Spellstrike and Spell Combat Clarification

Rules Questions

Looking at a 3rd level magus, whose base attack with associated feats is:

+4 melee (1 HND): Bastard Sword (1d10+1/19-20/x2)

Is this a correct example of a full round action for the class?

As a full round action:

Using spellstrike ability, casts corrosive touch on the weapon and resolves the attacks as follows:

+1/+1 melee (1 HND): Bastard Sword (1d10+1/19-20/x2) and if any of those attacks succeed in striking the target, the target is affected once by the corrosive touch spell. Is the magus also allowed to cast a prepared magic missile at the target with his off-hand attack? Or is the spellstrike ability considered to part of the off-hand attack?

Adjustments: -2 penalty for spell combat, and -1 intelligence modifier and gains a +1 circumstance bonus to combat cast defensively.

Jester King wrote:

Looking at a 3rd level magus, whose base attack with associated feats is:

+4 melee (1 HND): Bastard Sword (1d10+1/19-20/x2)

Is this a correct example of a full round action for the class?

As a full round action:

Using spell combat ability, casts corrosive touch on the weapon and resolves the attacks as follows:

+1(normal attack)/+1(2nd attack granted by spellstrike ability which replaces the touch attack normally granted by corrosive touch) melee

snipped some changes/elaborations and bolded.

But yes, assuming you have a magus with a +4 to hit with his bastard sword, if you use spell combat and cast a spell that grants a touch attack, you'd get two swings with your weapon, both at a -2. That penalty increases to -3 if you take the voluntary penalty to bump your concentration check.

So yes, you've basically got it right.

Both those attacks if successful inflict normal melee damage, and the magus does get to cast another prepared spell as part of the off-hand action?

No, spell combat is a full round action. You cannot cast another prepared spell in the same round unless it's quickened.

Dark Archive

no, the magus can cast a spell and deliver it through the sword, and also get a regular melee attack, he can still only cast once per round.

No. Spell combat lets you make 1 melee attack and cast 1 spell. If that spell allows for a free touch attack (such as shocking grasp) THEN you get to make a 2nd attack with your weapon instead of the touch attack.


Spell Combat Ex A

  • Cast magic missile (if casting defensively, make concentration check)
  • Make 1 attack with weapon at -2 penalty

    Spell Combat Ex B

  • Make 1 attack with weapon at -2 penalty
  • Cast Shocking Grasp
  • Make free attack w/ weapon instead of touch attack thanks to spellstrike class ability (also at -2 penalty)

  • Ah, just reread it and saw it perfectly in the spell combat description. Thank you!

    Off hand action?

    You use spell combat to cast corrosive touch. Then you make your free melee attack at +1 as part of casting the spell, using spell strike to aim it through your weapon. You may then make an your normal melee attack as part of the Spell Combat action.

    Your second attack will may still deal corrosive touch damage IF you missed on your first attack and you are still holding the charge.

    You have now used up all your actions for the round so you may not cast another spell (unless quickened) this round.

    You could using spell combat to cast magic missile and then make a full attack action instead of casting corrosive touch, though in this case you would only receive 1 attack.

    That said I don't think I understand your question completely so this answer may not help you.

    New question, progressing magus to 16th level and magus spends 2 arcane pool points to make his +2 Bastard Sword into a +2 Speed Bastard Sword, magus uses his spellstrike ability to cast corrosive consumption (from Ultimate Magic) would his full round attack be:

    +18/+18/+18/+13/+8 melee (1 HND): +2 Bastard Sword (1d10+9/17-20/x2) and corrosive consumption spell effect on one successful attack.

    Magus' unadjusted base attack is:

    +20/+15/+10 melee (1 HND): +2 Bastard Sword (1d10+9/17-20/x2)

    The string looks right, but only if you use spell combat before your full attack.

    Remember that the free attack from the touch spell isn't technically part of your attack string.

    Nope. If he used spellstrike he casts corrosive consumption and only gets to make an attack if corrosive consumption allows for a free touch attack. If it does, spellstrike lets the magus use his weapon to make that attack instead.

    I suspect that you meant spellcombat though.

    You don't get an extra attack with spell combat from a melee attack hitting successfully. Your "extra attack" is from casting the spell and only if that spell includes a free touch attack as part of the casting (such as corrosive consumption).

    So, using spell combat, the magus would get the following attacks:

    +18(free attack if spell cast w/ spell combat allows for a touch attack)/+18(from haste via speed enhancement)/+18(normal attack)/+13(normal attack)/+10(normal attack).

    With spell combat, you have to cast the spell first or last, you can't slip it into the middle of your attack routine. So your free-touch-attack-turned-into-a-regular-attack-thanks-to-spell-strike needs to either be your first attack or come after all your other attacks.

    EDIT: In the above example, if you cast corrosive consumption first, then did your attack routine of +18/+18/+18/+13/+10 and your first 4 attacks missed, the 5th attack, if a hit, would have the extra acid damage from corrosive consumption.

    So would it be more accurate to say it is:

    +18/+18/+13/+8 melee (1 HND): +2 Speed Bastard Sword (1d10+9/17-20/x2) and one free melee attack at: 18 melee (1 HND): +2 Speed Bastard Sword (1d10+9/17-20/x2)

    But regardless the spell is discharged on whichever is the first actual successful melee attack.

    You've got to take the free melee attack along with casting the spell, and if you want any successful attack to discharge the spell, you've got to cast the spell first.

    So it would be more accurate to say it is:

    one free melee attack at: 18 melee (1 HND): +2 Speed Bastard Sword (1d10+9/17-20/x2) and +18/+18/+13/+8 melee (1 HND): +2 Speed Bastard Sword (1d10+9/17-20/x2)

    But regardless the spell is discharged on whichever is the first actual successful melee attack.

    Reguardless of if you get the string right or not, your over thinking things. Follow these steps to make sure you get everything right.
    1. if you are casting a spell that round, that is on the magus spell list, that grants a melee attack do so at your highest attack bonus -2. If you are using your sword to deliver the spell go against reg ac and use the swords crit range for the spell and apply the swords damage to successful hit.
    Once that is done.
    2. Attack with all your attacks granted by the BAB all with a -2 to hit. If your spell missed earlier and you hit here go ahead and apply the spells damage.
    Once that is done.
    3. attack with any additional attacks from haste or other increased attack speed spells or effects. once again if you have missed up till now and hit here apply the spell damage.
    Thats the end of combate this round for you.
    Note: if you missed everything prepare to use a standard action next turn to get rid of the spell using touch cuz you suck at melee vs this target.

    And at this level the magus could forgo the speed ability and instead use 2 arcane points to make all those into melee touch attacks with Accurate Strike, correct?

    Yup, I think you've got it!

    Thanks Dal Selpher and all! Have a really nasty high level magus villain in the game future and I am unfamiliar with the class and wanted some clarification before I stumbled into the inevitable combat.

    Spell Combat can be really complicated if you aren't familiar with it. Very wise move to review it ahead of time =)

    Allow me to interject another postulation, if in the above example with the magus wielding the +2 Bastard Sword with the corrosive consumption spell cast and he confirms a critical hit with that spell.

    That one single attack with the corrosive consumption would deal damage of:

    +2 Bastard Sword (2d10+18+30 acid) correct?

    Corrosive consumption inflicts 1 hp of acid damage per caster level to a max of 15, so 30.

    Yeah, that seems correct as well.

    Another question please, regarding the Arcane Pool (Su) ability. So at 16th level the magas gains a +4 enchantment bonus. Is he able to spend one arcane pool point to make his already +2 Bastard Sword into a +4 Speed Bastard Sword, or does that cost him four arcane pool points ?


    Pretty sure it only costs him 1 APP, if it cost 4 it would be expensive. though my Magus is only lvl 2 so it hasnt come up yet.

    What I am thinking too.

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