Sea Hag adventures


Scarab Sages

Hi there. I'm due to run Skull & Shackles as a play by post for my long time real life group (I no longer live in the same country) and I'm in the process of getting all the players sheets, back stories etc. One player is going to be playing as a Changeling with the sea Lungs trait.

Now, I'd quite like them, as a side quest, to encounter their mother at some point and was wondering whether there are any short adventures out there featuring a sea hag as the main protaganist.

I've found "The Sea Witch" so far but would be interested in any other that might be published in say Dungeonor elsewhere. Edition doesn't matter, I'll convert it, and level doesn't either though lower level is better

Thanks in advance!

Scarab Sages

Well I did a look through my copy of Dungeon Crawl Classics #48 and I think I may adapt Tides of Evil from that.

I'll replace Sandyshore with Tidewater Rock. I felt dissatisfied with Tidewater Rock as a location anyway and with the reasons presented for the players to even be interested in it. I think I can work with this, though need to do some more planning.

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