Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The panthera are close cousins to the catfolk. While the catfolk resembled the smaller cat races (snow leopards, puma, and house cats) the Panthera resembled the big cats (Tigers, Lions, and Jaguars).
Type: Humanoid (Catfolk)
Size: Medium
Base Speed: Normal
Ability Score Modifiers: Standard (+2 Str, -2 Int, +2 Cha)
Languages: Standard
Racial Traits:f
Defense: (1)
-Fearless +2 to fear based saves
Feat & Skills: (7)
-Camouflage: +4 Stealth in fields or forests (pick one, it can not be changed once chosen)
-Beastly nature: Gain Catfolk Exemplar as a bonus feat
-Silent hunter: Reduce stealth penalties while moving by 5, and stealth while running is set to -20.
Movement (1)
-Sprinter: +10ft movement w/charge, run, or withdraw
Senses (1)
- Low Light Vision

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Cavan are not a naturally born race, and were created by the advanced Azlanti empire as a fast breeding population of workers. Cavan are hermaphroditic cattaurs. They have the lower body of a feline, and the upper body that best resembles a member of the catfolk race. When the Azlanti empire was destroyed during the Starsfall, almost all of the Caven were wiped out. Those that survived fled far from Avistan to Sarusan where they not only survived but prospered. They developed a cultural identity past their former enslavement, and in fact developed an aversion to slavery in general. Slowly some of their kinds spread out and a very small number of Cavan inhabit the southernmost parts of the Wandering Isles, however they keep to themselves, not quite sure if they can trust humans yet.
Cavan are thoroughly catlike, and come in many colours and patterns including ones not seen in the natural world, such as shades of neon, flaming red and complex markings. Their tails are extremely long, reaching their body and a half in length, they are also very fluffy at the end and are use by the Cavan as a impromptu blanket.
Monstrous humaniod. 3 RP
With their animal like bodies, and taurish build, Cavan are considered Monstrous Humaniods
Large: 7 RP
With their lower bodies being like those of a big cat, Cavens are considered large. However they still use medium weapons, due to their upper bodies being more medium.
Base Speed
Normal 0RP
Standard 0RP
+2 Cha
+2 Dex
-2 Wis
Cavans are friendly, and very agile. However they tend to be a bit lacking in the common sense department.
Linguist 1 RP
Cavan start speaking Common (or Tian) and Cavan, a cavan with a high int score can learn any language except seceret languages
Stabliity 1 RP
Cavan are four legged, and have a strong stance, they gain a +4 CMD against any bull rush and trip attempts while standing on the ground.
Claws 2 RP
Cavan have two claw attacks, they may attack with any two sets of their claws in combat.
Prehensile tail 2 RP
Cavan haveE a long flexible tail they can use to carry objects, however they cannot wield a weapon with it.
Quadruped 2 RP
Cavan are Quadruped and gain a +4 CMD against trip attempts

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

Lizard-folk are the result of the cross-breeding of humanoids and dragons. This race ended a bit more on the dragon side.
- Humanoid (reptilian)
- Medium
Ability Score Modifiers
- Weakness (+2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Cha)
- Standard: Common and Draconic
Racial Traits
Defensive Traits: (3)
-Energy Resistance: 5 (1 of Choice, cannot be changed later, acid, cold, electricity, or fire)
-Natural Armor: 1
Movement: (6)
Flight: Fly Speed 30ft; Poor maneuverability
Offense Racial Traits: (4)
-Breath Weapon: Matching energy resistance type
Senses Racial Traits (1)
-Low-Light Vision
Weakness Racial (-2)
-Elemental Vulnerability: If you chose resist fire or cold you get vulnerability to the other. If you chose acid or electricity you get vulnerability to the other.

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Mystic_Snowfang wrote:Weren't those a race from the FATAL rpg or am I mistaken?Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:Mystic_Snowfang wrote:This is a cool concept. What was your inspiration?Cavan
The Chakat
In fact, it's a Chakat with the serial numbers filed off.
Highly mistaken
They are closer to a Wemic, except being hermaphordites.
And hopefully playable, because it would be fun.

Borthos Brewhammer |

Tribal by nature, the Loxodon resemble large humanoid elephants between seven and eight feet tall. Favoring hammers over other weapons, Loxodon clerics are fierce on the battlefield, yet can hold their own in a philosophic debate. It is uncommon to see a Loxodon in a city but if you do, you shouldn't get in his way.
They tend to live in warmer climates like savannahs or warm forests. Gnolls love to harass Loxodons, stealing weapons and eating them when they get the kill.
16 points
Monstrous Humanoid (3RP)
Medium (0RP)
Ability Modifiers (Standard, 0RP): +2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Int. Loxodon are spiritual and strong, but they cling to old ways and don't bother with new technology.
Darkvision 60 ft (included)
Slow Speed (-1RP): Due to their large, powerful bodies, Loxodon have a base movement speed of 20 feet but their movement speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance
Stability (1RP): Loxodon receive a +4 bonus to their CMD against a bull rush or trip combat maneuver when they are standing on the ground.
Stubborn (2RP): Loxodon gain a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) subschools. In addition, if a Loxodon fails such a save, it receives another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming the spell or spell-like ability has a duration greater than 1 round). This second save is made at the same DC as the first.
Improved Natural Armor (1RP): Loxodon have a tough hide, they have a +1 natural armor bonus.
Skill Bonus (2RP): Due to their large ears and sharp eyes, Loxodon have a +2 bonus to perception checks
Relentless (1RP): Loxodon gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to bull rush or overrun an opponent. This bonus only applies while both the Loxodon and his opponent are standing on the ground.
Hatred (1RP): Loxodon gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of the Gnoll subtype.
Natural Attacks (1RP): Loxodon have powerful tusks they use to gore enemies when combat breaks out. They have a gore attack that deals 1d6 damage.
Powerful Charge (2RP): Whenever a Loxodon charges, it deals twice the number of damage dice with its gore attack plus 1-1/2 times its Strength bonus
Trunk (Prehensile Tail, 2RP): Loxodon have a prehensile trunk that can pick up objects but not wield weapons. They can retrieve small stowed objects on their persons as a swift action with their trunks.
Weapon Familiarity (1RP): Loxodon favor hammers above most weapons and train with them since birth. All Loxodon are proficient with weapons in the hammer weapon group.
Languages (Standard, 0RP): Loxodon begin play knowing Loxodon and Standard. Loxodon with high intelligence scores can learn Giant, Terran, Dwarven, or Gnoll. Many learn Gnoll to learn the language of their most hated enemies.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

Sometimes odd circumstances happen where the curse ether doesn't take hold entirely or isn't entirely cured. Somewhere down the family line a lycan spawn is born. One known incident was when a woman became pregnant while inflict; she was later cured before she came to term. She gave birth to a lycan-spawn.
Type: Humanoid (Lycanthropy)
Size: Medium or Small (Chosen at creation)
Ability Modifiers: +2 Str or Dex (Chosen at creation) +2 Con, -2 Int, +2 Wis (Advanced Constitution 4 RP)
Racial Traits
Languages: Standard
Defense: Natural Armor: 1 (2 RP)
Sills and Feats:
-Skilled: Perception and Survival are class skills (1 RP)
Magical Racial Trait: Change Shape, Lesser (3 RP) Chosen from a humanoid race that can contract lycanthropy.
Offensive Trait: Bite Attack (1 RP)
Senses: Low Light Vision (1 RP)
Weakness: While using "change shape, lesser" ability, you lose the racial bonuses to physical stats, natural armor, bit attack, and low light vision. (-1 RP)
Can not carry silver; if they do they become sickened; they can carry mithral. They take double damage from silver and mithral weapons. (-1)
Total: 10 RP Standard

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Medium Humaniod (Foxen)
+4 Cha -2 strength -2 int
Foxen are friendly, however they would rather that other beings do the fighting and thinking for them.
Foxen start speaking common and Foxen. Foxen with high int scores can learn Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, Gnome, Orc and Sylvan
Sociable 1 RP
When Foxen attempt to change a creature’s attitude with a Diplomacy check and fail by 5 or more, they can try to influence the creature a second time even if 24 hours have not passed.
Object of Desire 1 RP
Foxen add +1 to their caster level when casting charm person and charm monster.
Sprinter 1 RP
Foxen gain a +10 racial bonus when using spring, run or withdraw actions.
Weapon Familiarity 1 RP
Fighting Fan and Whips are considered racial weapons of the Foxen
Darkvision at 60 feet
Foxen can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Scent 4 RP
Foxen have the scent ability.
12 RP
Foxen are a strange lot. These smallish humanoids look very much like anthropomorphic foxes and are often mistaken for Kitsune, a mistake that neither race is pleased about. Foxen have the idea that to be truly happy, and what to strive for is to be the pet of another sapient being. However they do not take kindly to slavery, or being mistreated. If they are, they will either flee or rebel. They love being cared for and looked after by a kind master.

Spyder25 |

Spyder25 wrote:If I was to give the race the constant spell-like divination, but change it to the light spell, would I still be able to keep it at 3RP? The reasoning behind it is that they're their own light source.Lightbringer is only 2 RP pg228
I like the Lightbringer Ability, but I don't like the part about having an INT Score of 11 to use the light spell at will.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:I like the Lightbringer Ability, but I don't like the part about having an INT Score of 11 to use the light spell at will.Spyder25 wrote:If I was to give the race the constant spell-like divination, but change it to the light spell, would I still be able to keep it at 3RP? The reasoning behind it is that they're their own light source.Lightbringer is only 2 RP pg228
Spell-Like Ability, At-Will - pg231
Its a 0 level spell so its only 2 PR.
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

A contradiction of shadow and light. Their skin is scaly but almost as dark as night. The shoulders, hands, feet, and lips have patches of stones forming into shape crystalline weapons. This is particually fearsome as the crystals on the lips are visible even when the mouth is closed; when the mouth is open it is clear they have a 2nd set behind the lips. These people originate from a massive cave complex filled with luminescent rocks. As part of living there, everything consumes some level these glowing quartz crystals. They adapted and started growing the stones from their own body and can equally glow. Due to the glowing nature of their environment they were unable to develop the ability to seen in perfect darkness like other cave dwellers. Instead they have developed the ability to glow when needed utilizing the crystals on their own body. The crystals and their glow tend to be in the blue-green or red-orange range, however this can be any color even black-light. Culturally they are very similar to lizardfolk.
Type: Humanoid (Reptilian)
Size: Medium
Speed: 30ft
Ability Score Modifiers:
-Standard: +2 Str, -2 Int, +2 Wis
-Xenophobic: Skotani
Racial Traits:
(2)-Crystaline Form: Members of this race have reflective, crystalline skin that grants the a +2 racial bonus to AC against rays. Once per day, they can deflect a single ray attack targeted at them as if they were using the Deflect Arrows feat.
(2)-Natural Armor +1
(2)-Shadow Resistance: Cold and electricity resistance 5
(1)-Shadow Blending: Attacks made against members of this race while they are within areas of dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This trait does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance. This is a supernatural ability.
-Feats & Skills
(1)-Camouflage: +4 bonus to Stealth in shadowy and dark conditions.
(1)-Skilled: Perception and Survival are always considered class skills.
(1)-Spell-Like Ability: At-will Light spell. On self only, but with perfect control. Caster level equal to level.
-Offense Racial Traits
(1)-Bite: 1D6
(2)-Claws: 1D4
(1)-Low Light: Vision
Total Cost: 14 RP

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

People had already been doing this before you created this thread. Check out:

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

People had already been doing this before you created this thread. Check out:
Serpent Folk
Really? Those threads started on Tuesday, or an hour ago. This one started on Monday. I am sure others probably did as I got my book the Thursday last week, thought I would try and consolidate them to a single thread.
Thanks for adding the links though.

Spyder25 |

Radians: Beings of light and conductors of positive energy.
I'm also working on one more that are a race of bird-like humans like the Raptorians from Races of the Wild.

chip mckenzie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tharks (Green Men of Mars)
Four armed desert dwelling warriors. Tharks make war on other races and other tribes of Tharks, they are always ready for their favourite passtime.
Medium Humanoid
Base Speed: 30 ft.
+2 str, +2 con, -2 int (Tharks are strong and inured to their harsh environment but don't place much on book learning) - 1
Desert Runner (+4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments) - 2
Fearless (+2 save vs fear) - 1 (Tharks laugh in face of death)
Weapon Familiarity (longsword, shortsword, pistol, musket) - 2
Multiarmed (4 arms) - 8
[b]Languages:[b] Thark
Total -14
I've been reading the Mars books by Burroughs and recently watched the John Carter movie and so I was inspired to make the Green Men of Mars. I like to call them Tharks which I know is just one tribe of Green Men but I like my races have a name and Thark sounds cool, at least it does to me.
They originally came in at 16 points but I switched Swordtrained down to weapon familiarity so that every Thark is able to use swords and firearms. If there are no firearms in your games then I would swap them for spears.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

Radians: Beings of light and conductors of positive energy.
I'm also working on one more that are a race of bird-like humans like the Raptorians from Races of the Wild.
Wow very detailed and good art work. Did you draw it or photo-shop?
Great Job

Spyder25 |

Spyder25 wrote:Radians: Beings of light and conductors of positive energy.
I'm also working on one more that are a race of bird-like humans like the Raptorians from Races of the Wild.
Wow very detailed and good art work. Did you draw it or photo-shop?
Great Job
Hahaha, I wish I drew that. No I just used a race from the book Legends & Lairs: Mythic Races and put my take on the race.I added a note that stated the artwork and original race design wasn't mine.
*Edit*: I will be doing my own artwork at some point.

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This is technically a conversion from a Devils book that actually had the pit fiend and erinyes as base races. This is the pit fiend using the ARG. The only thing missing from the original write up is the fact that it had 2 HD and had 60 ft flight. It was also LA +3. The other HD gave you fast healing which later turned to regen 5, and all of his resistances. If you try to build a regular pit fiend from scratch, before HD, I managed to get it up to 125 RP. It'd be higher if we were allowed to add offensive and damage dealing spells to the spell-likes, but we're not.
Pit Fiend Race (Base Race from Devil's Player Guide)
Outsider (native) 3
Medium 0
Base Speed
Normal 0
Fast 1
Flight (50 feet, average) 8
Ability Score Modifiers
Flexible (+2 Str, +2 Cha) 2
Advanced Charisma +4 5
Advanced Constitution +6 6
Advanced Intelligence +6 6
Advanced Strength +10 8
Advanced Wisdom +6 6
Xenophobic (Infernal, Common, Celestial, Draconic) 0
Racial Abilities
Natural Armor +1 2
Improved Natural Armor +4 4
Bite 1
Claw 2
Slapping Tail 3
Natural Attack (Wings) 1
Static Bonus Feat: Poison Bite 2
Racial Senses
Darkvision 60 ft. --
Total RP: 60

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Nodnarb wrote:Also, Spyder, That gives me an idea to use the rules to convert my favorite races from that book. Though, I will likely get distracted and never do it.Let me know which ones and I'll see what I can do. Not making any promises though, lol.
You saying that reminded me of how long it had really been since I looked in that book. I needed a refresher. And on a quick glance I remembered I like the Ooloi and the Quissians (I'm fond of unusual looking races and Aquatic races)

Spyder25 |

You saying that reminded me of how long it had really been since I looked in that book. I needed a refresher. And on a quick glance I remembered I like the Ooloi and the Quissians (I'm fond of unusual looking races and Aquatic races)
Ok, I'll see what i can do with those two races. I believe they will be easy to make using the ARG.
__________________________________________________________________________Ok,in other news, here is my take on the raptorans from WOTC. Aven: Humanoid birds backed by the forces air.
There will also be one more anthropomorphic race I will be adding: humanoid rhinos, much like the ones in MTG.

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ok, this is my new race without the lore =P
Niakroz Hybrid Type 1 *Ekro-Kardo* (Version 1)
Racial Traits
• Medium: Niakroz Hybrids are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. (0 RP)
• Fast Speed: Niakroz Hybrids have a base speed of 40 feet. (1 RP)
• +2 to One Ability Score: Niakroz Hybrid characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. (0 RP)
• Low-Light Vision: Niakroz Hybrids can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. (1 RP)
• Qainec Resolution: Niakroz Hybrids gain a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws (1 RP)
• Steady Flight: Niakroz Hybrids can fly a distance of 30 feet with an average maneuverability (6 RP)
• Undeveloped Wings: Niakroz Hybrids gain the “steady flight” racial trait at level 12
(-2 RP)
• Weapon familiarity: Niakroz Hybrids are proficient with falcatas, and treat any weapon with the word “ekro” or “qainec” in its name as a martial weapon (1 RP)
• Languages: Niakroz Hybrids begin play speaking Common and Aganon. Niakroz Hybrids with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). (2 RP)
• TOTAL: 10 RP
Racial Feats
• Ekronian Resiliance:
o You unconsciously call to the Qainec within and focus your resolution on healing yourself.
o Prerequisites: Wiz 13, Niakroz/Ekro Subtype
o Benefit: Once per day when a Niakroz Hybrid has half its total hit points or fewer, it may heal itself of an amount of damage equal to 1d8 plus it’s total Hit Dice as a move action. This is a supernatural ability.
• Swift Attack:
o Use your particularly high speed as a Niakroz Hybrid to make an extra attack.
o Prerequisites: Dex 13, Niakroz/Ekro Subtype
o Benefit: 3 times a day the Niakroz Hybrid with this feat may make one extra attack with a weapon as if using a speed weapon. The attack uses the Niakroz Hybrid full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. You may do this with any weapon that is not a Two Handed Melee Weapon. The effect of this feat does not stack with haste, but it those stack with flurry of blows, two weapon fighting and similar feats.
• Niakroz Reflexes:
o Use your particularly high speed as a Niakroz Hybrid to dodge attacks.
o Prerequisites: Niakroz/Ekro Subtype
o Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.

Spyder25 |

Darnit, you beat me to it. I was thinking of doing Rhox. Didn't get a chance though.
Haha, well you beat me to the loxodons. Oh on the Random Height & Weight, The height needs to be flipped. I'll change it on the pdf as soon as I can.
Should I try to make the Githzerai, Githyanki, and Thri-Kreen from Expanded Psionics? Obviously I'll have to change the names, since WotC owns them. Plus, the psionic powers would have to be changed to spells. I would also have to make it so they would be playable at first lvl.

Spyder25 |

I would say yes, but be careful about spell likes. The Gith and T-K will be easily at least 20rp if not more (T-K I'm looking at you), so they'll be a little difficult to convert as magical (or psionic). Might want to do them as non-psionic counterparts for PCs. Just a thought.
Well I'm going to give it a shot. It couldn't hurt to try.

shrodingerscat |

Tharks (Green Men of Mars)
Four armed desert dwelling warriors. Tharks make war on other races and other tribes of Tharks, they are always ready for their favourite passtime.
Medium Humanoid
Base Speed: 30 ft.
+2 str, +2 con, -2 int (Tharks are strong and inured to their harsh environment but don't place much on book learning) - 1
Desert Runner (+4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments) - 2
Fearless (+2 save vs fear) - 1 (Tharks laugh in face of death)
Weapon Familiarity (longsword, shortsword, pistol, musket) - 2
Multiarmed (4 arms) - 8
[b]Languages:[b] TharkTotal -14
I've been reading the Mars books by Burroughs and recently watched the John Carter movie and so I was inspired to make the Green Men of Mars. I like to call them Tharks which I know is just one tribe of Green Men but I like my races have a name and Thark sounds cool, at least it does to me.
They originally came in at 16 points but I switched Swordtrained down to weapon familiarity so that every Thark is able to use swords and firearms. If there are no firearms in your games then I would swap them for spears.
Interesting adaptation, but if you wanna go by the books, they're also about 12 feet tall and telepathic (like most martian races)

scary harpy |

I like Hags but not the way they are written. They are described as "monstorous witches"; I think they are ogresses but not very witchy.
I was inspired by Hags to create Krones. Of course, they would favor the Witch class.
Swamp Krones (loosely based on Green Hags)
+0 Type: Humanoid: Krone
+0 Size: Medium
+0 Speed: Normal
+2 Ability: Flexible (+2 Str, +2 Wis)
+0 Languages: Standard (Common, Giant)
+0 Ability: None
+2 Defense: Spell Resistance, Lesser
+0 Feats/Skill: None
+0 Magical: None
+2 Movement: Swim
+0 Offense: None
+2 Sense: Darkvision 60'
+0 Weakness: None
+2 Other: Amphibious
Brine Krones (loosely based on Swamp Hags)
+0 Type: Humanoid: Krone
+0 Size: Medium
+0 Speed: Normal
+0 Ability: Standard (+2 Str, +2 Wis, -2 Cha)
+0 Languages: Standard (Common, Giant)
+0 Ability: None
+3 Defense: Spell Resistance, Greater
+0 Feats/Skill: None
+0 Magical: None
+2 Movement: Swim
+0 Offense: None
+2 Sense: Darkvison 60'
+0 Weakness: None
+2 Other: Amphibious
Total: 09
I am working on:
Sky Krones
Snow Krones
Skare Krones
Unfortunately, I am not interested in advanced races and some of the abilities I want are only open to advanced races; illegal is still fun.