Going native with a kensai


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Due to an unfortunate case of fast zombie troll i find myself in need of a new character for Serpent Skull and decided to try my hand a Kensai.

I have 2 slightly different builds in mind with very different motivations but i'll focus on the one most likely to be allowed. (The other starts with a dawnflower dervish dip and involves a gap year gone badly wrong.)


Kensai 5

Ac 24 (+4 Armor, +5 Dex, +4 Int, +1 Nat,) to 19, ff 15

Str 1 11 11
Dex 10 16 +2 race +2 magic 20
Con 2 12 12
Int 7 15 +1 lvl 4 +2 magic 18
Wis 0 10 10
Cha 0 10 10

Pool 8

Lvl 1 Weapon Finess, Weapon Focus, Exotic Weapon Wakizashi, Extra Arcane Pool
Lvl 2
Lvl 3 Craft Wonderous item, Arcana Close Range
Lvl 4
Lvl 5 Extra Arcana Spell Blending (mage armor + burning disarm) , Craft Arms + Armor

+1 Agile Wakizashi 04335gp (+10 or +8/+8 1d6+6 (can add keen + 1d6 elemental))
+2 Dex Belt 02000gp
+2 Int Hat 02000gp
+1 Amulet of nat armor 01000gp
2x lvl 1 pearl of power 01000gp

I'm looking for insight and suggestions mostly on finding a more appropirate "native" weapon is doesn't have to be totally optimal but it does need to be finessable. Any other interesting ideas and thoughts are welcome although please don't push strength magus i know they are technically better i just fancy a dex build as my last character was a strength inquisitor.

The only weapon I can think of I cannot remember the name of, there's two versions but basically the same weapon. Its a sword where the blade part is either obsidian shards or shark teeth. The name escapes me.

Anyhow if you take the dervish dance feats you can use the new human feat from the ARG to apply dervish dance to your native weapon. Need to wait until lvl 7 though. I think its called veristile weapon...

Mojorat wrote:
The only weapon I can think of I cannot remember the name of, there's two versions but basically the same weapon. Its a sword where the blade part is either obsidian shards or shark teeth. The name escapes me.

Is it the Terbutje? i would tke it in a heartbeat if i could finess it or if i was going to strength build (the weapon does make it tempting to do as i love a good theme).

Mojorat wrote:
Anyhow if you take the dervish dance feats you can use the new human feat from the ARG to apply dervish dance to your native weapon. Need to wait until lvl 7 though. I think its called veristile weapon...

I think its Martial Versitility and while thats really awesome and would let me dervish the Terbutje i don't think i can afford the 3 feats it would take to get there sadly.

The idea of a dex build fighter using dervish dance with any heavy blade however is both amazing and slightly scary.

Yeah that's the weapon I was thinking of.

A cestus is a simple finessable weapon that goes down to 19-20 threat, but would let you hold an item in your weapon hand. It could be easily flavored for a primitive setting, using fangs and obsidion instead of spikes and blades.

Shadow Lodge

Keep in mind that unless you have a crafter or the ability to teleport(and accurate information over local metropolises) getting what's on your wishlist might get difficult.

I'm playing a 13 level character in the same campaign and, other than a couple +3 weapons I found(of rather random ability), my only powerful item has been a belt of str +2. That took ages to craft and occupied our cleric during camp hours so he could not, say, craft cloaks of protection or the like.

The GM has allowed me to reskin an aldori dueling sword as an exotic Terbutje so i'm rather happy.

Muser wrote:

Keep in mind that unless you have a crafter or the ability to teleport(and accurate information over local metropolises) getting what's on your wishlist might get difficult.

I'm playing a 13 level character in the same campaign and, other than a couple +3 weapons I found(of rather random ability), my only powerful item has been a belt of str +2. That took ages to craft and occupied our cleric during camp hours so he could not, say, craft cloaks of protection or the like.

I had a nasty feeling that was the case hence i made sure i could get the primary enchantment i wanted now (agile)and i should be able to deal with the rest as it comes.

Shadow Lodge

You'll manage, I bet. We have a pretty item-dependent group(natural weapon ranger, enchantment-casting sorcerer, melee alchemist, etc) that a rougher time than expected. On the other hand, it has kept our power in check.

I'd hate to play a fighter in this campaign. "I'll make a bastard sword wielding badass sword and board dude!" "oh, okay" *skip ahead two modules* "It's a +2 returning shortspear!" "WHERE MY SWORDS?!" Not to mention getting gloves of dueling which everyone sort of templates into their fighters even though it's a 15,000 gp item.

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