Two-handed flurry of blows?

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

alright, flurry of blows says you make the attacks 'as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat'. what if you use one of the two-handed monk weapons, such as a kursarigama? would you get 1.5 str bonus while flurrying? and when using a double weapon, could you switch between the two sides as you like, such as swapping between a monk weapon and unarmed strikes?

no and yes.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

rock on, i didnt think so, but it's nice to get a confirmation. also, i accidentally put this in advice, it's a rules question.


Note that you would get to add the 1.5 STR mod if you are making an attack that is not a part of a Flurry - for example on a charge... This attack is also made at 3/4 BAB so your mileage may vary.

If you wield your Temple Sword in 2 hands as part of a Flurry you will not get the 1.5 x STR mod but you will get the 3:1 return on Power Attack - but I believe to be rules legal you would need to alternate attacks between the sword and your unarmed strikes (feet/head/knees/moustache/whatever).

Because you don't have an 'off-hand' as a Monk you will be receiving the 2:1 return on Power Attack with all of your unarmed strikes or your monk weapons if you are using them 1 handed.

So grab Power Attack at level 3 (as soon as you can) and get to work!

Daryl MacLeod wrote:
Because you don't have an 'off-hand' as a Monk you will be receiving the 2:1 return on Power Attack with all of your unarmed strikes or your monk weapons if you are using them 1 handed.

I am not so sure this is true. While FoB makes it clear that it makes no distinction, there is nothing about Power Attack regarding this. Certainly if you are using the FoB = TWF interpretation then the power attack uses off hand and main hand. Not sure about the 'any combination' interpretation, but in either case talk to your DM before you assume anything.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

alright, so if i use a two handed weapon with flurry, i dont get time and a half str, but i DO get time and a half for power attack. time to pick up a temple sword.

Go for it. Or use the sohei archetype and grab a nodachi... (1d10 base damage at 18-20 threat range...nice!)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would, but i'm not taking that many levels in monk, just four, enough to get a ki pool, so my ninja pool is based off Wis instead of cha. that and i'm taking ki mystic, to get even more points.

Grand Lodge

If you take levels in a channel granting class after, you can take crusader's flurry, and flurry with your god's favored weapon.

A bit off the rules topic so I spoilered to help Jiggy out.

not rules relevant:
Xavier you might want to see how your GM would feel about you just using Wis instead of cha in that case. I know it wouldn't make much difference to me as the GM but YMMV

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

we tend to play by the rules, pretty straight up, and only allow changes in particular situations. though, i like the other abilities and bonuses of taking four levels in monk. it's not really badly affecting my character. i'm using flurry instead of two-weapon fighting, and getting some other cool stuff. So no worries. :)

Grand Lodge

You may be able to acquire what you want without ninja levels, by just going rogue. Ninja is Rogue by the way.


Dabbler wrote:
Daryl MacLeod wrote:
Because you don't have an 'off-hand' as a Monk you will be receiving the 2:1 return on Power Attack with all of your unarmed strikes or your monk weapons if you are using them 1 handed.
I am not so sure this is true. While FoB makes it clear that it makes no distinction, there is nothing about Power Attack regarding this. Certainly if you are using the FoB = TWF interpretation then the power attack uses off hand and main hand. Not sure about the 'any combination' interpretation, but in either case talk to your DM before you assume anything.

It works. Power attack specifically calls out the damage being halved if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or a secondary natural weapon. The Monk's class features clearly state that you don't have an off-hand and your unarmed strikes are not considered secondary natural weapons.

It was my understanding that the kasuri-gama was a double weapon so if you were using it in a flurry you would have the option of ...

Sickle primary + weight secondary or visa versa
Sickle primary + unarmed secondary or visa versa
Weight primary + unarmed secondary or visa versa

As per monk rules you use full strength with both and power attack would work separately in regard to bonus/penalties.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

except unarmed strike states that you may swap freely between the weapon and your unarmed striking, so neither of them is 'secondary'. so i could take one punch, then a slashing attack, then a bludgeoning attack, and none of them would be considered 'secondary' with power attack from what i understand

also, i know ninja is rogue, but monk and ninja synergize well, and i like the flavor of the ninja more than just rogue. getting a full sized ki pool through rogue? I dont see how you can do that. no, i'm fine with monk/ninja unless you know another way to make your ki pool based off wisdom without that.

Grand Lodge

Just don't let the name of a class restrict you. I had a "ninja" character who had no levels in ninja. Still flavorful, still "ninja".

Daryl MacLeod wrote:
It works. Power attack specifically calls out the damage being halved if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or a secondary natural weapon. The Monk's class features clearly state that you don't have an off-hand and your unarmed strikes are not considered secondary natural weapons.

Good point, well presented :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

i understand that blackbloodtroll. but i WANT ninja. i want an ever-increasing ki pool, and ki powers, and stuff like that. why would i not want ninja? I've played rogues before, I just dont see how rogue is superior in this situation. sorry, just slightly confused.


Xavier319 wrote:
i understand that blackbloodtroll. but i WANT ninja. i want an ever-increasing ki pool, and ki powers, and stuff like that. why would i not want ninja? I've played rogues before, I just dont see how rogue is superior in this situation. sorry, just slightly confused.

I don't think BBT is inferring that rogue is superior to ninja - he's just saying don't fall into the trap of thinking that if you want a character to be a "ninja" you must take class levels in the ninja class.

If you have an idea of what it is you want your character to be able to do it's worth considering the various classes that would facilitate that. You may find that combination XYZ out performs character combo ABC.

For example if you wanted to make a 'rogue' character that was more capable in straight up melee you could take 20 levels of Ranger and still be a 'rogue' (some would assert that by doing so you'd end up with a vastly superior rogue in the process).


Oh - 1 more thing... The Martial Artist arcetype lets you play any alignment - and since you will have a ki pool from Ninja you could make good use of the Abundant Step class feature (that the Martial Artist retains - possibly an oversight?) to be a 'nightcrawler' type character.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

could be interesting. But I dont see the problem with a monk 4/ninja 16... it's sneaky, fights well, good damage, good defenses, and lots of tricks. martial artists is interesting, but if i use that, i dont get a ki pool from monk, so it becomes cha based again.


True - and there a lot more interesting arcetypes for the Monk then Martial Artist... Played a PFS game today with a guy using the Master of Many Styles who used it to very good effect... I was quite impressed with how many times Crane Wing saved his butt.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I agree, right now i'm using snake style, it's pretty darn awesome. using sense motive instead of AC once a round, and the really big kicker is at 9th and up, every time someone misses me, i get to attack them as an AoO, it can get pretty brutal if i have a miss chance, or mirror image.


Nice. The style feats are very cool.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I know this is an old topic, but I'm curious-why don't you get the 1.5 from a two handed weapon?

flurry of blows wrote:
A monk applies his full Strength bonus to his damage rolls for all successful attacks made with flurry of blows, whether the attacks are made with an off-hand or with a weapon wielded in both hands.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


Scarab Sages

However, the unchained monk has an altered flurry of blows that changes the way it works. Unchained monks do get 1.5 str bonus on a two-handed weapon in a flurry of blows.

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