Can a wood golem speak?

Rules Questions

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Golems don't have an int score, but many entries for golems specify that the golem can't speak. While some entries such as the wood golem does not say it can't unlike the rest. Does that mean it can speak?

Grand Lodge

Imagine an ooze or cockroach capable of speech. Even with speech as an option, the mindless nature would prevent them from forming words or sentences.

Liberty's Edge

If you want it to be capable of speech, then it is. If you do not, then it isn't. Don't let yourself be a slave of the books.

And please make it use lots of wood puns ;p

I can hardly beleaf you would knot know what the answer wood be.

But seriously, if you need to justify it somehow just give it a rank in linguistics. Or there's always Magic Mouth.

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Go out on a limb. Branch out a bit.
Horrible puns.

Shadow Lodge

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I dunno about actual speech, but I think they can bark.


Perhaps he could be like a merchant and sell stuff out of trunk.
But he shouldn't have a wooden expression when he talks to clients.
Anyhow, I doubt they can speak, altough on the other hand if all those who don't have a "non-speak" clause are made of more flexible material, I bet it could be intended for them to speak.
But without int, no linguistic skill, without language you've got no voice, just sound.

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