How do you clean your dice?


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I think when the dirt on the dice starts to cushion the roll so they sort of plunk down on the table instead of bouncing, you really need to spritz 'em a bit.

Adamantine Dragon wrote:

Seriously, you're worried about germs on your dice? Do you wipe down the handles on grocery carts? Do you wear rubber gloves when you punch elevator buttons? Do you carry paper seat covers for sitting at a restaurant?

This is hilarious.

Yes, thank you for mocking anxiety disorders. Maybe next you could tell us that if we all just stopped worrying so much, everything would be okay.

Liberty's Edge

You've all got it wrong. You need to train your dice to clean themselves. The slow ones (we're looking at you, d4) will be shamed into complying with the popular ones. Works with teenage kids; why wouldn't it work with teenage dice?

Jerry Wright 307 wrote:
How do you unintentionally clean dice?

When something like soda or pizza grease spills on them and I clean them.

I may have used the wrong wording, but what I meant was I never took the time to clean my dice for any other reason of them getting something gooey or sticky on them.

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Anyone ever tried to boil their dice for 20 minutes?
Do they meld or you can actually use the oldest method to remove bacteria?

btw, the hyper hygienic society we are living in is probably one of the reasons there is an increase in auto immune disease (like allergies). When the immune system doesn't get alien things to attack, it will eventually find else to attack.
So I'd say, do you immune system a pleasure and don't clean you dice (too often).

Grand Lodge

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Some of my D6 were my great grandfather's. There are literally stained yellow-brown from cigarette smoke. Those one's are only rinsed by me, as my great grandfather was an avid gambler, and those were his lucky dice.
Why wash away the luck?

Like the example I gave before I only clean them when I need to (About once a year do to Kids) lol I have 5 of the after all.

Dark Archive

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Some of my D6 were my great grandfather's. There are literally stained yellow-brown from cigarette smoke. Those one's are only rinsed by me, as my great grandfather was an avid gambler, and those were his lucky dice.

Why wash away the luck?

I have a pair of chipped bone dice from WWII that my grandfather carried with him, freaky.

Grand Lodge

Carbon D. Metric wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Some of my D6 were my great grandfather's. There are literally stained yellow-brown from cigarette smoke. Those one's are only rinsed by me, as my great grandfather was an avid gambler, and those were his lucky dice.

Why wash away the luck?
I have a pair of chipped bone dice from WWII that my grandfather carried with him, freaky.

Cool. The dice in question are actually ivory, and my great grandfather got them back during the Prohibition. He was a liar, thief, swindler, bootlegger, womanizer, gambler, and a gentleman.

When dice have a history, care is important.

This is the first time I've given serious thought to the subject, and I know of two sets that I've had for 21 years, though they gave been retired.

I would suggest anti septic wipes, such as the ones made for kitchen counters. I would hate to scrub off the painted numbers.

Dark Archive

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arioreo wrote:

Anyone ever tried to boil their dice for 20 minutes?

Do they meld or you can actually use the oldest method to remove bacteria?

btw, the hyper hygienic society we are living in is probably one of the reasons there is an increase in auto immune disease (like allergies). When the immune system doesn't get alien things to attack, it will eventually find else to attack.
So I'd say, do you immune system a pleasure and don't clean you dice (too often).

Nice. So, both me and my wife already have those, and I wasn't a germ freak until afterwards. You don't get auto-immune diseases for the reason you listed. But way to be as insulting as you could be by blaming me for why I have MS.

We have a community dice bucket, it gets brought to game shops, conventions, etc. I don't know whose or how many hands have touched those dice, or will.

Dark Archive

My dice don't live long enough to get dirty.

They fail me, and then they suffer terrible, terrible fates, to serve as examples to the other dice not to make that same mistake.

They never learn. Perhaps I expect too much of inanimate objects. Perhaps melting dice in the microwave is just cathartic.


I trust my immune system to cope with anything my dice might pick up from regular use. If necessary, I'd probably clean them the same way I clean pennies-- a soak in vinegar and a dash of salt, or perhaps just a rinse under the faucet.

However, the container I currently keep them in is a plastic bottle that originally was full of soda syrup, so my dice are starting to smell like concentrated sugar. If I did wash my dice, it'd be to get the residual smell out of them.

I saw a guy at Gen Con several years back that kept a set of dice in a clear plastic peanut butter jar. He kept it sealed, shaking it and slamming it on the table not unlike bar dice. A little loud maybe, but it assured him nobody ever touched his dice, nothing soiled his dice, and he'd never lose one due to an errant roll.

James Jacobs wrote:
I roll my dice with my mouth to avoid getting dirty hands.

Saliva, lots of saliva. And perhaps a little whiskey mixed in.

I just let the bacteria fight it out with the grime. It eventually settles on a "clean enough" homeostasis

Clean my dice???

What a novel concept!


RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Goblins Eighty-Five wrote:
How do you get rid of the grime though? (Unless hydrogen peroxide does that...) You know, that black build up on them, from years of dead human skin and pencil lead?

I... have never seen actually grimy dice. Ew (sorry).

But if peroxide and normal soap doesn't do the trick, maybe scrub them with diluted Simple Green (be careful, though, because it can strip the paint if the numbers are painted in).

Goblins Eighty-Five wrote:

We have a community dice bucket, it gets brought to game shops, conventions, etc. I don't know whose or how many hands have touched those dice, or will.

This is a vary good resone to wash dice tho even this if done once a season should be as simple as flooding the bucket and adding dish soap.

FYI I am sure more than one person is not reading every post. just posting

and thanks for considering the others that use the bucket of dice if you have ever examine a dollar bill you wound be amazed at what you would find that could be grow from a swab off a 1 dollar bill.

Thorin2011 wrote:
FYI I am sure more than one person is not reading every post. just posting

Welcome to the Internet.

true but some times people forget and get hurt or upset so it has to be said from time to time.

Great... It had honestly never occurred to me that the game dice might need to be washed. Now I NEED to wash them... Thanks...


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Tabletop roleplaying games are a great source of colds! Now I know why.

Uhm let's see.
I've been known to soak my dice in vodka or rum, not to clean them per se but more as a threat of poor rolling, those that don't perk up may face the hammer or an acetylene torch to serve as an example to others.

I still have some of those old Red Box Basic dice, the ones that came with a crayon to fill in the numbers. My lucky d20, "Booger" is such a dice, if it were not for the Dorito dust and soda residue that has caked in the indentations, Booger would be illegible. Booger is hard enough to read now and as his sharp edges have worn down he is getting close to spherical in shape, bathing him would ruin his unique character ( though he did get rinsed off after he was inadvertently hurled into a pot of chilli about 4 winters ago).

If I have to clean dice for some reason I go oldschool and spit shine.

This thread illustrates why it is impolite to touch other people's dice, because you might screwup the "mojo" and because dice are filthy creatures.

Sovereign Court

Just a quick dunk in the washing-up water (they go in first) and then dry them with a cloth.

If they need more than that you're probably using them in ways I have never imagined.

Never thought about cleaning them before. Admittedly I have so many sets of dice, I use different ones depending on my mood. I suppose I could clean them every so often.

Dirt? Heh. That's just the luck turning visible.

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