Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

James Jacobs says B3, and that paizo should effectively chose which is the right one.
LOL /thread j/k Probably not.

blue_the_wolf |

I dont like the ARG because it looks too ... I just kind of generally dislike the human-with-animal-head designs
but I am also not really a fan of the extra anime B3 version.
to be honest I always agreed with the 3.5e catfolk found here
or other races that are more catlike humanoids rather than humans with cat heads.

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Oh man, this request again.
Although I do want to believe that the ARG catfolk's lack of popularity* has more to do with the ease a human-like face supports character personalization and is more comfortable and closer to home for us humans than the rakshasha-like appearance of the aforementioned snow leopards...well, it's the internet and not only is the B3 catfolk darn sexy but the BoF beastbrood female looks like a therianthrope Sigourney Weaver(oh man).
It's probably just me. However, I do think the the beast races, when it comes to Golarion - and with Paizo many things do - fit easier if they follow a common direction, one set ages ago by the first one with the "folk" suffix: lizardfolk. Those guys are a fantasy stable and are anything but humans with lizard faces. Golarion ratfolk appear to be shaping into something very similar, with their underground cities, group tenacity and thick communities. With setting neutral products it is often better to go with what seems appealing to the demography. The feminist in me cries a little each time, but still sex sells.
*It's funny though, while ARG is full of sexualized monster girls - like the orc one which just leaves me confused - the cat one is very down to earth.

vikingson |

I really couldn't care less for the B3 design. Honestly
The ARG.. well, not great but infinitely better than the "fanwork" cosplay catperson in B3, which goes more for a anime supermodel style than anything realistic, biomechanically. Nevermind the "stick-on ears"
And....I really appreciate the "inhuman" head of the ARG, and it being different from simply a very attractive humanized version. Lizardfolk, Ratfolk, all ok with me. Why not "being inhuman" for catfolk ? oh right identification with the super-sexy cat-brats.... *grins*
That being said, I will place those with extreme care in my version of Golarion

Dragon78 |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

I am tired of people calling the Catfolk art in the Bestiary 3 "anime" style, if you actually watched anime you would know that is wrong. If she was "anime style" she would have no bodily fur/hair and would have normal human skin tone with just the ears and tail of a cat with only some versions would have the teeth and/or eyes of a cat. Also a human like face and form makes more sense for an evolutioniary stand point, if they are only animal heads on humaniod bodies then they should only have animal level intelligence.

Numerian |

The artist who drew the Bestiary 3 catfolk is amazing, have you seen her other work? wish there were more such art in Pathfinder
tough I've never met anyone who plays that race
I disagree that there isn't any fine art for ratfolk cause I've found several excellent pictures online, that we might use someday.

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Here is my take on it, and I think it would be best to use an analogy:
In the Player's Companion "Orcs of Golarion," we see that Orcs have gone from being the pig/boarlike monstrous humanoids we find in the original D&D Monster Manuals to being more like the Orcs from Warcraft and Warhammer, i.e., huge, muscled, green-skinned, tusked mofos.
Many liked the change (I know I did) but some did not. However, in the player companion, the writers explain that many orcs still retain their classical porcine features, including the boarlike snouts and tusks. Thus, it gives GMs the option to exercise their creativity to create cosmetically classical looking orcs if they so choose.
Personally, I think Catfolk should be treated the same way. The Catfolk in B3 look like humans slowly becoming cats. The Catfolk in the ARG look like cats slowly becoming humans. I think there is more than enough room for compromise. A GM can easily say that Catfolk are an incredibly diverse race of creatures in which some have very human-like facial features while others retain their cat-like physical features all the way through. Just as not all elves look alike, and not all orcs look alike, and of course not all humans look alike, not all Catfolk look alike. If you want to play a catfolk that looks like a Khajit from the Elder Scrolls series, no harm, no foul. If you want to play a character that looks like one of the cast from the new Thundercats TV show, hey, they exist too, and probably live in communities alongside their more felinoid brothers and sisters.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

I dont like the ARG because it looks too ... I just kind of generally dislike the human-with-animal-head designs
but I am also not really a fan of the extra anime B3 version.
to be honest I always agreed with the 3.5e catfolk found here
or other races that are more catlike humanoids rather than humans with cat heads.
I would be leaning more toward this than the other two myself.

Fleshgrinder |

I'd prefer something more primal that moves more like some hybrid between a gorilla and an panther.
Like the catfolk can walk upright when they want to, but they prefer to use all fours to move.
I'd also like some art with a bit more brutality to them. Big teeth, big muzzles, hunks of meat hanging out of their mouths. Missing ears, missing eyes.
Like tiger+gorilla+venerable alley cat
http://community.imaginefx.com/fxpose/lycan_knights_portfolio/images/327641 /485x375.aspx
This, but wearing more armor, with an eye patch and a missing ear, and more blood.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

I'd prefer something more primal that moves more like some hybrid between a gorilla and an panther.
Like the catfolk can walk upright when they want to, but they prefer to use all fours to move.
I'd also like some art with a bit more brutality to them. Big teeth, big muzzles, hunks of meat hanging out of their mouths. Missing ears, missing eyes.
Like tiger+gorilla+venerable alley cat
http://community.imaginefx.com/fxpose/lycan_knights_portfolio/images/327641 /485x375.aspx
This, but wearing more armor, with an eye patch and a missing ear, and more blood.
Ah link not working sorry.

hdan |
I personally prefer the more "cat headed person" approach, but I don't have strong feelings about it.
However, my daughter who plays a catfolk character will definitely NOT like a Thundercats looking "Catfolk". We already found an image that's got the "uplifted cat" look for her character sheet though, so we're good.

Gnomezrule |

There are a few looks I like. The tiger linked above if pretty cool.
http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/22409517/PHB4_Speculation _and_Wishlist?pg=26
Sorry no idea how to link but I wanted to muddy the mix with some other cool cats.

Eric Hinkle |

Personally, I think Catfolk should be treated the same way. The Catfolk in B3 look like humans slowly becoming cats. The Catfolk in the ARG look like cats slowly becoming humans. I think there is more than enough room for compromise. A GM can easily say that Catfolk are an incredibly diverse race of creatures in which some have very human-like facial features while others retain their cat-like physical features all the way through.
I agree. Really, whichever imagery you like, just use that.
And this is kind of OT but your theory also reminds me of the origin of the Cat-People from Marvel Comics, which involved wizards making cat-folk from both cats at one time and from humans later on. Hey, we know that wizards have this habit of creating new races and species with magical crossbreeding and transformation; why now gave the catfolk simply be the latest version of this?

Odraude |

I am tired of people calling the Catfolk art in the Bestiary 3 "anime" style, if you actually watched anime you would know that is wrong. If she was "anime style" she would have no bodily fur/hair and would have normal human skin tone with just the ears and tail of a cat with only some versions would have the teeth and/or eyes of a cat. Also a human like face and form makes more sense for an evolutioniary stand point, if they are only animal heads on humaniod bodies then they should only have animal level intelligence.
I don't think it's more the "anime style" that puts me off as more it just looks like someone cosplaying as a cat person. Doesn't really strike me as fantastical.
Why would animal heads matter for intelligence?
And hell, if a cat is going to "evolve" into a humanoid form, it might also evolve a greater capacity for intelligence.
And then there's the fact that these are talking cat people we are discussing... so realism is out the door and before someone says the v-word, who cares if "by evolution" they can't be smart? I only care about verisimilitude so long as it doesn't impede on fun.

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

The ARG art has another advantage too.
It makes the Beastbrood Tieflings more distinct. The catfolk would have evolved to what they are, so should look "less" human.
Counterwise, the Rakshasa Spawn are humans with an animal (usually feline) overlay. They should look like the more "anime" themed cat-girls.
So the digitigrade catfolk of the ARG are fine.

Gluttony |

I like the fact that there's both. The B3 catfolk is gorgeous, and the (male) ARG one is quite cool. (The female ARG one is kind of awkward-looking though.)
So long as nobody goes around insulting the other side's preference, having both is a nice way to try and make as many people as possible happy.

Cthulhusquatch |

I am tired of people calling the Catfolk art in the Bestiary 3 "anime" style, if you actually watched anime you would know that is wrong. If she was "anime style" she would have no bodily fur/hair and would have normal human skin tone with just the ears and tail of a cat with only some versions would have the teeth and/or eyes of a cat. Also a human like face and form makes more sense for an evolutioniary stand point, if they are only animal heads on humaniod bodies then they should only have animal level intelligence.
It's the humans with glued on ears that annoys me. While my girlfriend wearing cat ears is very hot... I don't really wan that look in my RPGs.
That said, I really don't mind if they use both forms of art. I just wouldn't use the glued on ears version myself.

Irbis |

I prefere anthropomorphic feline quite a lot to those ailuromorphic humans (or "ailuromorphic") some people here want to have! Absolutely opposed to make everything centered on humans! In fact, I think the ARG catfolk is still too human. If animal-headed human is "bad", then "sightly animalistic human" is the [i]wrong[i] way, make the rest of the body closer to the animal then just fur and legs! But I take the position of the bestial side, including the ARG catfolk, and are extremly strongly opposed to those humans with tails and triangular ears (and maybe fur) some people here are proposing!
And this goes beyond this example, applying further to other bizarre human traits. Why are so many traits of sexual dimorphism in humans simply kept for nonhumans, even actually those without function like less hair for females? And why should they have any semblance to human ideals of beauty?
PS: "My" "Catfolk".

Necromancer |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

When catfolk were announced, I worried that the artwork would look too animal to be taken seriously as a humanoid. Thankfully, Carolina Eade's work Bestiary 3 soared above my expectations and gave me exactly what I wanted: more humanoid than an anthropomorphic cat, while not just another human with fuzzy ears and tail. The artwork splits the two extremes and gives us one of the best representations of cat-people I've seen so far.
The fact that catfolk lack ratfolk's (insert animal) empathy ability, should indicate that they're not as "close to the beast" as some would suggest. Ratfolk, however, are basically anthropomorphic rats that can understand and manipulate their less evolved kin. The ratfolk artwork in the Advanced Race Guide was perfect.
The artist who drew the Bestiary 3 catfolk is amazing, have you seen her other work? wish there were more such art in Pathfinder

Irbis |

When catfolk were announced, I worried that the artwork would look too animal to be taken seriously as a humanoid. Thankfully, Carolina Eade's work Bestiary 3 soared above my expectations and gave me exactly what I wanted: more humanoid than an anthropomorphic cat, while not just another human with fuzzy ears and tail. The artwork splits the two extremes and gives us one of the best representations of cat-people I've seen so far.
The fact that catfolk lack ratfolk's (insert animal) empathy ability, should indicate that they're not as "close to the beast" as some would suggest. Ratfolk, however, are basically anthropomorphic rats that can understand and manipulate their less evolved kin. The ratfolk artwork in the Advanced Race Guide was perfect.
Numerian wrote:The artist who drew the Bestiary 3 catfolk is amazing, have you seen her other work? wish there were more such art in PathfinderThere is: her deviantart Pathfinder section.
It might actually be a speciality for the ratfolk, and just because another species has a power does not mean that superficially similar creature has to have an analoguous power or is else less bestial.
And I do not like this stupid creature in Bestiary 3 at all. It is just ugly. I prefer the animal side a lot to a human side, and do not like "humanoid with just bestial traits". As sad above, ARG is a lot better, but still too human.
Numerian |

When catfolk were announced, I worried that the artwork would look too animal to be taken seriously as a humanoid. Thankfully, Carolina Eade's work Bestiary 3 soared above my expectations and gave me exactly what I wanted: more humanoid than an anthropomorphic cat, while not just another human with fuzzy ears and tail. The artwork splits the two extremes and gives us one of the best representations of cat-people I've seen so far.
The fact that catfolk lack ratfolk's (insert animal) empathy ability, should indicate that they're not as "close to the beast" as some would suggest. Ratfolk, however, are basically anthropomorphic rats that can understand and manipulate their less evolved kin. The ratfolk artwork in the Advanced Race Guide was perfect.
Numerian wrote:The artist who drew the Bestiary 3 catfolk is amazing, have you seen her other work? wish there were more such art in PathfinderThere is: her deviantart Pathfinder section.
I know, or if you want more brutal catfolk look at these

Odraude |

Necromancer wrote:When catfolk were announced, I worried that the artwork would look too animal to be taken seriously as a humanoid. Thankfully, Carolina Eade's work Bestiary 3 soared above my expectations and gave me exactly what I wanted: more humanoid than an anthropomorphic cat, while not just another human with fuzzy ears and tail. The artwork splits the two extremes and gives us one of the best representations of cat-people I've seen so far.
The fact that catfolk lack ratfolk's (insert animal) empathy ability, should indicate that they're not as "close to the beast" as some would suggest. Ratfolk, however, are basically anthropomorphic rats that can understand and manipulate their less evolved kin. The ratfolk artwork in the Advanced Race Guide was perfect.
Numerian wrote:The artist who drew the Bestiary 3 catfolk is amazing, have you seen her other work? wish there were more such art in PathfinderThere is: her deviantart Pathfinder section.I know, or if you want more brutal catfolk look at these
Oh, hell yes! That's what I'm talking about!
I think I've finally figured out our issue of differences. Aside from the varying degrees of anthropomorphism and ailuromorphism, some people prefer catfolk to be more inspired by house cats while others (including myself) want them to be more like the big cats. I can definitely say I really like those pictures above.

Gnomezrule |

There are a few looks I like. The tiger linked above if pretty cool.
Go to This .
Go to Or This. Check near the bottom under McNanny
Go to Yet again this.
Thank you for the link help Belle.

Threeshades |

This is "Anime style", Kitsune lovers could be divided on this too.
No, that's just plain creepy. They have these shapes floating half an inch in front of their heads instead of faces. "Anime/Manga" covers a much larger variety of styles, some of which are actually quite realistic, and as far as Carolina Eade's Catfolk goes, it matches close enough actually.
Also what this talk of anime style is about, is not the drawing style but rather the catgirl trope.
ImperatorK |
This is "Anime style", Kitsune lovers could be divided on this too.
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say? Should I feel offended? O.o
A nice catfolk pic.
Another one.
Warning for the anime haters: catgirl.

joriandrake |
After looking over all the arguments, I think the more human looking face is what it comes down to for me.
And I would like to see a B3-like version for a male.
However again, maybe a better down version of B3 would be nice.
I like anime style catgirls, love dem nekomimi wearing cute things, at the same time I also like well done, more feline-type catfolk.
So I think it is the best to just make multiple subspecies related to each other. I like diversity, and I think a typical human-like catfolk can coexist with a Guin Saga-like cousin. People can decide if they have one or more of these in their world and campaign anyway, it would be unfair to drop one of the concepts just because others disagree/dislike it.The setting of Pathfinder/G-world has a lot of asian/Japanese influence if you know what to look for, so it would be truly bad to remove the anime-influence, at the same time I wouldn't wish to get rid of the more catheaded humanoids either, even though that isn't my preferred version.
So, just roll with a town, have a bunch of the more feline mercenaries hang around in a coffee shop waiting for a job opening, and let them be served by one of the more humanlike catgirls in a maid outfit to be stylish if this is what you prefer. :)
Nothing is nyanpossible! >.<

joriandrake |
Belle Mythix wrote:This is "Anime style", Kitsune lovers could be divided on this too.
No, that's just plain creepy. They have these shapes floating half an inch in front of their heads instead of faces. "Anime/Manga" covers a much larger variety of styles, some of which are actually quite realistic, and as far as Carolina Eade's Catfolk goes, it matches close enough actually.
Also what this talk of anime style is about, is not the drawing style but rather the catgirl trope.
I like Spice and Wolf, although Holo is a wolf and not a fox.

John Kretzer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I dislike anime. Never really got into it....though my friends numerous attempts to get me like it. I don't care for cosplay much either....
But I really perfer the catfolf art from B3 than ARG. It looks like a race...than a guy wearing a animal head mask.
Just my two cents. Nothing wrong with the ARG approach....just not the style I perfer.
Though this reminds of a arguement I have with a friend who hates the fact that minotaurs in D&D have hooves and not feet like mythology.

joriandrake |
I dislike anime. Never really got into it....though my friends numerous attempts to get me like it. I don't care for cosplay much either....
But I really perfer the catfolf art from B3 than ARG. It looks like a race...than a guy wearing a animal head mask.
Just my two cents. Nothing wrong with the ARG approach....just not the style I perfer.
Though this reminds of a arguement I have with a friend who hates the fact that minotaurs in D&D have hooves and not feet like mythology.
heh, well I said despite what I prefer I hope all of them can live along as different subspecies :)