Horatio Flynn |

9000gp Flynn about there.
As for Harrigan, well once we are back together VAriel will be putting a very strong emphasis on NOT attacking him at all.
Variel - in which case Horatio would also like to bet 7,000 GP on our placing in the top 5 of the race - but he'll go with whatever placement you're betting on, too (as in - if you think we can make top 3, Horatio will also pick top 3, if you're betting we can win this thing, Horatio will put down the 7,000 GP that we win, but I hope we get good odds on that option ;)
As for the plan for not attacking Harrigan?
To be honest, I'm pretty sure that we're going to have to fight him on this race, I mean - it just makes sense that we'll have to fight - even if it's against "The Rules" it's not like we've got the CIA watching every action of every ship during the race with hidden spy cameras ;)
As for advising not to "Shoot First" it's all good; Horatio won't attack the enemy unless he's getting orders from you or Dhaavan.
Variel, more importantly what do you think about the questions to ask re info gathering? Do you have any other questions you want to ask (other than what I posted for Rain)?
Rain - I'm not entirely sure what Variel may think, but I think you did a great job with the questions and the checks!
GM: at this point I'm down for placing a bet and so is Variel.
Other than Rain's questions, I have a few myself that I'd like to know more about - including:
1. The possible discussion with the creme dela creme of the Pirate Lords regarding the possible invasion from Cheliax; and what plan, if any, do the Pirate Lords have for such a threat (especially given that Cheliax is an old enemy and I'm sure they have some kind of plan for defense - but if so; what is it, and what can we learn about it?)
2. Further questions from top minds about the nature of Shanxia, especially as a wedding with important guests is bound to attract attention all over The Shackles, including and possibly assassins looking for an easy target to not only get Variel but also a grand attack to wipe everyone connected to him out
3. Questions for various experts about the mysterious nature of the box that was found with metal from another world/plane
4. Questions regarding the two massive monsters which attacked near us and caused the slow emergence of power - what do we know about those creatures; is there a possible connection to more than just us - is it possible we may see more giant aquatic threats soon (including the race, because if we have to deal with Harrigan AND someone releasing the Kraken, that could be bad news ;)
5. No further RP regarding the dark powers used to bind the creature to Dhaavan, and what the implications might mean for someone with already bound powers such as Adistan.
Also, (and I think more importantly) how the rest of the general populace may see such actions, especially given that if Cheliax is planing on invading how would people see that threat as Cheliax may use similar allies in such an attack (we know there's a big difference between the Abyss and the Inferno - but I'd wager that the "Common Man" may simply see them all as "Demons" and possibly be very wary of any that use such powers, do we have a plan to deal with that suspicion?)
6. Further checks to listen/overhear the other captains and discover what they're up to - not to mention using Diplomacy Checks to try to maybe make some extra allies with other captains we don't know, but could be useful to have as friends later
However, as Horatio has remained on the ship he isn't asking those questions and I've simply done some Social RP trying to help flesh out my character and develop my attempts to justify his growing Charisma by showing a process of him becoming nicer and more of a team player (hopefully).
Also, at this point, given that since Monday morning and today (Thursday morning) we haven't seen any activity from any of the players, I think we're good to go and just waiting to see what you'll show us next!
Specifically - the answers to Rain's checks/questions - the results of the offers to place bets from Variel and Horatio, I'm pretty sure there's nothing left to ask or follow-up on at this point, or it would have already happened :)

Rain Taneththir |

Flynn, at present Rain's only concentrating on gathering as much information as possible about the race and captains/machinations involved in the regatta. In this moment, she isn't concerned about the Chelaxian spies or Shanxian connection. If Dhaavan or Variel would like to pursue those questions (more so forming allies among the other pirate lords and captains), perhaps they may get somewhere as they have a much higher diplomacy check than Rain does. I'm all for using perception to overhear as much conversation around us as we can as we wander among the current captains/crews. Thanks. :)

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Those are excellent questions Rain. The only other one I thought of was...
Are magical means of aiding a ship allowed?
As for future dealings with any pirate lords Variel is not concerned with that yet until we win this race. Then once a seat on the council is obtained then we will have the authority to raise these questions and concerns from a solid footing.

Rain Taneththir |

Thanks, Variel.
Okay, Immortal so with Variel's diplomacy and Rain's aid we have 36 on the check. Not sure what Dhaavan's doing or if he's rolling (I thought he was coming along too - shrugs).
The questions we want to ask during the info gathering are as follows:
* Who is considered the race favourite and why?
* What was the most dangerous thing to happen in last year's regatta?
* Are any captains more like to use underhanded means to win - and which captains are they?
* What section of the course is considered the most dangerous and why?
* Are magical means of aiding a ship allowed?
* Does Harrigan and the Wormwood have any particular ally/allies among the captains in the regatta?

Horatio Flynn |

Rain, as far as I know, Adistan, Dhaavan and Adular all also came (which is a bit disappointing as it would have been fun to do some Social RP with any of them). But at this point it's clear that're just "Holding Action" until they heard answers from the GM to answer your earlier questions, Variel's inquiries about gambling (including putting down Variel's money and my amount, too) and now also Jiro's questions.
I am assume that as soon as we hear the GM's answers then they'll offer some RP.
Meantime - GM - game's to you :)

DM Immortal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ok so you guys are in the top five (Rain's piloting skills have gotten around) you are getting 3-1 odds to place in the top 3, 4-1 to win.
Several ships sunk when they were traversing a particularly dangerous stretch of shoals in sahuagin infested waters.
None in particular.
Once you get into the Eye all bets are off as the storms are incredibly unpredictable.
Yes they are but no teleporting or gating or things like that, nor spells to make you fly but increasing speed is fine.
He has several ships that are known to be allied with him but none of them are thought to be a major threat in the race.

Horatio Flynn |

Ok so you guys are in the top five (Rain's piloting skills have gotten around) you are getting 3-1 odds to place in the top 3, 4-1 to win.
Several ships sunk when they were traversing a particularly dangerous stretch of shoals in sahuagin infested waters.
None in particular.
Once you get into the Eye all bets are off as the storms are incredibly unpredictable.
Yes they are but no teleporting or gating or things like that, nor spells to make you fly but increasing speed is fine.
He has several ships that are known to be allied with him but none of them are thought to be a major threat in the race.
Thanks for the head's up - in that case I'll need at least a night to consider things via the odds, but I'll have something up tomorrow.
See you all soon!

Rain Taneththir |

Thanks, Immortal. I forgot to include some of Jiro's questions. Sigh. Sorry about that, Jiro.
As to Jiro: From the loot spreadsheet, it says you have 7,700 gp.

Rain Taneththir |

Regarding the loot, can we distribute Jamba's share of the recent loot (3272 gp) to the rest of us since his player is no longer in game? And Immortal, what are you planning on doing with Jamba's character? Is he being written out before the race or are you npcing him for a time?

DM Immortal |

So bad news. Adistan (Motteditor) has unfortunately withdrawn from the game. Adistan it was great having you and I'm sorry to see you go.
For the group, do you want to see if anyone you know wishes to join or press on as we are? I think one person additional would help with flow. I'm also considering to see if someone would be willing to assistant GM with me in order to keep things flowing in my crazy state that I'm in. What do you all think?

DM Immortal |

Jamba and Adistan will be NPCs and I'm wondering if instead of eventually writing them out if anyone wanted to take on playing them as secondary pcs or anything like that. Not required at all but wanted to float the option. (Flynn, you're already playing two characters so you're kind of out of this one.)
Again let me know what you think. I had REALLY good hooks for these characters that I don't want to let go of unless I need to lol.

Adistan Temmer |

Hey guys, sorry to drop out on you, but I just couldn't get into the flow of things. If anyone wants to pick up on Adistan, please be my guest. I'm happy to share my thoughts or you can take him in whatever direction you want.

Rain Taneththir |

Best of luck and happy gaming on the boards, Adistan/motte.
As to taking on either Jamba or Adistan - I'm not really interested. I think Jamba is a great character (with his beloved Shakka) but I could never do his Jamaican/Caribbean stylised language any justice via dialogue.
As to taking on a new player - I'm fine with it as long as the player enjoys rp and can post consistently, be proactive, help move along the story line and post more than a single line of text. Yes, I do sound picky, but if we are to include a new person at this stage, I'd like them to pull their weight, throw themselves wholeheartedly into the game and be active.
As to a co-GM to help keep things moving, I'm all for it.

DM Immortal |

Variel, Rain suggested that Morgrym from your other game might be interested since he's playing with several of the people already. Would you want to ask him?
Sweet as to Co-GM, would anyone want to help me out?

Rain Taneththir |

I can help out - could do with more GM experience - even as an assistant. ;)
(If one of the more experienced GMs among the players want to take it on, I have no issue with it.)

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I am good with having a co gym and thanks Rain for stepping up.
I will ask Morgrym to see if he is interested in joining.
I will decline for running another character as I have enough going on already.
Rain if immortal is ok reallocating Jamba's and Adistan's share I will redo the list.
Variel will bet the max allowed up to 7000gp to win at 4-1 odds.

DM Immortal |

Awesome, bets can be taken right up until I post to start the race so I'll give everyone another 12 hours or so to make bets if they want to.
Thank you Rain for stepping up and helping me out. I think you would be perfect.
Variel, I'm good with redistributing their share but I'm going to keep them on as NPCs on the crew for the meantime. Perhaps Morgrym would be willing to take on some similar character hooks as the ones Jamba and Adistan had really fit perfectly into my long term plans.

Seijiro |

Seijiro will bet 5000 gold on the Lady to win at 4-1 odds, and an additional 2000 gold on the Lady to be in the top 3 at 3-1 odds... (unless I misunderstood things, that should be okay... if not, then the whole 7000 on the win)

Horatio Flynn |

Variel will bet the max allowed up to 7000gp to win at 4-1 odds.
Wait - there's a betting cap on 7,000, or is that just what we have to bet?
Also, we can only bet 7,000 GP? What kind of bookie is running this show ;)
Also, it IS a pirate race; the way I see it, it's possible we could even bet the entire ship (worst case scenario is we lose the ship and pirate it back later).
But on the other hand, if I've learned anything from reading the novelizations of how the Star Wars characters became who they were in the movies it's that you don't bet your ship - unless you're Han Solo :D
Also, after reconsidering things, I'm going to adjust my initial thought; if Variel has enough confidence that we can actually win the race, then I'm also down for going at the win for those odds :)
Horatio for the win at 4-1 odds at 7,000 GP
Jiro - I like your suggestion about splitting the bets; that's a good plan, especially as it allows us to diversify things!
GM - with Jiro's plan in mind; can we place 7,000 at 4-1 to win and then each place an ADDITIONAL 7,000 at 3-1 to finish in top 3 (I'm assuming they've got multiple bookies; and if we use a middle-man to place the wagers on our behalf then we could really clean up).
Also, it stands to reason that Amen-set, Tomo and Neko may ALSO want to put up independent bets as well (though they may have to take out a loan, I'm sure they can pay it back if we win) - is that a possibility at this point?
Also - I think someone said there's an island at stake here.
I honestly didn't think it would be possible for us to beat Harrigan, but now I have a hunch that it might be possible after all.
That said, could we get the Island's location (the one the winner would get if we win) and general information if we win (that is; a map of the island and where it can be found in relation to everything else)?
Okay - that's pretty much all for now.
I have to say I'm very excited for this race now.
Rain: I've seen you as a GM and I'm confident that you can do a great job as one, if you're taking over that will be great.
GM - as a follow-up regarding Rain, I'm just curious but will you have her handling stuff like Combat for you when things get tight, or will she be doing more Social RP instead?
I'm good either way, I'm just trying to get a vibe on things. After all; the last combat we were in was less than 10 rounds and took nearly 3 weeks of RL (which I contrast to what was literally one of the best combat's in my gaming life, and which happened in this game, a combat when I was in the hold against two assassins; 6 rounds done in less than 3 hours RL; GM, still one of my favorite Gaming Experiences ever!)
Point is - having a back-up for Combat would be great.
On the other hand, I could easily see Rain GM-NPCing someone like Sandara (as she's still a Non-Com officer on our ship) or pretty much other crew members if only to flesh out some good Social RP if we're running into a slow patch in the game.
Cool - that's all for now; I'm eager to see more and I'm excited to see what happens next! :)

Rain Taneththir |

Neko will not be betting as gambling is not in her nature (nor will she be taking out a loan) . LOL
And it seems (so far) that no one has issue with me taking on the role of co-GM. Thanks for the vote of confidence. :)

Seijiro |

actually, just my 2 cents, i have no issues with you being a co-GM, Rain... in fact I think it's a great idea. Thanks for stepping up...
If I weren't so strapped for time these days, I might have volunteered, since Seijiro doesn't have a lot of opportunities for rp these days, but I couldn't commit to anything like that until after the new year... I'm just that over-scheduled already til late December.

Rain Taneththir |

I understand about being super busy, Jiro, so no worries and thanks.
If Immortal is amenable to the idea and you are still interested, you could take over the co-GM position from early next year ... It isn't an issue for me and Immortal would still have help running the game.

Horatio Flynn |

Rain - congrats on the feedback :)
Meantime, any feedback from the GM about what the duties of a co-GM would entail? I'm kind of curious myself at this point.
Meantime, based on what I've seen so far - if only Variel, Dhaavan, Rain, Jiro, Adular, Horatio and Amen-set are willing to offer 7,000 GP each at 4-1 odds to win, and an additional 7,000 at 3-1 odds to place in top three - that means that if we manage to win we'd be out 98,000 GP to start and stand to make a net total of 343,000 or 245,000 - for a net of 40,833 (roughly) with the assumption that Amen-set's earnings are not included in the total - if we win (if she gets her own cut, that still nets out to a cool 35,000 GP each (if we win) - which is still pretty good for 7th Level.
If we only place in the top 3 then that means we get a net total of 147,000 GP - and after investments we'd still walk away with 49,000 - allowing us all to walk away with a bonus of only 7,000 GP (or 8,166 if we don't give Amen-set a cut, but she still places a bet).
I guess we'll have to hope we win - but coming in the top 3 is still pretty good.

Rain Taneththir |

Rain doesn't have 7000 gp. She has the least amount of any other crew member as she regularly purchases things and was never paid back for her portion of the cost of the new sails (750gp) but I don't believe Variel was either. Rain isn't going to make any bets on the race as she has an upcoming wedding to pay for.

Rain Taneththir |

Flynn: As to what the co-GM will be assisting in, Immortal and I have yet to chat about it - so once we have, I suppose the group will then be advised.

Rain Taneththir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Summary of questions and answers.
* Who is considered the race favourite and why?
Answer: None in particular.
* What was the most dangerous thing to happen in last year's regatta?
Answer: Several ships sunk when they were traversing a particularly dangerous stretch of shoals in sahuagin infested waters.
* Are any captains more likely to use underhanded means to win - and which captains are they?
* What section of the course is considered the most dangerous and why?
Answer: Once you get into the Eye all bets are off as the storms are incredibly unpredictable.
* Are magical means of aiding a ship allowed?
Answer: Yes, they are, but no teleporting or gating or things like that, nor spells to make you fly but increasing speed is fine.
* Does Harrigan and the Wormwood have any particular ally/allies among the captains in the regatta?
Answer: He has several ships that are known to be allied with him but none of them are thought to be a major threat in the race.
The bolded question was left unanswered, Immortal. And as to Harrigan's allies, would we be able to get names of the allied ships or is it not pertinent to the race? Thanks. :)

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Rain thanks for answering Jiro about his share of the loot. Thanks again for co-GM'ing. However I do have a question to ask...Since Variel is marrying the co-GM's character does that mean Variel gets 100000 exp points dowry?
Immortal I will update the spreadsheet tomorrow with Adistan and Jamba's loot redistributed.
Flynn, I don't know what the max is for betting. that is why I put in up to a max of 7000gp. Variel might only find someone willing to take 200gp in a bet. We don't know what the max possible is. Believe me I would not allow a 7000gp bet at 4-1 odds in any of my games for just the reason that you mentioned up above.

Horatio Flynn |

Flynn, I don't know what the max is for betting. that is why I put in up to a max of 7000gp. Variel might only find someone willing to take 200gp in a bet. We don't know what the max possible is. Believe me I would not allow a 7000gp bet at 4-1 odds in any of my games for just the reason that you mentioned up above.
Well, the way I see it, your Out-of-Game reasons make sense here (especially about the potential money to earn); but in my opinion from a purely "In-Game" dynamic I just don't see how it's possible for an entire Nation of pirates to not have huge wagers put on this race - it's too big not to draw attention, especially with the seat of a Pirate Lord up for grabs.
Now - as for this race, it seems to me that chief variable about the betting is that it's extremely unlikely that we'll win unless Rain crushes the enemy with her rolls.
I have a lot of confidence in Rain, but I also know how basic CR works - based on what the GM hinted to me in the past, Harrigan is a lot higher level than we are; that means that his basic Profession Sailor Check has to be higher than ours, and that doesn't count things like magical bonuses to his pilot (like Rain's hat, for example); but since random treasure/gold goes up with level, that means he should have more funds and a lot more magical sailing bonuses then we do.
That said, I'm super-excited to win, but I'm assuming the following:
1. If both Rain and Harrigan took 20 on their checks (which they can't in a race) then Harrigan will almost certainly win given his probable modifiers. If they both could take 10 then Harrigan will still likely win for the same reason. If Rain gets some high rolls vs. Harrigan's low rolls we might be able to beat him with nothing but opposed Profession Sailor Checks - but the math just doesn't support it.
(Rain: this has no reflection on you or your abilities, I hope it doesn't come off that way, I'm just considering the math).
2. As the odds are highly against us for just opposed skill checks then that means if we want to win this race at all we'll have to do something besides just sailing - we'll likely have to fight Harrigan somehow - use weapons to cripple his ship; coat the waves behind us with all of our Alchemical Fire and then use fire spells to light it so it burns on the water (like they did in Game of Thrones, maybe); or something like that - but the math doesn't suggest we'll win if we're just sailing.
3. Although the rules suggest we don't attack an enemy, the fact is that the referees aren't going to be able to track us through the race unless they have some kind of epic-level divination spells (and I don't think they do) - but it won't matter because all they have to do is use "Detect Truth/Lie" on us AFTER the race is finished (a much more reasonable spell; and it makes sense to use it on the people who finish the race, rather than wasting time trying to watch our every ship and every move of every sailor that may or may not even finish the race) and then find out what's up about that. Point is - we can't fire first, but if Harrigan attacks us first we will likely be able to fire back to defend ourselves - OR - we'll have to ignore his attacks.
My final assumption is that Harrigan can beat us without attacking; but his hatred for us is so great that he'll try to attack us anyway. I think our chief goal to win is to survive - I think Harrigan will eventually beat us; I think he'll also attack us - but finally I think that once he defeats us that if we beat the other ships to come in second (Something I have confidence Rain can do; I feel like they'll be on par with our Skill Level and my faith is with Rain when fighting an enemy like that, though it may still be challenging).
In the end I'm pretty sure Harrigan will obviously beat us, but his attacking us will "disqualify" him. I think that once he's disqualified (assuming we come in second) then we'll get to win after the fact.
The issue in hand then comes to how the betting goes off - and my point for the above hunches.
If Harrigan wins then we lose the bet; but if we "win" the bet because Harrigan is disqualified from shooting at us then what will the bookies think (especially with the bet so high)?
I'm assuming that's the variable that will matter most - that after the race we'll have to do some explaining and that's where the finesse/social-RP/Diplomacy Checks come into play.
Sure, we can bet 7,000 - but will the bookies let it slide after Harrigan beats us but is disqualified from shooting at us (something pretty piraty anyway)? Almost certainly they will not like it - that's why I tossed up my bet, too (and tried to get others to do so, too).
I figure that the higher the bet, the more likely it will be that the bookies will be "outraged" and then we'll be able to finesse them down to something more manageable (again, possibly only a few thousand gold, but it would be something).
Anyway, sorry for the rant - ALL of this is just speculation; I could be way wrong, but I don't know how.
Like I said, I'm sure Rain can beat all the other captain's with luck/skill - but given the hints the GM's dropped about Harrigan I'm almost 100% sure that we won't be able to just beat him in this race, or at all - we'll have to finesse the win after the fact and hope we manage to be beat him when we talk to the Pirate Council (and try to convince his peers he's a problem).
Finally - I feel like it's easier to grab a seat on the Pirate Council with Bloody Hands, not clean ones... That said, even if Rain rolled only Natural 20's and Harrigan rolled Natural 1's... Well, I just don't think it's possible for us to get a position on the Pirate Council AND somehow claim another island just by winning a race; I'm betting that will likely come much later and with much more deadly challenges.
Again (as usual) I'm just tossing out hunches and I'm probably wrong, but that's why I'm betting so much and why I'm betting that even though we'll obviously lose no matter how hard we try, we'll be able to "Win" after the race but only be some heavy political manipulation the connections/allies that we've made so far.
But I guess we'll see what happens next :)

Rain Taneththir |

Harrigan is the Captain of the Wormwood, but not necessarily the pilot of the ship. If we are making opposing Prof Sailor checks, it'll go by the pilot of the Wormwood vs. the pilot of the Dread Lady (Rain).
Peppery Longfarthing (female, human) is the Sailingmaster of the Wormwood and is possibly in charge of piloting Harrigan's ship. If that's the case, it'll be her prof sailing check in question and not Harrigan's. We don't know much about her. Immortal, can clarify this when he's back on the board.

Horatio Flynn |

Harrigan is the Captain of the Wormwood, but not necessarily the pilot of the ship. If we are making opposing Prof Sailor checks, it'll go by the pilot of the Wormwood vs. the pilot of the Dread Lady (Rain).
Peppery Longfarthing (female, human) is the Sailingmaster of the Wormwood and is possibly in charge of piloting Harrigan's ship. If that's the case, it'll be her prof sailing check in question and not Harrigan's. We don't know much about her. Immortal, can clarify this when he's back on the board.
That makes sense that Harrigan would also have a pilot; but wouldn't that mean his pilot would be equal to him? I mean - if he was better than her, or even equal, why not do the job himself?
In other word's, I'm assuming his Officers are probably equal level to him, or maybe a level or two beneath him.
But if Harrigan is something like 12th level (for example) then Peppery would probably be 10th? If he's more like 15 - or even 18 - that should make her probably 12 or 15 respectively (possibly).
I mean, we know something about when we sailed with her in the beginning after being pressed, but I can't remember seeing her do a skill check...
But besides that is the Magical Bonuses - I mean; if we assume that Harrigan is only 10th level then his starting GP is roughly 62,000 GP - and that doesn't count what his officers and ship has (and I'm assuming he's higher than 10th) but that could buy a lot of magical boons to aid him in sailing that we haven't even considered.
Don't get me wrong - I'm hoping you're right, but we shall see :)

Rain Taneththir |

I don't believe Peppery is as high in level as Capt. Harrigan. She's also a sorcerer, if I remember correctly. Otherwise if his crew were of the same level, they might decide to band together and overthrow him (another mutiny anyone?).
And being a sorc, her main stat would be CHA and not WIS (used for Prof. Sailor). So, she might not be as high as Rain in that check, but again we don't know much about her (and yes, I realise she has spells, but so do we in Dhaavan and others).
Also, overall the checks would be our crew vs their crew... not one person vs one person for the entire race.

DM Immortal |

Try not to speculate Flynn about the mechanics of what you will face as I haven't explained the rules of the race yet. Suffice it to say, there will be different rolls required by different people throughout the race. Rain will give a baseline as the pilot and will improve your chances of success or failure but different areas of the race will require different skills and tasks to complete. Don't worry about Harrigan or the Wormwood therefor as you don't know whats happening yet, especially not OOC. I will have the race rules up tomorrow as im exhausted right now and going to bed.

Horatio Flynn |

Try not to speculate Flynn about the mechanics of what you will face as I haven't explained the rules of the race yet. Suffice it to say, there will be different rolls required by different people throughout the race. Rain will give a baseline as the pilot and will improve your chances of success or failure but different areas of the race will require different skills and tasks to complete. Don't worry about Harrigan or the Wormwood therefor as you don't know whats happening yet, especially not OOC. I will have the race rules up tomorrow as im exhausted right now and going to bed.
No worries, sleep well!

DM Immortal |

Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of posting but I bought a car on friday and was dealing with all of the hassle involved in such an affair and my mom was in a car accident last night while I was on the phone with her, (I thought she had pulled over...ugh...) so I was dealing with that. She's ok, a little bruised up but ok. I will post the beginning of the race tonight and we can go from there. Sound good?

Seijiro |

so glad to hear your mom is okay... that is scary! congrats on the new car. tonight is fine.

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good luck Immortal. The race can wait till you get this all straightened out. Thanks for letting us know though about the delay.
Phones and driving are the worst. Glad to hear your mom is ok though.

DM Immortal |

Thanks guys. For the time being you can make any bets and if you want to social rp where everyone will be on the ship during the race and what you want everyone to do. Again, sorry for the delay. It just seems like it's one thing after the other these last few months.

Seijiro |

sorry for my absence... have been on and off busy buying a new car... blech.. I hate dealing with dealerships.

Horatio Flynn |

GM - it's been a week since we've seen a post from you.
That being the case I'm just wondering if the game continuing at this point, or will it be going on a break?
Please don't get me wrong, if things have come up that prevent the game from moving forward then we all understand, but if you could let us know if the game will be in hiatus for a while until things become more relaxed (and if so, possibly how long), then that would be very helpful.
Anyone else feel like posting or should I move on?
As a small request, is there any way you could not wait on everyone to check in before moving the game forward?
I mean, everyone refreshes the board each day and sees that posts have been made, or have not been made, and we all read the boards every time we see that they've been updated.
If a player reads something that they want to respond to then I'm sure that they'll act on it. Also, if they're unable to act (as in; they're AFK for a few days on a vacation or something) then they'll have already told you in advance so we know not to wait on someone for a few days.
But all things considered not all the players take the time to write something like - "Given what I'm seen on the board today I feel that there's nothing for me to do at this time, so I will wait to see what happens next."
Instead, sometimes players are just not posting anything because they're waiting for things to move forward before they have something that they can act on.
In this case we have some players who are still waiting for responses to actions/checks and can't make a post until they get those results.
Meanwhile, the others players are not posting because they've read the boards but they've decided that there's nothing for them to do at this time, so they waiting for things to move forward before they choose to make their next post.
Anyway, that's pretty much it and I hope everyone is having a good day!

Seijiro |

I am leaving on a retreat on Thursday the 3rd and won't be back til Sunday afternoon. I will try to keep up on my phone, but it's very hard to post using it, so please bot me as necessary to keep the game flowing. Thanks

Seijiro |

ty, Rain.

Adular |

Sorry, #### hit the fan again this past week, unexpected guests were nice, family car trying to die in the worst way was not. Toilet troubles in a bathroom doing some damage, also not fun.
I swear, one day i'm going to win a small lottery just to balance this out. Please someone BOt Adular if you need to.

Horatio Flynn |

I am leaving on a retreat on Thursday the 3rd and won't be back til Sunday afternoon.
Have a good trip on the retreat, Jiro-san!
Please someone BOt Adular if you need to.
Thanks for the heads-up, Adular!
GM: I apologize for not posting earlier today.
Unfortunately, I'm not able to post now because I'm still waiting to know what the results for Rain's Survival Checks were, how much Dhaavan's Elemental helped, and how many (if any) Profession Sailor checks you want Amen-set to make.
As soon as I get that information, I'll have something on the boards :)

Rain Taneththir |

Good luck, Adular. Hope the troubles are sorted soon.
Flynn: If she's is holding steady (trying to keep in the lead), Amen will only have to roll one Prof Sailor check as we're currently in open waters, albeit filled with sandbars. Generally it's one unless the GM asks for more. :)

Seijiro |

Adular - hope it all sorts itself out in the best possible way for you and soon. Take care... - Seijiro

Horatio Flynn |

Flynn: If she's is holding steady (trying to keep in the lead), Amen will only have to roll one Prof Sailor check as we're currently in open waters, albeit filled with sandbars. Generally it's one unless the GM asks for more. :)
Thanks, Rain!

DM Immortal |

sorry for the delay everyone. My wife slipped and fell down the stairs and we had to get her checked out. She's doing fine, just some soft tissue injuries, no broken bones or anything like that. That kind of occupied my mind the last day or so.

Horatio Flynn |

sorry for the delay everyone. My wife slipped and fell down the stairs and we had to get her checked out. She's doing fine, just some soft tissue injuries, no broken bones or anything like that. That kind of occupied my mind the last day or so.
I hope she's doing better now, and my prayers are with her and your family :)