Midnight_Angel |

Am i the only one in this world that want a Pathfinder rulebook leatherbound, like the spec edt they made for D&D 3.5.
Probably not. However, you seem to be pretty fixated on that desire, given the fact that you fired up several posts in various locations on this board, with your caps lock key stuck in the active position.

thenobledrake |
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The time for a special, leather-bound, and all the bells & whistles edition of a rule-book is the last print run.
A book as described should be made if/when Paizo have announced a Pathfinder 2E, and could even be sold with a tag line of "For those of you who won't be venturing forth into a new edition with us, here is a chance to grab a copy of your beloved rule-book with the final errata included and [special features]" or something along those lines.
I know I personally get a bit less than thrilled about special edition prints when they happen sooner than that... it's like "oh cool, I have a book with a pretty cover - or I can use this one I just picked up that has less typos and unclear wordings in it"

Anguish |

Personally nah. But here's why...
1} Core rules get used and abused. A leather-bound special edition sounds cool, but becomes an unusable object. A curio. Collectors will likely enjoy that, but I prefer my RPG products to be functional. I could stand the RotR deluxe (though I'm not buying it mostly because I won't wait until November) because in theory a DM will pass through the book once, but for rules it makes no sense.
2} Core rules get altered. I've got a 1st printing book, a 3rd printing book, and a 5th printing book. While the errata aren't huge, my 1st-edition book is wrong. I wouldn't feel good about that if it was some expensive special edition book.
Honestly, I sort of think a special bound Core would be not unlike a special release of chocolate miniatures. Yeah, cute chocolate goblins. Yay. Only... if you touch them they'll melt a little bit. And over time they get moldy.
My $.02 of rationality, explaining why my wallet wouldn't participate in such a product.

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Am i the only one in this world that want a Pathfinder rulebook leatherbound, like the spec edt they made for D&D 3.5.
PAIZO we want a KICKSTARTER FOR a leatherbound pathfinder rulebook. It would fit perfectly with the new Rise of the runelords spec edt.
Horrible idea. The rules are constantly evolving with every printing. I'd be pretty pissed to spend $200.00 on a CRB, only to have a new printing come out with updated information. Secondly, Paizo does NOT need to run a kickstarter for a product they are already printing.

Chris Lambertz |

Of note: we have released special Core Rulebooks. You can still find signed copies here and check out the older press release about the special ones sold in the Japan Relief Auction. None of the former exist in our inventory, but it's still pretty cool.

BltzKrg242 |

If they combined the core and APG rules sets (specifically the classes and the additional combat options) and ensured errata was all in corrected form, I would consider buying a leather bound version but until then... PDF and PRD are update-able and accessible.
Perhaps a Players guide with all of the player info and then a seperate DM's guide with the DM portions of the core and the GM guide split out to another book entirely?

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I would buy this book. At the present 5th printing, 95% of the errors have been corrected - it is more than time for a special edition corebook.
I purchased two copies of the Corebook when it originally came out. My first edition signed copies are completely destroyed - numerous pages ripped, the cover marred and the spine broken and falling off. The books are basically no longer usable. I've toyed with the idea of buying new corebooks, but that seems a waste unless I'm getting something more.
A leatherbound edition could be that option. It would certainly stand up to abuse better than the existing Corebooks that use substandard binding. Otherwise I'll probably go to a professional bookbinder and have them recompile the pages in my signed books so they can continue to be used.