausted so passing out now.

Horatio Flynn |

Flynn you made all saves except for strength check but amen failed and was knocked prone for reflex.
After I see your narrative, I'll post up my formal actions.
Question: I'm really not sure where you wanted Horatio and Amen-set to end up; would it be okay if you could move them on the map for me so I know where they're supposed to be?
Thank you so much, and I hope you have a restful evening!

DM Immortal |

Theyre in the right spots based upon your description of what you guys were doing.