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Still kind of new to Pathfinder.I used Hero Lab to make a cleric. Usually stick to non-spell characters. My first question, of what could be many. First level Cleric I had to chose 3 Zero level, 1 domain and 2 first level cleric spells. Are these the only spells I know or are they the ones I have memorized.

Dosgamer |

Those are the ones you have available to you for the day, and you can switch them out once a day for new spells. Also, be aware that you can spontaneously swap out a selected spell for a cure wounds spell (cure light at 1st level) if you're a good cleric (or inflict if you're an evil cleric, and so forth). Good luck!

Mauril |

Clerics basically get every spell that says Cleric at the top available to them whenever they prepare spells. Every day, when you pick spells, you can pick anything off the cleric list that you are high enough level to cast and prepare them for the day.
I love Hero Lab for characters, so put it to good use. And welcome to Pathfinder!

Quatar |

Yes can cast the level 0 spells over and over, but only those you have memorized. Next day when you prepare spells you can swap them out for something else, you can't do that during the day.
Swapping a prepared spell for cure light wounds is no action at all. You just say "I cast CLW and use my Endure Elements slot for that" or something, and cross off Endure Elements as being cast for today. You still have to spend the standard action to actually cast CLW of course.

AerynTahlro |

Those are the ones you have available to you for the day, and you can switch them out once a day for new spells. Also, be aware that you can spontaneously swap out a selected spell for a cure wounds spell (cure light at 1st level) if you're a good cleric (or inflict if you're an evil cleric, and so forth). Good luck!
Just have to point out... A Neutral cleric can channel negative or positive energy, you don't have to be good or evil.
I play a Lawful Neutral cleric who channels negative energy in a Kingmaker campaign. The paladin in the group is a little uneasy about it, but I'm not evil; in fact I often do good acts. I could easily get an alignment bump up to Lawful Good and still channel negative energy (as the rules don't state that you must maintain your alignment to keep your channel type).

Dosgamer |

Dosgamer wrote:Those are the ones you have available to you for the day, and you can switch them out once a day for new spells. Also, be aware that you can spontaneously swap out a selected spell for a cure wounds spell (cure light at 1st level) if you're a good cleric (or inflict if you're an evil cleric, and so forth). Good luck!Just have to point out... A Neutral cleric can channel negative or positive energy, you don't have to be good or evil.
I play a Lawful Neutral cleric who channels negative energy in a Kingmaker campaign. The paladin in the group is a little uneasy about it, but I'm not evil; in fact I often do good acts. I could easily get an alignment bump up to Lawful Good and still channel negative energy (as the rules don't state that you must maintain your alignment to keep your channel type).
I think you're actually referencing the spontaneous casting aspect (and not channel energy), but yes you are correct. That is what I meant when I said "and so forth." *grin*
But to quote the rules from the PRD, here is the info on spontaneous casting if anyone is so inclined. Thanks!
Spontaneous Casting: A good cleric (or a neutral cleric of a good deity) can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The cleric can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name).
An evil cleric (or a neutral cleric who worships an evil deity) can't convert prepared spells to cure spells but can convert them to inflict spells (an inflict spell is one with “inflict” in its name).
A cleric who is neither good nor evil and whose deity is neither good nor evil can convert spells to either cure spells or inflict spells (player's choice). Once the player makes this choice, it cannot be reversed. This choice also determines whether the cleric channels positive or negative energy.

Naedre |

Okay so what about my domain spell. Is it always the same? Can i choose a new one each day or is it always the same spell?
Unless you are a special Cleric Archtype that limits your domains, you should have 2 domains. Each domain has a spell list associated with it. Your domain slot can only have a spell from one of your two domains in it. You pick at the beginning of each day which domain spell (assuming you have 2 domains) to put there.
You cannot put a domain spell into a non-domain spell slot unless that domain spell is also a cleric spell. Example: Cure light wounds is both a cleric and a domain spell, so if you have a domain that has cure light wounds on its spell list(Healing Domain), it can go in both domain and non-domain spell slots. True Strike is not a cleric spell, so if you have a domain that has true strike on its spell list (Luck Domain), you can only put it in a domain slot.