Carrion Crown Wood Wizard


Alright, I have a wood specialized wizard playing in my game. Currently, I am running Carrion Crown and the party is underground in a basement. He has access to spells that need plants to function such as Entangle. If I play things by the book, he should scrap his character sheet and try again, which I don't want. However, I also cannot allow myself to just give access to plants in every room. I would appreciate some advice in regards to how often I should make such a resource available in these kinds of circumstances.

Well, Entangle is a powerful spell, balanced by requiring foliage. It's supposed to be situational - when it can be used, it shines, but when exploring a basement it's obviously not of much use.

I wouldn't change a thing, personally - he's a wizard, he's able to prepare some other spell when he knows he will be in a mostly artificial environment. No need to make everything fit his spell selection - surely he doesn't have to scrap his character sheet just because some of his specialization spells aren't useful in all scenarios (that happens to most specialist wizards) - the sensible strategy would be to learn other spells that help in situations where spells like entangle aren't of much use.

Scarab Sages

Perhaps have the character find a spellbook with spells he could use underground, maybe with a wood theme. For an indoor entangle effect, there is always web which is on the wood elementalist list.

Or, you could houserule that entangle can use ropy tendrils of mold or fungus. Yes, entangle is powerful, but I'd say it's not game breaking if you fudge things and let it be used in non-natural environments. If it doesn't break anything, and the description itself is fun, I'd say go for it!

Give him a pet potted plant.

The Exchange

Is disrupt undead and magic missle on his list? Let him pick them up from town. That's all you need as a wizard for this book.

there is a special spell book that has its own problems associated to be found... It has magic missle.

Thanks for the answers! Sadly he ditched the idea before I ran my game again. I opted to not change anything and pay particular attention in regards to whether or not plants would be available.

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