Way of the Wicked Recruitment: Evil Crew looking for 1 or 2 replacements


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We await your decision with bated breath.

Mr. Swagger wrote:
Catelyn is not even paying attention. You lose a point. Right now Xrezth is winning. Such a witty person would be nice to have around so I don't get too bored why manipulating the masses.

"You mean, of course, while manipulating the masses."

Added how Fargo and Teon first got together to Teon's profile.

Lady Vorannia Krellin wrote:
Mr. Swagger wrote:
Catelyn is not even paying attention. You lose a point. Right now Xrezth is winning. Such a witty person would be nice to have around so I don't get too bored why manipulating the masses.
"You mean, of course, while manipulating the masses."

This is the attention to detail that is required to succeed. You also get 1 point.

Mr. Swagger wrote:
Lady Vorannia Krellin wrote:
Mr. Swagger wrote:
Catelyn is not even paying attention. You lose a point. Right now Xrezth is winning. Such a witty person would be nice to have around so I don't get too bored why manipulating the masses.
"You mean, of course, while manipulating the masses."
This is the attention to detail that is required to succeed. You also get 1 point.

Actually I reprogrammed Mr. Swagger's auto-correct spell checker. You should see all the words that are going to randomly change on him. In the campaign he will always say "My Queen The Mighty High Lady Xrezth" rather than just Xrezth.

King Markadian V wrote:
I might be sending out a PM or two if I have any further questions. If you don't receive a PM, that doesn't mean you're not being considered, simply that I have no further questions for your character.

Sigh I'll try not to read too much into your lack of PMs for me, King Mark.

:: Bites nails nervously ::


Dark Archive

"Avoiding the cannibals for long enough while they eat away at eachother shouldn't be a problem... Although avoiding their foul stench while in this death trap is beyond my capabilities. Soon enough I will leave these pesky fools to live out their sentence, while I work to crumble the very establishment which binds them... Though I cannot say their fate shall improve once that is the case... If they manage to survive that long"

Pick me pick me pick me

Bouncing up and down, Fargo is still short enough to barely be seen

Fargo begins chanting.

I think it is my turn to be team captain

Go team Evil

Xrezth the Discordant wrote:
Mr. Swagger wrote:
Lady Vorannia Krellin wrote:
Mr. Swagger wrote:
Catelyn is not even paying attention. You lose a point. Right now Xrezth is winning. Such a witty person would be nice to have around so I don't get too bored why manipulating the masses.
"You mean, of course, while manipulating the masses."
This is the attention to detail that is required to succeed. You also get 1 point.
Actually I reprogrammed Mr. Swagger's auto-correct spell checker. You should see all the words that are going to randomly change on him. In the campaign he will always say "My Queen The Mighty High Lady Xrezth" rather than just Xrezth.

I think I may just allow you to join me, My Queen The Mighty High.. You didn't really think I was going to say that did you? :)

My vote is for Xrezth at the moment. She is entertaining and devious.

Teon wrote:
I think it is my turn to be team captain

You'll have to Ro-sham-bo with Xanos for that honor - Mr. Tall, Red, and Diabolic.

Mr. Swagger wrote:
Xrezth the Discordant wrote:
Mr. Swagger wrote:
Lady Vorannia Krellin wrote:
Mr. Swagger wrote:
Catelyn is not even paying attention. You lose a point. Right now Xrezth is winning. Such a witty person would be nice to have around so I don't get too bored why manipulating the masses.
"You mean, of course, while manipulating the masses."
This is the attention to detail that is required to succeed. You also get 1 point.
Actually I reprogrammed Mr. Swagger's auto-correct spell checker. You should see all the words that are going to randomly change on him. In the campaign he will always say "My Queen The Mighty High Lady Xrezth" rather than just Xrezth.

I think I may just allow you to join me, My Queen The Mighty High.. You didn't really think I was going to say that did you? :)

My vote is for Xrezth at the moment. She is entertaining and devious.

If only your votes counted my pet, if only.

--> It just dawned on me that Xanos would get extra votes here in Chicago as they let the dead vote.

Not even sure if I'm in the running. Just can't be quite as entertaining as the rest of these clowns sadly.

Involvement in IC chatter in the recruitment thread isn't really a bonus or negative -- at least not from my perspective. It may help us get a fuller view of who you want to play, but don't think you've short-sheeted yourself if you chose not to or haven't' been able to participate in such a manner.

Lady Vorannia leans back in the tall red velvet cushioned throne.

"But... who would I watch for entertainment if the three stooges cease their bickering?"

: shrugs :

Narkari Rue Evergreen wrote:
Not even sure if I'm in the running. Just can't be quite as entertaining as the rest of these clowns sadly.

This is just us passing time.

Mr. Swagger wrote:
Lady Vorannia Krellin wrote:
Mr. Swagger wrote:
Catelyn is not even paying attention. You lose a point. Right now Xrezth is winning. Such a witty person would be nice to have around so I don't get too bored why manipulating the masses.
"You mean, of course, while manipulating the masses."
This is the attention to detail that is required to succeed. You also get 1 point.

Ah, so the name of the game is flattery?

Then, well, sir, my oh so humble leige, my sweet pernicious practitioner of entropic ruin. Do forgive my earlier inability to fully partake in the ecstasy of giving debaucherous gratification to the likeness of Clifford the big red dog.

Please excuse the umannered countenance by which I bear myself but I am terribly busy, contracts to fulfill, feathers to down, you know the drill. I'm a headhunter, and I've only got so many opportunities to snipe before the competition. I've only the limited time to pluck these individuals before the opportunity is lost.

Though if it is points I am looking for, then I must say it is hardly worth the effort cajoling them out of you, when it would be oh so much easier to simply pluck them off you. Kill two birds with one shot, as they say.

I thought we had killed and barbecued Narkari about 2 pages back.

Narkari Rue Evergreen wrote:
Not even sure if I'm in the running. Just can't be quite as entertaining as the rest of these clowns sadly.

Just chiming in to agree with Cain. Your choice to IC chatter or not won't effect your chances.

Catelyn wrote:
Mr. Swagger wrote:
Lady Vorannia Krellin wrote:
Mr. Swagger wrote:
Catelyn is not even paying attention. You lose a point. Right now Xrezth is winning. Such a witty person would be nice to have around so I don't get too bored why manipulating the masses.
"You mean, of course, while manipulating the masses."
This is the attention to detail that is required to succeed. You also get 1 point.

Ah, so the name of the game is flattery?

Then, well, sir, my oh so humble leige, my sweet pernicious practitioner of entropic ruin. Do forgive my earlier inability to fully partake in the ecstasy of giving debaucherous gratification to the likeness of Clifford the big red dog.

Please excuse the umannered countenance by which I bear myself but I am terribly busy, contracts to fulfill, feathers to down, you know the drill. I'm a headhunter, and I've only got so many opportunities to snipe before the competition. I've only the limited time to pluck these individuals before the opportunity is lost.

Though if it is points I am looking for, then I must say it is hardly worth the effort cajoling them out of you, when it would be oh so much easier to simply pluck them off you. Kill two birds with one shot, as they say.

There is a story that involves golden eggs and a goose....

Cain and Price wrote:

Involvement in IC chatter in the recruitment thread isn't really a bonus or negative -- at least not from my perspective. It may help us get a fuller view of who you want to play, but don't think you've short-sheeted yourself if you chose not to or haven't' been able to participate in such a manner.

Just chiming in to agree with Cain. Your choice to IC chatter or not won't effect your chances.

You mean I have been wasting my time. Darn it. And nobody made me a grilled cheese either.

Grilled Cheese? I thought you were asking to be killed with ease - which we did earlier. Oops.

It is cute that you think you could.

Xrezth the Discordant wrote:
I thought we had killed and barbecued Narkari about 2 pages back.

No. I'm much harder to kill and I don't think I would taste very good. I hear elves give you upset stomach.

Halflings are notorious for providing an upset stomach, they are like goats, eating anything that fits in their mouth.

"I must say this is the first game I know that has a recruitment page with more life than the actual game page...

For further consideration, I will need those wishing to have their applications reviewed to provide a small processing fee. Only one gold, and I will get right to work on reviewing your applications. An additional five gold does move your application to the front of the line.

Now if I could have everyone forma single line here..."

Serenity Havoc wrote:

Now if I could have everyone forma single line here..."

Ooh - I like single lines. Single Line + Lance = Shish kabob.

Serenity Havoc wrote:
"I must say this is the first game I know that has a recruitment page with more life than the actual game page..."

Price raises a single eyebrow, her voice placid as she looks to Cain, Xanos, and Grumblejack. "Gracious, me, did she just insult us? It seems Asmodeus/Mark's dedication to reviewing applications instead of forwarding the campaign has gone unappreciated."

Price looks into the infernal depths and intones, "Oh mighty DM of Eeeevil, feel free to delay your judgment on thy new character(s) for a week or so... as some of your applicants are in no particular hurry to learn their fates." She smiles beatifically.

I know how to figure my fate. I do it by throwing stones. Preferably at my opponents.

Bored now Starting to root around in everybody's PM box to see which way deliberations are going.

Xrezth the Discordant wrote:

If only your votes counted my pet, if only.

--> It just dawned on me that Xanos would get extra votes here in Chicago as they let the dead vote.

So far, Price's vote is the only one Xanos has paid attention to in the slightest. He pretty much ignored Cain's last request of him.

The mistake you seem to be making is in thinking Xanos gives even a single f%#$ about democracy...

"Glad you feel that wasy, Xanos." Notice that Xanos doesn't have 'King' in his name.

Also just to keep everyone in the know I'm awaiting a response. I should hopefully have the final selections by tomorrow night (giving myself some leeway room that is).

BOOM BOOM - Fireworks suddenly go off at the appearance of the King. Then suddenly everyone realizes it was a premature launch and watch as the sudden stop deflates the gathered throng.

Night crazy people, will be back tomorrow to criticize you all.

King Markadian V wrote:
"Glad you feel that wasy, Xanos." Notice that Xanos doesn't have 'King' in his name.


Dark Archive

Xrezth the Discordant wrote:
suddenly everyone realizes it was a premature launch and watch as the sudden stop deflates the gathered throng.

"A master a metaphors! I now see where your talent for poetry comes from.

Tell me, are all of your metaphors inspired by your past lovers?"

please tell me I've not crossed the line for a recruitment thread

Xrezth acts innocent and pretends that she does not understand the inference.

Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

And pulls it off perfectly.

Sadly, this is my 6,666 post. Seems good for a devil campaign.

Dark Archive

Vanus winks "Of course not dear. Premature or right on time, fireworks are something, aren't they?"

Xanos wrote:
Xrezth the Discordant wrote:

If only your votes counted my pet, if only.

--> It just dawned on me that Xanos would get extra votes here in Chicago as they let the dead vote.

So far, Price's vote is the only one Xanos has paid attention to in the slightest. He pretty much ignored Cain's last request of him.

The mistake you seem to be making is in thinking Xanos gives even a single f$~@ about democracy...

Yah. That's totally one of my favorite things about Xanos's personality. Being ignored is awesome. o.O

Shhh, where did everybody go? They must all be scared of Cain.

They should be scared. Have you seen what Cain can do with a helmet? :)

I have a sudden mental picture of Cain as Captain Helmet.

Cain, tapping the helmet on his head.This is not the helmet.PauseThe Helmet is my ...

Price wrote:
They should be scared. Have you seen what Cain can do with a helmet? :)

It gives a whole new meaning to "Brain Bucket".

You talking about the thing he did against the warden? Or the thing he did when he got bored waiting for Price to get changed?

I was kidding... how about this?

You talking about the thing he did against the warden? Or the naughty thing he did with the helmet when no one was looking?

EDIT: hmmm... for a second there, there was actually a post in between those two.

Lol - yeh, I posted and then decided to delete it, you saw it in the 30 seconds that it was up. I was referring to the Warden incident - I try to avoid what strange rangers do with their helmets outside of combat.

Here is an important Helmet scene.

Dark Helmet

Cain the Stranger Ranger. I like that. Put it on my luggage!

Cain wrote:
Or the thing he did when he got bored waiting for Price to get changed?

Any mention of being 'bored' while a woman is getting nude in front of you... probably not a wise thing to say. :)

While Miss Price isn't a vain creature, she might be the tiniest bit irked by such a comment... And, as you know, Price being irked or (heavens forfend!) miffed invariably results in snapped vertebrae, a body count, and entrails festooning a room like bunting.

But that will confuse the poor children. Should they be yelling "Stranger Danger" or "Stranger Ranger"? Although I assume in either situation the children should run as fast as they can.


(that response works for both of your posts.)

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