Pathfinder in South Bend

Local Play

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Sczarni 4/5

Hey everyone! I heard from Justin that everyone survived yesterday's session, hope y'all enjoyed it!

Next session will be December 29th @ 10AM at the Griffon again, if the time fits with everyone's holiday schedules. My question for all of you: which type of scenario would you like to play next? I have been bouncing y'all around very different settings to get a feel for what kind of PFS missions are preferred. Would you all like to for the next session to:

A) Do another Tian Xia-based mission (A la 'Edge of Heaven') and/or continue the 'Quest for Perfection' series?

B) Do another Absalom-based mission (A la 'Silent Tide')?

C) Do another Irrisen/Land of the Linnorm Kings-based mission (A la 'Frostfur Captives')?

D) Try a mission set in a completely different place than those listed above? Your options are Andoran, Cheliax, Taldor, Mwangi, Varisia, or Random.


My group of three will be there at that day and time!

I'd like to continue the Quest for Perfection series to see how it turns out. I don't have any particular preference towards Tian Xia, although from an RP standpoint it would make sense for the Society to use our Pathfinders in more than one mission over there after having spent the time and gold getting them to other side of the world.

A scenario based in a dungeon or city would also be good, to balance out all the traveling/wilderness scenarios we've been doing. Another Absalom mission would be cool as well. I wouldn't mind seeing the Mwangi Expanse though either. Then I could learn how to pronounce 'Mwangi.'

The land of Random sounds dangerous.

Silver Crusade

+1 on Perfection. We're practically perfect already.

Grand Lodge

I will be coming home for the holidays and would like to get in in dome Pcs. I have a lg 1 wizard to play.

Grand Lodge

Pfs. Sry daang tabs


Gykrossin - It'll be great to have you.

Irish - Kerian votes for the Irrisen/Land of the Linnorm Kings-based mission.

Also, Congrats on your second star!

Sczarni 4/5

Justin- Thanks! Do you want to continue GM'ing the rest of the 'Quest for Perfection' series or switch back to playing? I have both played/GM'd the series, but it is fun enough that I wouldn't mind doing either again for no credit. If you decide to GM, I would happy to sit as a back-up GM in case of 7+ turnout on the 29th.

Rastaf- Heh, fair enough!

Gykrossin- I agree with Justin, it is always good to have new faces at the sessions!


I'd prefer just to play, but if you want to run something that you can get credit for instead, feel free! I don't think anyone has strong feelings one way or another. I can still backup GM Master of the Fallen Fortress.

Grand Lodge

When will be the next game day and times. I will bo looking forward to playing with yyou all

Sczarni 4/5

Justin-I am perfectly OK with GM'ing the next session, I just play PFS up in K-Zoo on Saturday evenings for things I want credit for :)

Gykrossin-The upcoming session will be two weeks from now, on December 29th @ 10AM. The PFS sessions take place at the Griffon Bookstore (location and info about it located hence: ) on the second floor of the building.

Sovereign Court

Are you guys willing to possibly take on a new player? I won't bore anybody with the details, but suffice it to say I moved to the SB area 4+ years ago and have been looking for a situation like this to get back into gaming ever since.

Played 3rd Ed and 3.5 in high school and college, only recently discovered what Pathfinder even was. It sounds like it'd be WAY more up my alley than D&D 4th.

Silver Crusade

Yeah! Just show up. We haven't needed more than 1 GM so far, but if there are more people, we'll wing it. Not everybody can make it every session, so we haven't needed 2 tables yet.

Sovereign Court

Rastaf of Sarenrae wrote:
Yeah! Just show up. We haven't needed more than 1 GM so far, but if there are more people, we'll wing it. Not everybody can make it every session, so we haven't needed 2 tables yet.

Excellent! What would you recommend I bring, as a relative first-timer? (It's been quite a while.) I can't figure out if I should buy the core rulebook, or the advanced player's guide (since it's newer.) Edit: Or the Beginner Box --- facepalm.

Should I wait until I get there to try to make a character?

Silver Crusade

The CRB is "core," and the APG builds off that, so you'll want the big book first. You could make a character, or just run a pregen from the module. That's what most of us did, then we came back with our own characters later.

You can change your character any time before you hit 2nd level, so you get to play around with it a bit and see what you want to do. I played a pregen cleric my first session, but by the next game I had time to make up a similar cleric with a few changes I thought were pretty cool. He just hit 3rd.

If you haven't yet, download the free Player's Guide and take a look at it. PFS is a little different from home games, but it's fun because whoever shows up can just jump in and play the module. You don't need to have a lot of players, but the more the merrier.

There are snacks for sale there, or you can bring your own. There's never been a shortage of treats. Just bring your dice and the usual paper, etc., and you'll be set.


New people are always welcome, nb3d. Rastaf hit on all the basics you need to know before getting started. I'll be backup GMing a scenario specifically geared towards 1st level characters, so even if we have overfill at the 1st table, there'll be more than enough room for you.

I'll be bringing pregenerated characters with me, so if you want to try it out before creating your own character, that'll be no problem. You can just apply the credit later. Just don't forget to bring your Pathfinder Society number with you to the game session.

Sovereign Court

Sounds good. I think, since I have so much time to kill between now and the 29th, I'll probably try to delve into the suggested material and see if I can't come up with a character of my own, so I can hit the ground running. I'm sure the basic mechanics are not going to take long to "come back" to me once I start reading. Plus there's a Pathfinder group meeting at Griffon today according to the website, so I thought I might stop by just to check it out, see if they might let me observe for a few minutes.

I registered for a Society number. Should be good to go day-of. I'll probably need some coaching though. :)

Thanks for your help guys. Can't wait to play.

2/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Got room for one more? I'm a pretty experienced player but I've never done PFS. And where exactly do you play?


Definitely, Shalm, I'll be running a table for 1st level starting characters, and pregens will be available. You'll want to get a Pathfinder Society number from this (Paizo) website before game.

Our next session will take place on Saturday December 29th at 10am at the Griffon Bookstore on the second floor (information and location at ).

2/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks so much Justin! I'll have my number and a character ready.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

It's great to see you guys growing and thriving!

I'm gonna have to get out there again soon on a Saturday to join you.

Liberty's Edge

Sorry guys I've been a bit AWOL from the Paizo boards the last couple weeks. I'd vote to go with the rest of the Quest for Perfection series, but really anything is good with me, as long as it's not anything I've played yet of course!

Sczarni 4/5

Hey all! Justin had something come up last minute, so I will be GM'ing his table tomorrow. I will be changing the scenario as well, so that everyone who started Part 1 can be present for the remainder of the series. The current scenario is now "#3-21: The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment." Back-up table will still be "Masters of the Fallen Fortress." See y'all tomorrow!

Sovereign Court

Awesome meeting everyone; looking forward to next time.


The next session of the South Bend Pathfinder Society will be January 12th at 10am at the Griffon ( I will be running #3-11: The Quest for Perfection Part II: On Hostile Waters (Tier 1-5). The module Master of the Fallen Fortress (Tier 1) will be available as a backup table if necessary. Be there or be somewhere else having less fun.

Sovereign Court


Scarab Sages 2/5

Thanks nb3D for linking me this thread! I'm happy to see PFS finaly take of in South Bend.

I'll be there!

Liberty's Edge

Looking forward to playing part 2!

Sczarni 4/5

Hey everyone!

Next session will be February 2nd at 10AM at the Griffon. I will be running "#3-18: The God's Market Gamble," and the back-up scenario will once again be "Masters of the Fallen Fortress." If someone other than Justin could volunteer to back-up GM in case we get 7+ people, that would be appreciated (as he has GM'd essentially the last couple sessions to finish up the Quest for Perfection series).

Sovereign Court

Irish202 wrote:

Hey everyone!

Next session will be February 2nd at 10AM at the Griffon. I will be running "#3-18: The God's Market Gamble," and the back-up scenario will once again be "Masters of the Fallen Fortress." If someone other than Justin could volunteer to back-up GM in case we get 7+ people, that would be appreciated (as he has GM'd essentially the last couple sessions to finish up the Quest for Perfection series).

My friend from back home is definitely coming. Talked to him last night and he's really psyched, so count me in for 2 people. He'll be playing 1st level

Silver Crusade

I can run Masters, if needed.

Scarab Sages 2/5

Tom Baumbach wrote:
I'll be there!

Turns out I'm a liar. This time I'll say, "I'll try to be there!"

How was the turn out on the 12th?


Tom Baumbach wrote:
How was the turn out on the 12th?

We had 5 players, not bad. The most we've had at once so far was 7 players, unless there was a massive number on the one session I missed.

My group of three will be there on the 2nd. Luckie may be replaced with a Witch. I'll bring an extra 1st level character in case of two tables.

Sovereign Court

Justin L. Warren wrote:
Tom Baumbach wrote:
How was the turn out on the 12th?
Luckie may be replaced with a Witch.

Since witch is new to me and I really haven't read anything about it yet, I don't know if this is possible, but please let her know: if she turns somebody into a newt, it will instantly be my new favorite class.

Liberty's Edge

Please, don't give her any ideas!!

Liberty's Edge

I talked to 3 people from South Bend this weekend at Winter Fantasy. They told me that they have been meaning to come to the Griffon to play and that they're new PFS players. They said that they are going to try to be there at the next session with level 2 characters.

Sovereign Court

You know, now that you mention that, I meant to go over and introduce myself to those guys when you pointed them out. But ADD took over and I never wound up doing it.

Shrug. Guess I'll see them Saturday anyway.

Related note: wife was going to come to WF but got the flu. Entirely possible she will come Saturday instead. Which would bring my group to three.

2/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

The three people Tom mentioned that he met at Winter Fantasy (myself and my two friends) will be there Saturday. Also, we may have two others join us -- not sure if that affects anything or not, but I thought I'd let you know just in case. Looking forward to it!

Sczarni 4/5

Ok, now that is appears a significant number of people are coming, I am clarifying the number of players below to maintain my sanity:

1. Justin's group (3 people)
2. Tom's group (Tom + 3 people + 2 maybe people)
3. nb3D's group (nb3D + guest + wife...maybe)

Based on this incredibly loose reckoning, this would be approximately 12 people, which equals two very full tables!

In the event this number increases, I may need someone to have one of the 'First Steps' scenarios prepped just in case (who is not Justin). Tom, would you be willing? I don't expect it, but I like to have my bases covered.

Sovereign Court

My group is confirmed for 3. (And please, feel free to call me Noah!)

Also, I am working on preparing myself to try my hand at GM'ing. I was planning on doing so a little further down the road, and I'm definitely still not there yet, but I'm hoping to bump the schedule up significantly, since both my interest in the game, and the numbers in our area seem to be growing quite rapidly.

I've downloaded First Steps part one and have been reading through it whenever I have spare time. I think if I had another experienced GM playing in the group as an aide, I could probably take a stab at it some time in February? (It also doesn't hurt that I was given a boon at WF that I can only use if I become a GM. LOL)

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Wow it's great to see this group flourish so much!

First Steps Part 1 has a good bit of roleplaying and one potentially deadly fight.

I'd recommend Part 2 for a newbie GM (they don't need to be played in order)

That or Master of the Fallen Fortress.

Silver Crusade

Hey, nb3d, if you want to GM, go for it. I prefer to play, really. I've got a half orc sorcerer I'd like to start out, so I could play her (yes, a her!) in your game, and give you some help, if needed.

Problem is, I've played First Steps with Irish already, and I already know MotFF, too. Would she get credit for playing something Rastaf's already played?

Doesn't matter, really. I'd play just to play, and the character wouldn't know what to expect. Are there any other noob-friendly starter games?


If your group has access to it I would recommend the Module Crypt of the Everflame. Along with the flip mat. I may take around 8+ hours though. You can play it with a level 1 or a level 2 it also awards 3 XP.

2/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Both myself and one of my two friends are experienced GMs (though not in PFS), and I'm sure that I can speak for him in saying that we would both be willing to run games in the future. If you'd like me to prep something for Saturday, I am certainly willing and able. I have read through Crypt of the Everflame and could probably run it, though as Chris just said, it would take a couple of sessions probably.

Silver Crusade

Shalm wrote:
Both myself and one of my two friends are experienced GMs (though not in PFS), and I'm sure that I can speak for him in saying that we would both be willing to run games in the future. If you'd like me to prep something for Saturday, I am certainly willing and able. I have read through Crypt of the Everflame and could probably run it, though as Chris just said, it would take a couple of sessions probably.

That might work out nicely, if there are enough 1st-timers. I've played the same guy to 4th, but not everybody has made every session, so he's been too busy bein' awesome, while others have just started or haven't made all the sessions. If you have it, that could give new characters a good start.

I'd really rather not GM, if someone else can do it...

Sovereign Court

At the risk of not sounding like a team player; I'm really not sure I'd be ready for that (being my first time) on three days notice.

If it's the difference between people getting to or not getting to play, I could read through Brian's suggested mod(s) as quickly as possible and take my chances, but I'd really feel better about it with a bit of a "work my way up to it" approach. I only picked back up playing like 3 weeks ago.

I'll start reading through First Steps Part Two just in case.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

I think I may actually be able to make it out this Saturday. I'll double check today but if I can I'll be glad to run a table. You guys still start at 10?

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Ok looks like I can make it. I will prep something to run, how does 3-7 echoes of the over watched sound?

Sovereign Court

I'll play at whichever group's table needs balancing, with a preference towards sticking with my wife & friend if possible (both are first timers.)

Sczarni 4/5

......Ok. Brian, it would be awesome if you could GM. However, there are probably only 2-3 people who actually have characters within the tier for Echoes. Would you mind running a 1-5 or 1-7? I propose the following, with the back-up table as last resort for 13+ people (which I don't expect):

Table 1: God's Market Gamble (GM: Irish202, Tier 1-5)

Table 2: Something. (GM: Brian, Tier ??)

Back-up: Masters of the Fallen Fortress (GM: Rastaf, Tier 1)

Silver Crusade

I have the MoFF you gave me, and can run it, if need be. Always available for new players or even regular players wanting to start up new characters.

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