Congratulations to a another new 5 star GM!

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge 4/5

I wanted to take a minute to congratulate the newest five star GM, San Diego VC Eric Brittain. He had a recommendation from two fellow VCs and a VL. He has also met all other requirements.

Congrats and we'll done Eric!

Silver Crusade 2/5

Michael Brock wrote:

I wanted to take a minute to congratulate the newest five star GM, San Diego VC Eric Brittain. He had a recommendation from two fellow VCs and a VL. He has also met all other requirements.

Congrats and we'll done Eric!

Well done! Hope to play at one of your tables in the future!

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Congratulations Eric!!

I had the privilege to attend his 151st reported PFS game held this last weekend at Comiccon!

Here are photos of the event:

Eric Brittain rising from the grave after being murdered by his players
The Table
More table
The game
a murdered player
more game
game photos
setting up
getting ready

Congratz Eric!! Your players had nothing but good things to say about you.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Congrats Eric.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Congratulations : )


Congrats Eric! I can't wait to play at your table at Scotty's!

Now, to find you a place up here.. hmm. Want to share Doug's room? I think he's the only one with a small enough ego to fit another person. :)

edit: and if my recommendation meant anything, I would have sent one in!

The Exchange 5/5

I knew Eric was special when he was voted 'Best GM' at PaizoCon 2011 after the Grand Melee. Congratulations & welcome to the club, Mr. Brittain.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

@Doug Miles, I find myself in august company.

@Kyle Baird, I have my own room at GenCon - so no worries about overloading the ego space available.

@Alexander D., You may get your chance. Odds are you will see me at some of the northern cons. Kubla was certainly a blast. You could also head down to San Diego for one of our mini Con's (6 slots of gaming goodness over a weekend) that will be taking place in both September and November.

Thanks to everyone else out there who helps make the PFS community more awesome day by day.


What? Over my dead character!

......... awww. :/

(I kid. Congrats, Eric, you more than deserve it.)

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Well done Eric.

Glad I've been GMed by a "real" 5-star GM. Not just one of those fake ones. ;-)


Ryan Bolduan wrote:
one of those fake ones. ;-)

Hey, I resemble that remark!

The Exchange 3/5

VC Brittain is one of them coordinators and leaders that just gets it. He's uber-fun and way to classy to ever hang out with me, but he does anyway because he rocks. I learn from him every time I see him.

Congrats Eric. You're real.


Liberty's Edge 1/5

Eric kicks butt. Will never forget a herzou encounter from hell that he ran back in LG days.

And, if you have never heard it, he has about the loudest voice for getting a crowd quiet and listening that I've ever heard.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

Had the pleasure of sitting in on the 151st game, and it was as invariably enjoyable as the countless others he has run for me in San Diego. I hope my next character death is at your hands, as I can at least be assured it will be memorable and cinematic. (I consider this a compliment).

Congratulations on the 5th star … you have earned it.


Having played at his 151st table I can only say that Eric rocks. Being his VL is a privilege and a pleasure, and I only hope to continue to learn from his excellent example both as a coordinator and as a judge. Congratulations!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Eric congrats!

Hopefully will get to sit at your table at GenCon.

Dark Archive 1/5

Eric is so amazing at his depth of talent, passion, and skill when it comes to Pathfinder and roleplaying games in general. Each times I sit at his table it is truly a blessing, and the San Diego community is very fortunate to have him.

He is the GM you aspire to be...he is awesome!!
Congratulations Eric.

Dark Archive 3/5

I'm on the phone with this guy earlier today and hadn't checked the boards in all of...oh...since this post...and the guy doesn't mention s+#% to me.


Grats good sir, and the first drink is mine to buy!

Sovereign Court 4/5 *


Liberty's Edge

Congrats Eric!

Great pics Robyn, looks like it was a lot of fun :)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kyle Elliott wrote:

I'm on the phone with this guy earlier today and hadn't checked the boards in all of...oh...since this post...and the guy doesn't mention s@$# to me.


Grats good sir, and the first drink is mine to buy!

The humble ones are the real stars; congrats Eric!

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Grats! Well-deserved!

Lantern Lodge 5/5

Congratulations Eric! Thanks for making SD such a great Pathfinder community! I'd sit at your table any day sir.

Thanks for the honor of sitting in on #151.


Congrats Eric!
& thanks from us PFS members :)

Grand Lodge 1/5

Congratulations, Eric!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

I don't mind all the extra 5-stars on the mountain, in fact, soon we'll have enough for a BBQ. But, with only one bathroom, it's really getting hard to make it to work on time. :-)

Scarab Sages 4/5

Aww bob, you are a guy, you can just go outside, like the rest of us. :P

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