Ganny |

Alright, from the d20pfsrd:
All magical effects and magic items within the radius of the spell, except for those that you carry or touch, are disjoined. That is, spells and spell-like effects are unraveled and destroyed completely (ending the effect as a dispel magic spell does), and each permanent magic item must make a successful Will save or be turned into a normal item for the duration of this spell. An item in a creature's possession uses its own Will save bonus or its possessor's Will save bonus, whichever is higher. If an item's saving throw results in a natural 1 on the die, the item is destroyed instead of being suppressed.
So, if I use Disjunction on a person who has gear that is already under the effects of Disjunction...what happens to that gear?
Its treated as normal item for the duration, which hints that Disjunction is a debuff. Would it be safe to say that the Disjunction unravels the previous Disjunction, and the person gets to make a new Will Save for that item? Does the item return to normal? Does the universe implode from Disjuncting a Disjunction?
That last one might have been me being a little silly.

Ganny |

I think what the OP is saying is that Disjunction itself is a magical effect on permanent magic items. Which means, since a new Disjunction unravels all magical effects, it would unravel the previous Disjunction effect, restoring the magic item to normal.
Indeed! Now...here is the question: Would the magic item make a new save against the new Disjunction effect, or would it just be returned to normal?

Matrixryu |

So weird... I never thought of the after effects of a Disjunction as a magical effect. I always thought of it as an *absence* of magical effect, and it simply took the items a while to recover from the shock of the anti-magic.
Though, considering what the word 'disjunction' means, I guess it would make sense that there is simply a magical force separating the magic from the items, and that this force can be dispelled.

starwed |

Well, in 3.5 (and earlier) disjunction wasn't a magical effect in that sense -- it was instantaneous, and permanently nullified magical items.
PF made it significantly less of a nuclear option, but it does introduce this amusing quirk. :)
I'd probably house rule that a disjunction effect is not ended by another disjunction. But RAW it probably would be.