Rain Taneththir |

Just waiting to see what the others have to say about accepting Din Din's offer to go after the relic in exchange for her aid ...
Didn't want to push the rp further until others had a chance to post. :)

Seijiro |


DM Immortal |

lol seems perfect for a priest of Besmara.
Also, just talked to Flynn. He was just really burned out and will be back sunday night/monday once he comes back from a trip. For the time being I will npc him.

Seijiro |

oh - And I will be traveling today and sunday - so don't expect a lot of posts from me during the day - lots of driving... I'll post from my phone when I can and back to the computer at night... saturday we'll be at cousins doing early thksgvg so probably not a lot of posting sat either... i'll do as much as i can. and imm, if you're uncomfortable playing out the entire scene to come, just post what you are comfortable with and the rest we can just assume, lol... whatever works is fine with me.

DM Immortal |

np Seijiro. I didn't want to overstep so I kind of led up and did a fade to black scenario.
Adular sounds good! I like it.

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I like those options Adular!

Rain Taneththir |

Good news re Flynn's return. Hope he has a good weekend.
@Jiro: Safe travels -- and enjoy your early thanksgiving with your cousins, hon.
@Adular: Good choices!

Seijiro |

lol I was actually thinking of taking improved familiar (then improved mythic familiar) for Seijiro, but he's limited to monkey or parrot for familiar, and there isn't an improved monkey or parrot on the list... boo hoo... might've been fun, but now I have other plans... so it's all moot.

Dhaavan |

Looking at picking another new pic...
Thinking this one, or maybe one or Lirianna.
Surprisingly hard to find an avatar that's pale w/black hair and all the bishi, so I'm going with Butch, to try to get the gender-confusing I got going on.

Horatio Flynn |

@Flynn: When I'm back home and at my comp I will reply to the social rp with Amen-set. Sorry for the hold up - very busy day today.
No worries, Rain, take your time. It was meant mainly for flavor/Social RP while we were looking at the next stage of the quest, so it's not formally 'pressing' on us as much as it's just the chance for some fun, exploratory character development. Also, did you like the pic of "Neko at the wheel"? I thought it was purrffect ;)
Dhaavan: I agree with you about the limited avatar selection; it's somewhat frustrating. For what it's worth, whatever you have on your Profile Page as your pic is the one I'll imagine as you :)
GM: Right before the ship ran aground Variel asked for Horatio to fire cannon. Generally this would suggest we'd have a gun-crew at the ready and Horatio'd be on the forward cannon.
For what's happening I'm imagining it will be better if the Gun Crew and random sailors are dismissed below decks. I'm totally cool with having them below decks, but I just wanted to make sure that it didn't need to happen formally "In-game" and that they were already below when I end up taking my action.
Also - I haven't formally updated my character with his special powers and his new "Epic" class feature; my weekend has been busy and I just haven't had time. I'll do my best to get that part up and adjusted as soon as possible. I think you recommended I go "Champion" or possibly "Trickster". I'll be reading over those soon and have the adjustments made as soon as possible.
Meantime, if you'd like to RP the "goodbye" to the Halfling family on the Social Thread with me (and whoever else wants to show up) I'm down. But considering we have two elderly, a child and the child's mother who asked not to be on the ship during combat I figured that getting them safely to a little fishing village or something like that in Bag Island would be a good plan before hard fighting. But just keep me posted on how you'd like to resolve that via a little social RP ret-con, or if you're too busy for that.
Okay, that's pretty much it.
Meanwhile, good hunting!

DM Immortal |

Digging it dhaavan
Flynn, the gun crew can head downstairs after I have Adular do a healing.

Horatio Flynn |

Digging it dhaavan
Flynn, the gun crew can head downstairs after I have Adular do a healing.
Cool! I figured that having them off the main deck for a tango would be the best bet; but I didn't know how long that would take "In-Game".
Also, I'm assuming you're NPCing Adular for now given that he's AFK for a little while?

Horatio Flynn |

GM - I will be at work for the majority of the day today, but I'll try to get home soon to post up my actions as soon as I'm able.
Meanwhile, I hope have everyone has a great day and a Happy Thanksgiving :)

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Morning all. Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it. If not hope your day is still filled with friends and family.

Seijiro |

Leaving on a cruise tomorrow and will be gone a week... will have some limited internet access, but it's never good on board... feel free to bot me as necessary.

DM Immortal |

Sounds good Jiro! Have an absolute blast!
Adular, it's ok it's basically all been combat.

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Question for future engagements...
Can magical walls be created that change dramatically in elevation? I ask as the cannon, steering wheel are higher decks then the main deck. I thought that walls all had to be linear in construction and could not climb a vertical structure to continue the length of a wall. If am fine with it for now as we have to repair the wheel and sails. We have mundane materials that we can set the crew to using with Horatio or Piper making the appropriate check to craft them.
For supply purposes the fire was in effect for 5 turns for a total of 10d4 + 45 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4) + 45 = 70 to the ship and sails, correct?

DM Immortal |

They don't climb but the wall is 20' tall and as such the top portions were over the tops of the next level but no they didn't go up with them. i.e. they were tall enough to get over there but they werent 20' at the top of the ship theyd be like 5' or so tall or something like that

DM Immortal |

Essentially its the same height at the top and the same height at the bottom but as long as their is empty space it can continue

DM Immortal |

Fire was in effect for 7 turns actually so it's a bit more and that is 70 points per square of the ship that the wall was on, that's why the sails burned so fast.

Horatio Flynn |

Fire was in effect for 7 turns actually so it's a bit more and that is 70 points per square of the ship that the wall was on, that's why the sails burned so fast.
Fire Damage on Sailing Ships
When a ship takes fire damage (such as from Alchemist's fire, flaming arrows, certain spells, and other effects at the GM's discretion), it must immediately make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or catch fire. Unless an attack specifically targets a ship's means of propulsion (such as sails), it is assumed that such attacks affect the structure of a ship itself.
Would the Captain or the Pilot be making the Fortitude Save in the future?
Once a ship has caught fire, it automatically takes 2d6 points of fire damage per round (ignoring hardness) as the fire spreads. The ship's crew can attempt to extinguish the flames as a full-round action for the entire crew, allowing the ship to make a Reflex save (DC 15 + the number of rounds the ship has been on fire). A successful saving throw means the fire has been put out. A failed saving throw results in the ship taking the normal 2d6 points of fire damage for the round.
Fire Vs Sails
Sails (including the rigging that controls them) are often weaker than the vessels they propel, though they are relatively easy to repair. Destroying a ship's sails is a good way to capture a vessel. Sails take double the normal damage from acid and fire attacks (multiply the damage roll by 2). Sails gain the broken condition if at least half the squares of sails on a ship are destroyed. If all of a ship's sails are destroyed, the ship can no longer use wind propulsion and must rely on current or muscle propulsion only.
Can the sails be repaired or are they formally destroyed?
Repairing a Ship
The fastest and easiest way to repair a ship is with spells. Mending is not powerful enough to meaningfully affect an object as large as a ship, but make whole affects a ship as if it were a construct, repairing 1d6 points of damage per level. In addition, more mundane methods can also be used to repair ships. Because of their specialized construction, ships (as well as oars and sails) usually require the Craft (ships) skill to repair. Depending on the nature of the damage, skills such as Craft (carpentry) or Craft (sails), or even various Profession skills, can be used to repair ships with the GM's approval. In general, a day's worth of work by a single person using the appropriate skill to repair a ship requires 10 gp of raw materials and a DC 10 skill check, and repairs 10 points of damage on a success, or 5 hit points on a failure. Fabricate can also be used to create the raw material needed for repairs. New oars can be purchased for 2 gp each.
So where does that leave us now?

DM Immortal |

Not sure on who makes the save, or if it makes a save as an object.
Sails are toast and can't currently be repaired.
Repairing the wheel and the minor damage to the hull won't be hard, the sails are your problem. Without replacement sails you aren't going anywhere very fast and you'll be sitting ducks for passing pirates.

Horatio Flynn |

Not sure on who makes the save, or if it makes a save as an object.
Sails are toast and can't currently be repaired.
Repairing the wheel and the minor damage to the hull won't be hard, the sails are your problem. Without replacement sails you aren't going anywhere very fast and you'll be sitting ducks for passing pirates.
I think we used to put an equal portion of loot for the ship's supplies for this kind of thing but I think we stopped doing that, though.
Meantime, how far are those guys swimming from our ship? Could Rain and Variel go after them if they wanted via flying and shoot them down?
I'll happily lend them bows, crossbows or even muskets if they'd like.
Regarding towing the ship to the island to fix it (and towing it off the reef) how long would that take.

DM Immortal |

oh it won't be hard to kill them from the air. I'll just hand wave it and say theyre dead

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I don't know how immortal will rule this but we did purchase supplies for the ship itself but at the time I don't believe that immortal ever asked us to specify the exact allotment of what we bought. We just have materials for the ship. Would it make senses t have at least half of them be for sails if we need to allocate them more in the future?
We have 335 supplies for this reason.

DM Immortal |

Nope no sails for you...maybe it's almost like I'm not so subtly hinting that you might find some among the stuff the wreckers have...that you need to go search through anyway for the relic. ;-P

Horatio Flynn |

I don't know how immortal will rule this but we did purchase supplies for the ship itself but at the time I don't believe that immortal ever asked us to specify the exact allotment of what we bought. We just have materials for the ship. Would it make senses t have at least half of them be for sails if we need to allocate them more in the future?
We have 335 supplies for this reason.
I'd go with replacement sails as well as a replacement mast (most ships had both of them). Those are pretty important things to have, but if we have replacement sails that not only makes sense but it's a good idea.
While we're at it I'd also recommend having at least one "Wand of Create Water" on it. I know it's not really that important typically (as we have people who can cast that) but having an NPC able to put out fires with the wand would mean that our PC's wouldn't have to waste time doing that.
Also, is there a way to get a wand to repair damage to the ship (or maybe some scrolls we could store in the supply locker)? We may be in a posture that we need to repair something fast and can't always wait until tomorrow for one of us to relearn the spell.
Any thoughts?

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Also what type of ship is next to us that the wreckers were on?
By the map pcik it looks like a small ship but with a sail. We can harvest those sails while we use the supplies to craft some more.
Per the player's handout we need a total of 90 squares of sails for full movement with the guidelines of craft sails check at DC 10 with 10gp of raw materials to create 10hp of sails. We can still sail with 45 squares of sail but at half speed with negative modifiers to Rain's piloting skill check but still easily within her ability.

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I understand about searching the wreckers island but this is also important for future scenarios. We should have a system that we as players all understand what our characters can do in a situation as this if our sails get destroyed.
Indeed once the mechanics is decided then the island is the first stop to search for the relic and then the sunken ships as well.

DM Immortal |

in the future you can have general "ship" supplies for repair like masts and sails and such. For now through a clerical error during delivery to your ship from the dockmaster, the spare sails were not included in the shipping. Amazon is sorry for the inconvenience and has sent you a $5 gift card as a token of their appreciation for your business ;-)

Horatio Flynn |

in the future you can have general "ship" supplies for repair like masts and sails and such. For now through a clerical error during delivery to your ship from the dockmaster, the spare sails were not included in the shipping. Amazon is sorry for the inconvenience and has sent you a $5 gift card as a token of their appreciation for your business ;-)
Does anyone else want that $5 gift card? If not, I'll keep that, too :)
Meanwhile, Variel - Ship's Stats can be found here
That has the boat stats - and at this point we have the boat back next to our ship; sadly they don't have sails on it, though; just some bottles of rum.