[Psionics Unleashed] # of abilities an astral construct can have

Product Discussion

So I was making a Shaper Psion recently, and because of that, I was taking a better look at the rules for astral constructs. All's fine and dandy, except that I was a little confused on how many abilities of each menu an astral construct of a certain level would get.
1st, 2nd and 3rd-level ones are easy enough - they get one ability from menu A. Ok. But the next three levels is where is starts getting confusing.

d20pfsrd wrote:

Astral Construct Menu B

A manifester creating a 4th-level, 5th-level, or 6th-level astral construct can choose one special ability from this menu. Alternatively, the construct can have two special abilities from Menu A.

So, does this mean that:

• Constructs of those levels get an ability from menu B and two from A, or
• One from B, which the construct's creator can then exchange for two from A?

I'm assuming the latter, but can't be too sure. And then there's the last three levels.

d20pfsrd wrote:

Astral Construct Menu C

A manifester creating a 7th-level, 8th-level, or 9th-level astral construct can choose one special ability from this menu. Alternatively, the astral construct can have two special abilities from Menu B. (One or both of the Menu B choices can be swapped for two choices from Menu A.)

This poses the same question as above, but with that part in parenthesis. How exactly does the exchanging an option from B for one from A work?

• The wording says that you'd get two from A regardless of whether you sacrificed one or two from B, which is... weird. But I'm assuming that...
• You get two from A for every one from B you give up. So, if you sacrifice both from B, you'd end up with two from A.


It is indeed the latter. One B OR Two A.

Higher level are One C, Two B, One B and Two A, or 4 A.

Dreamscarred Press

Maverick has it right. That's why it's "alternatively" instead of "additionally." :)

Alright, thanks guys.

Don't forget the Shaper's discipline ability:

Summoner’s Call (Ex):
At 2nd level, if you maintain focus when manifesting a power of the creation subdiscipline, the duration is increased by 1 round plus 1 round for every four psion levels. In addition, your astral constructs gain an additional menu option of the highest menu available when you manifest the power.

Or the feat

Boost Construct:
Boost Construct [Psionic]

Benefit: When you create an astral construct, you can give it one additional special ability from any menu that the construct currently has an ability from.

Special: This effect stacks with the Summoner’s Call ability of the shaper.

Actually, that leads to an interesting question. Can menu ability from summoner's call be split up? Assuming no for Boost Construct, since it specifies one ability from ANY menu, but what about summoner's call?

There is a contradiction between the "Astral Construct Menu C" text and the "9th level Astral Construct" stat block. The text is as quoted above, but the stat block says "Two abilities from Menu C". I looked in the errata and didn't see this listed, so which is it?

The 9th level Construct gets 2 Menu C abilities.

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