Even more craziness from Florida....

Off-Topic Discussions

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Oh. The spoiler wasn't there when I posted.


Back to our drug-crazed, cannibalistic death orgy in 3, 2, 1...

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
The spoiler wasn't there when I posted.

That's cause I accidently typed "quote" (because I was quoting myself) instead of "spoiler." And I'm not even drunk. Yet.

Grand Lodge

I'd be drunk, but I'm on duty. :(

The Exchange

Sissyl wrote:

Well, sounds to me like we should all be grateful it's happening in a state that's easy to wall off, if need be.

It would also be a good premise for a zombie RPG setting...

Zombies and Oxygen Tanks Join forces with geriatric snowbirds and Cuban immigrants as they fend off flesh eating rednecks from the Everglades!!!

Moorluck wrote:
Sissyl wrote:

Well, sounds to me like we should all be grateful it's happening in a state that's easy to wall off, if need be.

It would also be a good premise for a zombie RPG setting...

Zombies and Oxygen Tanks Join forces with geriatric snowbirds and Cuban immigrants as they fend off flesh eating rednecks from the Everglades!!!

Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

The Exchange

TheWhiteknife wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Sissyl wrote:

Well, sounds to me like we should all be grateful it's happening in a state that's easy to wall off, if need be.

It would also be a good premise for a zombie RPG setting...

Zombies and Oxygen Tanks Join forces with geriatric snowbirds and Cuban immigrants as they fend off flesh eating rednecks from the Everglades!!!
Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Cool my first subscriber!!

Now just to get something to subscribe to. :P

(Actually that does sound like a fun game. O.o)

You poor deluded fools. Even now, your rational minds won't fully grasp what your subconscious lizard-brain already knows.

This is just the Beginning, the opening of but the First Seal. By the time you begin to truly understand the Horrors festering here in Florida, it'll be too late to act.




Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

You poor deluded fools. Even now, your rational minds won't fully grasp what your subconscious lizard-brain already knows.

This is just the Beginning, the opening of but the First Seal. By the time you begin to truly understand the Horrors festering here in Florida, it'll be too late to act.




Sweetheart, I been tryin ta open dem dere seals by clubbin' 'em on da heds, but all I kep gettin' is seal brayns.

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Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

My friend and I were spending an evening watching police brutality videos

Jeez, is COPS still on the air?

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

You poor deluded fools. Even now, your rational minds won't fully grasp what your subconscious lizard-brain already knows.

This is just the Beginning, the opening of but the First Seal. By the time you begin to truly understand the Horrors festering here in Florida, it'll be too late to act.




IA! IA!!

Instead of virus, maybe it's chemical zombies?

I live nearby A1A so it was a little jarring to see the news. Also hope you don't mind the Resident Evil Music. All I know is I want to leave Florida now :|

BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! The madness spreads!!!!

Scarab Sages

I was on holiday down in South Florida when this went down. Based on news reports the victim was a 60+ yr old homeless man. The attacker was a 31 year old naked man.

In addition to the various news reports I watched about this and the one newspaper article I was able to get my hands on it seems the police cant get their story straight about what drug the attacker was on. One PR officer said it was a new variant of LSD, another said it was Bath Salts. Typical misinformation strategy, but also typical of law enforcement in such a bizare occurence that they cannot get their story straight.

Other facts... 75% of the victims face was eaten off, basically only his goatee was left intact. Eyes had been gouged out, nose eaten off, cheeks and lips gone.

The officer responding to the incident had to shoot the attacker 4 times, but get this... the officer shot the attacker once, the attacker growled at the officer and continued his meal. The officer shot 3 more times before the attacker was rendered immobile and presumably dead.

Was the final shot to the head? They arent releasing details of that information that I have found, though they did mention first shot was to the chest (we all know that doesnt work on zombies). Clearly this cop has not been keeping up with The Walking Dead or any other classic zombie films.

I heard from other sources that a similar incident had occured on the same causeway a few weeks ago. The thought that the zombie apocolypse could be starting as drug enduced rage attacks strikes me as all too plausible.

I really am half expecting to find out that the victim bites a nurse or doctor. When that happens I am stocking up on additional ammo and tactical bacon.

I need to leave Florida...

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! The madness spreads!!!!

Also how did you get Google Maps to display that?

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! The madness spreads!!!!

I do not like how close that SC one is to the TN border.

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When the government starts denying stuff, that's when you know that it's true.

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I am so glad I'm part of an Emergency Zombie Apocalypse group...

All I'm waiting is one of those drugs to mutate a normally benign virus.

*Notices the words on Azten's bracelet reads: "Bite in case of insufficient zombies."*

Curious ...

The Exchange

What is it with you people?

I don't know about the rest of you ... but I am paying my protection money to AZ to make sure the horde skips my town.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
yellowdingo wrote:
What is it with you people?

That guy is very lucky he did not get shot in the head.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Sheesh, calm down people. This isn't news. I live in NE Florida. We eat people all the time here.

The Mad Badger wrote:
I don't know about the rest of you ... but I am paying my protection money to AZ to make sure the horde skips my town.

You know full well that there is a clause in all of Aberzombie's agreements that may or may not buy you much time ...

Oh I read the clauses and in the State of Massachusetts I am set as long as at least three towns hold out against the horde they will avoid where I live. Which will give me enough time to fortify and have escape plans in place.

Just make sure you read the "Void where Prohibited" section carefully.

Poor Nevadans.

I recommend investing in submarine technology - preferably one you can operate solo.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.
I wanna see it all come down -
Suck it down -
Flush it down -
Learn to swim
Learn to swim
Learn to swim
Learn to swim
Learn to swim
Learn to swim
Learn to swim
Learn to swim

Oh I already have that stuff taken care of ... but not a solo one at least at first. How will I propogate the world again without women?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy....

One reason I don't use bath salts.

They're not really bath salts...though if you did, I'd advise you skip any that someone bought from a smoke shop.

Scarab Sages

...or it was VOODOO!!! So says the girlfriend of the zombie.

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Moorluck wrote:
TheWhiteknife wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Sissyl wrote:

Well, sounds to me like we should all be grateful it's happening in a state that's easy to wall off, if need be.

It would also be a good premise for a zombie RPG setting...

Zombies and Oxygen Tanks Join forces with geriatric snowbirds and Cuban immigrants as they fend off flesh eating rednecks from the Everglades!!!
Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Cool my first subscriber!!

Now just to get something to subscribe to. :P

(Actually that does sound like a fun game. O.o)

Ever watch Bubba Ho-Tep? Thats what it sounds like!!

Bruce Campbell is the awesome-sauce!

I think that bath salts shouldnt be prohibited. I think that the existing prohibition on cannibalism should be enforced.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's all part of Bed, Bath and Beyond's sinister plot towards world domination!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I really missed this thread

Sick son of a....hurting kittens, choking kittens, eating kittens, seriously, who does that?!

I sort of wish I had not read that little Google maps blip, arrrggg!!

I really want to have a "talk" with the kitten harming guy, broken heart made you do it huh....

Is it cruel to throw a hog tied man into a pit with rats, and very very angry feral cats?

Sissyl wrote:

Well, sounds to me like we should all be grateful it's happening in a state that's easy to wall off, if need be.

It would also be a good premise for a zombie RPG setting...

Don't do it until Florida and Texas have their Southern Slam.

GM_Beernorg wrote:

I really want to have a "talk" with the kitten harming guy, broken heart made you do it huh....

Is it cruel to throw a hog tied man into a pit with rats, and very very angry feral cats?

Yes. You should instead use bio-digestible ropes. And feed him to a heartbroken alligator. Or endangered Florida panthers.

Heck, roll him in rock salt and feed him to endangered Key Deer.

Nice, rock salt and Key Deer sounds perfect Ambrosia!

Actually used to love going to the Florida Keys, though that was 20+ years ago, sounds like they have gotten crowded and less fun since then.

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