Wrecking Ball PC


Hey guys, a friend will be starting up a council of thieves game soon, and since I'm thinking it'll be largely urban based, and since it's the direct opposite of my usual PCs, I'm thinking I want to build a Big Stupid Fighter who's "thing" is breaking through doors/walls and putting the hurt on baddies.

The rest of the party are all new and younger players, so I don't know what their builds will be like, so I'm thinking this can be the guy who bails us out when things go badly, but who sits back and lets them have most of the spotlight.

I'm liking the flavour of the guy who will kick through a wall before trying to knock on the door, and who will happily use the enemy as a battering ram, and of course one of those iconic moments where he grabs someone through a thin wall, as his way of making an entrance.

I'm not sure the best way to go about this though, obviously STR will be an important stat, but not sure if I should go Monk, Fighter, Barb, or even a Paladin.

The Monk would be the unarmed slugger who would be tossing baddies all over the place, but a fighter would have higher straight up damage and whatnot. A Barb would, of course, be able to break things real good, but I think a pally would have that "Righteous Fury" factor, and great survivability as he's throwing himself (literally) into unknown dangers.

So, thoughts on class/archetypes? I just can't decide.

Proley wrote:

Hey guys, a friend will be starting up a council of thieves game soon, and since I'm thinking it'll be largely urban based, and since it's the direct opposite of my usual PCs, I'm thinking I want to build a Big Stupid Fighter who's "thing" is breaking through doors/walls and putting the hurt on baddies.

The rest of the party are all new and younger players, so I don't know what their builds will be like, so I'm thinking this can be the guy who bails us out when things go badly, but who sits back and lets them have most of the spotlight.

I'm liking the flavour of the guy who will kick through a wall before trying to knock on the door, and who will happily use the enemy as a battering ram, and of course one of those iconic moments where he grabs someone through a thin wall, as his way of making an entrance.

I'm not sure the best way to go about this though, obviously STR will be an important stat, but not sure if I should go Monk, Fighter, Barb, or even a Paladin.

The Monk would be the unarmed slugger who would be tossing baddies all over the place, but a fighter would have higher straight up damage and whatnot. A Barb would, of course, be able to break things real good, but I think a pally would have that "Righteous Fury" factor, and great survivability as he's throwing himself (literally) into unknown dangers.

So, thoughts on class/archetypes? I just can't decide.

Below is Durk, King of Durkland, Leader of the Durks. He runs into battle crushing his enemies and shouting his warcry "Durk!" Sometimes he even shouts it twice "Durk! Durk!"

He likes faces, eating them that is.


Durk Human Vanilla Fighter of Fighterness

15 PB
Initial Stats
Str 16
Dex 14
Con 13
Int 7
Wis 14
Charisma 7

Post Racial
Str 18
Dex 14
Con 13
Int 7
Wis 14
Charisma 7

Level one
Nodachi and Scale Mail

AC 17
Will 2
Fort 3
Reflex 2

Attack Routine PA:+6,1d10 + 9, 18-20 x2

Tips: Always Power attack for levels 1-5 as there is no penalty.

for levels 6-8 usually power attack unless the enemies has extremely unusually high AC.

Levels 9-20 always power attack unless doing so will lower your AC from hittable only on a twenty to hitable at about a 15.

This is due to tiger pounce making you take your power attack penalty to AC rather than attack bonus.

Get gloves of dueling.

Use an animated shield to bolster AC when you can afford it.

Enjoy having crazy amounts of damage and eating faces.

Level Feats
1 Weapon Focus (Nodachi), Power Attack, Furious Focus
2 Improved Unarmed Strike
3 Tiger Style
4 Weapon Specalization (Nodachi)
5 Iron Will
6 Tiger Claws
7 Improved Iron Will
8 Greater Weapon Focus (Nodachi)
9 Tiger Pounce
10 Improved Critical (Nodachi)
11 Lightening reflexes
12 Penetrating Strike
13 Greater Weapon Specalization (Nodachi)
14 Outflank
15 Improved Lightening reflexes
16 Greater Penetrating Strike
17 Great Fortitude
18 Dodge
19 Improved Great Fortitude

Magus or inquisitor would make good nova characters, with great action economy and good offense/defense options, but can still be built to play as a decent melee when not using spells. Plus you aren't restricted by your alignment like a paladin.

Do you use 3.5 at all or just straight pathfinder?

Half orc barbarian with strength surge and smasher and the like works well for the latter, and Dungeon Crasher variant fighter 6 / Half orc barbarian with destructive rage works well for the former.

If you are ok with the barbarian, I can give you some ideas for that and it is a good way to go about it.

barbarians are great at the whole sunder thing for a couple reasons
#1 Full BAB. Your first and primary way to up your CMB.
#2 rage. You get +2 to +4 to your CMB as a staple of your class.
#3 Rage powers. rage powers can grant you things that feats cannot. Str surge gives you a bonus on your sunder attempts equal to half your level! Thats huge. That and totems are good.
#4 special barbarian only feats and alternate class options can really benefit you in ways that a fighter cannot. Im talking about Destroyers blessing granting you rage rounds when you sunder and furious finnish all but garenteeing you get that sunder off among other things.

Now that that is said, here is some more ideas to think about.
Race. What race to chose? I would think that dwarfs, humans, half-orcs, and orcs make great barbarians in general. dwarfs benifit from the movement boost, become real defensive with steel soul, glory of old, and superstition. humans gain the bounus feat, increased superstition, and general human benefits as well as heart of the fields allowing you one free ragecycle a day. half orks get gate crasher, destoyers blessing and gore fiend. orcs get most the same as half-orcs but at an increased str and better ferocity.

Rage powers. Obviously go str surge, but what about the others?
Besidal leaper, body bludgion, beast totem, hive totem, roused anger, smasher and superstition are all good ones to think about. If you want to grab someone through a wall and bash the door open with him, get body bludgion. I would ignore beast totem and instead get hive totem line. It grants you some great bonuses to your CMB as well as your CMD and can help you get those smashes off better. Besidal leaper can allow you to smash open a door, then keep going through it without stopping, or rush in, hit someone, then rush out. works great with vital strike and furious finish.

More ideas at a later time, I have to go to bed.

2 Handed Fighter Half Orc (Name him something simple like Gorg) focussed in sundering. Make him use great clubs (for role playing purposes it makes sense, and for one more reason... [later])


STR 18+2 (+all level)
DEX 13
CON 14
WIS 10

Take the Gate Crasher Racial Trait for +2 STR on sunder

Improved + Greater Sunder (for better smashy)
Power attack + Furious Focus (again, for more smashy)
Weapon Focus (more accurate smashy)
Weapon Spec (for even MORE smashy)
Cleave + Greater Cleave (Standard action, smashy weapon, smashy shield, smashy face)*
General feats to make him not as worthless when he can't sunder(toughness, dodge, ironwill, etc)

*With regards to the Cleave, I do not know if this how it is intended to be used, but when I ran this build my DM allowed it. If it doesn't work like that, or you don't want it to work like that, I'm not going to stop you.

+X Fullplate (As high you can afford)

[That other reason]
Maul of the Titan (It cost 23305, which is the only drawback)
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/specific-magic-weapons/ma ul-of-the-titans

+3 Great Club that deals x3 damage to inanimate objects. Needs 18+ STR to wield, but look who has 20!

Notice how this says INANIMATE, not UNATTENDED! Even if it's an adamantine sword it's not going to stand a chance. The one breaking point of this is when combined with greater sunder, the spill over damage dealt to a sundered item is directed to the wielder. You can easily deal 80 damage to a weapon with this thing, so that means you're actually increasing DPR with it (usually coming out to about 50 damage spillover on the average weapon). To deal with this, I would divide the spillover damage by 3 (rounding down of course) as you are not damaging an inanimate object anymore.

In summary: He came, he saw, he broke it into a million pieces.

I'm loving them all, certainly some smashingly good ideas (tehe, I made a punny).

We stick to PF only so far, I'm heading to bed now, but I think tomorrow I'll put together a few variations of the builds here and see how it comes together, but that said, I'm still interested in any other suggestions, particularly ones that may be a bit more bizarre (Bonus points to the gnome who smashes through the wall at ankle height and gnaws people's kneecaps). Keep 'em coming! This is why I love our paizo community :)

How about an alchemist using Ogre's guide?

With that, you can make a character than is physically strong, especially with mutagens to back up your strength, but at the same time able support the party in other way. Things getting dicey? Throw a bomb with some nice side effects in there and hightail it before the enemies can pull themselves together. You could also heal and buff the other players. With infusions, you can even hand off you extracts to the other players and the spell is cast like you did it yourself. It could let you step into the background and let the other players handle things. I know this is not exactly a BSF, but with mutagens, you lose enough int to basically just be a BSF with a supply of potions and bombs basically. Ok...you lose the BS with that...but still a good fighter. Still could be good for a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing for your "mild mannered" attitude most of the time.

The guide was released before some of the newer stuff though, so maybe check out the combo of spontaneous healing and healing touch. It is basically like getting 5 extra hp a level that you can share with your teammates... or hoard so you do not need to worry when tanking in to save them. It also prevents bleeding effects.

I taught a friend's kid to play several years ago and he went on to start his own group. I made rare appearances at several of their gaming session with a full-plate str/cha orc fighter. He was CG ("Chaotic good at scaring people") with a sky high intimidate, along with good swim and climb. I fulfilled a role similar to your intended one among them.

It sounds like you'll have fun with it, and (I envision) they will celebrate your contributions. Go for it!

A stonelord paladin can be a nice smasher, too.
For level rounds per day he can ignore twice his level in hardness.
As this makes his weapon count as magic and adamantine and gives a bonus to hit and damage it can be useful when not smiting, too.

The forgemaster casts weapon enhancing spells at higher caster level and can add the extend metamagic without increasing the spell level. So he can cast his domain spell lead blades for a duration of 4 minutes at level one.

So make a dwarf and be a stonelord x/ forgemaster 1 he can cast lead blades and sunder stuff like hell.

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