Mounting an Eidolon


Two quick questions on mounting an eidolon with the mount evolution:

It says I can only take this for quadraped or serpentine forms. If I made a biped that looks like a dinosaur I can't ride it? If I can what are the rules or penalties I'm going to have?

This book of evolutions came out with the Advanced Players Guide, but in Ultimate Magic it made a new form, aquatic they never said this in the book, can I mount that type of form.

Thanks to all who submit posts on this thread and if I left out something you want to add let me know.

-Amber(My new character)

Well, first you have to find a taxidermist who is willing to work in odd material....

On a serious note, I would give you the same penalties as if you were trying to ride a kangaroo. Probably a -10 just for basic riding and higher for combar riding.

Given that dinosaurs are ridable (just look at some of the mini's WOTC put out), I'd just make your dinosaur a quadruped, and designate his front legs as 'tiny little things' and be done with it. It's not like you're wanting him to punch with those things anyway.

As to aquatic, I'd allow mount, but it's not RAW.

BTW : Really bad selection for a thread title. I thought the title was something about breeding your eidelon...

That was actually my first thought mdt, but I was keeping it

So would it be a question to ask the DM whether I could mount an aquatic base formed eidolon?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Also remember that you can add evolutions so that an eidolon's base form is unrecognizable. For example, if you want a bipedal dinosaur form for your mount, you could start with a serpentine base form and add one pair of leg (and optionally a pair of arms).

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