harmor |

This post from BigNorseWolf was ingenious!
What trick would you need to teach your horse or animal companion to eat the apple with its core removed and filled with a Cure Light Wounds potion?

Lichemaster |
This post from BigNorseWolf was ingenious!
What trick would you need to teach your horse or animal companion to eat the apple with its core removed and filled with a Cure Light Wounds potion?
The DC would be to train the animal to eat the apple whole so no potion gets spilled out of the horses mouth (excuse the pun)

Umbranus |

but if the animal could do it when its hurt without a command it would be better.
I don't think that will work.
If the horse can get at the apple it will eat the apple when it likes, not when it's hurt.If you want your horse to eat something only when it is hurt you should try with something the horse normally doesn't like very much.
Start with acrid goodberries for example.
The problem is for you to train that trick to the horse it has to be hurt from time to time. Something you normally try to prevent.

hargoyle |

harmor wrote:but if the animal could do it when its hurt without a command it would be better.I don't think that will work.
If the horse can get at the apple it will eat the apple when it likes, not when it's hurt.
I totally agree.
I would just stick to apples. Why waste a trick to teach your animal companion to eat something it doesn't like?
Maybe you could work out something in the lines of "catch"? In the middle of a battle you can just yell "catch", throw the apple to your AC and then it gulps the down the apple - problem solved! With a horse, this maybe somewhat tricker, if you are in battle and, oh, I don't know, perhaps riding it..

Bob_Loblaw |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I dont think its that difficult to administer a cure potion to an animal companion... unless your DM is just anal about it. Some GMs like making the mundane difficult....
I don't think I would want to administer it that way. I would be very unhappy if I had to give my animal companion a cure light wounds suppository.

Herbo |

I don't think I would want to administer it that way. I would be very unhappy if I had to give my animal companion a cure light wounds suppository.
If you are looking for a good trick...Suppository Acceptance. It'd probably be easier to develop cure light wounds supositories, and you won't have to worry about a gassy horse from over-feeding apples to it. Besides, once the horse gets used to the treatment, they will be less likely to kick you.
And a hyper-intelligent animal companion might even dim the lights and make you super beforehand ;-)

hogarth |

You don't need to get that fancy. Cure potions are 1 oz. I have given horses de-wormer orally and they will fuss, but you can get fluid into their mouth.
On another board I used to frequent, a woman claimed that her horse (in real life) would grab a beer out of a cooler, pop off the bottle cap and chug it all by itself (all using its mouth), so she insisted that her character's horse should be able to do the same with a potion!

SlimGauge |

There are plenty of youtube vids of people getting a horse to drink from a bottle or a can. I've also heard of horses that could pick up a long necked beer bottle with the lips and raise it high to drink from it, but a cure potion is not anywhere near as many ounces as a beer.

Kamelguru |

Trick: Drink potions.
Also, it is a fallacy that you cannot teach an animal to not eat when there is a treat in front of it. My dad's friend had a dog that was so well trained he could leave it alone with treats well within its reach, and it would never touch any before commanded.
And anything you can do in real life should be a breeze in a super-powered fantasy game.

Foghammer |

I've never seen a horse turn down anything so sweet as an apple when it's offered. Core the thing, pour the potion in and the apple should absorb the liquid for the most part, so don't worry about it spilling out. If you are, just cut away a chunk of the apple and 'cork' it.
DMs that make this sort of thing difficult for their players are just being jerks, whether they realize it or not. What part of this "challenge" is "heroic" or "fun?"
Disclaimer: If you have fun doing this kind of crap, good for you; by all means continue. Nothing badwrong about it if you like it.

Remco Sommeling |

A handle animal check should do the trick, possibly a charisma check DC 10 or 15 tops ?
My dogs have an uncanny ability to eat a sausage and spit out the pills I went through alot of trouble hiding in it, so I guess it shouldn't be too far fetched. Anyone with a rank of handle animal could take 10. There is a very real risk of making your horse an apple addict though.

Michael Radagast |

@Shuriken - Raccoons can do that as well, if you don't mind that they're troublesome little bastards. ;D
@Foghammer - Apple probably won't absorb the fluid, as they're fairly full of fluid already, but the cork is a good idea.
@Shar Tahl - +1 I've done this as well, and the only trouble is how often they've done this and whether they have room to back up on you. Stuff gives their coat a good shine, though - wonder if CLW would, as well?
Also, for those who don't live in farm country - the phrase 'eat like a horse?' Not just an expression. Heck, I knew a farmer who used them just to keep his extra pasture mown. Horses are social eaters...they pretty much just keep munching so long as it's there and they're not sick or preoccupied. Quickest way to make friends with a horse is apples and oats.

Kimera757 |
I'm pretty sure cattle and sheep can recognize faces (and not just those of each other). I've heard that sheep can recognize about 50 faces, but due to the conditions they're raised in (much larger farms), it actually causes social problems. For instance, a sheep unable to remember who it is dominant or subordinate to.
As for the topic on-hand, I think it would be easy to teach a horse to drink a potion, but I wonder if a cored-out apple wouldn't leak the potion's contents.

Glendwyr |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm pretty sure cattle and sheep can recognize faces (and not just those of each other). I've heard that sheep can recognize about 50 faces, but due to the conditions they're raised in (much larger farms), it actually causes social problems. For instance, a sheep unable to remember who it is dominant or subordinate to.
Yeah, I'm on board with animals recognizing faces. It was more the "create and use tools" part of being a cow that I found suspicious. =)

Writer |

Selgard wrote:Writer wrote:Why are we not using a "Wand of Cure Light Wounds"?cuz getting the horse to drink a potion is hard enough without teaching it to hold a wand and pass the UMD check.
+100 XP
Not a caster...and want to conserve action economy.
o\ meh
Have a PC hold the wand and cure the horse. Or a familiar even if you're worried about action economics.

![]() |

CLW apples sound perfectly legitimate, to me. I believe Dragon Magazine had an article focused on folks with critter buddies, and they had a variant with raw meat soaked in CLW potions for your carnivorous companions. No reason you couldn't make some sort of CLW oat brick or something for Mr Ed. Oats, honey, and CLW potion . . . mmm . . . even I'd eat that as a trail snack!

KenderKin |
It is also a great way to hide your potions!
No more people looting your corpse for potions, no way no how.
But wouldn't a mushroom of enlarge person, be a little too Mario brothers to be taken seriously?
I am recommending a new hex for the witch
After cauldron
similar to poison steep (same mechanics, but allows you to brew potions into apples (or similar items!)
Poison Steep

Kirth Gersen |

But wouldn't a mushroom of enlarge person, be a little too Mario brothers to be taken seriously?
Lewis Carrol evidently didn't think so, when he went forward in time in order to steal the idea!
P.S. Using the poison steep hex to make CLW apples is pure genius. I would totally allow that!
BigNorseWolf |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Kimera757 wrote:I'm pretty sure cattle and sheep can recognize faces (and not just those of each other). I've heard that sheep can recognize about 50 faces, but due to the conditions they're raised in (much larger farms), it actually causes social problems. For instance, a sheep unable to remember who it is dominant or subordinate to.Yeah, I'm on board with animals recognizing faces. It was more the "create and use tools" part of being a cow that I found suspicious. =)
As for why a gourd as opposed to an apple, its so the horse only does it on command or when hurt rather than then its feeling peckish.
The chocolate in a survival kit tastes bad for just that same reason.

Gilfalas |

My GM rides and raised horses through most of her life. She assures me if your horse eats apples (some actually do not like them) it will eat an apple with a potion in it. Or you can just pour the potion in their mouth. They swallow liquids like most other living creatures.
This should require no trick whatsoever.

KenderKin |
KenderKin wrote:But wouldn't a mushroom of enlarge person, be a little too Mario brothers to be taken seriously?Lewis Carrol evidently didn't think so, when he went forward in time in order to steal the idea!
P.S. Using the poison steep hex to make CLW apples is pure genius. I would totally allow that!
Sounds good to me boss man!
I think I would call the hex "potion steep" in this case!
A genius you say!

Her_Lotho |

Well, i guess this falls in the category dm's judgement.
For me:
Does it sound plausible: Yes
Does it have a reasonable chance of failure: horses like apples so i'm gonna i'd go for no, also it's a good idea and i never like to punish people for having idea's
So, i'd go with yeah, no handle animal check required.