Master Arminas's Warmage: A Pathfinder Conversion (Complete)

Homebrew and House Rules

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At long last, I have finished up this class. It has taken some time, and without all of your comments and suggestions and advice, it would have not have come to pass. The original thread is located here with all the of discussions, debates, and evolution into the current form of the class.

I would like to thank everyone who added their critiques and comments: without you this class would not be possible. In no particular order, this includes Nicos, Name Violation, Uriel393, Mordo, ChaiGuy, Azten, Kelvar Silvermace, Gerrinson, Kerebrus, SmiloDan, Nephril, Dragonamedrake, Ciaran Barnes, Ahorsewithnoname, Bruunwald, Cpt Jason, Joyd, Jpomzz, Dbass, Clawoftiamat, Stringburka, LazarX, Midnight_Angel, and Kyrzbyn. Thank you all once again.

Feel free to post any comments you want, but I think we have locked this one down pretty good.

Master Arminas


Trained for war, the few who survive the arduous Collegium Bellum Arcanum to graduate as Warmages are proud individuals who yearn for the day when their talents can be unleashed on their foes. The Arcane War College is brutal in its training, but its graduates emerge with abilities that few other arcane casters can match. Skilled not only in magic, but in the mundane art of war, these warmages lead armies and use their talents to wipe their enemies from existence.
While they are often ridiculed (in private) by other arcanists as spell-casters who want to play at warrior, none can deny the warmage is the unquestioned master of the battlefield evocations. Of course, many wizards will point out that such magics are among the least effective overall, and even more general-themed sorcerers are quick to highlight that much of the famed warmage spell list is just some derivation of an area-effect damage spell. Neither class normally makes such jests and jeers directly to the face of a warmage, however, for both will acknowledge (however grudgingly) that a skilled warmage can reliably penetrate defenses specifically designed to counter many of his spells.
Despite this general viewpoint of other spellcasters of his inferiority, the warmage is confident (indeed, some almost say arrogant) in his own abilities. He knows well his own limitations and the effectiveness of other magic, magic that he cannot use. But for the true warmage that means little. A true warmage finds that he is happiest not in a library or a dusty archive, but in the midst of the chaos of battle, where his knowledge and skill and magic can turn even the darkest hour into victory for the side which he champions.

Role: A warmage controls the battlefield, isolating his opponents, reducing their effectiveness, and killing them in large numbers. Unlike many other spellcasters, the warmage has few utility spells at their disposal; instead these armored arcanists concentrate on what they see as the most important aspect of magic: the ability to quickly wound or kill large numbers of opponents in a precise and orderly military fashion.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d6.

BAB: Low

Good Saves: Fortitude, Will

Class Skills: Climb (Str); Diplomacy (Cha); Intimidate (Cha); Knowledge (Arcana) (Int); Knowledge (Engineering) (Int); Knowledge (History) (Int); Knowledge (Nobility); Perception (Wis); Ride (Dex); Spellcraft (Int); and Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: A warmage is proficient in all simple and all martial weapons. He is proficient in light armor and medium armor, but not with heavy armor or with any type of shield. A warmage can cast warmage spells gained from the warmage class (but not other arcane spells gained from other spellcasting classes) in light armor or medium armor without suffering any arcane spell failure chance, but suffers the normal chance of failure for casting in heavy armor or when using any type of shield.

Spells: A warmage casts arcane spells drawn from the warmage spell list (see below). To cast a spell, a warmage must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a warmage’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the warmage’s Charisma modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a warmage can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is the same as a Sorcerer. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score.
A warmage automatically knows all of the spells on his spell list. He does not have to select these spells, nor does he have a spellbook. A warmage cannot add new spells to his spells known (with the exception of his advanced learning ability, see below).
Unlike a wizard or cleric, a warmage need not prepare his spells in advance. He can use any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his spells per day for that spell level.

Cantrips: Warmages learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, as noted in the warmage spell list. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume slots and may be used again.

Arcane Weapons Training (Ex): A warmage knows well that in the heat of battle he might find himself forced to resort to mundane arms. When wielding a melee weapon with which he is proficient, a warmage can, as a swift action, expend a 1st level or higher spell slot that he not yet used during the day. Until the start of his next turn, any attack that the warmage makes with that weapon receives a +1 insight bonus equal to the level of the spell slot expended, to a maximum bonus of +9 when spending a 9th level spell slot on this ability.
If the warmage strikes at a target with concealment with a melee weapon while this ability is active, he may roll his miss chance twice. If either roll results in a hit, then the warmage successful strikes his opponent.
If the warmage also possesses the Arcane Strike feat, he may activate both this ability and the Arcane Strike feat with the same swift action.

Military Knowledge (Ex): A warmage is familiar with basic military protocol, including how to lay out a military encampment, setting watches, operating siege equipment, and the day-to-day details involved in coordinating hundreds of men and horses. He gains a competence bonus on all History (Engineering) and History (Knowledge) skill checks as it relates to war, armies, and the burden of logistics, equal to one-half his warmage class level (minimum of 1).

Warmage Edge (Ex): A warmage specializes in dealing damage with his spells. Whenever a warmage casts a spell that deals hit point damage, he adds a bonus to the damage dealt. This bonus equals the warmage’s Intelligence modifier +1. At 5th level, and every four warmage levels gained thereafter, this bonus increases by an additional +1 to a maximum bonus of Intelligence modifier +5 at 17th level. The bonus from the warmage edge special ability applies only to spells that he casts as a warmage, not to those he might have by virtue of levels in another class.
If the spell is an area effect, this bonus damage applies to all targets within the area of effect. If the spell lasts for more than one round, then the bonus damage applies to all targets within the area of effect (if any) each round. A spell that creates more than one effect that can target any one individual (such as magic missile) only inflicts this bonus damage once per target, per round that the spell effect lasts.
Scrolls and wands used, scribed, or crafted by a warmage do not gain the benefit of this special ability; nor do staffs crafted by a warmage. However, staffs used by a warmage do receive the benefit of this special ability.

Judge of Steel (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a warmage gains a competence bonus on all Appraise skill checks he performs on armor or weapons. This bonus is equal to one-half of the warmage’s class level (round down). A warmage may use this ability to identify magic arms and armor, as per the spell identify, but using the bonus granted by this ability instead of the bonus listed in the spell.

Sudden Silent (Ex): At 3rd level, a warmage may use the Silent Spell meta-magic feat twice per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Advanced Learning (Ex): At 4th level, a warmage gains the knowledge of one spell of his choice that he may add to his spell-list. The spell chosen must be from the sorcerer/wizard spell list, the spell must be from either the conjuration school or the evocation school, the spell cannot be one that summons a creature, and the spell must be at least one level below the highest level spell a warmage is capable of casting. At 6th level, and every even level gained thereafter as a warmage, the character may add one additional spell to his spell-list. When this ability is gained at 20th level, a warmage may select a single sorcerer/wizard spell of any level to add to his spell list, so long as the spell selected is from either the conjuration school or the evocation school and the spell selected cannot be one that summons a creature.

Sudden Still (Ex): At 5th level, a warmage may use the Still Spell meta-magic feat twice per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Warmage Intensity (Ex): At 6th level, a warmage begins to be able to transcend the normal limitations of some of his magical spells. Twice per day, if the warmage casts a spell that deals hit point damage, and that spell has a damage cap based upon the warmage level (such as burning hands or fireball), that spell is affected as though the warmage had applied the Intensified Spell feat. This does not change either the level of the spell being cast nor does it increase the casting time. This ability does not stack with the feat Intensified Spell. At 10th level, and every four warmage levels gained thereafter, the warmage gains one additional daily use of this ability, to a maximum of 5 times per day at 18th level.

Energy Substitution (Ex): At 7th level, three times per day, a warmage may alter the energy of one of his spells to any of the following: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. The spell altered must be a spell that inflicts energy based damage. This ability is a free action that can be used once per round. At 10th level, the warmage may use this ability five times per day. At 15th level, the warmage may use this ability seven times per day. At 20th level, the warmage may use this ability eleven times per day.

Battlefield Counterspelling (Ex): At 8th level, once per day, as an immediate action, a warmage may counter any spell that is on his spell list, so long as the spell is cast within medium range (100 feet plus 10 feet per war mage level) of the warmage. He must expend a spell slot equal to that of the spell being cast or higher. At 13th level he may do this twice per day. At 19th level he may do this three times per day.

Sudden Empower (Ex): At 9th level, a warmage may use the Empower Spell meta-magic feat twice per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Penetrating Spell (Ex): At 10th level, when a warmage casts a spell that inflicts energy-based damage (such as fireball or lightning bolt), the warmage may ignore 10 points of an effected creature’s energy resistance (if any). This ability applies to innate energy resistance that is part of the creature itself as well as to energy resistance bestowed by magic items or spell effects. At each warmage level gained thereafter, the amount of resistance a warmage can bypass increases by 1, to a maximum of 20 at 20th level. Creatures with energy immunity (either natural or magical) are not affected by this ability.

Unavoidable Spell (Ex): At 11th level, the warmage may, twice per day, declare he is casting an unavoidable spell. The spell must be one that inflicts damage and has a Reflex saving throw. When the spell is cast, the warmage may instead choose to base the saving throw on either Fortitude or Will. All creatures within the area of effect must roll against the save type that the warmage chooses. Neither evasion nor improved evasion protect against an unavoidable spell, although stalwart (see the Inquisitor class) does. The warmage gains one additional daily use of this ability at 14th level, 17th level, and 20th level, to a maximum of 5 times per day at 20th level.

Sudden Widen (Ex): At 12th level, a warmage may use the Widen Spell meta-magic feat twice per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Shape Spell (Ex): At 13th level, a warmage can cast a spell and designate up to one ally per warmage level that is within the area of effect as immune to that spells effects. The spell must be an area effect spell, it must be instantaneous, and it must inflict hit point damage to be eligible for this ability. A warmage may use this ability twice per day. At 16th level, and again at 19th level, a warmage gains one additional daily use of this ability.

Sudden Maximize (Ex): At 15th level, a warmage may use the Maximize Spell meta-magic feat once per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Sudden Quicken (Ex): At 18th level, a warmage may use the Quicken Spell meta-magic feat once per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Archmage of War (Ex): A 20th level warmage selects one type of energy immunity (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). He may ignore this energy immunity when he casts a spell that inflicts hit point damage against a creature (either innate immunity or magically bestowed immunity). For the purpose of determining the damage of the warmage’s spells, the creature is considered to not possess energy immunity (but the creature retains any energy vulnerabilities it might possess). In addition, an archmage of war may roll any check to penetrate Spell Resistance twice and choose which roll to accept.

Warmage Spell List

0-level: Detect Magic; Flare; Know Direction; Light; Mage Hand; Mending; Message; Prestidigitation; Read Magic

1st-level: Burning Hands; Chill Metal; Color Spray; Heat Metal; Magic Missile; Mount; Obscuring Mist; Shocking Grasp; Sleep

2nd-level: Flaming Sphere; Fog Cloud; Gust of Wind; Make Whole; Protection from Arrows; Pyrotechnics; Resist Energy; Shatter; Whispering Wind

3rd-level: Daylight; Deep Slumber; Dispel Magic; Fireball; Flame Arrow; Lightning Bolt; Phantom Steed; Sleet Storm; Slow; Stinking Cloud

4th-level: Black Tentacles; Confusion; Fear; Ice Storm; Shout; Solid Fog; Wall of Fire; Wall of Ice

5th-level: Cloudkill; Cone of Cold; Sending; Telekinesis; Teleport; Wall of Stone; Waves of Fatigue

6th-level: Acid Fog; Freezing Sphere; Greater Dispel Magic; Move Earth; Undeath to Death; Wall of Iron

7th-level: Blade Barrier; Delayed Blast Fireball; Prismatic Spray; Reverse Gravity; Waves of Exhaustion

8th-level: Greater Shout; Horrid Wilting; Incendiary Cloud; Prismatic Wall; Sunburst

9th-level: Earthquake; Firestorm; Meteor Swarm; Wail of the Banshee

Not one comment? So sad . . .


Not bad, the concept of sudden metamagic taken as the core concept.

Well I will try to give constructive criticism.

Arcane Weapons Training (Ex): Not a fan, if mage has spells left he shouldn't be using a melee weapon.

Archmage of War (Ex):The ignore immunity thing is cool, the other one is good too. But one thing I would like to see is something that has stuff to do with earlier things the class gets. Perhaps ability to use multiple sudden metamagic abilities on one spell for X times/day with each sudden metamagic taking one use. Just a random thought.

Spell list:

Note: I am looking this as a new thing not as a conversion.

Multiple: No Pitt spells? Those are pretty nifty spells to have on a battlefield.

0-level: Really not one damaging cantrip on a warmage? Altough would limit warmage edge to 1st-9th levle spells.

2nd-level: No scorching ray?

3rd-level: No haste? With the great benefit it would get in army battlefield seems kinda odd. Fly? Now not necessarily but it is pretty damn important to be effective living artillery piece.

8th-level: Wall of Lava

9th-level: Mage's disjunction, already get's dispel magic and greater dispel magic so would seem logical that they would get it too.

Was pretty tired when posting so a brainfart or two might have slipped in there.

i can already see an unholy union of this and magic missile mage.

Bigger Club wrote:

Not bad, the concept of sudden metamagic taken as the core concept.

Well I will try to give constructive criticism.

Arcane Weapons Training (Ex): Not a fan, if mage has spells left he shouldn't be using a melee weapon.

Yes, but it is an option . . . not the best option, but one that is very thematic for a Warmage. For a limited time per day, he can have an (almost) full BAB and a higher damage bonus than fighter Weapon Training (if he has the Arcane Strike feat); something no one expects from an Arcanist.

Archmage of War (Ex):The ignore immunity thing is cool, the other one is good too. But one thing I would like to see is something that has stuff to do with earlier things the class gets. Perhaps ability to use multiple sudden metamagic abilities on one spell for X times/day with each sudden metamagic taking one use. Just a random thought.

Not a bad idea.


Spell list:

Note: I am looking this as a new thing not as a conversion.

Multiple: No Pitt spells? Those are pretty nifty spells to have on a battlefield.

0-level: Really not one damaging cantrip on a warmage? Altough would limit warmage edge to 1st-9th levle spells.

2nd-level: No scorching ray?

3rd-level: No haste? With the great benefit it would get in army battlefield seems kinda odd. Fly? Now not necessarily but it is pretty damn important to be effective living artillery piece.

8th-level: Wall of Lava

9th-level: Mage's disjunction, already get's dispel magic and greater dispel magic so would seem logical that they would get it too.

Had to work hard to get the spell list streamlined down to the current list. I was trying to stay with Core Rulebook spells, since he can use his advanced learning ability to add new spells to his list. That explains the lack of pit spells and Wall of Lava.

Damaging Cantrips: This guy is more of an area of effect specialist . . . and there aren't any AoE cantrips. Plus, it would be a really cheap, cheesy way of getting Warmage Edge on a spell he can spam all day long.

Scorching Ray: Great spell, but intended for 1-3 targets (depending on caster level).

Haste, Fly: I originally had both Haste and Fly, but they don't really fit the theme I was going with here. He does get Phantom Steed, though.

Mage's Disjunction: Another one I had originally, but decided to nix it and stick with the theme.

Was pretty tired when posting so a brainfart or two might have slipped in there.

What I was trying to do was to make a blaster-caster fun and enjoyable to play. If you really like utility wizards and save-or-lose type casters, well, a normal wizard or sorcerer, or even witch, does that great. But this guy is all about the blasting. Oh, he's got a handful of utility spells, and some battlefield control spells (the Wall spells and Black Tentacles in particular), but for the most part he is about blow the fecal matter out of things!

And for that, his class abilities and features make him almost perfect. Like the fluff text says, a Warmage knows his limits and he knows what he can and cannot do; and he doesn't care that a wizard or a sorcerer or a witch can do more; because no one else can do his chosen speciality better.


With explanations things make more sense.

I still say it needs damaging cantrip just rewrite warmage edge to not include cantrips. I just find it kinda stupid thematically that a Warmage would not have the same staying power with damage spells as normal arcane casters. Also these are the spells learned at very beginning of one's training so makes sense that AoE is not yet quite within their reach at the time.

Just little further thoughts on the Capstone: Keep the Immunity thing, drop spell penetration. Then the thing I was talking about. I would say 3-4/day the first sudden metamagic in the spell is not counted. So you could nova but because of the first not counting it's not optimal use of the ability it discourages it.

But really all in all this is a good one, I might take it to my GM next time I want to play blaster. The Cantrip is the only thing that really bugs me.

Grand Lodge

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Warmage Edge (Ex) is the main ability of this class to me and it need you be changed from your build to work right. A Evocation Wiz will get

Intense Spells (Su): Whenever you cast an evocation spell that deals hit point damage, add 1/2 your wizard level to the damage (minimum +1). This bonus only applies once to a spell, not once per missile or ray, and cannot be split between multiple missiles or rays. This bonus damage is not increased by Empower Spell or similar effects. This damage is of the same type as the spell. At 20th level, whenever you cast an evocation spell you can roll twice to penetrate a creature's spell resistance and take the better result.

This is better then the one you are giving your version so I would reacomend using this for your class with only change it to all War mage spells and not just Evocation with the int bounes.

As to spells he does need a damage spells for level 0 so that he does not feel let out early on and scorching ray for level 2 as a heavy hitting level 2. You would not be breaking anything as the Wiz can alreadys do this and I will tell you a that a player plying a wiz did not break my game.

Your list compairde to the original (from Complete Arcane) is
0 9 4 = 5 more
1 9 13 = 4 less
2 9 11 = 2 less
3 10 10 = Same
4 8 12 = 4 less
5 7 7 = Same
6 6 8 = 2 Less
7 5 8 = 3 less
8 5 7 = 2 less
9 4 6 = 2 less

From looking at this I do think you should add more to his list.

Also how will Expanded Arcana feat from APG work for this class. I would say let it work like your Advanced Learning this way if your want to burn more feats on it they can add more spells.

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Okay, then. How about this incoporating some of your suggestions: I added a few more spells (including damaging cantrips and scorching ray), I adjusted Warmage Edge to not apply to cantrips, and gave Archmage of War the ability to use up to two sudden-meta-x on a single spell.

I didn't change Warmage Edge's bonuses, simply because any Warmage with a decent Int and a good headband will probably have at least the same bonus on damage as an Evocation specialist wizard, if not higher (especially at lower levels). Combined with the ability to change energy types on the fly, ignore evasion, penetrate magical and innate energy resistances . . . . well, I figured that was enough.

You know, I have never read the Expanded Arcana feat before today? I would actually allow a Warmage to pick one arcane spell (ANY arcane spell from the sorcerer/wizard list) at least one level below the highest level spell he can cast. After all, he is spending a feat on it.

Anyway, here is the second trial version!


Trained for war, the few who survive the arduous Collegium Bellum Arcanum to graduate as Warmages are proud individuals who yearn for the day when their talents can be unleashed on their foes. The Arcane War College is brutal in its training, but its graduates emerge with abilities that few other arcane casters can match. Skilled not only in magic, but in the mundane art of war, these warmages lead armies and use their talents to wipe their enemies from existence.
While they are often ridiculed (in private) by other arcanists as spell-casters who want to play at warrior, none can deny the warmage is the unquestioned master of the battlefield evocations. Of course, many wizards will point out that such magics are among the least effective overall, and even more general-themed sorcerers are quick to highlight that much of the famed warmage spell list is just some derivation of an area-effect damage spell. Neither class normally makes such jests and jeers directly to the face of a warmage, however, for both will acknowledge (however grudgingly) that a skilled warmage can reliably penetrate defenses specifically designed to counter many of his spells.
Despite this general viewpoint of other spellcasters of his inferiority, the warmage is confident (indeed, some almost say arrogant) in his own abilities. He knows well his own limitations and the effectiveness of other magic, magic that he cannot use. But for the true warmage that means little. A true warmage finds that he is happiest not in a library or a dusty archive, but in the midst of the chaos of battle, where his knowledge and skill and magic can turn even the darkest hour into victory for the side which he champions.

Role: A warmage controls the battlefield, isolating his opponents, reducing their effectiveness, and killing them in large numbers. Unlike many other spellcasters, the warmage has few utility spells at their disposal; instead these armored arcanists concentrate on what they see as the most important aspect of magic—the ability to quickly wound or kill large numbers of opponents in a precise and orderly military fashion.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d6.

BAB: Low

Good Saves: Will

Class Skills: Climb (Str); Diplomacy (Cha); Intimidate (Cha); Knowledge (Arcana) (Int); Knowledge (Engineering) (Int); Knowledge (History) (Int); Knowledge (Nobility); Perception (Wis); Ride (Dex); Spellcraft (Int); and Swim (Str).

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Weapons and Armor Proficiency: A warmage is proficient in all simple and all martial weapons. He is proficient in light armor and medium armor, but not with heavy armor or with any type of shield. A warmage can cast warmage spells gained from the warmage class (but not other arcane spells gained from other spellcasting classes) in light armor or medium armor without suffering any arcane spell failure chance, but suffers the normal chance of failure for casting in heavy armor or when using any type of shield.

Spells: A warmage casts arcane spells drawn from the warmage spell list (see below). To cast a spell, a warmage must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a warmage’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the warmage’s Charisma modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a warmage can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is the same as a Sorcerer. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score.
A warmage automatically knows all of the spells on his spell list. He does not have to select these spells, nor does he have a spellbook. A warmage cannot add new spells to his spells known (with the exception of his advanced learning ability, see below).
Unlike a wizard or cleric, a warmage need not prepare his spells in advance. He can use any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his spells per day for that spell level.

Cantrips: Warmages learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, as noted in the warmage spell list. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume slots and may be used again.

Arcane Weapons Training (Ex): A warmage knows well that in the heat of battle he might find himself forced to resort to mundane arms. When wielding a melee weapon with which he is proficient, a warmage can, as a swift action, expend a 1st level or higher spell slot that he not yet used during the day. Until the start of his next turn, any attack that the warmage makes with that weapon receives a +1 insight bonus equal to the level of the spell slot expended, to a maximum bonus of +9 when spending a 9th level spell slot on this ability.
If the warmage strikes at a target with concealment with a melee weapon while this ability is active, he may roll his miss chance twice. If either roll results in a hit, then the warmage successful strikes his opponent.
If the warmage also possesses the Arcane Strike feat, he may activate both this ability and the Arcane Strike feat with the same swift action.

Military Knowledge (Ex): A warmage is familiar with basic military protocol, including how to lay out a military encampment, setting watches, operating siege equipment, and the day-to-day details involved in coordinating hundreds of men and horses. He gains a competence bonus on all History (Engineering) and History (Knowledge) skill checks as it relates to war, armies, and the burden of logistics, equal to one-half his warmage class level (minimum of 1).

Warmage Edge (Ex): A warmage specializes in dealing damage with his spells. Whenever a warmage casts a spell of 1st-level or higher that deals hit point damage, he adds a bonus to the damage dealt. This bonus equals the warmage’s Intelligence modifier +1. At 5th level, and every four warmage levels gained thereafter, this bonus increases by an additional +1 to a maximum bonus of Intelligence modifier +5 at 17th level. The bonus from the warmage edge special ability applies only to spells that he casts as a warmage, not to those he might have by virtue of levels in another class.
If the spell is an area effect, this bonus damage applies to all targets within the area of effect. If the spell lasts for more than one round, then the bonus damage applies to all targets within the area of effect (if any) each round. A spell that creates more than one effect that can target any one individual (such as magic missile) only inflicts this bonus damage once per target, per round that the spell effect lasts.
Scrolls and wands used, scribed, or crafted by a warmage do not gain the benefit of this special ability; nor do staffs crafted by a warmage. However, staffs used by a warmage do receive the benefit of this special ability.

Judge of Steel (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a warmage gains a competence bonus on all Appraise skill checks he performs on armor or weapons. This bonus is equal to one-half of the warmage’s class level (round down). A warmage may use this ability to identify magic arms and armor, as per the spell identify, but using the bonus granted by this ability instead of the bonus listed in the spell.

Sudden Silent (Ex): At 3rd level, a warmage may use the Silent Spell meta-magic feat twice per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Advanced Learning (Ex): At 4th level, a warmage gains the knowledge of one spell of his choice that he may add to his spell-list. The spell chosen must be from the sorcerer/wizard spell, the spell must be from either the conjuration school or the evocation school, the spell cannot be one that summons a creature, and the spell must be at least one level below the highest level spell a warmage is capable of casting. At 6th level, and every even level gained thereafter as a warmage, the character may add one additional spell to his spell-list. When this ability is gained at 20th level, a warmage may select a single sorcerer/wizard spell of any level to add to his spell list, so long as the spell selected is from either the conjuration school or the evocation school and the spell selected cannot be one that summons a creature.

Sudden Still (Ex): At 5th level, a warmage may use the Still Spell meta-magic feat twice per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Warmage Intensity (Ex): At 6th level, a warmage begins to be able to transcend the normal limitations of some of his magical spells. Twice per day, if the warmage casts a spell that deals hit point damage, and that spell has a damage cap based upon the warmage level (such as burning hands or fireball, that spell is affected as though the warmage had applied the Intensified Spell feat. This does not change either the level of the spell being cast nor does it increase the casting time. This ability does not stack with the feat Intensified Spell. At 10th level, and every four warmage levels gained thereafter, the warmage gains one additional daily use of this ability, to a maximum of 5 times per day at 18th level.

Energy Substitution (Ex): At 7th level, three times per day, a warmage may alter the energy of one of his spells to any of the following: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. The spell altered must be a spell that inflicts energy based damage. This ability is a free action that can be used once per round. At 10th level, the warmage may use this ability five times per day. At 15th level, the warmage may use this ability seven times per day. At 20th level, the warmage may use this ability eleven times per day.

Battlefield Counterspelling (Ex): At 8th level, once per day, as an immediate action, a warmage may counter any spell that is on his spell list, so long as the spell is cast within medium range (100 feet plus 10 feet per war mage level) of the warmage. He must expend a spell slot equal to that of the spell being cast or higher. At 13th level he may do this twice per day. At 19th level he may do this three times per day.

Sudden Empower (Ex): At 9th level, a warmage may use the Empower Spell meta-magic feat twice per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Penetrating Spell (Ex): At 10th level, when a warmage casts a spell that inflicts energy-based damage (such as fireball or lightning bolt), the warmage may ignore 10 points of an effected creature’s energy resistance (if any). This ability applies to innate energy resistance that is part of the creature itself as well as to energy resistance bestowed by magic items or spell effects. At each warmage level gained thereafter, the amount of resistance a warmage can bypass increases by 1, to a maximum of 20 at 20th level. Creatures with energy immunity (either natural or magical) are not affected by this ability.

Unavoidable Spell (Ex): At 11th level, the warmage may, twice per day, declare he is casting an unavoidable spell. The spell must be one that inflicts damage and has a Reflex saving throw. When the spell is cast, the warmage may instead choose to base the saving throw on either Fortitude or Will. All creatures within the area of effect must roll against the save type that the warmage chooses. Neither evasion nor improved evasion protect against an unavoidable spell, although stalwart (see the Inquisitor class) does. The warmage gains one additional daily use of this ability at 14th level, 17th level, and 20th level, to a maximum of 5 times per day at 20th level.

Sudden Widen (Ex): At 12th level, a warmage may use the Widen Spell meta-magic feat twice per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Shape Spell (Ex): At 13th level, a warmage can cast a spell and designate up to one ally per warmage level that is within the area of effect as immune to that spells effects. The spell must be an area effect spell, it must be instantaneous, and it must inflict hit point damage to be eligible for this ability. A warmage may use this ability twice per day. At 16th level, and again at 19th level, a warmage gains one additional daily use of this ability.

Sudden Maximize (Ex): At 15th level, a warmage may use the Maximize Spell meta-magic feat once per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Sudden Quicken (Ex): At 18th level, a warmage may use the Quicken Spell meta-magic feat once per day without any increase in casting time or in the level of spell being cast. A warmage may only apply one sudden metamagic to any single spell.

Archmage of War (Ex): A 20th level warmage selects one type of energy immunity (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). He may ignore this energy immunity when he casts a spell that inflicts hit point damage against a creature (either innate immunity or magically bestowed immunity). For the purpose of determining the damage of the warmage’s spells, the creature is considered to not possess energy immunity (but the creature retains any energy vulnerabilities it might possess). In addition, an archmage of war may roll any check to penetrate Spell Resistance twice and choose which roll to accept. Finally, a Warmage of this level may apply a maximum of two (2) of his sudden-metamagic abilities to a single spell.

Warmage Spell List

0-level: Acid Splash; Detect Magic; Flare; Know Direction; Light; Mage Hand; Mending; Message; Prestidigitation; Ray of Frost; Read Magic

1st-level: Burning Hands; Chill Metal; Color Spray; Heat Metal; Magic Missile; Mount; Obscuring Mist; Shocking Grasp; Sleep; True Strike

2nd-level: Flaming Sphere; Fog Cloud; Gust of Wind; Make Whole; Protection from Arrows; Pyrotechnics; Resist Energy; Scorching Ray; Shatter; Whispering Wind

3rd-level: Daylight; Deep Slumber; Dispel Magic; Fireball; Flame Arrow; Lightning Bolt; Phantom Steed; Sleet Storm; Slow; Stinking Cloud

4th-level: Black Tentacles; Confusion; Fear; Ice Storm; Shout; Solid Fog; Wall of Fire; Wall of Ice

5th-level: Blight; Cloudkill; Cone of Cold; Sending; Telekinesis; Teleport; Wall of Stone; Waves of Fatigue

6th-level: Acid Fog; Circle of Death; Freezing Sphere; Greater Dispel Magic; Move Earth; Undeath to Death; Wall of Iron

7th-level: Blade Barrier; Delayed Blast Fireball; Prismatic Spray; Reverse Gravity; Waves of Exhaustion

8th-level: Greater Shout; Horrid Wilting; Incendiary Cloud; Prismatic Wall; Sunburst

9th-level: Earthquake; Firestorm; Meteor Swarm; Wail of the Banshee

More on the Evocation Wizard Intense Spell abiity vs. Warmage Edge:

The Evocation Wizard gets a +1 at 1st-3rd level, +2 at 4th-5th, +3 at 6th-7th, +4 at 8th-9th, +5 at 10th-11th, +6 at 12th-13th, +7 at 14th-15th, +8 at 16th-17th, +9 at 18th-19th, and +10 at 20th level.

Not bad.

This Warmage gets +1 at 1st-4th level, +2 at 5th-8th, +3 at 9th-12th, +4 at 13th-16th, and +5 at 17th-20th. Things look bad for the Warmage, eh? But remember that the Warmage then gets to add his Intelligence modifier. Let's say he is a human Warmage with the following 20-point buy: Str 11 (1 pt), Dex 12 (2 pts), Con 12 (2 pts), Int 14 (5 pts), Wis 10 (0 pts), and Cha 16 (10 pts). Not optimized, but easily doable. Put that +2 for being human in Cha, for Str 11, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, and Cha 18. Level 4 increase goes to Str, all others to Cha; for a final array of Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, and Cha 22.

That is before magic. He should have a headband of mental prowess (Int/Cha) +2 by 9th level, +4 by 14th level, and +6 by 17th level (which gives him a final stat array, without tomes, of Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 10, and Cha 28; not bad).

So, he has a Warmage Edge of +3 from 1st-4th, +4 from 5th-8th; +6 from 9-12th; +7 at 13th; +8 from 14th-16th; and +10 from 17th on. Our Warmage has either the same bonus or higher at every single level. Which is good enough for government work.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I see no point in giving so much martial weapon proficiency to a class that belongs no where near the front lines.

I see no further point in having this class and a magus in the same campaign. The only thing that distinguishes them is that the warmage is more likely to die on the frontlines unless he operates the way you would expect a blasting sorcerer.

LazarX wrote:
I see no point in giving so much martial weapon proficiency to a class that belongs no where near the front lines.

What, you are complaining that a Warmage might decide to swing a two-handed sword or a greataxe instead popping off a 15d6 fireball? He has options, even if those options are not necessarily the best in the world.

Now, one thing that he could do is use a longbow, and that is something that only Elven wizards have been able to do in the past without spending a feat.

I see no further point in having this class and a magus in the same campaign. The only thing that distinguishes them is that the warmage is more likely to die on the frontlines unless he operates the way you would expect a blasting sorcerer.

The Magus has a larger hit die and a better base attack bonus, even when the Warmage expends a spell slot on Arcane Weapon Training. In terms of role, the two are not even close. Magi specialize in touch spells delivered through their weapon in melee combat; Warmages are primarily area-of-effect blasters with some battlefield control spells.

Just because it doesn't fit your style of play does not mean that it is not something that others might well use.

Master Arminas

Read the second version, seems much better, when thinking how minor the changes were.

Some thoughts, if the extra arcana allows any spell from the sorcerer/wizaerd list it really helps, since there are few spells that would benefit greatly the concept but are not conjuration or evocation so you can't take it with advanced learning. Like let's say Control weather is with military scale combat a real killer spell.(Not actually killing people necessarily just good is what I mean) I might, and the ky word is might add advanced learning to have to take any spell from the list but then it has to be 2 spell levels lower than the maxium you can cast.

One concern came to mind about Arcane Weapons Training, since it's insight bonus, this might be open to abuse with Eldritch Knight. I didn't do the math but I would wager that the bonus would more than offset the medium BAB. Couple that with unamed bonus from arcane strike. So since a trait can offset the -2 to CL, it doesn't effect. So without looking deep in to it at level 20 you could have +10 magical weapon(or more +10 worth of enchanments) +9 insight bonus from Arcane weapon training sacrificing 9th level slot though and +5 from Arcane strike, so in theory you could get +19 and +5 worth of special abilities.

Except Arcane Strike is ONLY applied to damage, which is what allows it and Arcane Weapon Training to stack together (AWT bestows an insight bonus on attack rolls with weapons (but not damage) and AS bestows a damage bonus on weapon damage rolls, but not an attack bonus).

A Warmage 10/Eldritch Knight 10 will have a BAB of +15 and can gain a +9 to hit and +5 to damage by spending a 9th level spell slot and a swift action (for 1 round). Total of +24 to hit (+29 with a fully enchanted weapon, let's say a two-handed sword) that deals 2d6+10 damage (plus any other weapon properties).

A Fighter 20 will have a +31 to hit (BAB, plus Weapon Focus and GWF, +5 weapon, weapon training) and deal 2d6+13 (+5 enhancement, +4 Weapon Specialization/GWS, +4 weapon training), plus any other weapon properties. And a higher strength. Much higher strength. LOL

In practice, you are probably looking at the W10/EK10 having a total of around +33 to hit doing 2d6+16 vs. that F20 having a +43 to hit doing 2d6+28. That is WITH the W10/EK10 spending a 9th level spell slot on his attacks for 1 round.

And the W10/EK10 would lose out on Unavoidable Spell, Sudden Widen, Shape Spell, Sudden Maximize, Sudden Quicken, and Archmage of War. He would only be able to Counterspell (per Battlefield Counterspelling) once per day, and he could only use Energy Substitution 5 times per day. Finally, his Warmage Edge would top out at Int modifier +3.

Master Arminas

Of coarse I missed something, well that is what you get for just glancing around. Still EK has very formidable spell casting on top of that. Well still I am not overly concerned about that sort of stuff, since at the table well at least at my groups table people are not trying to brake the game. Well I think it was still worth mentioning.

But I would say this is done. Pretty much any changes that could be done that I see are mater of preference. At the very least this is a fine base to make it the one you would like it to be.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Looks great MA.

You're getting some flack for including melee features, but I think it makes the class more interesting. Don't step on the magus's toes and you'll be good. I would go so far as to allow arcane weapon training to deal the extra damage as an energy type. I recall in your last thread that you decided against it.

would love to see a google doc if you can.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Have you considered giving this another look, with the new spells that are available since UM?
The magus has a lot of spells that would go well with this.

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Google document of the finished Warmage is now up. You may find it HERE, Master Arminas' Warmage for Pathfinder.



Dark Archive

You know, I was hoping somebody would eventually make that conversion. It's always been one of my favorite D&D classes. You were even able to maintain some of its martial ability. Well done. Once upon a time, these things replaced the wizard as 3.5e's premiere blaster class. There are ways in Pathfinder to far outstrip their pure damage dealing ability with sorcerer at this point, but the warmage offers a far easier way of enhancing one's damage while at the same time providing some metamagic feat equivalents. It's good stuff.

One note: I increased the hit die of the Warmage from a d6 to a d8 (but kept BAB as low). The reasoning for this is that the original Warmage had a d6 vs. the wizard/sorcerer d4; so this version has a d8 vs. Pathfinder's d6 for the wizard/sorcerer. Also, I have given the class a good Fort save in addition to the good Will save, ala the Cleric. Why? Because of the fluff regarding the rigorous and brutal training, it made little sense that the class would have a low Fort save. This way, it presents the appearance of a robust and tough character, well-used to hardship and able to shrug off some effects (not all) and wounds that would cripple a standard wizard/sorcerer/witch. With the very tightly focused spell list, I didn't think that this would be a big deal, certainly not game-breakingly over-the-top, anyway.

As always, let me know if I got it wrong. :)


I figured those were the reasons.

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