Checking interest: All broken up inside


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Hey all I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who would be interested in a game where we test the limitations of so-called broken classes and 3pp options. I'm talking about flaws, synthesists, min-maxxing, and dragon riders to name a few. Probably a short-term pbp, probably starting at fifth level-ish. What do you folks think of this idea? Would anyone be interested in playing/DMing? I can DM if no-one else is interested. Also taking suggestions for an appropriate adventure path to unleash these god-among-men upon.

Tentatively interested, though I'm not sure if there's an actual broken class out there I want to play. There is however a class or two that's 3pp that I might not get to play otherwise...

Which Classes are you thinking of?

Anyone else?

I am ending a 13th level gauntlet.

I can do another one if I get enough people to get a group together.

Basically the guantlet is an arena type match, and you start off with an APL=CR encounter, and it gets progressively more difficult.

I did it at level 13 because that is about where most GM's seem to want to call it in.

If you guys want to do it at level 5 I will do it at level 5. The only caveat is that I will have to finish my last match in the gauntlet first which has already started so it might take a week or so. We can start working on characters though. Hopefully by the time I check everyone the other game will be done, and we can start.

I think you might be suffering from a problem based on name of thread. Its kinda vague. I just happened to be curious enough to check, but hoping curiosity will get people to check out ur recruitment isn't the best bet.

One class, that I've been rather interested in, is the Kusa from Rite Publishing. There's a few others, but that one is towards the top of my list.

If you(the group) want to do it in an adventure then I will probably use AoW. I have run it before, and converted many of the monsters to PF already.

PS:It will only be one chapter, which will match up to level 5 or 13.

I will sign up.

are you open to Purple Duck Games races? how about In the Company Of Monster? SGG?

SGG is in . I don't own anything by PDG or CoM, but if it is at I will at least look at it.

Liberty's Edge

I'm certainly interested in a gauntlet. I have a 5th level synthesist built with PFS rules that can take out many CR 8 mobs solo. I could stat him (or a similar synthesist) up with whatever character creation guidelines you decide on Mr. Swagger. At 13th level he would be ridiculous though.

I'm interested in trying out the artificer from adamant entertainment. He's on the srd.

Still thinkin bout the Kusa from Rite Publishing. If not that, then a Shadow Assassin from SGG.

Magnu123 wrote:
I'm interested in trying out the artificer from adamant entertainment. He's on the srd.

I do have that book. There is some errata for it. I will have to look it up.

I had a players use one in my game. It is not all that good in my experience, but then again he was not that good of an optimizer either.

I will probably max out at 6 players. Just to keep things simple for me, and to try to run this as close to real life game we will be posting in initiative order, but if two people have the same initiative either one can post first.

I think I will go with the adventure.

I don't know exactly what I will run though. I do know it will be between levels 6.

general character creation rules:

Hit points: The first class HD is maxed. Then you can roll and compare it to the average. Take whichever one is higher.


Level 6: That way spontaneous casters don't get shorted a spell level.

WBL: 16,000 gp. No more than 33%(5300) on any one item. If something is really close I will probably hand wave it.

Point Buy: 20 points

Books allowed: Almost anything. It will have to be in either the PRD or at

You get two traits, and no two traits can be in the same category.

Races:Ask about any non-core 0-HD race. You can play half-celestials as an example, but I will probably tag you with a penalty to your level.

I am leaning towards something from AoW, but I am not sure.

Liberty's Edge

Here's what I've got so far..

Character Submission:

1st: Sum; Combat Reflexes, Fused Eidolon, Fused Link, Summon Monster 1, Traits (Desperate Focus, Reactionary)
2nd: Sum; Bond Senses, Evasion
3rd: Sum; Combat Expertise
4th: Sum; Shielded Meld, +1 Cha
5th: Sum; Improved Trip, Summon Monster III, Eidolon +1 Con
6th: Sum; Maker's Jump 1/Day

Male Merfolk Synthesist 6 Age 30
N Medium Humanoid (Merfolk) 

Init +1/+4; Senses Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Perception +




AC 15/26, touch 9/12, flat-footed 15/24 (+4 armor, +0/+2 Shield, -1 dex/+2 dex, +2 NA/+8 NA)

HP 51/67 (6d8+24/6d10+12)

Fort +5/+6, Ref +1/+6, Will +6/+8




Speed 5/30 ft., Swim 30/0 ft.

Bite +10 (1d8+7 x2), Gore +10 (1d6+5 x2), Claws +10/+10 (1d4+5 x2) or Trip +12

Acid Splash +7 touch (1d3) 40' range

Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.
0-acid splash, daze, detect magic, guidance, light, mending
1st (6/Day) DC 16-enlarge person, infernal healing, mage armor, rejuvinate eidolon (lesser)
2nd (4/Day) DC 17-evolution surge (lesser), glitterdust, haste, invisibility

Shielded Meld (Ex):At 4th level, whenever the synthesist is fused with his eidolon, he gains a +2 shield bonus to his Armor Class and a +2 circumstance bonus on his saving throws.

Maker's Jump (Sp):At 6th level, whenever the synthesist is fused with his eidolon, the synthesist can cast dimension door as a spell-like ability using his caster level. This ability only affects the fused synthesist and eidolon. The synthesist can use this ability once per day at 6th level, plus one additional time per day for every six levels beyond 6th.

Summon Monster III (Sp):Starting at 1st level, a summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Drawing upon this ability uses up the same power as the summoner uses to call his eidolon. As a result, he can only use this ability when his eidolon is not summoned. He can cast this spell as a standard action and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by one spell level, allowing him to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). At 19th level, this ability can be used as gate or summon monster IX. If used as gate, the summoner must pay any required material components. A summoner cannot have more than one summon monster or gate spell active in this way at one time. If this ability is used again, any existing summon monster or gate immediately ends. These summon spells are considered to be part of his spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, he can expend uses of this ability to fufill the construction requirements of any magic item he creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the required spell

EVOLUTIONS Biped Form (9 pts)
claws (free), limbs (arms) (free), limbs (legs) (free), Bite II (2 points), Gore (2 points), Reach (Bite, 1 point), Improved NA x2 (2 points), Improved Str (2 points)




Str 7/20, Dex 9/14, Con 16/14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 21 

Base Atk +4/+5; CMB +2/+10; CMD 11/22

Feats: Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip

Skills: Acrobatics +5/+7 (6 ranks, -1/+2 dex), Knowledge (Local) +9 (3 ranks, 2 int, 3 class), Kn (Arcana) +6 (1 rank, 2 int, 3 class), Kn (Religion) +6 (1 rank, 2 int, 3 class), Kn (Nature) +6 (1 rank, 2 int, 3 class), Spellcraft +11 (6 ranks, 2 int, 3 class), Use Magic Device +14 (6 ranks, 5 cha, 3 class)

Racial Modifiers: Merfolk; +2 dex, +2 con, +2 cha, +2 NA, Aquatic, Low-Light Vision

Languages: Common, Aquan, Abyssal, Draconic




Location: On Persons 

Carrying Capacity Light: lbs. Medium: lbs. Heavy: lbs.


Total Weight: lbs.

1) Need approval for merfolk race
2) Still needs gear

Basically he's a wierdo merfolk pirate who wanted to explore the 'unknown world' of the airy realms. So he summoned a magical carapace to allow him to explore and live comfortably away from the sea. His eidolon suit looks like a giant horned lobster man with a merfolk floating inside. Lemme know what you think Mr. Swagger.

The Merfolk is approved. I will go over actual stats later.

Could I play a Tiefling, using some stuff from Blood of Fiends? I can provide the crunch if needed.

Monkeygod wrote:
Could I play a Tiefling, using some stuff from Blood of Fiends? I can provide the crunch if needed.

That works. I don't have that book so if you can post it here that would work. I don't know if it is up on d20pfsrd yet.

Mr. Swagger wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
Could I play a Tiefling, using some stuff from Blood of Fiends? I can provide the crunch if needed.
That works. I don't have that book so if you can post it here that would work. I don't know if it is up on d20pfsrd yet.

it is all the crunch from that book is on that site

Liberty's Edge

But it's under the Monsters as PCs Tiefling entry. They still have it listed under the fiendish heritage feat as far as I know.

@Mr. Swagger - Just for your info going over my stats, the ones on the left of the "/"s are without my eidolon summoned. Except for the line listing my attack's to-hit bonuses. Those use the slashes as normal. Hope that makes sense. The character is a beast, however if I'm ever caught in the ten minutes after I wake up, while sleeping, or get dismissal successfully cast on me I'm toast. Literally a fish out of water.

I do understand the "/"s. I am looking forward to this also.
I am just waiting for more character submissions.
I am also thinking of using a "normal" AP instead of one seemingly built to kill PC's. That will give a more accurate gauge of how powerful the classes are.

Can I use my wealth to add spell so to my spellbook? If so does it count as my permanent item wealth or my disposable item wealth since I will have to buy scrolls in order to add spells?

I posted that to the wrong thread.
Anyway as for this thread. I will keep a lookout until Wednesday at about 11:59 PM EST.

Liberty's Edge

Posting for Approval. Currently Still a work in Progress, but most information is there.

It seems they have fixed all the issues I knew about with the artificer over at d20pfsrd. The only thing I am changing is giving them 6_int skill points instead of 5.

Liberty's Edge

I've played a very similar character (except human and slightly less powerful on purpose) in a couple PFS mods, and he was essentially untouchable. I'm excited to see how this goes, but I hope the other players are good optimizers otherwise it'll be too easy for me and too hard for them. Lemme go ahead and get an alias going, and finish the gear.

I will probably look at everyone's build before I make a final decision on what to run. Once I choose an adventure I can always change any less than optimal feats the npc's have if needed or I can power them down if needed, but hopefully I won't have to power anything down.


Rules update: Everyone gets an extra free feat.

Liberty's Edge

Glad to have your approval. I like your concept too. Can't say I've played one similar, but the crustacean shell protecting a squishy caster reminds me of the apparatus of the crab, most expensive normal item in the game.

Liberty's Edge

Extra feat, yay! Now I don't have to feel bad about needing combat expertise for improved trip. Mmmmmm, power attack :)

@ Castriel - I only glanced at your sheet, but he looks pretty solid too. How often could he pull off the "strongest attack" that you listed?

Liberty's Edge

If I play my cards right, fairly regularly. The only effect that works once a day is the mutagen, after that, it's just a matter of ensuring I use my first combat round to activate my overclocker, and line up for a flank. (even if I charge into it, I do double damage with the lance, so that ties for maximum power)

Liberty's Edge

Actually, if the mutagen is the same as the alchemist's it's once per hour. Or rather, after you use it you can brew another one with an hour's work, making it potentially 2-3 times a day.

What is an overclocker, and how are you getting double damage with the lance without a mount?

just posting these links so I can have the go ahead on it.


on the Lapith can I take the Quadruped alternative racial trait?

Liberty's Edge

Adept Godling is ridiculous, I made one of those for a game once. Didn't get accepted, and I suspect it was because he was too powerful. The ability to cherry-pick class features and key EVERYTHING off of one ability score (Dexterity if you're smart) makes them really cool.

Finishing up my alias now, I'll post as him in a little while.

a good idea but I am aiming for a destroyer kinda of a build so I don't really know what the casting stat will be. the more I think on it the more I want cha though....

"Ahoy ye landlubbers, Rasso be here. Give us yer gold or we'll string ye up and eat ye. Yarrrrr."

Here is my alias (Jelani). Should be complete, let me know if you want a backstory or I need to change something.

@ Leon - If you wanna destroy things, play an Onispawn/Hellspawn tiefling with the oversized weapons alternate racial, pick up a huge greatsword (at a -2 penalty) and then key everything off Strength. I haven't done the math, but I'm sure it'd be brutal. With the summoner spell list, for those buffs and haste as a second level spell. You could grab the Battle revalation too, get heavy armor. You could be like some sort of mega-death byblow of Gorum or something. Now I kinda wish I had picked that

Edit:After just looking at Lapith for a second...If Mr. Swagger lets being a quadruped count as being mounted for purposes of feats and using a lance...You could make a Godling based on Strength with a large lance, centered around charging. The game would shatter like a set of fine China under attack by a tarrasque. You could totally pull off several hundred damage charges while being a 3/4 BAB caster to boot.

I like this idea.

Edit:never mind on those links after doing some number crunching a dragonrider might be better for my needs

Liberty's Edge

The overclocker is the name of my weird science invention. It allows me to cast multiple spells simultaneously.
I do have a mount. his name is Skit. I paid good gold for him.

Leon Hardins wrote:

just posting these links so I can have the go ahead on it.


on the Lapith can I take the Quadruped alternative racial trait?

If you want to stay in Centaur form forever which is what I think the trait does then you can, but I would not advise it. Climbing if needed, would be difficult at best.

hmm... I have a build but a question that extra feat apply to my stead as well correct?

also I feel like I screw something up if you guys can point out things that will be good.

Ok, I am going to work on a Tiefling Shadow Assassin, should be fun.

Liberty's Edge

...wait a second... when you make your own armours, you pay half normal cost?... I think I have more money! Hurrah
Just to confirm: +1 breastplate is 200 base cost +150(mwk) +1000(bonus squared x1000) all divided by two for crafting it yourself, so 675GP?
+1 buckler is 15+150+2500/2=1332.5 GP?

(Fitting anyways, as this is one of the complaints I often get about broken rules: spend one feat and a skill rank on item creation to effectively double your starting GP)

Liberty's Edge

answered my own question, and just a little too late to delete the post. Sorry for the clutter.

Leon Hardins wrote:

hmm... I have a build but a question that extra feat apply to my stead as well correct?

also I feel like I screw something up if you guys can point out things that will be good.

I don't know what a dragonrider is, but only one of you gets the free feat.

Magnu-Elf Artificer/Alchemist

Monkeygod-Teifling Shadow Assasin

LunaMarie-Lapith Godling

Jelani-Merfolk Summoner(synthesis)

The masterwork component has its own price (300 gp for a weapon or 150 gp for a suit of armor or a shield, see Equipment for the price of other masterwork tools) and a Craft DC of 20. Once both the standard component and the masterwork component are completed, the masterwork item is finished. The cost you pay for the masterwork component is one-third of the given amount, just as it is for the cost in raw materials.

The base items is 1/3 of the price, Any magical bonuses are half.

Liberty's Edge

Not sure who LunaMarie is, but EdenoftheEast threw up a Dragonrider instead of the Lapith Godling.

Yay party with no healing!

I'm planning on being NE, is that going to be a problem? He's a pirate, so he's gonna act like once. Self preservation above all else, gold is his one and only love, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to get his way. He won't however go out of his way to cause pain, and he has some semblance of honor. At least amongst those he considers necessary to his goals.

Luna is Eden. I don't mind you being evil. Just be smart about it. Killing someone in broad daylight is probably not a good idea as an example.

on the healing thing even if I was a godling I don't get healing right out of the box...
sigh I will think on this

dragon rider for that

Liberty's Edge

Leon Hardins wrote:


on the healing thing even if I was a godling I don't get healing right out of the box...
sigh I will think on this

dragon rider for that

Sure you can, I'm telling you look at Adept Godling. You could play an Orc with Gorum's blood in his veins. Base your casting off Str, grab either Bard, Witch, or Cleric spell list. Grab the Hex Lord Ascendancy twice for two witch hexes (also based off Str), then pick a domain, and grab Divine Portfolio 1 for your divine trait. You can take the oracle's battle revalation to get another nifty ability. You would be able to cast whatever in heavy armor, wield a great sword, have all your abilties keyed off str. Get a high con and full plate. Would be ridiculous. Or an archery build with everything keyed off dex.

Either way you'd be like a super badass witch in armor that doesn't need to memorize spells.

OK I will get to work on it.
sorry Mr.Swagger I must be driving you nuts by now...

Edit: you know 9th level spells are way better....

Liberty's Edge

I have healing if need be.

I got it. now re-reading my godling books I made a shocking discovery. now I hope I am right about this...

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