Anybody wanna *run* a gestalt game?


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Normally, I wouldn't do this, asking for somebody else to run a game for me. I'm in plenty of PbPs here, so I see the recruitment threads all the time.

However, I have this concept in mind, that I really want to try very badly, and while it could work in a normal game, would truly shine in a Gestalt.

Just so any prospective GMs aren't caught off guard, the concept is a Tiefling Rogue(or Ninja if allowed)/Inquisitor, with the Heretic archetype and Night subdomain.

Don't really care what level or setting. If I had my choice, I'd say around 3rd or so and in Golarion, but it doesn't really matter...

This is weird, because I have an Aasimar Ranger/Paladin of Saranae. I could just take away the Ranger part of him and make him a Divine Hunter for a normal game, but he'd really work well as Gestalt. Don't know of he could handle being with your concept though...I could come up with something else. I love Gestalt, but having never done PbP before, I would want to play in it rather than run it.

Gestalt games are really rare and do give GMs problems as characters level up.

I took over a Gestalt game where the GM disappeared, and Gestalt has cause some issues with class combo selections

Which is why I usually reserve my Gestalts for one-shots or for single-player/pair of players in a campaign.

Liberty's Edge

What is exactly is a Gestalt game?

A Gestalt game has Gestalt characters

Gestalt characters are characters the take two class levels in parallel, taking the better of each class's hit dice, BAB, saves, and skill points.
The class skills of the two classes are combined as are the class features.


I'm quite comfortable with gestalt, but if I am going to start a new game it wouldn't be for another couple of weeks at least. It just takes a different mindset to design encounters for.

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DM Azure_Zero wrote:
Gestalt games are really rare and do give GMs problems as characters level up.

They can. But if the DM sets down the rules for acceptable classes/combos and sticks to it, making sure to head off any sneaky munchkinism... gestalt can be a real kick to play and run.

Tanis Newlun wrote:

What is exactly is a Gestalt game?

Game with gestalt characters

I am well aware of the problems of a gestalt game, as I've played and run a few IRL.

The concept could work fine non gestalt, but I really want to explore it using gestalt rules.

@ Lynora, if u desire to run a gestalt game, I can wait a few weeks if that's what's needed.

I would hope that the group would not go overboard with trying to break the game and go all super munchkiny.

In my experience Gestalt characters are really only about a +1 or +2 over normal CR. They're glass cannons. It's the increase in versatility that can make them challenging to run games for.

The real issue with them is that you can get a lot of party-role overlap, which is why they work best in games with smaller numbers.

That being said, I'd love to play a Wizard/Cleric necromancer. Would fit right in with Monkeygod's Tiefling Heretic :)

The Exchange

I'd love to play a gestalt game. I love gestalt. And if Lyn was GMing, It'd be even better. Hi Lyn.

I'm not sure how I missed this, now that I think about it.

I'd have to really think about class combination, though. I've played several gestalt games (the most fun of which has been Avalon, Lyn), so I've got a little experience under my belt, but I don't even have a concept at this point. Maybe a Whip-based.... something. I dunno.

As long as its not another tank....

Oh wait, that might not be a bad idea this time. I've got the skill monkey handled, Doom is our caster, you could be our tank, with maybe one other..

got room for a white-haired witch/monk? healing and battlefield control are my thing.

The Exchange

I don't have that many tanks, MG. Out of my 20 or so characters on here, 4 are tanks, and 2 are inactive. I suppose Ricdak could also be considered a tank, but he's not intended to be. Oooh.... I could make something similar to Ricdak, and Gestalt barbarian/Fighter. So many good ideas.

Dark Archive

i would like to play a gestalt game, i want to try a rogue/ninja+Monk, but i don't want to step on monkeys toes ether.

Thanks for the recommendation, Edgar. ^.^

Anyhow, if I run another game, and it's currently a big if since I'm determining if I'm going to have enough time to devote to it, I would not want anyone to worry about stepping on anyone else's toes. I usually separate people into smaller groups within the bigger game for missions and if a group doesn't have something covered there will be resources available to help make up for the lack. Those resources might not always be desirable but they are available. :)

I'll be able to tell you guys for sure within the next day or so. I'm leaning towards doing it, but that depends on how much of the prep work for it I can get done this week.

I'm also considering running a gestalt game.

I currently have a standard Carrion Crown going, and the only other AP I own is Jade Regent.

I have the new RotRL on order (through Amazon due to money issues) and that's actually what I was considering using once I have it.

Spiral_Ninja wrote:

I'm also considering running a gestalt game.

I currently have a standard Carrion Crown going, and the only other AP I own is Jade Regent.

I have the new RotRL on order (through Amazon due to money issues) and that's actually what I was considering using once I have it.

That would be a good fit. RotRL gets a bit dicey for the players at times and they could use the extra boost from gestalt....or the GM who ran us through that was just being brutal, I'm not sure which. :)

lynora wrote:
Spiral_Ninja wrote:

I'm also considering running a gestalt game.

I currently have a standard Carrion Crown going, and the only other AP I own is Jade Regent.

I have the new RotRL on order (through Amazon due to money issues) and that's actually what I was considering using once I have it.

That would be a good fit. RotRL gets a bit dicey for the players at times and they could use the extra boost from gestalt....or the GM who ran us through that was just being brutal, I'm not sure which. :)

From all I've heard of it...why not both? ;)

The Exchange

I figured it was a pretty big if. Avalon alone must be a significant chunk of time.

It is :P

Yeah, Avalon takes quite a bit of time. But there is usually a slowdown through the summer or I wouldn 't even be considering starting a new game. Much lower level (starting at 3-4 I think) though would certainly cut down on the prep work compared to a high level game. :)

Count me in if there's room!

Have you ever known me to turn away an interested player? :)

ROFL uh, no.

As I said in my OP, if I had my say, lvl 3 would be my choice.

BUT, I am not running the game, just pestering people into giving me a chance to try out a concept that's become a slightly burning obsession with me.

Thus, I care not if we start at lvl 1. Id actually love to play RotRL. Been wanting to play that for a long time now. Was even a game, but it died very early. I just wonder if my sneaky, infiltrator type would fit in such a game.

Monk/Druid for me, maybe.

If this turns out to be a RotRL game, I'd like to play a bard/eldritch godling.

I have tons of gestalt character Ideas

Amaranthine Witch wrote:
If this turns out to be a RotRL game, I'd like to play a bard/eldritch godling.

I think there are currently two potential games being discussed here, one RotRL and one homebrew.

Aaaand I found all my old notes. I'd just have to convert a few tempted.

Shadow Lodge

A gestalt RotRL? Run by Lyn?

So tempting to bring Ignatius Highhill, halfling Druid, back to life... but RL restrictions coming soon say no.

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe Lynora is proposing a home-brew game. While Spiral is suggesting a RotR game.

SpiralNija, you going to open a recruitment thread? Or just handle it here?

Dragonborn3 wrote:

A gestalt RotRL? Run by Lyn?

So tempting to bring Ignatius Highhill, halfling Druid, back to life... but RL restrictions coming soon say no.

No, I'm not running RotRL. Already sold my books and everything. (Since when do I work off a script?)I'd be running a homebrew game. Someone else was thinking about RotRL. :)

Ninja'd by Eben. *waves*

I'm willing to discuss it here, but to start I have to wait for my copy of the Anniversary Edition as I never got the original.

I've a few RL things to deal with this afternoon, so I'll come back after 9pm EST and discuss everyone's ideas.

Shadow Lodge

lynora wrote:
No, I'm not running RotRL. Already sold my books and everything. (Since when do I work off a script?)I'd be running a homebrew game. Someone else was thinking about RotRL. :)

I still find myself wanting to bring Iggy back to life...

Actually, may do cavalier/ranger or archery fighter.
I'd like to resurrect my elfling worg rider from Midnight.

EDIT: or zen archer monk/samurai :P

I'm cool whichever, as long as I'm in *one* of the two games.

Hmm, both sound interesting. Since someone already laid claim to the Cleric/Wizard necromancer, maybe I'd go with a proper glass cannon combination: Sorcerer/Wizard.

The Exchange

I'm definitely thinking, whichever game I go for, provided both start up, I'm going to bring a dwarven fighter/barbarian, specializing in the Dwarven Dorn-Dergar. I love it as a weapon, and it's nice and flavorful. Not optimal, necessarily, but a helluvalot of fun.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have a character concept rattling around for a paladin of Sarenrae (warrior of the holy light)/flame mystery oracle.

I would be interested myself in either game. Just getting back into PBP now that life has settled down. Fighter/Alchemist is the idea I got kicking around in my head! If it happens of course.

Point Buy? Stat Rolling?

sign me up for both :)
again the idea is for a white-hair witch/monk of the lotus/Wall Climbing
also if both of you don't mind approving of this feat Spell Finesse pretty allows me to kill off some the MAD.

Lynora is pretty cool about allowing stuff in her games. Dunno about Spiral though, never been in one of his/her games.

Point buy is fairest, I feel. Probably 20 to allow for stats to fit the concept.

I usually allow 3 traits, the normal two plus the campaign trait.

As for combos...follow the normal rules for multiclassing. If you can't multiclass the parts, you can't gestalt them.

The only major alternate/house rule I insist on is that you must take at least one of the major 4 [BaB, Fort, Reflex, Will] from each class. Not really a problem as the best of them usually stays best all the way through.

As for avaliable classes...I'm very open. In our RL games we use Bo9S and Psionics (use Dreamscarred's versions). As long as I have a copy of the class I'm OK with it. If I don't have a copy or it's not on d20pfsrd I'll ask for a copy before I OK it.

Spiral_Ninja wrote:
As for combos...follow the normal rules for multiclassing. If you can't multiclass the parts, you can't gestalt them.

This confused me. A fighter/sorceror gestalt still can't cast in armor without this what you're talking about?

The Exchange

No. Like, you can't multiclass Fighter(Archer) with Fighter(two-hander), I think.

Count me in if you still are accepting applications. Ninja/Gunslinger hehe

Ahh ok. I'm trackin'.

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