Oracles, Deities, and Mysteries

Rules Questions

So, I've been toying with the concept of an Outer Rifts Oracle who splashes into Diabolist. Essentially, I thought it'd be kinda neat to sorta tie the whole demon/agent of Hell thing together. I figure this Oracle would be a devotee of Asmodeus because he's one of the higher ups in Hell. In fact, with the Haunted Curse, I figure it could even be Asmodeus himself sorta behind it....

But anyways, my question arises from a line in the Oracle character description. It says:

PFSRD wrote:
Each oracle draws upon a divine mystery to grant her spells and powers. This mystery also grants additional class skills and other special abilities. This mystery can represent a devotion to one ideal, prayers to deities that support the concept, or a natural calling to champion a cause. For example, an oracle with the waves mystery might have been born at sea and found a natural calling to worship the gods of the oceans, rivers, and lakes, be they benign or malevolent. Regardless of its source, the mystery manifests in a number of ways as the oracle gains levels. An oracle must pick one mystery upon taking her first level of oracle.

So basically, I can choose anything to be the source of the Oracle's powers. However, the Mystery I'm interested in, Outer Rifts, lists the deities Iomedae, Groetus, Lamashtu, demon lords...Asmodeus is not one of the deities explicitly associated with this Mystery.

So my question then is this: are those deities listed in the various mysteries only there for as 'suggestions' or is it 'if you worship a God and want this mystery it *must* be one of these Gods who oversee that domain'?

Definitely only a suggestion but you do realize that demons and devils are like the sworn antithesis of each other? Maybe you could role play some sort of double agent.

Lantern Lodge

As MyTThor said, they are only suggestions, but you should try and avoid conflicting or nonsensical combinations. The one you are looking at isn't either of those. I'm talking about someone wanting to be say an Oracle of Poseiden or Hanspur with the Flames mystery.

Grand Lodge

The the powers gained by oracles are not necessarily a choice. Your mystery powers could be gained from deity you do not worship.


Reopening an old topic, as need to clarify for making a PFS legal oracle...

I can choose any deity to worship, and choose any mystery?
Example: worship amosdeus and with Nature Mystery?

Silver Crusade

Yep, Deities aren't tied to Mysteries.

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