
Ahorsewithnoname's page

121 posts. Alias of Cos1983.


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:( I thought this thread was going to be about eating party members.

Petty Alchemy wrote:

If this is a common occurrence, players will probably start feeling less and less attached to their characters since they're likely not long for this world anyway.

So keep that in mind. I personally dislike high lethality games for this reason.

Funny, I feel more attached to my character in high lethality games. It makes me feel like I can't just take crazy risks with no fear of the consequences.

Nicos wrote:
Intersting. I would rule (as a purely rule of coolness) that the rage allow yu a second save.

It's not something I'd let happen every time, but it is something where if the situation was dramatic enough I think it is a good idea.

cmastah wrote:

In addition, I'm planning on having one of my villains plant some poison in some food the PC's, one which has an onset time. The purpose of the onset time is so that they don't get afflicted immediately and try to kill him. Should I roll their initial fortitude saves secretly?

On one small matter, would it be wrong to have an NPC steal my player's spellbook? I DO intend to make it easy for them to find him, I just want to stress how important it is for the group to safeguard their valuables (and on that note, so a person (not an elf) needs about 8 hours of sleep a day, right? How do they sleep AND memorize spells in those 8 hours?).

This depends on your players. Some people will cry foul if they aren't allowed to make saving throws and skill checks. Other players like the mystery associated with not knowing everything that is happening, I think most players are somewhere in the middle of these two so just ask your party if they don't mind you making the saving throws for them in certain cases.

Also, I keep finding all these stat blocks for cities, but I don't understand how to read them. I looked through the game mastery guide and the core rulebook but can't find what I'm looking for. Which section is it under?

GMG Pg. 202-209


Why is Jason Bulmahn such a tease with his facebook posts?

Phasics wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Those are guidelines not rules, just like WBL. :)
And here I though all rules were inherently guidelines since GM prerogative trumps everything ;)

To paraphrase animal farm.

All rules are guidelines, but some are more guidelines than others. :P

Ahorsewithnoname wrote:
false_idol wrote:

UNLESS anybody knows an easy way for a rogue to get a third level paladin spell? One step at a time baby

Wait I read the spell you are referring to, it won't work RAW unless you are a 5th level Paladin.

false_idol wrote:

UNLESS anybody knows an easy way for a rogue to get a third level paladin spell? One step at a time baby


This spells will allow you to bypass DR/bludgeoning with your dagger

Versatile Weapon

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Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Ashiel wrote:
Firstly there is the fact Sean K. Reynolds is simply wrong, since I actually posted a WotC endorsed adventure that you download from their site with an item that grants a +1 enhancement bonus to Strength.

Fair enough (I'll admit my ignorance that I haven't read every single PDF Wizards has produced).

Bad SKR, bad! You should return to your office and do nothing but read old WotC material instead of working on Paizo products (j/k)

Ashiel wrote:

Also teleporting away works too (you can teleport your entire party away easily enough).

I recall that being one of the best tactics for dealing with a tarrasque. Make it someone elses problem.

Even if you could, why would you want to?

arcane bond:

If a wizard attempts to cast a spell without his bonded object worn or in hand, he must make a concentration check or lose the spell.

Fair enough, I don't see a reason why it wouldn't get those attacks then.

Jiggy wrote:
WRoy wrote:
Jiggy wrote:

but at this point I still feel its validity requires too many assumptions for it to be the most likely interpretation.

Conversely, one could argue that your opinion is limited by an experiential ignorance of potion history, and mainly driven by your bias to want to be able to have an inexpensive PFS-legal method of spellblasting enemies with a non-caster that doesn't require UMD. ;)

Because after all, it doesn't get much cheaper than double the price of scrolls! ;)

It is for the character that can't use scrolls. ;)

Jiggy wrote:

If you could show me the abuse potential for that (especially as compared to a scroll, which is half the price), I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

A fighter could do it without significant skill investment and as we all know martial characters can't have nice things. ;)

It seems to me the Graven Guardian wields a weapon. Where as the weapon modification simply replaces a golem's standard attack.

TOZ wrote:
I had a character who didn't take Power Attack until 6th level. Am I a bad person?

Ugh...You're the worst.

"You cannot use this feat to create any spell-trigger or spell-activation item."

Of course spell-activation is never mentioned again so I can't be sure what that is.

Carrion Crown Book 5 related don't read if you are playing:

There is an enemy with the following ability

Fountain of Blood (Ex)
As a full-round action, a blood knight can spray blood from its armor in a great cascade. Each creature within a 15-foot radius is covered in blood and must succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save as though it had ingested the blood knight’s poisonous blood. The blood fills the area until the blood knight’s next turn. Creatures entering the spray while it persists are subject to its effects, but a creature can be affected only once per round. The area covered by the blood spray becomes coated as though by a blood slick and remains slippery for 6 rounds, or until the blood is washed away with at least 5 gallons of water or other liquid, or burned away with normal or magical fire as a full-round action.
Creatures and objects within the area that do not have total cover are coated with the blood, which functions as a grease spell for the purpose of using and handling items (DC 20 Reflex save negates). Failure means the item is immediately dropped. A creature coated in blood gains a +10 bonus on Escape Artist checks. Once the blood knight has used its fountain of blood attack, it must wait 1d4 rounds before it can do so again. Blood knights are immune to any blood knight’s fountain of blood.

So it would seem to me that a save does negate the greasing of an item.

The string looks right, but only if you use spell combat before your full attack.

Remember that the free attack from the touch spell isn't technically part of your attack string.

I like cheapy's proof better.

No it doesn't say you "may" attempt a free bull rush it says "are also hit with a free bull rush attack".

In any game I ran it would be an option though, it seems quite silly for it to be required.

Off hand action?

You use spell combat to cast corrosive touch. Then you make your free melee attack at +1 as part of casting the spell, using spell strike to aim it through your weapon. You may then make an your normal melee attack as part of the Spell Combat action.

Your second attack will may still deal corrosive touch damage IF you missed on your first attack and you are still holding the charge.

You have now used up all your actions for the round so you may not cast another spell (unless quickened) this round.

You could using spell combat to cast magic missile and then make a full attack action instead of casting corrosive touch, though in this case you would only receive 1 attack.

That said I don't think I understand your question completely so this answer may not help you.

As far as I can tell this spell can be made into a potion.

APG pg.230:

Jester’s Jaunt
School conjuration (teleportation); Level bard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target one living creature
Duration instantiations
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes

You teleport the target to a space you can see within 30 feet of the target. The destination must be on solid ground, and the teleportation cannot end in a space that is by nature hazardous to the creature you are teleporting.

The potion rules state:

Potions are like spells cast upon the imbiber. The character taking the potion doesn’t get to make any decisions about the effect—the caster who brewed the potion has already done so. The drinker of a potion is both the effective target and the caster of the effect (though the potion indicates the caster level, the drinker still controls the effect).

The bolded text is where I am confused. Would a potion of Jester's Jaunt allow you to determine where you teleported, within 30 ft or would it have to be a predetermined when the spell was made and thus likely to be useless since you would almost certainly be more than 30 ft from the intended destination.

I can understand what your GM believes if he has never read the following section.

CRB Pg.189:

Take 5-Foot Step
You can move 5 feet in any round when you don’t perform any other kind of movement. Taking this 5-foot step never provokes an attack of opportunity. You can’t take more than one 5-foot step in a round, and you can’t take a 5-foot step in the same round that you move any distance.
You can take a 5-foot step before, during, or after your other actions in the round.
You can only take a 5-foot-step if your movement isn’t hampered by difficult terrain or darkness. Any creature with a speed of 5 feet or less can’t take a 5-foot step, since moving even 5 feet requires a move action for such a slow creature.
You may not take a 5-foot step using a form of movement
for which you do not have a listed speed.

And as BBT stated generally teleportation via spells or abilities is not considered "movement" in regards to this rule, though a super hard%^@ DM could read it that way.

When did D&D become anime?

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Mr. Quick wrote:
Diego Rossi wrote:

The problem isn't the item but the coven powers. they can wreak havoc to a campaign.

And that right there is the problem. I like the idea of my players forming a witch coven. thematically, it works in all kinds of ways. I just see two obstacles - the RAW seem to indicated that a coven needs an actual hag in order for the coven to work and secondly that the coven powers are way over powered for lower level covens.

i'm not sure how to address those questions yet.

If you want your players to be able to do this thematically then just modify the coven spell list, or limit how many times a power can be used. A

s a GM there isn't anything wrong with allowing 3 witches to form a coven so long as whatever bonuses it gives them are balanced for your game.

Talonhawke wrote:
shallowsoul wrote:
You keep using this word I do not think it means what you think it means. ;)

uncooked right?

Mr. Quick wrote:

1. does the coven need an actual hag to form the coven, or does it just need more than one witch who has the coven hex in order for this to work? the wording is a bit vague. plus, I highly doubt the usefulness of a hex that requires a player group to somehow attract and keep the services of an NPC monster.

From running the Carrion Crown AP I know the following

The two witches in the 5th book have formed a coven with a hag. The hag is at the time of the book "dead" and the witches do not have the ability to utilize their coven spells. One of the witches is tired of trying to bring the old hag back to life and wants to have a new hag whom she can control join the coven instead.

Whether that transmits into RAW, RAI of just fluff is up to you.

"The coven must contain at least one hag" seems to mean that to me that it would stop function if there are 0 hags in the coven.

Min/Maxing I guess, or a thought experiment.

Cavanath wrote:

Our DM is allowing me to get a wizard to cast Polymorph Any Object on my character and allow me to get the spell "Form of the Dragon 1". With all of the modifiers, the duration is permanent.

Now to my questions:

1) Does my type change to Dragon?
2) The spell says I get a single usage of breath weapon. Would it remain as a single usage? Or would the permanent nature change that?


This sounds like you are already applying house rules to the spell. So those are questions for you and your GM to determine together.

Lakesidefantasy wrote:
Ahorsewithnoname wrote:

As Are noted 8th level w/o magical items.

According to wealth by level you could afford a +2 belt of headband (granting a permanent enhancement bonus) somewhere after 3rd level but before 4th if you saved ALL of your gold for that one thing.
The transmutation school bonus could allow a 22 ability score by 1st level.

I can't think of any other early level permanent +2's in the crb.

Thanks Horse.

A fighter with one level of transmuter could have a 22 ability score (effectively) by 4th level. With a belt he could have a 23, but 23 ain't good enough and it costs a lot of money for a fourth level character. 24 is better; so, is there any way to get one more effectively permanent bonus that stacks with the belt and boost it to 24?

by 4th level? not in the CRB that I know of. Most other bonuses are temporary.

If you want something non linear, Kingmaker is my recommendation. The only other AP I have experience with is CC and that is rather linear so I would stay away from that.

As Are noted 8th level w/o magical items.
According to wealth by level you could afford a +2 belt of headband (granting a permanent enhancement bonus) somewhere after 3rd level but before 4th if you saved ALL of your gold for that one thing.
The transmutation school bonus could allow a 22 ability score by 1st level.

I can't think of any other early level permanent +2's in the crb.

Jiggy the only spell I can find that calls out a dispel check, other than dispel magic, is Quench.

CRB Pg.329:

School transmutation; Level druid 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area or Target one 20-ft. cube/level (S) or one fire-based magic item
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none or Will negates (object); Spell Resistance no or yes (object)
Quench is often used to put out forest fires and other conflagrations. It extinguishes all nonmagical fires in its area. The spell also dispels any fire spells in its area, though you must succeed on a dispel check (1d20 +1 per caster level, maximum +15) against each spell to dispel it. The DC to dispel such spells is 11 + the caster level of the fire spell.
Each creature with the fire subtype within the area of a quench spell takes 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d6, no save allowed).
Alternatively, you can target the spell on a single magic item that creates or controls flame. The item loses all its fire-based magical abilities for 1d4 hours unless it succeeds on a Will save. Artifacts are immune to this effect.

Diminish plants notes that it automatically dispels other effects.

CRB Pg.270:

Diminish Plants
School transmutation; Level druid 3, ranger 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
Range see text
Target or Area see text
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell has two versions.
Prune Growth: This version of the spell causes normal vegetation within long range (400 feet + 40 feet per level) to shrink to about one-third normal size, becoming untangled and less bushy. The affected vegetation appears to have been carefully pruned and trimmed. This version of diminish plants automatically dispels any spells or effects that enhance plants, such as entangle, plant growth, and wall of thorns.
At your option, the area can be a 100-foot-radius circle, a 150-foot radius semicircle, or a 200-foot-radius quarter-circle. You may also designate portions of the area that are not affected.
Stunt Growth: This version of the spell targets all normal plants within a range of 1/2 mile, reducing their potential productivity over the course of the following year to half normal.
This spell has no effect on plant creatures.

What this all means for spells a that dispel their opposite such as haste/slow I'm not sure. It might be something that was over looked or they may have felt it was similar to the being dead in the sense that what they mean is so obvious that we don't need it explained.

Lakesidefantasy wrote:
Thanks. Next question; what's the earliest level one could get a 22 in an ability score?

That is really an open ended question because there are lots of ways to acquire a +2 bonus to a stat.

If you expand on why you want to know you can get a more specific answer.

Mauril wrote:

Actually, at INT 10, you can cast cantrips. You have to have a casting stat of 10 + Spell Level. Since cantrips are spell level 0, you just need a 10 INT as a wizard.

That said, it seems silly to me to dip wizard for this, but more power to you. Have fun with it!

Correct but the OP stated his int was below 10.

Yes you can use the transmutation school powers even if you cannot cast any spells.

EDIT: As a GM I would seriously question how you got any wizard training in the first place since you can't even cast cantripsin a home game).

Magekiller187 wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

If you can pinpoint the square he's in, you can.

If he's laughing at you, he just made your job a lot easier.

That's what I thought but the GM insists I'm not able to do anything but wait until he attacks. It NERFS the Blind Fight Feat if its only good if the inviso opponent never moves. I took it thinking my Monk was learning to fight blind, using his other senses to pinpoint his targets. Is that incorrect thinking on my part?

Blind fight doesn't allow you to pinpoint the target.

Benefit: In melee, every time you miss because of concealment (see Chapter 8), you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to see if you actually hit.
An invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting you in melee. That is, you don’t lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn’t get the usual +2 bonus for being invisible. The invisible attacker’s bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however.
You do not need to make Acrobatics skill checks to move at full speed while blinded.

You need to use Perception to pinpoint the invisible target.

Cheapy wrote:

If you can pinpoint the square he's in, you can.

If he's laughing at you, he just made your job a lot easier.

Even if you can't you can still swing at a square and hope for the best.

Ashiel wrote:
shallowsoul wrote:
I believe the Intensified Spell feat should at least take up a spell slot two levels higher that just one. You are getting 5 more levels of damage added on to a spell, this would come close to actually benefiting from two spells. That's a potential 30 more points of damage with a Fireball for example. That would be a max of 90 points of damage for a 4th level spell in a 20 foot radius burst. I know other spells can be used to even better effects but I was just using this one as an example.

Is this another of your posts that requires us to come armed with fire and acid, Shallow?

He has cold, sonic and electricity immunity?? What are we going to do?

17.5 damage would hardly be worth 2 spell levels. The only way to reliably turn it into +30 damage is to apply maximize as well...

wraithstrike wrote:

2. Most encounters will be APL=CR. Those fights are supposed to be easy. Even APL+1 fights are not that much harder and you can get by without healing mid-combat in most games.

Not that your point is invalid but I don't believe APL=CR should make for easy fights. I agree that a lot of the time combat can be ended with little healing to no healing during combat.

Difficulty....Challenge Rating Equals
Easy..............APL –1
Challenging...APL +1
Hard..............APL +2
Epic...............APL +3

Axl wrote:
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Axl wrote:

Semi off-topic: it has never made sense to me why Reflex saves still allow Dex bonus when flat-footed.

Because a reflex save is all about your reflexes and quick muscular/bodily response to sudden incoming harm? Not to mention there's also a pure dumb luck component to the save.

It really is that simple, sorry if all of that sounded obvious.

That makes no sense at all.

Why does AC include Dex bonus? Because quick muscular/bodily response to incoming harm helps to avoid the harm. When flat-footed, you lose that response to avoid harm.

The Dex bonus has absolutely no relevance to the "pure dumb luck component".

The reason that reflex saves do not change when you are flat-footed is because that is how the rules are written.

If you want to house rule reflex saves to lose your dexterity modifier when you are flat-footed just make sure your players are aware.

I know this might sound snarky but I don't mean it in that way. It's just a matter of fact. Not everything in the rules is going to make sense when you think about it from a realistic point of view.

Do you find you your players automatically hit combat mode when a map appears on the table?

Or with this setup are you able to create maps of taverns or castle halls to help with atmosphere?

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

Destroy the body, then destroy all memory of the person.

Is that possible?

Healing Hand 20th level power does that to the monk using the ability...

graypark wrote:
"Bending" the rules now and hoping they don't break: Is there anything that would prevent a character with a sub-10 Charisma score from taking a level of Sorcerer in order to activate arcane wands?

No there isn't anything in the rules against it.

I don't think I'd tolerate it in my home game though.

Mergy wrote:
Yes, wands don't care about what your ability score is, or what your caster level is. If it's on your spell list you're fine. This is also what allows a ranger to use a wand of cure light wounds right from level 1.

Assuming he didn't swap out his ability to cast spells (a safe assumption since only 1 archetype does).

CRB UMD pg109:

Emulate an Ability Score: To cast a spell from a scroll, you need a high score in the appropriate ability (Intelligence for wizard spells, Wisdom for divine spells, or Charisma for sorcerer or bard spells). Your effective ability score (appropriate to the class you’re emulating when you try to cast the spell from the scroll) is your Use Magic Device check result minus 15. If you already have a high enough score in the appropriate ability, you don’t need to make this check.

Edit never mind that only applies to scrolls.

What matters is if a low ability score prevents you from having the spell on you class spell list. Which I don't believe it does, so you should be able to use the wand without the use of UMD.

Cheapy wrote:
Male witches have the totally unfair, to female witches, option of punching things with their mustaches.

I am sure that some female witches can too. We just don't talk about it.

Mergy wrote:

On the other hand, a large-sized club is 1d8, so enlarge person would bring it up to 2d6, and shillelagh would bring it up to 4d6; albeit at -2 to hit.

Druid/titan mauler anyone?

My roommate was doing that in Serpent Skull until he died...

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