Dwarven Boulder Helmet

Rules Questions

From the Advanced Races Guide, it says the helmet can be used to make attacks. Does that mean you can use your head as a secondary weapon while wielding a shield? Or, do you have to remove the helm to attack with it? The feat Hard-Headed gives bonuses when attacking with a helmet, suggesting the former is the case.
Am I missing something? If not, this is a fairly awesome way to use the two weapon fighting feats for extra attacks while retaining a shield bonus.

ok i am researching this topic but i need some clarification
FIRST: what book is the dwarven boulder helmet located
SECOND: where does the A.R.G. say "the helmet can be used to make attacks"
THIRD: from my understanding as of this point i would say a head bash is no different than any other form of attack and i don't think you would need a feat for proficiency so in my opinion it should be fine but we must all ways consult LE BOOKS!!!

The Exchange

It's in the dwarven section of the ARG. It has a stat block.

Side note, it's the stupidest thing I've ever read. Why do dwarves have to be the punch line all the time. The players guide had some awesome stuff that could have been expanded on instead.

Just think of the new cleric archatype that can boost its durability when using the feats. Sounds like you will never be crit again.

Grand Lodge

It's a weapon. It is very similar in form and function to armor spikes. It is not a natural weapon, nor does it function as one.

Liberty's Edge


Cost 20 gp Weight 10 lbs.

Damage 1d3 (small), 1d4 (medium); Critical x2; Range —; Type B;
This heavy, reinforced helmet can be used to make melee attacks. The wearer may also use the helmet when attempting bull rush maneuvers, granting a +2 circumstance bonus on the check, but after completing the maneuver (whether successful or not), the wearer is staggered until the end of his next turn. In addition, the helmet grants a +2 circumstance bonus to the wearer's AC against critical hit confirmation rolls. A dwarven boulder helmet adds 20% to the wearer's arcane spell failure chance. It occupies the head slot and is made of metal, not stone, meaning that it can be crafted from unusual materials as a metal weapon. A dwarven boulder helmet can be enchanted as a weapon (not as armor, despite providing some protection).

I'd like to know what a non-dwarf gets if they aren't proficient, but wearing it.

    If I had to guess I'd say:
  • 20% spell failure
  • +2 circ bon vs AC to confirm crit.
  • -2 circ on bull rush (when using this item) & Staggered 'til next turn
    Note: the -2 is +2 & -4 for non-proficiency

Is this right?

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Any character can wear it, but it provides no other function other than the properties mentioned in its description. (Armor that is normally worn with a helmet is assumed to have a helmet, and that helmet's protection is included in that type of armor's armor bonus.) Any race can use this helmet if they wish, they would just have to take EWP to use it without penalties. Dwarves get it as a martial weapon because of weapon familiarity.

Liberty's Edge

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
Any character can wear it, but it provides no other function other than the properties mentioned in its description.

Could you address each bullet item independently?

    Topics to address:
  • 20% spell failure
  • +2 circ bon vs AC to confirm crit.
  • -2 circ on bull rush (when using this item) & Staggered 'til next turn
    Note: the -2 is +2 & -4 for non-proficiency

I'm not sure whether the -4 for nonproficiency would apply to a bull rush. Normally you don't do a bull rush with a weapon, so proficiency doesn't apply, as it would with a trip, disarm, or other combat maneuver done with a weapon.

Saying it does apply in this case causes the rather bizarre result of it being easier to bull-rush when you don't use the dwarven boulder helmet as opposed to when you do. That doesn't make much sense. Since it's a circumstance bonus, I don't think nonproficiency applies, but it's unclear.

The Exchange

I'm a little confused as to what the focus of this thread is at this point. I have a Dwarven paladin who uses a Longaxe and Dwarven Boulder Helmet. The Longaxe for the reach and the boulder helmet if they close-in within my reach.

I would assume that a non-dwarf race still gets the benefits of the helmet but if they try to use it, takes the non-proficiency penalties. If someone wields an exotic weapon, that they are not proficient with, that has the trip property that weapon doesn't lose the trip property just because the wielder isn't proficient. They'd still get the bonus if they tried to trip someone but would still take the non-proficiency penalty on top of that.

In regards to Paladin of Baha-who, I believe a character still does take the penalty with the bullrush because because the intention of the item is they are bullrushing with the weapon, helmet. It should be easier to bull-rush without the helmet if a character isn't proficient because they aren't putting their head first into someone's chest, instead they are putting their arms up and attempting to push them back.

Liberty's Edge

Ah! that could be my doing.

I saw the thread's "Dwarven Boulder Helmet" title, but didn't see what I needed to clarify, so I tacked my question right on to this thread.
The first part about dual attacks was clarified. Now we're trying to determine what a Dwarven Boulder Helmet does for a Non-dwarf who doesn't have the EWP.

    I listed three topics to clarify:
  • 20% spell failure
  • +2 circ bon vs AC to confirm crit.
  • -2 circ on bull rush (when using this item) & Staggered 'til next turn
    Note: the -2 is +2 & -4 for non-proficiency


I think that all three occur in this scenario. What is your take?

I believe a wearer of the helmet, whether proficient or not, applies the 20% spell failure and +2 on AC vs. crit confirms, as that's a function of the armor side of the helmet.

I do not believe a nonproficient wearer of the helmet can get the +2 bonus on bull rush, since you can't use special abilities of weapons if you are not proficient with them.

I could be mistaken, however.

The Exchange

In response to Fretgod99, I think they still get the +2 but it is offset by the -4 they'll be taking to attempt the manuever using the helmet. I think because of the wording of the helmet, it is a static bonus that benefits the wearer of the helmet regardless of proficeincy. It seems a pointless arguing point though because who would take a -2 penalty to their bullrush and be staggered after that attempt when they could instead bullrush at no penalty and not be staggered by not using the helmet.

I think its important that in combat someone states, I am using my boulder helmet to bullrush this opponent or I am not using my helmet for this attempt.

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