What faction might fight against Kazavon?

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Dark Archive

hi there,
one of my player is a cavalier form the order of the seal. So far he knows nothing about the thread that is over Korvosa (they are lvl3) but his mission is to protect the city and more generaly the varisian area.
he never met his bosses so he knows nothing about his order...
what major faction in the world could be behind his order of the seal ?
I was thinking about the Mendev cruzader, but they are far from home in korvosa.
any suggestion ?

What about the Knights of Ozem, inn Lastwall. They are followers of Iomedae, who forged Serithtial to fight against Zon-Kuzon. Maybe the ancestor of Mandraivus was a leader of this order of knights, as was Mandravius too. The knights of Ozem do indeed monitor the Gallowspire, so it could be plausible that they also had Serithtian in charge. Then Mandraivus died in Scarwall, and the sword was never retrieved. The Knights fight undead, too, so it is a disihonor that Serithtial is still in Scarwall. Of course, getting the sword back should be commanded (or even told) only to someone who has proved his value.

Another idea is that the knights were in charge of the Fangs of Kazavon along with the shoantis (the seneschal of Korvosa being the last of the knights alive?)

Even though they are far away, the order of the seal could be a minor military organisation in Andoran. The eagle knights are chosen from the most skilled members of the order of the seal. You could make up something like that. If they stand for similar values as the eagle knights, they would fight against it. As angelrobe stated, the knights of Ozem is another viable choice.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think it's mentioned in one of the books that the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye in Ustalav was instrumental in helping defeat Kazavon, and they're exactly the kinds of people who might employ a Cavalier of the Seal. It's quite far from Korvosa, I know, but the Palatine Eye's styled after groups like the Freemasons or Illuminati, but with a good purpose. It'd totally make sense for them to take this guy aside one day in Ustalav and say "Our informants are telling us something's goin' on in Korvosa. Your mission is to check it out and influence the situation according to our plans."

Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye
Trial of the Beast
r-Kelleg, what did you do about this topic (who are the pc bosses?)

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