On Locked Threads

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137ben wrote:
What really amuses me about this thread is the implication that locking a thread ends a discussion. Oh no! A monk thread was locked! Know what that means? It means no one can ever talk about monks again!

We live in hope..

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Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Anyone that thinks there are a lot of threads getting locked around here for no good reason must have missed: the cancellation of Dragon and Dungeon, the Pathfinder AP launch, the 4e announcement, the susequent announcement that Paizo wouldn't support 4e, the announcement of Pathfinder RPG, and the Alpha and Beta test. Monk threads and recently locked threads are kid stuff compared to the wailin and gnashing of teeth several years ago.....


Locking threads is the only thing that frees me from them when everyone is being wrong and fails to see it.

On an unrelated note, I have a tongue shaped hole in my cheek. Any way to fix that?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Skeld wrote:

Anyone that thinks there are a lot of threads getting locked around here for no good reason must have missed: the cancellation of Dragon and Dungeon, the Pathfinder AP launch, the 4e announcement, the susequent announcement that Paizo wouldn't support 4e, the announcement of Pathfinder RPG, and the Alpha and Beta test. Monk threads and recently locked threads are kid stuff compared to the wailin and gnashing of teeth several years ago.....


These were rough times. We're thankfully past that. But still, some people have more problems with locked threads than others. In fact, some people probably experience that in about any thread they get really really invested in.

These people may feel like they're being targeted specifically. Or maybe, that their threads are targeted specifically. And really, can that be? It would be so unlikely that someone thrives on the negative attention, the time wasted, and the people annoyed. I mean, such a person would need to be a curmudgeonly monster, maybe something with regeneration or fire vulnerability.

So, i can only state in all earnesty: Have sympathy for these suffering under the cruel moderator yoke. Send them your well-wishes, and help them find a habitat more supportive of their needs. Maybe something with running water, and an overpassing road.

TerraNova wrote:
Skeld wrote:

Anyone that thinks there are a lot of threads getting locked around here for no good reason must have missed: the cancellation of Dragon and Dungeon, the Pathfinder AP launch, the 4e announcement, the susequent announcement that Paizo wouldn't support 4e, the announcement of Pathfinder RPG, and the Alpha and Beta test. Monk threads and recently locked threads are kid stuff compared to the wailin and gnashing of teeth several years ago.....


These were rough times. We're thankfully past that. But still, some people have more problems with locked threads than others. In fact, some people probably experience that in about any thread they get really really invested in.

These people may feel like they're being targeted specifically. Or maybe, that their threads are targeted specifically. And really, can that be? It would be so unlikely that someone thrives on the negative attention, the time wasted, and the people annoyed. I mean, such a person would need to be a curmudgeonly monster, maybe something with regeneration or fire vulnerability.

So, i can only state in all earnesty: Have sympathy for these suffering under the cruel moderator yoke. Send them your well-wishes, and help them find a habitat more supportive of their needs. Maybe something with running water, and an overpassing road.

And no gruff goats.

As someone who lurks primarily, the problem (as I see it) with the threads and why they get locked is that there are any number of people that come out of the gate posting aggressively and others who dislike them (or their posting style) and feel they have to call them on it. Follow that up with The Last Word Syndrome and you have a recipe for disaster.

I read the vast majority of what goes on here, and I always feel like I ought to post and then take a few minutes away to see if the feeling goes away. Might not be a bad plan for anyone who feels an overwhelming desire to argue and turn threads into back and forth arguments (like the bad times mentioned by TerraNova, which mostly were a back and forth of "nuh uh!" and "uh huh!")

The negative garbage detracts and distracts from the really good information and community spirit here. The mods locking threads is a far cry from many places that would give you a few weeks or more vacation from the forums.

Anyway. My two cents.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Daenar wrote:

You do know that there is no one standing behind you with a gun to your head, forcing you to read those threads, do you? Or are you annoyed with the mere existance of threads about topics you don't like? If you do, seek help.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Nobody forced you to read my posts either :p

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Gorbacz wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Of course one can ask why images of guts being spilled never raise any concern but hey, it's Americans and their dumb "BLOOD = FINE, NIPPLES = BAD" thing.
I'd be good for having less of both personally. I'm both prudish and easily queasy.
No no, you can't. You're either a godless European and you want more boobies and less gore, or you're a prude Amurican and you want more blood and less sodomy. It's a binary choice.

It's more of one of three choices: you forgot dirty Asians who want both blood and sodomy.


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It's real simple. Limit all posting accounts to a dozen posts a day. Make people be parsimonious with their communication. Take the time sink away from the regulars and who knows? Maybe we'll see some pyramids get built.

And, no, I'm not being serious right now, but it'd be interesting to see some people try and pack their quotas into 12 posts a day.

Doug OBrien wrote:

It's real simple. Limit all posting accounts to a dozen posts a day. Make people be parsimonious with their communication. Take the time sink away from the regulars and who knows? Maybe we'll see some pyramids get built.

And, no, I'm not being serious right now, but it'd be interesting to see some people try and pack their quotas into 12 posts a day.

We'd need to remove the content limit on quotes, because we'd have some seriously long posts.

Such a quota would be rather damaging for people who are involved with multiple PBP games :)

On the main topic, I haven't seen any threads being locked that I didn't think warranted such an action in one way or another.

There have, however, been a few rare cases where I felt there was a sufficient amount of proper discussion going on that a locking might not have been necessary at that particular time (although there may well have been posts I didn't see that were removed between the times I checked the threads in question). Even in those few and far-between cases, the locking was certainly understandable.

Speaking from experience as a former moderator on a large message board, locking a flame-war/flame-bait thread is usually both a better option and a more efficient option than spending the time to first remove (or edit) all the offending posts, then continue babysitting the thread to remove further offending posts (of which there will usually be many). Most of the time, we would give such threads a warning, with deletion/editing, and then lock the thread if it continued in the same manner.

Scarab Sages

It might be fun to leave PbP out of the limit and then watch what strange 'games' pop up ;-)

I must say I am quite happy with the amount of moderation and threatbusting on this messageboards. All I can ask for is that the staff members keep up their good work and keep the messageboard a place much more civil then most.

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pathar wrote:
Dear sir and/or madam: I am a teacher of college-level composition; I find your vocabulary unduly overwrought. "FYI," as the kids say.

You will hear no denial from me - I fault an excessive love of neologism and wordplay, and a 'punishment' from my youth involving the manual duplication of one "Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary" for a particularly sordid indiscretion. Years later, my dialogue still sounds as though I'd freshly digested a thesaurus. For me, TL;DR is often Tolstoy Length Dissertation Rant.

pathar wrote:
I concur with your overall assertion that we shouldn't censor adult concepts. I wish Paizo would do a "Black Dog"-style imprint. I also contend that this is separate from the issue at hand.

Amusingly enough, I was going to make my inference in the direction of a Sin Factory style of plausible deniability, but I suspect that very reference would speak more of myself and my proclivities than the actual intent. Perhaps there's more of a market for such than I'd dreaded? This does hold gratifying, if not especially lucrative, potential...

pathar wrote:
In essence, Paizo wishes to portray its forums being subject to utterly impersonal moderation. I feel the need to occasionally step in and point out that human beings are, on the whole, not quite so detached from their own opinions, best interests notwithstanding.

I had more to say on this matter, but then I saw Vic's more recent foray into 'this is why we can't have nice things'. Loathe as I am to the concede the point, he is consistent in his implementation, and while the methodology might have a weighting of its own, it does not seem to inherently indicate a personal bias on his part, other than towards the oft-referenced 'don't be a jerk' clause.

Frankly, I've seldom found myself, wittingly, at cross-purposes with or in heavy dissent with Mister Wertz. I'm a publicly avowed fan of the workings of the Once and Future Tyrannasaur, and I'm quite fond of when Sean K. Reynolds (who, obviously, is never just Sean, or Sean Reynolds, but the entire construction with abbreviation) chimes in on something, doubly so when it is to express rather forthright disagreement on a matter. Granted, they're all staff, and this is effectively their proverbial house, so they can be as candid as they wish within bounds of what some might consider off-putting to their clientele. Yet, somehow, to my perspective, even when they've taken issue with a subject, they've done so politely*, and while their opinions and views are quite personal, any offense caused by such is decidedly not.

Overall, most of the lockings I've seen have been over threads that have turned deliberately insulting, patently antagonistic, charmless**, and genuinely resentful, beyond just 'Stop Having Fun Guys' and 'Stop Liking what I Don't!'. There are a few threads in Off-Topic that do the job well enough for curtailing excesses, that manage to avoid locking, which I think saves a good number of other threads from being subjected to the same. I find it odd that some people like to create neutral thread titles, and then proceed to generate in the first post sufficient noxious waste and sound and fury as to be a fully self-contained excrementyphoon that can only be fed by any contributions to the thread. I find it as strange as people who come outright and start 'X sucks, here's why' threads, but slightly more passive-aggressive.

*Except for times where Sean K. Reynolds has had to inform people that they are wrong in no uncertain terms and comes across as channeling the spirit of Denis Leary, and it pleases me far more than it should. :D
**Sometimes half of the delight in such threads is watching people be gleefully vitriolic at each other, particularly when it's made very clear that there is no sincerity to the verbal eviscerations issued on both sides.

Liberty's Edge

Skeld wrote:

Anyone that thinks there are a lot of threads getting locked around here for no good reason must have missed: the cancellation of Dragon and Dungeon, the Pathfinder AP launch, the 4e announcement, the susequent announcement that Paizo wouldn't support 4e, the announcement of Pathfinder RPG, and the Alpha and Beta test. Monk threads and recently locked threads are kid stuff compared to the wailin and gnashing of teeth several years ago.....


It is a rule of the Internet that if you reference the thread, you must link to the thread.

Liberty's Edge

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3.5 Loyalist wrote:

Any possibility that you could use URL tags in the future?

Liberty's Edge

Were I in charge of the message-board, I would be less bothered by snark and sarcasm.

But this isn't my messageboard. So they can lock for whatever reason they see fit.

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
HangarFlying wrote:
Skeld wrote:

Anyone that thinks there are a lot of threads getting locked around here for no good reason must have missed: the cancellation of Dragon and Dungeon, the Pathfinder AP launch, the 4e announcement, the susequent announcement that Paizo wouldn't support 4e, the announcement of Pathfinder RPG, and the Alpha and Beta test. Monk threads and recently locked threads are kid stuff compared to the wailin and gnashing of teeth several years ago.....


It is a rule of the Internet that if you reference the thread, you must link to the thread.

Oh wow, there were so many! And they spanned the spectrum for "good and useful" to "people creating threads just to flame each other." I'll give you 2 examples from the PFRPG Alpha Playtest:

Here is a nice middle of the road thread, some usefulness some flaming.

Here is a thread where someone points out how a particularly caustic and polarizing poster from that era was banned (for a week). 9 pages of hate before Jason finally gets it locked.

If you go the old playtest forums, you'll find lots of this kind of stuff.


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Ok some threads like THIS its a no-brainer of why it was locked. Obviously bad-blood doesn't want to be stirred between Paizo and WotC.

But what about THIS?

I've seen a number of threads go off-topic in a variety of forums. I've seen snarky personal comments that get warned or removed and the thread continues. I've been a part of many off-topic and gamer threads where the thread discussion veers way off into left field and isn't locked before it finally comes back around to the OP topic. It seems any time a thread touches on controversial things regarding women's issues or LGBT that posts get removed or threads locked and an excuse is found to remove them. It feels like a bias to me.

Unfortunately the forums are running too slow for me to look up examples to post more, so I'll have to wait or post them as I go.

THIS is the only one I can get to right now on this slowpoke thing. There was an engaging discussion about the use of said word and how words are used and it was locked w/o explanation.

Are these things locked in the interest of consistent and across the board rulings? Or based on personal feelings and arbitrary bias about the subject? I question which it is.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

When you're looking at a thread that has been locked, odds are decent that that thread also contains posts that can no longer be seen.

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Well, since it was brought up, and I never got a chance to explain my experience further due to thread lock after my first post in the thread, perhaps I should add here that my point was not (as had been warned about earlier in the thread) to show I am tough and can beat people. My point was that I was terrified of what I might have done, and if I had harmed someone seriously, it would take me a very long time to forgive myself for it. Even if it might not have been my fault. Even if I would perhaps not have survived otherwise, it would be deeply problematic for me.

Some say that you're either a predator or a prey animal. If hurting others is part of being a predator, then, sign me up as prey.

Having that trigger a thread lock hurt.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

kmal2t wrote:

Ok some threads like THIS its a no-brainer of why it was locked. Obviously bad-blood doesn't want to be stirred between Paizo and WotC.

But what about THIS?

I've seen a number of threads go off-topic in a variety of forums. I've seen snarky personal comments that get warned or removed and the thread continues. I've been a part of many off-topic and gamer threads where the thread discussion veers way off into left field and isn't locked before it finally comes back around to the OP topic. It seems any time a thread touches on controversial things regarding women's issues or LGBT that posts get removed or threads locked and an excuse is found to remove them. It feels like a bias to me.

Unfortunately the forums are running too slow for me to look up examples to post more, so I'll have to wait or post them as I go.

THIS is the only one I can get to right now on this slowpoke thing. There was an engaging discussion about the use of said word and how words are used and it was locked w/o explanation.

Are these things locked in the interest of consistent and across the board rulings? Or based on personal feelings and arbitrary bias about the subject? I question which it is.

In the third thread linked, there was a post by a Paizo staff member that said, "We accept the use of this word only as x." Some posters then repeatedly posted the use of that word in a different way, or defended doing so, after the Paizo basically said, "don't use that word this way or defend it." So I assume they locked it because they were being unheeded.

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That thread also had things taken grossly out of context.

One of the admins said something to the effect of "don't brag that you can beat up women like an internet tough guy" when that was so far off the mark it wasn't even funny. No one was pointing out they could beat up women because it was cool. It was said to make a point about the innate physical abilities men have when compared to women to show that there is a significant difference that needs to be addressed.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
kmal2t wrote:
It seems any time a thread touches on controversial things regarding women's issues or LGBT that posts get removed or threads locked and an excuse is found to remove them. It feels like a bias to me.

I don't consider that a bias.

In fact, I'd say those threads don't get closed fast enough sometimes.

There are plenty of other controversial discussions that get left untouched.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Gorbacz wrote:
Nobody forced you to read my posts either :p

Ha-Ha! I'm glad someone else is at the top of the ignore list.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sebastian wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Nobody forced you to read my posts either :p

Ha-Ha! I'm glad someone else is at the top of the ignore list.

Maybe it's time to pony-fy the bag, too. It surely helped to mellow your old beardless dwarven self out. ^^

Tirisfal wrote:
kmal2t wrote:
It seems any time a thread touches on controversial things regarding women's issues or LGBT that posts get removed or threads locked and an excuse is found to remove them. It feels like a bias to me.

I don't consider that a bias.

In fact, I'd say those threads don't get closed fast enough sometimes.

Yeah, it would be great if whenever you wanted to post, a thread was already locked.

I mean, they are already shut down mid-post, inconveniencing people trying to have a discussion. We need more of that.


kmal2t wrote:

That thread also had things taken grossly out of context.

One of the admins said something to the effect of "don't brag that you can beat up women like an internet tough guy" when that was so far off the mark it wasn't even funny. No one was pointing out they could beat up women because it was cool. It was said to make a point about the innate physical abilities men have when compared to women to show that there is a significant difference that needs to be addressed.

Ha! Not informed enough to get what was going on. Maybe they just didn't read closely.

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To be somewhat fair I'm sure they're busy and only skim threads sometimes (to moderate) and don't get the full jist of the thread...still that means they should err on the side of caution when moderating and not jump to censor something if they aren't sure.

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There is no "should". There's what each of us wants. We can tell them our preferences, but there's no objectively correct level of moderation other than "whatever the site owners choose".

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

And if you don't like the moderation, a ragequit complete with a Youtube video of burning your PDFs in protest against fascist oppression of the Flag Tyranny is always an option.

Ha! As if.

I think we know what that bag is full of now.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey, I ain"t no pinata!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

At least you aren't a windowless van.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Removed a post. Please be civil to other messageboards posters, thank you.

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Liz Courts wrote:
Removed a post. Please be civil to other messageboards posters, thank you.

This right here is, in my opinion, NOT an unreasonable request. Ignore it and continue to push the boundaries of civility and decency, and it will become a demand (and a rightful one at that. This is their messageboard). Continue to ignore it, threads get locked.

Makes sense to me.

...and yes, I did see the original post that got removed. It was not cool.


lol it wasn't even an overt reference or directly hostile or anything.

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

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Don't defend calling someone names.

I don't think I've ever caused a thread to get locked... Am I missing out on something?

Webstore Gninja Minion

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Quandary wrote:
I don't think I've ever caused a thread to get locked... Am I missing out on something?


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

137ben wrote:
What really amuses me about this thread is the implication that locking a thread ends a discussion. Oh no! A monk thread was locked! Know what that means? It means no one can ever talk about monks again!

heh! Lock this thread. See if that stops the complaining about locked threads.

I bet it doesn't.

Silver Crusade

kmal2t wrote:
To be somewhat fair I'm sure they're busy and only skim threads sometimes (to moderate) and don't get the full jist of the thread...still that means they should err on the side of caution when moderating and not jump to censor something if they aren't sure.

No actually they shouldn't. We are all adults here. If we act in a way that causes what we say to get flagged then we deserve what we get. As an adult we should be able to accept that and move on to something else, instead of pulling a tantrum.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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kmal2t wrote:
...still that means they should err on the side of caution when moderating and not jump to censor something if they aren't sure.

In a community where we don't want people flaming each other, "erring on the side of caution" would probably mean *removing* posts that other people have flagged, not leaving them be...

noretoc wrote:
kmal2t wrote:
To be somewhat fair I'm sure they're busy and only skim threads sometimes (to moderate) and don't get the full jist of the thread...still that means they should err on the side of caution when moderating and not jump to censor something if they aren't sure.

No actually they shouldn't. We are all adults here. If we act in a way that causes what we say to get flagged then we deserve what we get. As an adult we should be able to accept that and move on to something else, instead of pulling a tantrum.

Flagging does not always occur for the best reasons (having a contrary opinion to someone can get you flagged, it is after all, so very easy to do, anyone here could flag this for instance), and being offended is just a whine. A really common whine, a whine used to shut down debate. As in, better watch yourself, someone may be offended. Are you watching what you type yet? You should be, people out there could be offended.

Of course, offense is completely subjective. Some people are ticked off just by tone in writing, the tone they imagine is attached to what they are reading (and it can be a total misunderstanding).

I'm just here on this site to talk about games and gaming debates. Many people can barely control their emotions (especially in regards to a hobby), so getting offended, it is going to happen. Whines should not always be listened to.

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