Maptools / Skype Game


Grand Lodge

Hey guys, I currently run a skype/maptools game on Thursday evenings. We normally start up about 7:30pm and end around 10:30pm (CST), although sometimes we'll run a bit longer depending on if everyone is able to stay on. We just started the Souls for Smuggler's Shiv this week and aren't very far in so it will be easy to fit in the rest of the party. Currently the party has a fighter, an oracle, and a summoner.

Character Creation is as follows:
-Level 1
-Epic Fantasy (25 point buy)
-Hero Points (1 at first level, 1 for every level after unless you have the feats)
-Good aligned only
-Hit points max at first level and max -2 every level thereafter. (For example a Cleric would get 6 + Con per level instead of a d8).
-Classes with 2 + Int skills that aren't intelligence based get 4 + Int instead (aka Wizards, Witches, and Magus's [magi?] get 2 + Int still). I'm testing this out for this campaign, if it doesn't work out we can change it from there.
-2 Traits (other than adopted)
-Average gold for 1st level of your class

If I forgot anything please let me know.

As for the group we are fairly laid back. We don't have a problem getting serious sometimes, but in general we like to joke around, have a good time, RP a bit, and roll some dice. If you're the type of player who only likes serious RP then this group probably isn't for you (not that there's anything wrong with that I enjoy serious groups just as much as this one).

As far as experience is concerned you can be brand new or have been playing for years. It IS expected to for you to be somewhat mature and not easily offended. We tend to use language that isn't appropriate for some audiences and like to call each other names (in a non-spiteful very friendly way of course).

The group is mostly college age, but we have some older players as well. Currently I have room for 2 players (my cousin is making a character as well for a total of six). If possible I would like someone able to play this week (Thursday the 21st) because I'll be out of town the following week (Thursday the 28th) and because it will be much easier to fit your character in.

If you're interested at all feel free to post below and I'll try to contact you as soon as possible.



I would like to give it a go never used skype or maptools so I'll have to mess with it a bit I wanna make a necromancer wiz if thats ok

I have used Skype quite frequently. I have been a GM for 20+ Years and I am looking for a group to join just like this. I would like to either submit a concept like the profile for this alias or an Elderly human Transmuter. I am very much looking to play as I have not actually played in a game for like almost 10 years. Please PM me for more info if you are interested.

I'm a long-time, off-and-on RPGer. About 25 years, with a pretty large gap in there.

I'm completely new to Pathfinder and virtual-tabletop though. I have played DnD 3.5 and a lot of 1st and 2nd.

Fairly flexible on character types. Anything but a healer. ;-) Just don't enjoy that role.

I'm in eastern TZ, but your play times sound good to me.

So, I guess I'm asking if you still have any openings.

Grand Lodge

Just a note, I found 2 players (Kiner and Rysil). I'll post again if we need more players. Thanks for all the responses guys! =3

Grand Lodge

Well one of the new players fell through because of technical issues so we're looking for another new player.

Currently we have a Fighter, a Summoner, a Rogue, a Oracle, and a Wizard. So we're pretty much open for any slot. Post here I'll get to you ASAP.

if the slots still open ill join

Dark Archive

I'd be interested, too. I've got previous experience playing PF in Maptools and using Skype.

I'd be interested, although the slot is probably taken, if one opens up let me know that fits my schedule perfectly. My preference is fighter or rogue.

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