Contact Poison: Smearing the Knob

Rules Questions

Searched some threads on poison and didn't find a discussion of this issue.

1. My villain (who has Poison Use) wants to smear contact poison on his doorknob. How do I determine the DCs for finding it and disabling it?
2. If a PC misses the poison, touches the knob, but is wearing a glove, what happens? I would say that there is a chance each round for the PC to notice the poison and a chance to poison himself. If he does notice it, I would use the rules for handling poison without the Poison Use ability.


Liberty's Edge

Okay, wow, I totally went a different direction with that title. Sorry...

1. I would think the DC would be a little low, probably 10, possibly 15, unless the BBEG takes pains to specifically hide it (which is a possibility with Poison Use and all). In that case, I would make it some sort of opposed check.

2. If the PC is wearing a glove, I would rule that they are not affected by the poison. However, I would give a Perception check to notice a possible stain or distinctive smell on the glove. If they fail that and the poison stays on the glove, I would give the same chances of poisoning yourself when applying it.

Heheheh, this gives me a better idea.

Put poison on the inside of a pair of gloves (or even any armor set for that matter) and leave it as part of some treasure. Heck, give it a minor enchantment so detect magic can tell you that it's something you'd want to wear.

God I love contact poison.

Contact poison inside a set of fancy gloves is genius!

What kind of opposed check should we use to conceal the contact poison?

Adam Frary wrote:

Searched some threads on poison and didn't find a discussion of this issue.

1. My villain (who has Poison Use) wants to smear contact poison on his doorknob. How do I determine the DCs for finding it and disabling it?
2. If a PC misses the poison, touches the knob, but is wearing a glove, what happens? I would say that there is a chance each round for the PC to notice the poison and a chance to poison himself. If he does notice it, I would use the rules for handling poison without the Poison Use ability.


Used in this manner it would be trap, and you would have to consult the trap rules.

Adam Frary wrote:

Contact poison inside a set of fancy gloves is genius!

What kind of opposed check should we use to conceal the contact poison?

This would probably fall under a trap also.

Also I believe this is somewhat covered with the Ultimate Combat feat Adder Strike. At work so can't check.

Also wow that title... my mind went to terrible places reading that.

Yeah, the title was meant to grab a bit of attention. Concerro, if I were to consult the trap rules, how would I determine the DC? I looked at the Ranger Trap called Contact Poison, but it seemed to involve some kind of trigger, which is more complex than what I had in mind.

Also, I don't want my villain to have to take the Create Ranger Trap feat.

Adam Frary wrote:
Yeah, the title was meant to grab a bit of attention. Concerro, if I were to consult the trap rules, how would I determine the DC? I looked at the Ranger Trap called Contact Poison, but it seemed to involve some kind of trigger, which is more complex than what I had in mind.



Mechanical Trap: The base CR for a mechanical trap is 0. If your final CR is 0 or lower, add features until you get a CR of 1 or higher.

For your trap you would find the poison you are using and add it to the trap CR 1.

You would also find the perception, and disable device needed, and add those modifiers to the CR.

Once you find the CR you look at the table that shows the craft DC.
There is also a table for price.

The trapper ranger has a different method of setting traps, and it seems to be more limited than someone who spends the resources to do it by the book.

Adam Frary wrote:
Also, I don't want my villain to have to take the Create Ranger Trap feat.

Most GM's just say the trap is there. They don't worry about cost. You can just say the boss hired someone to build the trap if you really want to.

I would just set a reasonable DC for perception and disable device.

Here's something I'm curious about: Do I tell the players to roll a perception check or do they have to choose to roll it themselves (without prompting)?

Thanks Concerro, I think thats a reasonable way of handling it.
Cmastah, I was wondering the same thing. If we treat it as a trap, however, I think PC has to declare a search (barring auto-search abilities).

The PC has to declare that they are searching. There is a rogue talent that allows for an automatic search though.

I don't really have a rules outlook to add, but more of a question since i thought of this same idea but with one better....if you also laced the doorknob with sovereign glue, with several doses of poison, since the PC's hands would be stuck on the door knob for more than one round would they have to make more than one save since they are in constant contact with the poison?

frostdracul wrote:
I don't really have a rules outlook to add, but more of a question since i thought of this same idea but with one better....if you also laced the doorknob with sovereign glue, with several doses of poison, since the PC's hands would be stuck on the door knob for more than one round would they have to make more than one save since they are in constant contact with the poison?

Nope. Poison is only good for one use so continual contact gives no extra benefits.

As to the several doses part of the question.


An item can only be coated in one dose of injury or contact poison. If you apply a second one, the first one is removed. No walking around with the super poisoned drippy glove.


Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Title: giggity.

Have a small needle present on the door handle. It will be able to pierce through light handwear. The sovern glue idea is a good one. Perhaps coat the outside of the door in another poison for when they brace themselves against the door to pry their hand free.

Unfortunately, sovereign glue dries and sets in one round. You would need some kind of mechanical trap to deploy the glue effectively.

Ah, yes. Then perhaps as the doorknob turns it poors out the glue from holes in the sides of the knob.

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