Grizzly the Archer |
Our GM made it a common slot like any other, up to two earrings. We also, as a joke, have a cod piece. I don't remember if we have magical pants, I'm pretty sure someone does.
Either way, ask your GM. Best case scenario, it's a regular slot. worst case, he doesn't allow it period. Middle ground is slotless.
AerynTahlro |
I am looking at having a magical earring or set of earrings made and I am curious as to whether they/it will count against finger rings. Does anyone know?
Have it take up the "eyes" slot. See here for a list of available magic item slots.
That said, my DM did give us sets of 'slotless' earrings, so either possibility works.
Happler |
I have seen third-party magic earrings that use the headband slot:
The Captain's Horn
But they are third party, no official. My suggestion is one of the following:
Headband: headbands and phylacteries.
Head: circlets, crowns, hats, helms, and masks.
Eyes: eyes, glasses, and goggles.
Neck: amulets, brooches, medallions, necklaces, periapts, and scarabs.
or slotless
I know that the slots are no longer tied to certain bonuses, but I would check out what types of items sit in each and plan the earrings to match (for the thematic idea). Thus a set of earrings that grant perform bonuses (for example) might fit in the head slot (since there are other items there the buff charisma). This also helps to keep balance.