Native American theme society

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I am wondering the best way to create a native American themed adventure but cannot figure out the best way to place it in the Pathfinder world.

where is the best place that fits in the campaign setting?
would this be another faction or type


Liberty's Edge

Arcadia, which is basically Golarion's equivalent to North America at the beginning of the first major European settlement push.

The Shoanti in Varisia have quite a few native American vibes, if you want to play them that way.

You are most likely going to run into Equipment complaints from your players unless you thoroughly discuss the tech level with them ahead of time.

Unless the characters are not from there and just exploring thru...

Grand Lodge

Depending on how close to Native American history you want to go, you should be fine.
You need to remember to try not to nitpick, to match too exact.
This is game with wizards, elves, dragons, and magic.

Also bear in mind that "native American" describes a large number of distinct nations with their own history and culture, and you'll probably want to pick which specific ones you want to build on before deciding where to put them.

The adventure was going to be more akin to the party exploring uncharted territory and have to deal with the variuopus tribes. and model them after the various tribes of America (attitude and tech level) but include more mystisim and nature magic among them.

Liberty's Edge

Then yeah, Arcadia is the way to go. That's pretty much the "purpose" (if you can call it that) of that particular area.

What about Deities?

Are you going to use Native American divinities in your Campaign? If so, what sources will you use?

I could see setting something like this in the Mana Wastes, if you wanted to paint outside the box a little bit.

Liberty's Edge

Arcadia and it's people are indeed made for this (having been designed as explicit Native American analogues). Though the Shoanti can also sub in if you want to stay on Avistan.

Grand Lodge

Or, if you don't like Arcadia for some reason, maybe somewhere in central or southern Garund, well south of the Mwangi and north of Holomog.

You could always do a Kingmaker type campaign in Arcadia. The lag between the "homeland" and the colony will be greater. The rules for exploration are in that AP anyway.

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